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崔静娴  刘慧  刘红 《广西植物》2023,43(9):1646-1655
碰碰香(Plectranthus hadiensis var. tomentosus)的芳香气味具有改善身心健康的作用,但其挥发物的释放易受到室内环境影响而降低效果。为探究碰碰香挥发物对常见室内环境变化的响应,并为其高效稳定地应用于构建舒适的亲生物环境提供科学依据,该研究采用混合正交设计,使用动态顶空和气相色谱质谱联用技术测定了碰碰香挥发物对温度、湿度、CO2浓度及光照这4种常见室内环境因素的响应。结果表明:(1)在温度、湿度、CO2浓度和光照4个环境因素中,CO2浓度和温度对碰碰香植株挥发物释放量的影响较大,而湿度和光照的影响较弱。(2)正常光周期下培养的碰碰香,在夜晚无光照时,CO2浓度500 μmol·mol-1、温度25 ℃和湿度60%的环境条件最适于碰碰香植株释放挥发物。此环境条件下碰碰香挥发物的释放总量为86.23 μg·L-1·kg-1, 具有改善身心健康的活性成分含量为78.03 μg·L-1·kg-1。综上所述,应用碰碰香构建室内亲生物环境,维持或改善人员身心健康时,应主要注意控制CO2浓度和温度相关的环境条件,从而充分高效地发挥碰碰香的园艺效益。  相似文献   

Global warming and associated increases in the frequency and amplitude of extreme weather events, such as heat waves, may adversely affect tropical rainforest plants via significantly increased tissue temperatures. In this study, the response to two temperature regimes was assessed in seedlings of the neotropical pioneer tree species, Ficus insipida. Plants were cultivated in growth chambers at strongly elevated daytime temperature (39 °C), combined with either close to natural (22 °C) or elevated (32 °C) nighttime temperatures. Under both growth regimes, the critical temperature for irreversible leaf damage, determined by changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence, was approximately 51 °C. This is comparable to values found in F. insipida growing under natural ambient conditions and indicates a limited potential for heat tolerance acclimation of this tropical forest tree species. Yet, under high nighttime temperature, growth was strongly enhanced, accompanied by increased rates of net photosynthetic CO2 uptake and diminished temperature dependence of leaf-level dark respiration, consistent with thermal acclimation of these key physiological parameters.  相似文献   

为阐明黄河三角洲贝壳砂生境叶底珠叶片光合作用对CO2浓度的响应规律,明确其光合生产力与土壤水分的定量关系,以2年生叶底珠(Securinega suffruticosa)苗木为材料,采用旱棚人工控水试验,利用光合测定系统测定分析了不同水分条件下叶底珠叶片光合作用的CO2响应特征。结果表明,叶底珠叶片净光合速率(Pn)和光合作用特征参数对土壤水分(SRWC)变化具有阈值效应。维持叶底珠叶片较高光合生产力的SRWC为50.3%—83.2%,CO2浓度为700—1100μmol/mol,其中最适宜的SRWC为70.5%,最大值出现在CO2浓度为900μmol/mol,而正常CO2浓度和倍增CO2浓度下维持叶底珠叶片较高光合生产力水平的SRWC范围分别为45.5%—90.0%和47.0%—92.6%。叶底珠叶片表观最大净光合速率(Pmax,c)和羧化效率(CE)随着SRWC的增加而呈抛物线变化。CO2补偿点(Г)呈现与Pmax,c和CE相反的变化规律,在SRWC为70.5%时,Г达到最低值(51.3μmol/mol)。光呼吸速率(Rp)在SRWC为50.3%时达到最小值(2.62μmol·m-2·s-1),随着SRWC的增加,Rp增加缓慢。说明黄河三角洲贝壳砂生境条件下,叶底珠叶片光合作用对CO2浓度和土壤水分具有宽泛的适应范围,对贝壳砂生境经常出现的干湿交替逆境表现出一定适应能力,在黄河三角洲贝壳堤岛可引种栽培。  相似文献   

