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Summary A mathematical model has been developed to describe the operation of a packed bed reactor for the continuous production of solvents from whey permeate. The model has been used to quantitate the amounts of different physiological/ morphological types of biomass present in the reactor. The majority of biomass is inert, i.e. it neither grows nor produces solvent. Only relatively small amounts of biomass actively grow (vegetative, non-solvent-producing cells), while even smaller amounts are responsible for solvent production (clostridial, solvent-producing cells).  相似文献   

Cells of Clostridium acetobutylicum were immobilized by adsorption onto bonechar and used in a packed bed reactor for the continuous production of solvents from whey permeate. A maximum solvent productivity of 4.1 g l−1 h−1, representing a yield of 0.23 g solvent/g lactose utilized, was observed at a dilution rate of 1.0 h−1. The reactor was operated under stable conditions for 61 days. High concentrations of lactose in the whey permeate favored solventogenesis, while low concentrations favored acidogenesis.  相似文献   

A study was performed to optimize the production of solvents from whey permeate in batch fermentation using Clostridium acetobutylicum P262. Fermentations performed at relatively low pH values resulted in high solvent yields and productivities, but lactose utilization was incomplete. At higher pH values, lactose utilization was improved but acid production dominated over solvent production. When operating at the higher pH values, an increase in the initial lactose concentration of the whey permeate resulted in lower rates of lactose utilization, and this was accompanied by increased solvent production and decreased acid production. Analysis of data from several experiments revealed a strong inverse relationship between solvent yield and lactose utilization rate. Thus, conditions which minimize the lactose utilization rate, such as low culture pH values or high initial lactose concentrations, favor solventogenesis at the expense of acid production.  相似文献   

Summary The yield ofKluyveromyces marxianus Y-113 grown on sulphuric acid casein whey permeate was decreased at high lactose or ethanol concentrations and slightly increased with high agitation and supplementation of the permeate with nutrients. The maximum specific growth rate was most influenced by the stirrer speed, ethanol concentration and nutrient supplementation.  相似文献   

Summary The use of in-situ gas stripping for the removal of toxic butanol from a batch fermentation usingClostridium acetobutylicum P262 has been examined. A cold trap was used to recover the butanol. Significant increases in the lactose utilization rate and solvents productivity were obtained.  相似文献   

Microbial production of 2,3-butanediol from whey permeate   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Of four organisms tested in semi-synthetic medium for the production of 2,3-butanediol from lactose, Klebsiella pneumoniae N.C.I.B. 8017 proved to be the most promising. When tested using rennet whey permeate as substrate, a butanediol concentration of 7.5 g/l, representing a yield of 0.46 g/g lactose utilized, was observed after 96 h incubation. In whey permeate where the lactose had been hydrolysed enzymatically prior to the fermentation, a butanediol concentration of 13.7 g/l, representing a yield of 0.39 g/g sugar utilized was obtained. These results indicate that lactose utilization may be a limiting step in the fermentation process.  相似文献   

The ability of two yeast strains to utilize the lactose in whey permeate has been studied. Kluyveromyces marxianus NCYC 179 completely utilized the lactose (9.8%), whereas Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC 240 displayed an inability to metabolize whey lactose for ethanol production. Of the two gel matrices tested for immobilizing K. marxianus NCYC 179 cells, sodium alginate at 2% (w/v) concentration proved to be the optimum gel for entrapping the yeast cells effectively. The data on optimization of physiological conditions of fermentation (temperature, pH, ethanol concentration and substrate concentration) showed similar effects on immobilized and free cell suspensions of K. marxianus NCYC 179, in batch fermentation. A maximum yield of 42.6 g ethanol l?1 (82% of theoretical) was obtained from 98 g lactose l?1 when fermentation was carried at pH 5.5 and 30°C using 120 g dry weight l?1 cell load of yeast cells. These results suggest that whey lactose can be metabolized effectively for ethanol production using immobilized K. marxianus NCYC 179 cells.  相似文献   

