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目的 针对传统的病床工作效率评价方法的缺陷,提出矫正的病床工作效率指标,为医院病床资源的合理配置提供技术支持。方法 资料来源于唐山市某综合医院2008年的医疗统计报表和绩效考核方案。用标准住院天数对病床综合效率指标进行矫正,并测算各科室的开放床位的可信区间。结果 各科室的病床工作效率存在较大差异,口腔科、ICU和儿科的效率最高。20个科室中病床设置合理的有6个科室,14个科室需要调整,其中需增加床位的有6个科室,需减少床位的有8个科室。结论 矫正的病床工作效率指标具有更广泛的适用范围,应探索应用单病种或病例分型的标准平均住院天数矫正病床工作效率。  相似文献   

目的 分析黑龙江省的医院床位工作效率,为黑龙江省的医院床位配置与有效利用提供依据。方法 采用归一分析法的效率指数模型,将病床使用率和病床周转次数综合起来作一项数学处理。结果 2013年黑龙江省的不同类型医院的床位工作效率除专科医院处于高效率运行外,其他类型医院都处于低效运行;不同级别医院中三级医院的床位工作效率处于高效率运行状态,一级、二级医院处于低效率运行状态;不同经济类型医院均处于低效率运行状态。结论 黑龙江省的三级医院、专科医院床位工作效率高,基层医院效率低是目前普遍存在的问题,建议黑龙江省的卫生行政部门在规划卫生资源配置时,采取相应的政策措施改善医院床位工作效率分配不合理的现象,进而缓解城乡卫生资源配置上的矛盾。  相似文献   

<正>车子刚在宠物医院的门前停下,艾伦就赶忙抱着自己的狗狗巴德直奔急诊室。"对不起,你送来的太晚了!你还是在最后的时间里好好陪陪它吧!"艾伦噙着满眶泪水,一个人来到巴德的病床前,小心翼翼地握着它的前爪。以前和巴德快乐玩耍的画面就像放电影一样,不断闪过艾伦的脑海。"巴德,你疼吗?"  相似文献   

目的 了解医院应对流感大流行的能力。方法 通过现场调查方法调查6家二级及以上医院和5家一级医院。结果 (1)二级及以上医院呼吸相关科室医生218人(14.15 %),护士314人(19.26%),病床数469张(19.68%),呼吸机27台(36.99%);一级医院呼吸相关科室医生29人(14.79%),护士24人(35.29 %),病床数53张(22.27%); 呼吸相关科室医护人员比例除1家外,其余均低于1:2; 2家医院ICU病床数占整个医院总床数比例低于2%。(2)5家二级及以上医院设置了呼吸相关科室,5家一级医院设置了传染病接诊室。所有医院均能提供口罩和手套,棉纱口罩和N95口罩各有4家医院(36.36%)能够提供,部分医院能够提供洗手设备和洗手用品;2家医院为职工(18.18%)医院接种流感疫苗。(3)10家(91.91%)医院只储备部分个人防护用品,3家(27.27%)储备抗病毒药物。结论 目前医院应对流感大流行的能力有限。  相似文献   

随着医院卫生体制改革的不断深入,医院靠高收费、高要价维持的现状将被改变。目前公立医院的医疗服务成本居高不下,医疗资源紧张,如何有效控制成本、提高资源使用效率是公立医院的管理重点与难点。以某三甲公立医院4个科室2008年的相关数据为基础,分析了各科室成本构成及效率。结果表明,人员支出在成本中占据较大比重,奖金大大超过工资,奖金制度不尽合理,医师人数严重不足,病床使用率超过100%,病床周转次数较低。针对这些问题提出建立全面的绩效考核指标、控制材料费用、建立术前评估制度等建议。  相似文献   

目的 分析2002—2009年平均住院日等住院指标的变化。方法 通过绘制时间序列图和计算指标间的偏相关系数说明医院住院指标的变化情况。结果 医院平均住院日呈不断下降趋势,同时床位周转率不断加快,病人的医疗费用负担并没有增加,病人总体治疗效果得到提升。结论 近年来平均住院日不断缩短,这有利于医院业务发展、减轻患者负担。  相似文献   


????? 目的 从目前医师承担的工作量出发,得出临床科室医师配置的理想值。方法 本研究以工作量测算法作为核心研究方法,采用自编临床科室医师工作量调查问卷作为工作量测算工具,并使用Excel、SPSS17.0统计软件对有效问卷工作量进行统计分析。结果 调研科室共展开床位3 006张,目前医师数为744人,应配医师1 091人,需增加347人;从病床医师比来看,医院当前的病床医师比手术科室为1:0.23、非手术科室为1:0.27,均未达到1978年卫生部颁布的标准1:0.30;而调研结果显示,要满足医院目前的工作量需求,手术科室的理想病床医师比为1:0.37,非手术科室为1:0.36。结论 临床科室医师人员配备亟待补充。