As a consequence of the increasing importance of vegetables in the human diet, there is an interest in enhancing both the productivity and quality of vegetables. A number of factors, including plant genotype and environmental growing conditions, can impact the production and quality of vegetables. The objective of this study was to determine whether elevated CO2, salinity, or high light treatments assayed individually, or salinity or high light in combination with elevated CO2, increased biomass production and antioxidant capacity in two lettuce cultivars. Elevated CO2 and its combination with salinity or high light increased biomass production in both cultivars, while high light treatment alone increased production in green-leaf lettuce but not in red-leaf lettuce. On the other hand, elevated CO2 and its combination with salinity or high light increased the antioxidant capacity of both cultivars, while high light treatment alone increased the antioxidant capacity of red-leaf lettuce, but not of green-leaf lettuce.  相似文献   

Wheat is one of the most important cereal food crops in the world today. The productivity and quality of this crop is greatly affected by environmental conditions during grain filling. In this study, we have analyzed two genotypes of durum wheat, Blanqueta and Sula (traditional and a modern wheat respectively) in pre-industrial, current and future [CO2]. Plant growth and physiological parameters were analyzed during anthesis and grain filling in order to study the capacity of these plants to create new sinks and their role during the process of the acclimation of photosynthesis. It was observed that plants underwent photosynthetic acclimation at pre-industrial and future [CO2] (up and down-regulation respectively). However, the modern genotype averts the process of down-regulation by creating a new carbon sink (i.e. the spike). Here, we have shown the essential role that the spike plays as a new sink in order to avert the down-regulation of photosynthesis at future [CO2]. Moreover, we have demonstrated that at future [CO2] the growth response will depend on the ability of plants to develop new sinks or expand existing ones.  相似文献   

Nutrients such as phosphorus may exert a major control over plant response to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (CO2), which is projected to double by the end of the 21st century. Elevated CO2 may overcome the diffusional limitations to photosynthesis posed by stomata and mesophyll and alter the photo-biochemical limitations resulting from phosphorus deficiency. To evaluate these ideas, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) was grown in controlled environment growth chambers with three levels of phosphate (Pi) supply (0.2, 0.05 and 0.01 mM) and two levels of CO2 concentration (ambient 400 and elevated 800 μmol mol−1) under optimum temperature and irrigation. Phosphate deficiency drastically inhibited photosynthetic characteristics and decreased cotton growth for both CO2 treatments. Under Pi stress, an apparent limitation to the photosynthetic potential was evident by CO2 diffusion through stomata and mesophyll, impairment of photosystem functioning and inhibition of biochemical process including the carboxylation efficiency of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxyganase and the rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration. The diffusional limitation posed by mesophyll was up to 58% greater than the limitation due to stomatal conductance (gs) under Pi stress. As expected, elevated CO2 reduced these diffusional limitations to photosynthesis across Pi levels; however, it failed to reduce the photo-biochemical limitations to photosynthesis in phosphorus deficient plants. Acclimation/down regulation of photosynthetic capacity was evident under elevated CO2 across Pi treatments. Despite a decrease in phosphorus, nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations in leaf tissue and reduced stomatal conductance at elevated CO2, the rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area when measured at the growth CO2 concentration tended to be higher for all except the lowest Pi treatment. Nevertheless, plant biomass increased at elevated CO2 across Pi nutrition with taller plants, increased leaf number and larger leaf area.  相似文献   