An investigation was performed into the operation of an integrated system for continuous production and product recovery of solvents (acetone-butanol-ethanol) from the ABE fermentation process. Cells of Clostridium acetobutylicum were immobilized by adsorption onto bonechar, and used in a fluidized bed reactor for continuous solvent production from whey permeate. The reactor effluent was stripped of the solvents using nitrogen gas, and was recycled to the reactor. This relieved product inhibition and allowed further sugar utilization. At a dilution rate of 1.37 h–1 a reactor productivity of 5.1 kg/(m3 · h) was achieved. The solvents in the stripping gas were condensed to give a solution of 53.7 kg/m3. This system has the advantages of relieving product inhibition, and providing a more concentrated solution for recovery by distillation. Residual sugar and non-volatile reaction intermediates are not removed by gas stripping and this contributes to high solvent yields.List of Symbols C kg/m3 Lactose concentration in reactor effluent - C b kg/m3 Lactose concentration in bleed stream - C c kg/m3 Lactose concentration in whey permeate feed - C i kg/m3 Lactose concentration at reactor inlet - C p kg/m3 Lactose concentration in condensed solvent stream (=0) - C r kg/m3 Lactose concentration in recycle line (C b=C r) - C kg/h Amount of lactose utilized during certain time period - D h1 Dilution rate of reactor, F i/D=F/D - F dm3/h, m3/h F i = Rate of feed flow to the reactor - F b dm 3/h, m3/h Rate of bleed - F c dm3/h, m3/h Rate of feed of whey permeate solution - F p dm3/h, m3/h Rate of concentrated product removal - F r dm3/h, m3/h Rate of recycle of stripped effluent to the reactor - P l % Percent lactose utilization - R l kg/(m3 · h) Overall lactose utilization rate - R p kg/(m3 · h) Overall reactor (solvent) productivity - R sl kg/h Rate of solvent loss - S kg/m3 Solvent concentration in reactor effluent - S b kg/m3 Solvent concentration in bleed - S c kg/m3 0; Solvent concentration in concentrated whey permeate solution - S i kg/m3 Solvent concentration at inlet of reactor - S p kg/m3 Solvent concentration in concentrated product stream - S r kg/m3 Solvent concentration in stripped effluent, S r=Sb - S kg/h Amount of solvent produced from C amount of lactose in a particular time - ds/dt kg/(m3 · h) Rate of accumulation of solvents in the stripper - t h Time - V dm3, m3 Total reactor volume - V 1 dm3, m3 Liquid volume in stripper - Y P/S Solvent yield  相似文献   

The production of acetone, butanol, and ethanol by two immobilized, sporulation-deficient (spo) Clostridium acetobutylicum P262 mutants which were held in the solventogenic phase was investigated. The spoA2 mutant, which was an early-sporulation mutant and did not form a forespore septum, produced higher solvent yields than did the spoB mutant which was a late-sporulation mutant and was blocked at a stage after forespore septum formation. The spoA2 mutant was also granulose and capsule negative. In a conventional batch fermentation, the wild-type strain produced 15.44 g of solvents per liter after 50 h at a productivity of 7.41 g of solvents per liter per day. The spoA2 mutant produced 15.42 g of solvents per liter at a productivity of 72.4 g of solvents per liter per day, with a retention time of 2.4 h in a continuous immobilized cell system employing a fluidized bed reactor. This represents a major advance, since the immobilization of wild-type cells showed similar increases in productivity but a ca. fivefold reduction in final product concentrations.  相似文献   

R.-Y. ZHUANG AND L.R. BEUCHAT. 1996. A study was undertaken to determine the effectiveness of trisodium phosphate (TSP) in wash water in the inactivation of Salmonella montevideo on the surface and in core tissue of unwashed, mature-green tomatoes. Complete inactivation on the tomato surface was achieved by dipping tomatoes in a 15% TSP solution for 15s. Significant ( P < 0.05) reductions were obtained by dipping tomatoes in a 1% solution for 15s. Populations were significantly reduced in core tissue of tomatoes dipped in 4–15% TSP. However, even at 15%, only about 2 log10 reduction was achieved. Upon ripening, the hue and chroma of tomatoes, indices of colour and brightness, respectively, were unaffected by treatment of TSP. The use of TSP as sanitizing agent in wash water for mature-green tomatoes appears to have good potential.  相似文献   

Summary Single and multiple Clostridium acetobutylicum P262 sporulation, clostridial stage, granulose, capsule and solvent producing mutants were isolated. Although common regulatory components were involved in the regulation of these events, each individual pathway was able to function independently of each other. Inhibitors of DNA replication inhibited spore formation but did not affect solvent, clostridial stage, granulose and capsule production.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of pH on growth and lactic acid production ofLactobacillus helveticus was investigated in a continuous culture using supplemented whey ultrafiltrate. Maximum lactate productivity of 5 gl–1h–1 occurred at pH 5.5. Whey permeates concentrated up to four times were fermented using batch cultures. Maximum lactic acid concentration of 95 gl–1 was attained, but residual sugars indicated a possible limitation in growth factors.Nomenclature D Dilution rate [h–1] - X Biomass [gl–1] - Glu Glucose consentration [gl–1] - Gal Galactose consentration [gl–1] - S Substrate, Lactose consentration [gl–1] - P Product, Lactate consentration [gl–1] - Yp/s Yield, defined as P/S [gg–1] - ri Rate of synthesis or consumption of i [gl–1h–1]  相似文献   

