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Mammalian cells can be concentrated in a sound field. A method is introduced, which combines the reversible aggregation of cells in a sound field with the electrical breakdown of cell membranes to fuse cells, which are in contact. Human red blood cells and mouse myeloma cells are fused by means of that procedure.  相似文献   

The interaction and fusion of black lipid membranes have been studied. Two planar bilayers were simultaneously inflated towards each other; when they made contact, spontaneous formation of a ‘trilaminar structure’ (one bilayer bounded by two bilayers along the perimeter) was observed. Application of a discrete voltage pulse gave rise to the formation of a cylindrical membrane, that is, to the fusion of two bilayers. It is shown that fusion results from electrical breakdown in the contact region of the ‘trilaminar structure’.  相似文献   

In inhomogeneous (static) magnetic fields close contact between ‘magnetic’ human erythrocytes was established. The cells were made magnetic by incubating them in a medium containing small Fe3O4-particles which adsorbed to the outer membrane surface. Fusion was induced by applying two electric field pulses (field strength: 8.5 kV · cm?1; duration: 60 μs) to the magnetically collected cells. This procedure allowed the use of electrically conductive media (3 · 10?1 Ω?1 · cm?1). Fusion of red blood cells occured very often. If cell suspensions of high density were used fusion resulted in the formation of giant red blood cells with osmotically intact membranes.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effects of dithiothreitol on the deformability and La3+-induced fusion of human erythrocytes. Treatment of human erythrocytes with dithiothreitol did not affect their deformability but almost completely inhibited cell fusion.  相似文献   

Studies with the light microscope were carried out on mesophyll cell protoplasts of Avena sativa which had been made to undergo fusion by reversible electrical breakdown of the cell membrane. In order to establish close membrane contact between the cells, an important prerequisite for fusion, a method known as dielectrophoresis was used. In an inhomogeneous alternating electrical field the protoplasts adhere to the electrodes and to each other in the direction of the field lines. The cells which were thus brought into close contact with each other could be made to fuse by the application of a field pulse of high amplitude (about 750 V/cm) and short duration (20–50 μs). The field strength required for fusion exceeds the value necessary for the electrical breakdown of the cell membrane. Fusion took place within some minutes and led to a high yield of fused protoplasts. The fusion of cells being in the electric field occured in a synchronous manner. In some of the fusion experiments part of the protoplasts of A. sativa were stained with neutral red. When these cells were fused with unstained protoplasts, the vacuoles from the different cells within the fused aggregate could be shown to remain separate for quite some time.  相似文献   

Poly(ethylene glycol) 6000 induced a concentration-dependent, time-dependent decrease in the latency of the reaction between Arsenazo III sequestered in liposomes and extraliposomal Ca2+. This was mediated by a gross change in liposomal permeability, i.e. by a release of Arsenazo III from liposomes rather than simply by an entry of Ca2+. The loss of latency was strongly temperature-dependent, and it was markedly diminished on increasing the cholesterol content of the liposomes. It was apparently not due to an osmotic stress of the polymer. The high activation energy found (63 kJ · mol?1) is thought to indicate that the loss of latency resulted from local discontinuities in the lipid bilayers, caused by dehydration, rather than from partial or total lysis. Related microscopy experiments indicated that the polymer also caused the liposomes to fuse, and it is suggested that membrane fusion may have occurred at the sites of dehydration-induced discontinuities in adjacent bilayers, in addition the polymer was found to enhance the permeability of hen erythrocytes to Ca2+ in a manner that was comparable to its effect on liposomal latency, and it is proposed that cell fusion induced by poly(ethylene glycol) may occur at the sites of similarly induced discontinuities in the phospholipid bilayers of two closely adjacent cells.  相似文献   