The influence of the histidine axial ligand to the PD1 chlorophyll of photosystem II on the redox potential and spectroscopic properties of the primary electron donor, P680, was investigated in mutant oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PSII) complexes purified from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus. To achieve this aim, a mutagenesis system was developed in which the psbA1 and psbA2 genes encoding D1 were deleted from a His-tagged CP43 strain (to generate strain WT?) and mutations D1-H198A and D1-H198Q were introduced into the remaining psbA3 gene. The O2-evolving activity of His-tagged PSII isolated from WT? was found to be significantly higher than that measured from His-tagged PSII isolated from WT in which psbA1 is expected to be the dominantly expressed form. PSII purified from both the D1-H198A and D1-H198Q mutants exhibited oxygen-evolving activity as high as that from WT?. Surprisingly, a variety of kinetic and spectroscopic measurements revealed that the D1-H198A and D1-H198Q mutations had little effect on the redox and spectroscopic properties of P680, in contrast to the earlier results from the analysis of the equivalent mutants constructed in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 [B.A. Diner, E. Schlodder, P.J. Nixon, W.J. Coleman, F. Rappaport, J. Lavergne, W.F. Vermaas, D.A. Chisholm, Site-directed mutations at D1-His198 and D2-His197 of photosystem II in Synechocystis PCC 6803: sites of primary charge separation and cation and triplet stabilization, Biochemistry 40 (2001) 9265-9281]. We conclude that the nature of the axial ligand to PD1 is not an important determinant of the redox and spectroscopic properties of P680 in T. elongatus.  相似文献   

Under biotic/abiotic stresses, the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii reportedly releases massive amounts of H2O2 into the surrounding seawater. As an essential redox signal, the role of chloroplast-originated H2O2 in the orchestration of overall antioxidant responses in algal species has thus been questioned. This work purported to study the kinetic decay profiles of the redox-sensitive plastoquinone pool correlated to H2O2 release in seawater, parameters of oxidative lesions and antioxidant enzyme activities in the red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii under the single or combined effects of high light, low temperature, and sub-lethal doses of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) and 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB), which are inhibitors of the thylakoid electron transport system. Within 24 h, high light and chilling stresses distinctly affected the availability of the PQ pool for photosynthesis, following Gaussian and exponential kinetic profiles, respectively, whereas combined stimuli were mostly reflected in exponential decays. No significant correlation was found in a comparison of the PQ pool levels after 24 h with either catalase (CAT) or ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities, although the H2O2 concentration in seawater (R = 0.673), total superoxide dismutase activity (R = 0.689), and particularly indexes of protein (R = 0.869) and lipid oxidation (R = 0.864), were moderately correlated. These data suggest that the release of H2O2 from plastids into seawater possibly impaired efficient and immediate responses of pivotal H2O2-scavenging activities of CAT and APX in the red alga K. alvarezii, culminating in short-term exacerbated levels of protein and lipid oxidation. These facts provided a molecular basis for the recognized limited resistance of the red alga K. alvarezii under unfavorable conditions, especially under chilling stress.  相似文献   

In grassland ecosystems, spatial and temporal variability in precipitation is a key driver of species distributions and population dynamics. We experimentally manipulated precipitation to understand the physiological basis for differences in responses of species to water availability in a southern mixed grass prairie. We focused on the performance of two dominant C4 grasses, Andropogon gerardii Vitman and Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash, in treatments that received ambient rainfall, half of ambient rainfall (“drought” treatment), or approximately double ambient rainfall (“irrigated” treatment). Water potentials of S. scoparium were lower than A. gerardii, suggesting superior ability to adjust to water deficit in S. scoparium. Additionally, drought reduced photosynthesis to a greater extent in A. gerardii compared to S. scoparium. Leaf-level photosynthesis rates were similar in ambient and irrigated treatments, but were significantly lower in the drought treatment. Although stomatal conductance was reduced by drought, this was not limiting for photosynthesis. Leaf δ13C values were decreased by drought, caused by an increase in Ci/Ca. Chlorophyll fluorescence measures indicated light-harvesting rates were highest in irrigated treatments, and were lower in ambient and drought treatments. Moreover, drought resulted in a greater proportion of absorbed photon energy being lost via thermal pathways. Reductions in photosynthesis came as a result of non-stomatal limitations in the C4 cycle. Our results provide mechanistic support for the hypothesis that S. scoparium is more drought tolerant than A. gerardii.  相似文献   