目的:分析影响平均住院日的主要因素,为综合性医院科学、有效的缩短平均住院日打下坚实的基础。方法:应用因子分析对影响平均住院日的主要因素进行重要程度的分析。结果:根据因子分析结果可知影响平均住院日的主要因素的重要程度依次为诊疗感染率、合并症与并发症管理、手术患者比例、诊疗延误、患病程度、患病种类、病床轮转率、用药安全。结论:因子分析可以对影响平均住院日的主要因素进行定量分析,可为医院缩短平均住院日提供可靠的科学依据,提高医疗服务质量。  相似文献   

目的 基于2014年全国30个省份医院的横截面数据,分析其技术效率和影响因素,为提高医院运行效率提供建议。方法 采用超效率DEA模型计算各省份医院的技术效率,采用多元线性回归探讨医院技术效率的影响因素。结果 30个省份医院的超效率平均值是0.995,其中13个省份DEA有效,非DEA有效医院若达到DEA有效可少开办医院3 596所,少雇佣卫生人员429 594人,节省床位332 304张。医院数与病床使用率对技术效率的影响具有统计学意义。结论 全国30个省份医院之间技术效率差异较大,投入相对过剩,需进一步合理配置医疗卫生资源,提高医院整体运行效率。  相似文献   

医院是社会应对突发公共卫生事件的主要机构。在超出正常负荷的情况下,合理有序地进行基础卫生设施扩容是保证医院成功应对突发事件的关键。医院必须能够通过增加重症监护单元(Intensive Care Unit, ICU)容量或通过改造其他区域增加实际ICU收治能力;有次序地将相关区域改造为临时重症监护单元;储备充足的病床和相关监护设施,在应对偶发事件时必须能得到政府协助以获取额外的呼吸机;制定ICU阶段性扩容人员工作计划,保证在应对偶发事件或危机时重症监护的仍可有效执行;抽调临床专业人员参与应急管理组,共同制定和执行扩容计划;为重症监护活动提供充足的基础设施支持。  相似文献   

王沪渝 《现代生物医学进展》2008,8(9):1795-1796,1782
目的:我国目前医院临床科室护理人员配置普遍不足和护理人才的流失的问题日益突出,尤其是部队医院,由于受到军队编制调整的影响,护理人力资源的不足和人员流失更加严重。如何对护理人力资源进行合理配置以及如何提高现有护理人力资源利用率,已成为当前护理管理者急需解决的问题。护理人力资源与护理质量的水平有密切的关联,通过对护理人力资源情况的了解而相应地采取切实可行的对策。方法:调查某医院某临床科室病区床位数与护士之比,护理人员结构等。结果:人力资源配置不足,人力资源结构不合理,护理人员流失是护理人力资源中存在的主要问题。结论:针对目前状况,从人力资源管理角度出发进行对策思考:尽可能达到配置标准;重视人员招聘环节;提高护理工作的地位,激发从业人员的自豪感;认真进行岗位和人员能力特点分析,合理调配人力资源;善于利用激励和监督机制;建立后勤保障,提高员工福利;加强护理教育和人员培训等。  相似文献   

目的 分析上海市医疗机构床位资源配置的现状和问题。方法 采用调查问卷对上海市所有设住院床位的医疗机构进行调查,并与美国加利福尼亚州医疗机构床位情况进行对比。结果 床位总量接近规划但配置结构不合理,综合急性病诊疗床位的平均住院时间过长,医疗服务压力主要集中在三级医疗机构,社会办医疗机构病床尚没有得到有效利用。结论 建立医疗机构床位分类管理制度,严格控制中心城区三级医疗机构床位数量,严格控制综合急性病诊疗床位,大幅增加护理床位数量,有效整合医疗床位资源。  相似文献   

G. Voineskos 《CMAJ》1976,114(8):689
In 1975 a survey of the open- and locked-ward practice of 38 of the 44 Canadian public mental hospitals showed that more than one third of the wards are locked 24 hours a day. This survey is the only one known to have been conducted in the last 16 years and the first to have obtained data from all 10 provinces. Hospitals with fewer than 300 beds have a significantly smaller proportion of locked wards than those with more than 600 beds.The custodial, antitherapeutic environment was the most frequently cited disadvantage of the locked ward, and facilitation of the therapeutic milieu was the most commonly cited advantage of the open ward. The most commonly cited problem of the open ward was the inability to protect the community from the dangerous, violent patient. The most frequently cited factor required to open the wards was a higher nursing staff:patient ratio, but it is suggested that this is an erroneous opinion. What is required is the organization and involvement of the patients in meaningful activities throughout the day, hospitals with fewer beds, and better relations with the community to foster public tolerance.National organizations concerned with mental hospital practice have no data on the open- and locked-ward practice in this country. There are pressures, channelled through the political and judicial systems, to lock the wards, and the Law Reform Commission of Canada has recently recommended transferring mentally ill prisoners to mental hospitals.  相似文献   

