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The sensitivity of continuous (on a whole-day basis) and discretely (at midday) measured indicators of the plant water status in adult lemon trees in response to a cycle of water deprivation and recovery, and the feasibility of obtaining baselines for tree water status indicators was investigated in 30-year-old Fino lemon trees (Citrus limon (L.) Burm. fil.) grafted on sour orange (C. aurantium L.) rootstocks. Control plants (T0) were irrigated daily above their crop water requirements in order to obtain non-limiting soil water conditions, while T1 plants were subjected to water stress by withholding irrigation for 50 days, after which time irrigation was restored and plant recovery was studied for 16 days. In T0 plants the water relations and the plant symptoms confirmed that they had not suffered waterlogging. In contrast, T1 plants showed a substantial degree of water stress, which developed very slowly. Maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) increased in response to water stress during the first 15 days of the experiment, but when the stem water potential (Ψstem) fell below −1.8 MPa, the MDS signal intensity decreased. However, Ψstem and sap flow (SF) signal intensities progressively increased during the water stress period. The results showed that MDS is a very suitable plant-based indicator for precise irrigation scheduling in adult lemon trees. Reference or baseline relationships for MDS, Ψstem, and SF measurements as a function of several parameters related to the evaporative demand of the atmosphere were obtained. This fact open up the possibility of considering a plant-based indicator measurement at a given time relative to the expected value under non-limiting water conditions, which can be calculated from the reference relationships.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to test the possibility of scheduling regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) using exclusively maximum daily trunk shrinkage (MDS) measurements, and that RDI strategies can be applied in early maturing peach trees reducing significantly the seasonal water use. During three growing seasons, 6-year-old peach trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cv. Flordastar) grafted on P. persica × P. amygdalus GF-677 peach rootstock were submitted to different drip irrigation treatments. Control (T0) plants were irrigated above the estimated crop evapotranspiration level (≈130% ETC) and T1 plants were submitted to RDI, which were irrigated in order to maintain MDS signal intensity (SI) values close to unity (no irrigation-related stress) from the fruit thinning stage to 2 weeks after harvest, at MDS SI values close to 1.3 during the early postharvest period, and at MDS SI values of 1.6 during the late postharvest period. The RDI strategy assayed reduced the seasonal water applied by 35-42% with respect to estimated ETC without affecting yield efficiency components or the distribution of different peach fruit categories, while improving water productivity. The only vegetative growth component affected by RDI was pruning weight, indicating that vigor regulation as a result of RDI may decrease the competition for assimilates between vegetative apexes and reserve tissues. Also, the absence of any significant effect of RDI on the ratio between yield and the increase in trunk cross sectional area suggested similar carbon partitioning schemes during fruit growth. To improve the precision of MDS SI-driven schedule in RDI strategies changes in the irrigation protocol should be considered so that the scheduled water deficit levels are attained more rapidly. For this, when it is necessary to change from a MDS SI threshold value to a higher one, the daily irrigation rate should be decreased by more than 3%.  相似文献   

Thermometric sap flow sensors are widely used to measure water flow in roots, stems and branches of plants. Comparison of the timing of flow in branches and stems has been used to estimate water capacitance of large trees. We review studies of sap flow in branches and present our own data to show that there is wide variation in the patterns and timing of sap flow of branches in different parts of the crown, owing to the course of daily solar illuminance. In contiguous forest, east-facing and upper branches are illuminated earlier than west-facing and lower branches and most capacitance studies do not include adequate information about branch sampling regimes relative to the overall pattern of crown illuminance, raising questions about the accuracy of capacitance estimates. Measuring only upper branches and normalising these results to represent the entire crown is dangerous because flows at the stem base likely peak in response to maximum crown illuminance (and transpiration) and this will differ compared to the timing of peak flows in upper branches. We suggest that the magnitude of flow lags between branches and stems needs further study, with careful attention to branch position and method application before a robust understanding of capacitance, particularly in woody tissues of large trees, can be formed. We did not detect flow lags in the world’s tallest and largest tree species Sequoia sempervirens and Sequoiadendron giganteum, despite measurement along large pathlengths (∼57 and 85 m), which raises questions as to why large flow lags are often recorded for much smaller species. One conspicuous possibility is the different methods used among studies. Constant-heating methods such as the thermal dissipation probe (and also heat balance methods) include heat capacitance behaviour due to warming of wood tissues, which delays the response of the sensors to changing sap flow conditions. We argue that methods with intrinsic heat-capacitance present dangers when trying to measure water-capacitance in trees. In this respect heat pulse methods hold an advantage.  相似文献   

Irrigation effects on whole-plant sap flow and leaf-level water relations were characterised throughout a growing season in an experimental olive (Olea europaea L.) orchard. Atmospheric evaporative demand and soil moisture conditions for irrigated and non-irrigated olive trees were also monitored. Whole-plant water use in field-grown irrigated and rain fed olive trees was determined using a xylem sap flow method (compensation heat-pulse velocity). Foliage gas exchange and water potentials were determined throughout the experimental period. Physiological parameters responded diurnally and seasonally to variations in tree water status, soil moisture conditions and atmospheric evaporative demand. There was a considerable degree of agreement between daily transpiration deduced from heat-pulse velocity and that determined by calibration using the Penman–Monteith equation in the field. Summer drought caused decreasing leaf gas exchange and water potentials, and a progressive increase in hydraulic conductance (stronger in non-irrigated than irrigated trees), probably attributable to modifications in hydraulic properties at the soil-root interface. Negligible hysteresis, attributable to low plant capacitance, was observed in the relationship between leaf water potential and sap flow. A proportional decrease in maximum daily leaf conductance with increasing vapour pressure deficit was observed, while mean daytime canopy stomatal conductance decreased with the season. As a result, plant water use was limited and excessive drought stress prevented. Non-irrigated olive trees recovered after the summer drought, showing a physiological behaviour similar to that of irrigated trees. In addition to physiological and environmental factors, there are endogenous keys (chemical signals) influencing leaf level parameters. Olive trees are confirmed to be economical and sparing users of soil water, with an efficient xylem sap transport, maintenance of significant gas exchange and transpiration, even during drought stress.  相似文献   