Maria Chrysina  Vasili Petrouleas 《BBA》2010,1797(4):487-493
The oxygen evolving complex of Photosystem II undergoes four light-induced oxidation transitions, S0-S1,…,S3-(S4)S0 during its catalytic cycle. The oxidizing equivalents are stored at a (Mn)4Ca cluster, the site of water oxidation. EPR spectroscopy has yielded valuable information on the S states. S2 shows a notable heterogeneity with two spectral forms; a g = 2 (S = 1/2) multiline, and a g = 4.1 (S = 5/2) signal. These oscillate in parallel during the period-four cycle. Cyanobacteria show only the multiline signal, but upon advancement to S3 they exhibit the same characteristic g = 10 (S = 3) absorption with plant preparations, implying that this latter signal results from the multiline configuration. The fate of the g = 4.1 conformation during advancement to S3 is accordingly unknown. We searched for light-induced transient changes in the EPR spectra at temperatures below and above the half-inhibition temperature for the S2 to S3 transition (ca 230 K). We observed that, above about 220 K the g = 4.1 signal converts to a multiline form prior to advancement to S3. We cannot exclude that the conversion results from visible-light excitation of the Mn cluster itself. The fact however, that the conversion coincides with the onset of the S2 to S3 transition, suggests that it is triggered by the charge-separation process, possibly the oxidation of tyr Z and the accompanying proton relocations. It therefore appears that a configuration of (Mn)4Ca with a low-spin ground state advances to S3.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development. In plant tissues, approximately 80% of Fe is found in photosynthetic cells. This study was carried out to determine the effect of different iron concentrations on the photosynthetic characteristics of sweet potato plants. The fluorescence transient of chlorophyll a (OJIP), chlorophyll index and gas exchange were measured in plants grown for seven days in Hoagland solution containing an iron concentration of 0.45, 0.90, 4.50 or 9.00 mM Fe (as Fe-EDTA). The initial and maximum fluorescence increased in the plants receiving 9.00 mM Fe. In the analysis of the fluorescence kinetic difference, L- and K-bands appeared in all of the treatments, but the amplitude was higher in plants receiving 4.50 or 9.00 mM Fe. In plants grown in 9.00 mM Fe, the parameters of the JIP-Test indicated a better efficiency in the capture, absorption and use of light energy, and although the chlorophyll index was higher, the net photosynthesis was lower. The overall data showed that sweet potato plants subjected to high iron concentrations may not exhibit the toxicity symptoms, but the light reactions of photosynthesis can be affect, which may result in a declining net assimilation rate.  相似文献   

