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目的 探索医院门诊一站式自助服务系统在不同干预措施下的使用情况和使用患者的反馈。方法 2015年1—12月通过对门诊进行未干预、3种单独干预各1月、两种较强联合干预和全线干预后,计算自助服务系统的使用人次和使用人次占比,之后对患者进行问卷随访,比较患者的满意度、机器正常运行率和节省的时间。结果 在入口处设置醒目标识提示自助服务系统,多途径宣传一站式服务并且在自助机旁配备充足的指导人员的自助服务系统使用率相对最高。结论 自助服务系统使用率的提升不仅需要多途径、多层次,还需要门诊管理者在必要的时机进行适当的策略调整以取得有效模式来配合门诊运转。


??????? 目的 了解门诊患者对就医服务感受度影响因素,以期提高患者满意度。 方法 现场问卷调查法、专家访谈法。 结果 患者在门诊过程中最为关注的就诊流程、等候时间、就医环境、医德医风四个因素,非常看重医护人员服务规范,服务流程便捷流畅。病情不同患者对等候时间要求不同,对医院熟悉程度与就诊环境感受度不同。结论 在门诊服务中为患者提供便捷流畅、规范化的服务,同时应注重患者的不同服务需求。  相似文献   

??????? 目的 初步构建基于“患者体验”的医疗服务质量关键指标体系。方法 通过检索国内外相关文献,构建指标体系框架和专家咨询表并进行2轮专家咨询,确定了基于“患者体验”的医疗服务质量关键指标体系。结果 构建基于“患者体验”的医疗服务质量关键指标体系,一级指标有有形性、可靠性、反应性、保证性、关怀性和连续性6个,二级指标28个,三级指标83个。结论 基于患者体验的医疗服务质量关键指标体系具有很强的实用性,为患者体验量表开发奠定基础。研究结果对于改进我国医疗服务质量评价手段和策略具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 了解爽约人群的特点,分析爽约的原因,提出改进措施,提高预约诊疗服务质量。方法 通过立意抽样的方法,采用自行设计的问卷对2009年10—12月有爽约行为的人进行电话调查。 结果 爽约人群以上班族为主,且以本市居民为主,主要原因是因交通受阻。结论 建议加大社会宣传力度,增加预约者取号提示,增设退号专线方便退号,缩短爽约者预约卡停用时间等措施,降低爽约率,提高预约诊疗服务品质。  相似文献   

目的 探讨“优质护理服务示范工程”的实施及影响。方法 树立“优质护理服务示范工程”护理服务文化理念,制定“优质护理服务示范工程”护理服务标准及实施方法。结果 提高了病人满意度及护理工作质量、健康教育覆盖率及合格率,增进护患感情。结论 开展“优质护理服务示范工程”, 能提高护理质量, 确保护理安全,能扩大医院的知名度, 提升护理服务的品牌。  相似文献   

This article proposes a novel mixed integer linear programming model for solving a fuzzy supply chain network (SCN) design problem. This problem includes fuzzy parameters, choosing suppliers according to their quality of raw materials, and the supplier's engagement contracts. There is a tradeoff between raw material quality, and its purchasing and reprocessing costs. If a decision-maker (DM) wishes to work with a supplier that supplies a low-quality raw material, this raw material may be in need of reprocessing. To avoid the reprocessing costs, a supplier that provides a high-quality raw material can be chosen, but in this case the DM faces a high purchasing cost. An integrated fuzzy SCN system that consists of multiple suppliers, manufacturers, distribution centers, and retailers is considered in order to address problems under the aforementioned tradeoffs. Finally, concluding remarks and suggestions for future work are presented.  相似文献   

目前,许多大型公立医院开拓新建规模相当的分院区,如何加强大型公立医院多院区之间的有效联动、降低运营成本、提升服务能力已成为多院区医院所迫切需要解决的共性问题。上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院在5个相对独立院区的背景下,率先将社会资本嵌入整合,通过与医院信息系统互联整合,构建多院区药品供应链管理模式,为建立以公益性为核心的运行机制提供新思路。文章从设计思路、实施方案以及应用成果三个方面对药品供应链管理体系的构建进行了阐述。  相似文献   