It has been known for several years that DNA replication and histone synthesis occur concomitantly in cultured mammalian cells. Normally all five classes of histones are synthesized coordinately. However, mouse myeloma cells, synchronized by starvation for isoleucine, synthesize increased amounts of histone H1 relative to the four nucleosomal core histones. This unscheduled synthesis of histone H1 is reduced within 1 h after refeeding isoleucine, and is not a normal component of G1. The synthesis of H1 increases coordinately again with other histones during the S phase. The DNA synthesis inhibitors, cytosine arabinoside and hydroxyurea, block all histone synthesis in S-phase cells. The levels of histone H1 mRNA, relative to the other histone mRNAs, is increased in isoeleucine-starved cells and decreases rapidly after refeeding isoleucine. The increased incorporation of histone H1 is at least partially due to the low isoleucine content of histone H1. Starvation of cells for lysine resulted in a decrease in H1 synthesis relative to core histones. Again the ratio was altered on refeeding the amino acid. 3T3 cells starved for serum also incorporated only H1 histones into chromatin. The ratio of different H1 proteins also changed. The synthesis of the H10 protein was predominant in G0 cells, and reduced in S-phase cells. These data indicate the metabolism of H1 is independent of the other histones when cell growth is arrested.  相似文献   

Amphiphilic compounds such as long-chain acyl carnitines accumulate in ischemic myocardium and potentially contribute to the myocardial damage. To characterize alterations in membrane molecular dynamics produced by palmitoylcarnitine, human erythrocytes were spin-labeled with 5-doxylstearic acid, and membrane fluidity was quantified by measuring the changes in the order parameter derived from ESR spectra. Palmitoylcarnitine induced triphasic alterations in membrane fluidity of human erythrocytes. The membrane fluidity increased for 5 min, then decreased in a concentration-dependent manner. At higher concentrations (100 and 150 μM) of palmitoylcarnitine, membrane fluidity increased again after 30 and 20 min of the incubation, respectively. Addition of 2.8 mM CaCl2 resulted in a significant decrease in membrane fluidity and enhanced the alterations in membrane fluidity caused by palmitoylcarnitine. The results suggest that alterations in molecular dynamics are one mechanism through which long-chain acyl carnitine could play an important role in ischemic injury.  相似文献   

Treatment of human erythrocytes with tetrathionate or diamide resulted in extensive crosslinking of membraneous and cytoskeletal proteins. Such treatment was followed by an incubation with phosphatidylcholine specific exchange protein to investigate the rate and extent of exchange of phosphatidylcholine between the erythrocytes and 14C-labeled phosphatidylcholine containing microsomal membranes or vesicles. Exchange profiles showed that the exchange of phosphatidylcholine is facilitated in treated cells when compared to control erythrocytes and, more importantly, that all of the phosphatidylcholine is exchangeable after protein crosslinking whereas in control cells only the phosphatidylcholine pool located in the outer layer of the membrane is exchangeable. These observations demonstrate that crosslinking of cytoskeletal and membraneous proteins enhances the rate of transbilayer movement of phosphatidylcholine considerably.  相似文献   

Here, we focus on epigenetic changes in leukaemia and MM (multiple myeloma) cells. We show how the histone signature, DNA methylation and levels of select tumour-suppressor proteins can be affected by inhibitors of HDACs (histone deacetylases) and Dnmts (DNA methyltransferases). Both inhibitors, TSA (trichostatin A) and 5-AZA (5-azacytidine), have the ability to change the histone signature in a tumour-specific manner. In MM cells, we observed changes in H3K4 methylation, while in leukaemia cells, H3K9 methylation was especially affected by select inhibitors. Compared with normal peripheral blood lymphocytes, tumour cell samples were characterized by increased H3K9 acetylation, increased H3K4me2, H3K9me2 and HP1α (heterochromatin protein 1α) levels and specific changes were also observed for DNA methylation. Additionally, we showed that the tumour suppressor pRb1 (retinoblastoma protein) is more sensitive to epigenetic-based anti-cancer stimuli than p53. We have found significant decrease in the levels of pRb1 and p53 in both myeloma and leukaemia cells after HDAC inhibition.  相似文献   