The operation is described of a special psychogeriatric ward of 23 beds set up in 1967 to provide treatment for mentally disturbed elderly patients who could not be kept in a general ward or at home. The unit is in a predominantly geriatric hospital which serves a population of 340,000 and in the four and a half years reviewed 600 patients were admitted. Half of the admissions were emergencies. A consultant geriatrician was in charge and the nursing staff were general trained. The number of beds was found to be adequate for the demand. Few patients had to be transferred to a psychiatric hospital, but, since the mental disturbance was often associated with severe illness and the patients were old, the death rate was high. The nursing staff have found the work interesting and stimulating.  相似文献   

During a 32-month period 2047 patients suspected of having heart attacks were admitted to hospital and were followed up prospectively. Out of 1480 eventually found to have definite or probable myocardial infarction, 483 had initially been admitted to an ordinary medical ward because of the shortage of coronary care unit (CCU) beds. More patients aged over 65 had been admitted to a ward than to a CCU, and more patients aged 65 or less had been admitted initially to a CCU. Within each age group, however, patients admitted initially to a CCU were clinically similar to those admitted initially to a ward. There was a higher proportion of successful resuscitations among patients admitted to a CCU, but there was no significant difference in mortality in either age group between patients admitted to a CCU and a ward.  相似文献   

Blocked beds.     
In a cross-sectional survey of 325 surgical and orthopaedic beds 43 (16%) of the 265 occupied beds were filled by patients who had no medical need to be in an acute ward. They had been in hospital for a median time of 40 weeks up to the survey date. Of the 43 patients, 11 were awaiting transfer to a geriatric ward; 13 to community residential care; and seven to their homes. There was no plan for discharge or transfer for the remaining 12 (28%). Those "at risk" of becoming long-stay patients for social reasons on these wards were women, over 75, living alone or with one relative, who had been admitted to hospital in emergency with a fractured femur, head injury, or other trauma. Action necessary to reduce the number of social long-stay patients includes (a) changing attitudes to the solving of social case problems; (b) revising procedures of assessment and planning of future care; (c) improving teamwork and record keeping within the hospital and the community services; (d) providing a better balance of acute, medium and long-stay hospital beds; and (e) putting more resources into rehabilitation.  相似文献   

The incidence of postoperative wound infection in a general surgical unit is reported both before and after transfer from a “Nightingale” type multibed ward to a new “race-track” type of surgical ward with controlled ventilation and with 40% of its beds in single rooms. Following transfer postoperative wound infection was reduced by about 55%.With the use of certain types of staphylococcal infection as an index of cross-infection it was shown that transfer was followed by a 72% reduction in cross-infection of wounds.A case is made for control of hospital cross-infection in surgical wards. The principal change in ward architecture resulting from the transfer was the extensive division of ward space into separate compartments (40% of single-bed rooms), which make controlled ventilation easier.  相似文献   

During a nine-month study 160 out of 482 bed-weeks in an acute medical ward were accounted for by 11 patients who no longer needed to be there. This was unsatisfactory both for the 11 patients concerned and for those patients requiring admission for whom the beds were blocked.  相似文献   

目的 了解广东省三级医院护 理人力资源的配置现状,探讨更合理的配置对策。方法 自行设计问卷,对广东省21个地市的76所三级医院护理人力资源数量、护理人力资源内部结构、人员流失、支持保障系统情况等现状进行研究分析。结果 8所(13.33%)医院未成立临床支持中心; 23所(38.33%)医院普通病房实际床位总数与普通病房护士总数比不达标;职业性别比例严重失衡,男性仅占2.61%;34岁及以下护士占76.38%;大专及以下学历占78.61%;高级职称占4.65%;近年离职比由3.62%上升至5.08%。结论 广东省三级医院护理人员非护理工作负担较重;人力资源总量相对不足,队伍结构欠合理;护士人力流失逐年增加。建议优化三级医院护理人力配置,重视临床服务指标,建立并完善后勤保障系统,积极开展护士岗位改革等是适应社会高速发展需求和护理学科专业化的重要举措。  相似文献   

The results of milieu therapy with psychotic patients have been highly conflicting because of unrecognized differences among the wards investigated. Our own research indicates that for psychotic patients in short- and intermediate-term wards: A beneficial milieu has a low perceived level of anger and aggression and a high level of support, practical orientation, and order and organization. Confronting group therapy is detrimental and individually oriented milieu therapy beneficial. Community groups may become anti-therapeutic pseudo-groups. Extensive use of confrontational groups may contribute to a detrimental ward atmosphere. A high mean age of patients may contribute to a favorable low level of aggression. A high percentage of psychotic patients, a high number of patients, and a high staff turnover may lead to a detrimental atmosphere. On this basis we tried to change the milieu on a 26-bed therapeutic community ward which proved to have pseudo-groups and a detrimental ward atmosphere. The amount of compulsory group activities was reduced, the groups made more task-oriented, the amount of individually oriented milieu therapy increased, and the number of beds reduced. At re-evaluation the ward atmosphere had improved considerably.  相似文献   

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