A high efficient Supply Chain (SC) would bring great benefits to an enterprise such as integrated resources, reduced logistics costs, improved logistics efficiency and high quality of overall level of services. So it is important to research various methods, performance indicator systems and technology for evaluating, monitoring, predicting and optimizing the performance of a SC. In this paper, the existing performance indicator systems and methods are discussed and evaluated. Various nature-inspired algorithms are reviewed and their applications for SC Performance Evaluation (PE) are discussed. Then, a model is proposed and developed using 5 Dimensional Balanced Scorecard (5DBSC) and LMBP (Levenberg-Marquardt Back Propagation) neural network for SC PE. A program is written using Matlab tool box to implement the model based on the practical values of the 14 indicators of 5DBSC of a given previous period. This model can be used to evaluate, predict and optimize the performance of a SC. The analysis results of a case study of a company show that the proposed model is valid, reliable and effective. The convergence speed is faster than that in the previous work.  相似文献   

Within industrial ecology, there is a substantial community focusing on life cycle assessment (LCA) and corresponding tools and methods. Within the field of supply chain management, an increasing community is converging around sustainable supply chains. These two communities study the same underlying systems, but bring different perspectives to bear. We review seven issues that arise at this intersection of LCA and supply chain management, with the aim of illustrating how both communities can enrich each other by closer interaction. We conclude with some suggestions for how the two communities can further collaborate.  相似文献   

A growing worldwide movement is seeking to promote the greening of the construction sector. At the design level, proponents of frameworks such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) seek to motivate designers and building owners to employ environmentally desirable materials. A prominent component of this approach is boosting availability of “green” building materials through programs that will certify to buyers that materials meet environmental standards. For wood products, this has resulted in several forms of “green certification” for forest management. Increasingly large areas of forest are now being certified worldwide. Yet it remains difficult for designers of green buildings, or consumers seeking green furniture, to obtain certified wood products. Many, if not most, of the logs now being harvested on green certified forest land worldwide are not reaching the store shelf with a certified label. Marketing certified wood all the way to the retail shelf has proved to be much harder than initially thought by proponents of certified products. This article explains the sources of these difficulties and outlines an approach to identifying products with high potential for marketing as certified products. Because of complex, multilevel supply chains for many wood products, support is required at all processing and distribution levels for a product to reach the retail customer with its green label. Market participants' purchase size and frequency, basis for product selection, buying influences, and price sensitivity are evaluated to identify product and market approaches likely to increase success rates for certified wood products. The article concludes with recommendations for expanding markets for green building materials.  相似文献   

目的:探讨门诊手术室应用音乐干预护理痔疮手术患者的临床效果.方法:选取痔疮手术患者72例,随机分为试验组和对照组,各36例.对照组给予常规护理,试验组在对照组基础上进行音乐干预,观察2组患者生理指标的变化及疼痛的发生情况,并采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)评估两组患者焦虑情况.结果:试验组实施干预后,心率、血压、血浆皮质醇浓度低于对照组(P<0.05),术中疼痛程度低于对照组(P<0.01);试验组SAS评分明显低于干预前(P<0.01),对照组治疗前后SAS评分比较无显著差异(P>0.05),试验组干预后gAS评分低于对照组(P<0.01).结论:门诊痔疮手术患者采用音乐干预,能缓解患者的紧张心理,减少术中并发症,有利于手术的顺利进行.  相似文献   

通过对信息总监(chief information officer,CIO)和知识总监(chief knowledge officer, CKO)的职责比较务析,结合供应链管理(supply chain management,SCM)的需求与特点,分析在知识经济的背景下CIO和CKO在供应链管理中的作用。  相似文献   

医院的采购管理是保障医院运行、提高运营效率、保证医疗质量、降低医疗成本的重要工作,供应链模式的采购管理是一个有效的管理模式。通过加强供应商管理与合作策略、采购流程优化采购两个方面的实践,逐步建立起符合现代管理学理念的采购流程与供应商关系管理体系,从而实现提高工作效率、降低医院成本的目的。  相似文献   

公立医院体外诊断试剂管理因试剂种类复杂,横跨药品和医疗器械两个行业,监管有一定难度,导致试剂的“进、销、存”缺乏整体性管理,严重影响医院的医疗安全和运行效率。江苏省人民医院采用信息化手段,运用供应链管理的理念来研发体外诊断试剂管理项目,实现医院体外诊断试剂的精细化的管理,有效地提高医疗安全。  相似文献   

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