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论述我国基本药物制度立法的必要性和可行性,提出完善基本药物制度立法的建议。采用文献法对基本药物制度存在的问题进行归纳,对基本药物制度的法律地位和立法内容进行分析。国家应加强对基本药物制度的立法工作,并制定具体的法律法规,从根本上提出基本药物制度的强制性措施,满足社会对基本药物的需求。  相似文献   

在深化医药卫生体制改革,推进健康中国和健康老龄化的新形势下,护理发展应以健康中国为导向。通过阐述护理事业发展现状及面临新要求,解读护理学的内涵与外延,提出护理学科在社会服务领域发展的必要性及可操作性,对护理学科在社会服务领域的发展趋势进行探讨。  相似文献   

分析患者预约、门诊、住院、检查等就诊流程中付费环节对患者排队等待的影响。通过分析、比较预约挂号就诊患者采用不同付费方式对其门诊就诊等待时间的变化,阐述依托信息技术从人对人、一对一的先付费后诊疗模式到自助收费、移动付费的支付方式演变,探讨移动信息技术的引入,实现患者就诊无排队付费对医疗流程的改变,从而提高有效就诊时间。  相似文献   


目的 对我国医疗联合体各阶段发展进行动态分析。方法 运用文献荟萃分析的方法,针对医疗联合体产生发展的各时期特征进行阶段划分。结果 我国医疗联合体自产生时起可分为3个发展时期,分别为1980—1989年萌芽期,医联体萌芽产生;1990—2009年形成期,医联体缓慢发展、典型类型形成;2010年至今发展期,医联体快速发展。结论 随着医改的深化,我国医疗联合体将不断改革发展,概念不断完善、类别更为丰富、紧密程度更受重视。


从区域政府财政投入角度出发,结合理论和实际情况进行分析,确立公立医院医疗政策性亏损补偿的分类测算、相对效率、投入——产出最优及动态性4个原则,并提出融合了相应激励制约机制指标体系在内的测算方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床科研管理系统在临床科室科研管理工作中的重要作用及推广价值。方法 使用SPSS15.0软件对数据进行统计分析,入组率比较采用χ2检验。结果 采用临床科研管理系统后,前3个月入组率不断升高,然后持续稳定在较高水平,前3个月的入组率(18.83%)明显低于后12个月的入组率(28.22%),差异有统计学意义(P = 0.006)。目前已经有15项在研课题登记在案,科室科研氛围良好。结论 推行临床科研管理体系后,科研工作在数量和质量上均有了长足的发展和进步,在医院中具有推广价值。  相似文献   

随着医院卫生体制改革的不断深入,医院靠高收费、高要价维持的现状将被改变。目前公立医院的医疗服务成本居高不下,医疗资源紧张,如何有效控制成本、提高资源使用效率是公立医院的管理重点与难点。以某三甲公立医院4个科室2008年的相关数据为基础,分析了各科室成本构成及效率。结果表明,人员支出在成本中占据较大比重,奖金大大超过工资,奖金制度不尽合理,医师人数严重不足,病床使用率超过100%,病床周转次数较低。针对这些问题提出建立全面的绩效考核指标、控制材料费用、建立术前评估制度等建议。  相似文献   

对河北省40所乡镇卫生院和528名卫生院卫生技术人员培训现况分析,卫生院各种学习条件均不足,对培训需求迫切。培训资源短缺、工作与学习矛盾和培训经费缺乏是主要原因。分析了最主要的培训内容需求,对培训模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

利益均衡旨在于利益关系主体之间寻找平衡点,尽可能将内部矛盾冲突降低到最低限度,保持利益体系和利益格局的稳定,其最终目的是实现权利保障,而法律制度的确立则是最有公信力的长效调整机制和保障机制。从侵权责任法医疗损害侵权行为构成要件和归责原则的确认、“举证责任倒置”的改变、医用产品连带责任和不必要检查侵权的规定等几个方面,体现出其以医患双方利益均衡为前提、确保双方权利充分保障的立法价值取向。立足于此,医疗机构应树立对医方权利和患方权利给予同等重视、理解患者合法权利内容、界定合理的医患双方权利义务界限、增强权利自我维护意识的发展观念。  相似文献   

医院后勤建设是医院整体工作的重要一环,但后勤本身发展往往与医院整体发展速度不同步。从改变后勤服务理念的角度入手,利用信息化的手段,建立符合当前后勤管理需要的“一体化”调度平台是一条新思路。通过一系列的流程再造和干预,实现报修和申请的全过程质量控制是解决目前后勤服务效率较低、服务能力不足、多头管理、圆圈现象、绩效考核与实际脱离等问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