Ambient ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation potentially impacts the photosynthetic performance of high Arctic plants. We conducted an UV-B exclusion experiment in a dwarf shrub heath in NE Greenland (74°N), with open control, filter control, UV-B filtering and UV-AB filtering, all in combination with leaf angle control. Two sites with natural leaf positions had ground angles of 0° (‘level site’) and 45° (‘sloping site’), while at a third site the leaves were fixed in an angle of 45° to homogenize the irradiance dose (‘fixed leaf angle site’). The photosynthetic performance of the leaves was characterized by simultaneous gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and the PSII performance through the growing season was investigated with fluorescence measurements. Leaf harvest towards the end of the growing season was done to determine the specific leaf area and the content of carbon, nitrogen and UV-B absorbing compounds. Compared to a 60% reduced UV-B irradiance, the ambient solar UV-B reduced net photosynthesis in Salix arctica leaves fixed in the 45° position which exposed leaves to maximum natural irradiance. Also a reduced Calvin Cycle capacity was found, i.e. the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax) and the maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco (Vcmax), and the PSII performance showed a decreased quantum yield and increased energy dissipation. A parallel response pattern and reduced PSII performance at all three sites indicate that these responses take place in all leaves across position in the vegetation. These findings add to the evidence that the ambient solar UV-B currently is a significant stress factor for plants in high Arctic Greenland.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of pre-anthesis high-temperature acclimation on leaf physiology of winter wheat in response to post-anthesis heat stress. The results showed that both pre- and post-anthesis heat stresses significantly depressed flag leaf photosynthesis and enhanced cell membrane peroxidation, as exemplified by increased O2 production rate and reduction in activities of antioxiditave enzymes. However, under post-anthesis heat stress, plants with pre-anthesis high-temperature acclimation (HH) showed much higher photosynthetic rates than those without pre-anthesis high-temperature acclimation (CH). Leaves of HH plants exhibited a higher Chl a/b ratio and lower chlorophyll/carotenoid ratio and superoxide anion radical release rate compared with those of the CH plants. In addition, antioxidant enzyme activities in HH plants were significantly higher than in CH. Coincidently, expressions of photosythesis-responsive gene encoding Rubisco activase B (RcaB) and antioxidant enzyme-related genes encoding mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD), chloroplastic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD), catalase (CAT) and cytosolic glutathione reductase (GR) were all up-regulated under HH, whereas a gene encoding a major chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (Cab) was up-regulated by post-anthesis heat stress at 10 DAA, but was down-regulated at 13 DAA. The changes in the expression levels of the HH plants were more pronounced than those for the CH. Collectively, the results indicated that pre-anthesis high-temperature acclimation could effectively alleviate the photosynthetic and oxidative damage caused by post-anthesis heat stress in wheat flag leaves, which was partially attributable to modifications in the expression of the photosythesis-responsive and antioxidant enzymes-related genes.  相似文献   

Boris K. Semin  Michael Seibert 《BBA》2006,1757(3):189-197
The role of carboxylic residues at the high-affinity, Mn-binding site in the ligation of iron cations blocking the site [Biochemistry 41 (2000) 5854] was studied, using a method developed to extract the iron cations blocking the site. We found that specifically bound Fe(III) cations can be extracted with citrate buffer at pH 3.0. Furthermore, citrate can also prevent the photooxidation of Fe(II) cations by YZ. Participation of a COOH group(s) in the ligation of Fe(III) at the high-affinity site was investigated using 1-ethyl-3-[(3-dimethylamino)propyl] carbodiimide (EDC), a chemical modifier of carboxylic amino acid residues. Modification of the COOH groups inhibits the light-induced oxidation of exogenous Mn(II) cations by Mn-depleted photosystem II (PSII[−Mn]) membranes. The rate of Mn(II) oxidation saturates at ≥10 μM in PSII(−Mn) membranes and ≥500 μM in EDC-treated PSII (−Mn) samples. Intact PSII(−Mn) membranes have only one site for Mn(II) oxidation via YZ (dissociation constant, Kd = 0.64 μM), while EDC-treated PSII(−Mn) samples have two sites (Kd = 1.52 and 22 μM; the latter is the low-affinity site). When PSII(−Mn) membranes were incubated with Fe(II) before modifier treatment (to block the high-affinity site) and the blocking iron cations were extracted with citrate (pH 3.0) after modification, the membranes contained only one site (Kd = 2.3 μM) for exogenous Mn(II) oxidation by YZ radical. In this case, the rate of electron donation via YZ saturated at a Mn(II) concentration ≥15 μM. These results indicate that the carboxylic residue participating in Mn(II) coordination and the binding of oxidized manganese cations at the HAZ site is protected from the action of the modifier by the iron cations blocking the HAZ site. We concluded that the carboxylic residue (D1 Asp-170) participating in the coordination of the manganese cation at the HAZ site (Mn4 in the tetranuclear manganese cluster [Science 303 (2004) 1831]) is also involved in the ligation of the Fe cation(s) blocking the high-affinity Mn-binding site.  相似文献   

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