The decreased membrane fluidity of the in vivo aged, human erythrocytes is found, by monitoring the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of fatty acid spin labels incorporated into the membrane.In addition, the decreased cell sizes and the decreased cholesterol and phospholipids contents, without significant changes of the quantity of the membrane proteins, also the decrease of ATP and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate and the increase of ADP and AMP, in the aged cells, were observed. Further the functional impairments of the aged cells, i.e. the increased oxygen affinity and the decreased deformability, were shown.On the basis of these quantitative data, the alteration of the protein-lipid organization, due to decreased lipid/protein ratio, the modified protein-lipid interaction and/or the influences of the diminished ATP content, is suggested to contribute towards the decreased membrane fluidity of the in vivo aged erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The profound morphological changes which follow the treatment of chicken erythrocytes with the ionophore A23187 and Ca2+ are associated with a concomitant breakdown of certain membrane-associated proteins including α-spectrin, goblin and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPS) which undergo a limited proteolysis to give large, well-defined fragments. The Ca2+-sensitive protease responsible for these changes appears to be present in the soluble fraction of the cells. Treatment with TLCK or iodoacetamide inhibits both the major morphological changes and the proteolytic events but these agents do not prevent the dissociation of microtubules or the activation of endogenous sphingomyelinase which occur in cells with raised levels of intracellular Ca2+. It is suggested that the sphingomyelinase is activated as a consequence of a Ca2+-induced loss of phospholipid asymmetry in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Thorium-232 (232Th), a natural radionuclide from the actinide family, is abundantly present in monazite and other ores. It is used as one of the prime fuel materials in nuclear industry and may pose an exposure risk to nuclear workers and members of the public. Human erythrocytes, as a classical cellular membrane model, were coincubated with 232Th in order to elucidate whether this naturally occurring important radionuclide produced perturbations to cell membrane. Present study revealed that erythrocytes underwent aggregation or lysis depending on the ratio of 232Th to cell. Scanning electron micrographs showed that erythrocytes transformed into equinocytes and/or spherocytes after 232Th treatment. Further examination of erythrocyte by atomic force microscopy suggested significant increase in surface roughness after 232Th treatment. Experiments on neuraminidase treated and/or anti-GpA antibody blocked erythrocytes suggested significant role of membrane sialic acid and glycophorin A (GpA) protein in aggregation or hemolytic effects of 232Th. Further results showed that 232Th caused hemolysis by colloid osmotic mechanism, as evidenced by potassium efflux, osmotic protection and osmotic fragility studies. Osmoprotection experiments indicated that hemolysis get elicited through the formation of membrane pores of ∼2.0 nm in size. Hemolysis studies in presence of inhibitors (TEA, bumetanide, DIDS and amiloride) revealed the role of K+ channel, Na+/K+/2Cl channel, Cl/HCO3 anion exchanger and Na+/H+ antiporter in 232Th induced erythrolysis. Presence of non-diffusible cation (N-methyl d-glucasamine) or anion (gluconate) in erythrocyte suspending medium further confirm the role of Na+ and Cl influx in hemolytic effect of 232Th. These findings provide significant insight in structural, biochemical and osmotic toxic effects of 232Th on human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

It has been predicted that nocodazole-inhibited cells are not synchronized because nocodazole-arrested cells with a G2-phase amount of DNA would not have a narrow cell-size range reflecting the cell size of some specific, presumably G2-phase, cell-cycle age. Size measurements of nocodazole-inhibited cells now fully confirm this prediction. Further, release from nocodazole inhibition does not produce cells that move through the cell cycle mimicking the passage of normal unperturbed cells through the cell cycle. Nocodazole, an archetypal whole-culture synchronization method, can inhibit growth to produce cells with a G2-phase amount of DNA, but such cells are not synchronized. Cells produced by a selective (i.e., non-whole-culture) method not only have a specific DNA content, but also have a narrow size distribution. The current view of cell-cycle control that is based on methods that are not suitable for cell-cycle analysis must therefore be reconsidered when results are based on whole-culture synchronization.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (grant MCB–0323346) and (in part) by the National Institutes of Health (University of Michigan’s Cancer Center, support grant 5 P30 CA46592). G.I., M.T., and P. B. are associated with the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program of the University of Michigan, which also supported this research.  相似文献   