使用周长传感器(Circumference DC2)研究了太行山南麓低山丘陵上栓皮栎人工林树干直径的日变化及其影响因子.结果表明:在季节性干旱期间,栓皮栎树干的直径变化周期性明显,直径收缩与液流启动时间基本一致,直径最小值滞后于液流速率最大值3 ~4 h;栓皮栎直径日最大收缩量(MDS)呈现低-高-低的变化趋势,与累积液流通量和叶片水势日差值极显著相关,与土壤含水量呈显著的二次方程关系.MDS值受气象因子变化的影响,与温度日差值、蒸汽压亏缺日差值和相对湿度日差值显著相关,而与太阳辐射日差值的相关性不显著.连续降水后,土壤水分不再是栓皮栎直径变化的限制因子,MDS值与累积液流通量、叶片水势、土壤含水量和气象因子差值的相关性均不显著.季节性干旱期和雨季的土壤含水量和温度是影响树干直径日变化的主要因子.  相似文献   

古尔班通古特沙漠原生梭梭树干液流及耗水量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙鹏飞  周宏飞  李彦  李妙伶 《生态学报》2010,30(24):6901-6909
梭梭广泛分布于我国西部干旱区,利用热脉冲技术对古尔班通古特沙漠生长期原生梭梭的树干液流耗水特征进行了研究。随着水分条件的不同,影响树干液流过程的主导因素有所不同。根区土壤体积含水量在8.7%-12.1%时,梭梭日树干液流量与土壤水分显著相关;土壤含水量>12.1%时,液流更多的受到气象因素的影响;土壤含水量<8.7%,树干液流与气象要素之间没有相关性,液流更多的受植物生理特征影响。在土壤水分最丰富的4月份,随着土壤水分的降低,白天与夜间的液流变化趋同;4月份日平均液流量约是5-9月份的2倍。梭梭的液流通量从古尔班通古特沙漠原生林的0.156L?cm-2?d-1到塔中人工滴灌林的0.876 L?cm-2?d-1,均处于正常生长状态,表明梭梭生态需水的可塑性范围较广。基径为7.8cm和9.0cm的梭梭在4月至9月份生长期的实际耗水量分别是95mm和117mm。  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地多枝柽柳茎干液流及耗水量   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
2005年4—11月,利用植物茎流计研究了塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙漠公路防护林植物多枝柽柳的茎干液流特性和耗水量.结果表明:在极端干旱的沙漠腹地,土壤水分充足时,直径为3.5和2.0 cm的多枝柽柳在整个生长季的日平均耗水量分别为6.322和1.179 kg;多枝柽柳的茎干液流呈单峰曲线型,有明显的昼夜变化规律,茎干液流随环境因子变化而波动;在土壤水分充足的条件下,总辐射、风速、温度是影响茎干液流变化的主要环境因子,可以用总辐射和风速的线性回归模型预测茎干液流的变化.沙漠腹地多枝柽柳的蒸腾耗水量相对较高,是因为在较为充足的水分供应条件下,多枝柽柳通过大量的水分消耗来抵御干燥高温的沙漠环境.  相似文献   

R. K. Misra  R. Sands 《Plant and Soil》1992,140(2):269-278
Diurnal variation in sap flux (S) through stems of six trees, two each of Ulmus procera SALISB., Melaleuca styphelioides SM. and Prunus cerasifera EHRH. ‘Nigra’ (referred to hereafter by their generic names), were estimated from measurements of heat pulse velocities. Leaf water potential (ψ), stomatal conductance (g s ) and transpiration from leaves (T) of all replicate trees were measured at 1300–1500h, once during the summer. On two separate occasions measurements were made of S, ψ, (g s ) and T for one each of Ulmus and Melaleuca trees to study diurnal variations in these parameters. A 12×12 m2 area around each tree was kept covered to simulate the condition of trees growing on pavements adjacent to residential properties. Sap flux for these tree species was in the order Melaleuca>Ulmus>Prunus. It is suggested that the smaller canopy and sapwood area in Prunus compared to the other two species is responsible for lower water potential and lower transpiration rate than the other species. Detailed analysis of the diurnal variation in sap flux and water relation of leaves of Melaleuca and Ulmus indicated sap flux of Melaleuca to be greater than that of Ulmus at the same transpiration rate per unit leaf area although the sapwood area of the two species was marginally different. This may have been due either to the difference in canopy conductance or in leaf area between the two species. With the assumption that sap flux closely resembles the rate of soil water extraction for both species, results indicate that Melaleuca is likely to extract soil water at a higher rate than Ulmus and hence is capable of causing greater shrinkage and soil movement than Ulmus.  相似文献   

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