目的 以某综合性三甲医院2010—2011年普通外科7个住院病种为研究对象,探讨临床路径管理应用系统对医院运营效率的影响。 方法 采用病例对照研究方法。 结果 (1) 研究组住院日中位数为11天,明显低于对照组住院日中位数(P<0.05);(2) 研究组平均住院费用为30 826.90元,对照组平均住院费用与研究组平均住院费用相比无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论 医院临床路径管理系统可以有效的缩短患者住院天数,对于控制住院费用有间接控制作用,但没有直接降低住院费用。  相似文献   

A series of novel copper(II) complexes, L2Cu with newly synthesized 3,5--salicylaldimine (or 5--salicylaldimine) ligands derived from 2,4-di-tert-butyl phenol (or 4-tert-butyl phenol) and alkyl (aryl) amines have been prepared and their spectroscopic (IR, UV-Vis, ESI-MS), X-ray, magnetic and redox properties have been investigated. The X-ray crystallography analysis shows that all complexes are monomeric and their copper(II) centers are surrounded by phenolate oxygens and imine nitrogen atoms. Therefore, the coordination sphere around the copper atoms is N2O2 as seen in galactose oxidase active site. In addition, the geometric configurations of all complexes are square planar or slightly distorted square planar. The crystal system for all complexes is monoclinic, except for which is orthorhombic. The temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of complexes confirms the mononuclear structure of complexes. Oxidation of the Cu(II) complexes yielded the corresponding Cu(II)-phenoxyl radical species during the cyclic voltammetry experiments.  相似文献   

To shed light on the mechanism of hydrophobic control in reactions of microbial tryptophanase the direct effect of the solvent hydrophobicity on affinities of amino acid inhibitors was first examined. Values of inhibition constants (Ki) for a variety of amino acids were determined in 37.5% aqueous methanol, and no general correlation between the change of Ki, on passing from water to aqueous methanol, and amino acid hydrophobicity was found. The solvent effects on the separate stages of the external aldimine formation (KD) and deprotonation to form a quinonoid intermediate (Kq) were determined for the reactions of tryptophanase with 2-oxindolyl- -alanine and -alanine by stopped-flow technique. For 2-oxindolyl- -alanine, which is a close transition-state analogue for the enzyme reaction with natural substrate, the decrease in the affinity in aqueous methanol is associated exclusively with the α-proton abstraction stage but not with the preceding formation of external aldimine. We conclude that the environment of amino acid side chains in the active site cannot be considered to be permanently hydrophobic irrespective of the bound amino acid. We suggest that complexes of tryptophanase with amino acids may exist either in a hydrophobic, presumably “closed”, conformation, where bound amino acids are isolated from the solvent, or in an accesible to solvent, “open”, conformation, depending on the structure of the bound amino acid and stage of the catalytic mechanism. For 2-oxindolyl- -alanine the transfer from an open to a closed conformation probably accompanies deprotonation of the external aldimine. The change of the active site hydrophobicity may provide an efficient way of modulating the relative acid–base properties of the catalytic groups to ensure the movement of protons in the “correct” direction depending on the elementary stage of catalysis.  相似文献   

D Xu  K Baburaj  C B Peterson  Y Xu 《Proteins》2001,44(3):312-320
The structure of vitronectin, an adhesive protein that circulates in high concentrations in human plasma, was predicted through a combination of computational methods and experimental approaches. Fold recognition and sequence-structure alignment were performed using the threading program PROSPECT for each of three structural domains, i.e., the N-terminal somatomedin B domain (residues 1-53), the central region that folds into a four-bladed beta-propeller domain (residues 131-342), and the C-terminal heparin-binding domain (residues 347-459). The atomic structure of each domain was generated using MODELLER, based on the alignment obtained from threading. Docking experiments between the central and C-terminal domains were conducted using the program GRAMM, with limits on the degrees of freedom from a known inter-domain disulfide bridge. The docked structure has a large inter-domain contact surface and defines a putative heparin-binding groove at the inter-domain interface. We also docked heparin together with the combined structure of the central and C-terminal domains, using GRAMM. The predictions from the threading and docking experiments are consistent with experimental data on purified plasma vitronectin pertaining to protease sensitivity, ligand-binding sites, and buried cysteines.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of Ca2+ in generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by hyposmotic stress (Hypo) and its relationship to regulatory volume decrease (RVD) in cardiomyocytes. Hypo-induced increases in cytoplasmic and mitochondrial Ca2+. Nifedipine (Nife) inhibited both Hypo-induced Ca2+ and ROS increases. Overexpression of catalase (CAT) induced RVD and a decrease in Hypo-induced blebs. Nife prevented CAT-dependent RVD activation. These results show a dual role of Hypo-induced Ca2+ influx in the control of cardiomyocyte viability. Hypo-induced an intracellular Ca2+ increase which activated RVD and inhibited necrotic blebbing thus favoring cell survival, while simultaneously increasing ROS generation, which in turn inhibited RVD and induced necrosis.  相似文献   

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