1. Addition of 3.5 mM ATP to mouse neuroblastoma Neuro-2A cells results in a selective enhancement of the plasma membrane permeability for Na+ relative to K+, as measured by cation flux measurements and electro-physiological techniques. 2. Addition of 3.5 mM ATP to Neuro-2A cells results in a 70% stimulation of the rate of active K+ -uptake by these cells, partly because of the enhanced plasma membrane permeability for Na+. Under these conditions the pumping activity of the Neuro-2A (Na++K+)-ATPase is optimally stimulated with respect to its various substrate ions. 3. External ATP significantly enhances the affinity of the Neuro-2A (Na++K+)-ATPase for ouabain, as measured by direct [3H]ouabain-binding studies and by inhibition studies of active K+ uptake. In the presence of 3.5 mM ATP and the absence of external K+ both techniques indicate an apparent dissociation constant for ouabain of 2·10?6 M. Neuro-2A cells contain (3.5±0.7)·105 ouabain-binding sites per cell, giving rise to an optimal pumping activity of (1.7±0.4)·10?20 mol K+/min per copy of (Na++K+)-ATPase at room temperature.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes, incubated with sonicated dispersions of phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol and saturated straight-chain alcohols (C16-C18) develop stiff, rod-shaped, hemoglobin-containing membrane projections within 120 min. The number of these ‘rods’ varies (1–3 per cell), they reach a length of up to 14 μm (twice the cell diameter) and a thickness of 0.3–1.0 μm. ‘Rods’ may be separated from ‘residual cells’ by shear flow and centrifugation without severe hemolysis. Lipid analyses carried out on residual cells and rods indicate lateral segregation of the phospholipids of the outer leaf of the membrane lipid bilayer (phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin) and of the alcohol applied. Phosphatidylcholine accumulates in the residual cells, sphingomyelin and the alcohol in the rods. No differences in membrane protein patterns were observed between rods and residual cells. The rod-shape is dependent on the presence of the alcohol, extraction of the alcohol converts rods into hemoglobin-containing spheres without lysis. The formation of rods, which is indicative of a lateral phase separation, is discussed in terms of lipid-lipid interactions and with respect to parameters determining the shape of cells.  相似文献   

Calcium-induced interaction of liposomes composed of pure phosphatidylserine (PS) has been studied using a rapid-mixing, rapid-freeze device. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy of this material revealed that liposomes react very rapidly after addition of calcium ions. After only 10 ms (the resolution of the technique) vesicle fusion was apparent. At the same time, however, vesicles also collapsed, and appeared as aggregates of flattened membranes. This may explain controversies which have arisen over vesicle fusion studied with more indirect methods.  相似文献   

During the intraerythrocytic growth of Plasmodium falciparum in culture, marked changes are observed in the permeability properties of the host cell membrane. Anionic substances otherwise impermeant to normal cells, become highly permeant to infected cells. These changes in permeability become apparent as rings mature into trophozoites and remain throughout schizogony. The permeability changes to anionic substances are not manifested as degradation of band 3, the purported erythrocyte anion transporter. They probably reflect alterations of a more general nature.  相似文献   

Cell-surface proteins of the embryonal carcinoma line C17-S1 1003 (1003) and of some of its mesenchymal derivatives were studied. The surface proteins were labelled with 125I using the lactoperoxidase-glucose-glucose oxidase system either on the cells attached to the culture dishes or after their dissociation. Iodinated proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The patterns obtained with embryonal carcinoma cells 1003 and with two mesenchymal cell types derived from them, namely embryonic mesenchymal cells (line 10035) and fibroblastic cells (line 10031), were different one from the other, especially when considering the group of proteins labelled on the attached cells. The pattern of cell-surface proteins of the myoblastic line 1168, also derived from C17-S1, was found to be similar to that of 10031 fibroblastic cells. This result is discussed in the light of the phenotypic transition toward myogenesis, which can be obtained with 10031 fibroblastic cells but not with 10035 embryonic mesenchymal cells. A direct method of detection of lectin-binding proteins permitted us to identify the major concanavalin A-binding proteins. Two of them are common to all cell lines studied. They were labeled with 125I on the attached undifferentiated 1003 cells, while in all differentiated derivatives they became available for labelling after the cell detachment only.  相似文献   

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