Two matrices have been assessed for their ability to immobilize Lactobacillus casei cells for lactic acid fermentation in whey permeate medium. Agar at 2% concentration was found to be a better gel than polyacrylamide in its effectiveness to entrap the bacterial cells to carry out batch fermentation up to three repeat runs. Of the various physiological parameters studied, temperature and pH were observed to have no significant influence on the fermentation ability of the immobilized organism. A temperature range of 40–50°C and a pH range of 4.5–6.0 rather than specific values, were found to be optimum when fermentation was carried out under stationary conditions. In batch fermentation ~90% conversion of the substrate (lactose) was achieved in 48 h using immobilized cell gel cubes of 4 × 2 × 2 mm size, containing 400 mg dry bacterial cells per flask and 4.5% w/v (initial) whey lactose content as substrate. However, further increase in substrate levels tested (>4.5% w/v) did not improve the process efficiency. Supplementation of Mg2+ (1 mM) and agricultural by-products (mustard oil cake, 6%) in the whey permeate medium further improved the acid production ability of the immobilized cells under study.  相似文献   

A sequential co-culture approach was investigated for the conversion of lignocellulosic substrates to fuels and chemicals. Growth ofClostridium acetobutylicum on solka floc (or a mixture of solka floc and aspenwood xylan), in co-culture withC.thermocellum, resulted in the efficient utilization of all the hydrolysis products derived from the lignocellulosic substrates. This co-culture approach resulted in a 1.7–2.6 fold increase in the total fermentation products formed. The majority of the fermentation products were acids and not solvents, however the solventogenesis step could be induced by the addition of butyric acid to the fermentation medium.  相似文献   

Industrial cheese whey processing comprises generally the isolation of proteins and lactose, but the economic use for the residual molasses, the so‐called delactosed whey permeate (DWP), is still to be improved. One possibility to maximize valorization and to minimize waste water treatment is the conversion of the remaining lactose in the DWP to ethanol by the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus. This fermentation process depends strongly on the total ash content of the DWP, as high salt concentrations inhibit yeast metabolism. Here, three different approaches were tested to lower the DWP salt content: (i) simple dilution; (ii) nanofiltration; and (iii) electrodialysis. Lactose consumption, ethanol production and time‐dependent yields were compared between the three methods. A dilution of DWP to 60% v/v led to fermentation taking less than 80 h and yield above 7% AbV (alcohol by volume). After nanofiltration, 7.5% AbV was produced in about 80 h, and after electrodialysis, 11% AbV was produced in about 52 h. On the one hand the technical treatments (nanofiltration and electrodialysis) led to enhanced productivity in the fermentations, but, on the other hand, elaborate and extensive preprocessing is needed. Overall, ethanol production from DWP could be enhanced by prior partial desalination.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of temperature on solvent production from whey was investigated by using strains ofClostridium acetobutylicum andbutylicum. Higher yields of solvents were observed at 37°C or at 30°C depending on the strain used.  相似文献   

Summary A stable continuous culture of Clostridium acetobutylicum on a complex medium containing 40 g/l glucose has been maintained for two months. At an optimal dilution rate fo 0.06 h–1, the fermentation yields 13 g/l acetone-butanol-ethanol, which corresponds to a maximal productivity of 0.75 g/l.h solvents. Due to the toxic effect of butanol, the longevity of the continuous culture is reduced at higher levels of solvents.  相似文献   

Summary Conditions that allow regeneration of cells fromClostridium acetobutylicum strain B643 protoplasts were studied. Protoplast formation and stabilization in minimal media with 50 mM CaCl2, 50 mM MgCl2 and 0.3 M sucrose were crucial to subsequent regeneration on soft yeast extract agar containing 25 mM CaCl2 and 25 mM MgCl2. A regeneration frequency of 8–25% was consistently obtained.  相似文献   

Summary This study was conducted to determine whether or not a variation in the type of carbohydrate fermented by Clostridium acetobutylicum could be exploited to inhibit sporulation during the butanol-producing phase of fermentation and thus enhance butanol production. C. acetobutylicum P262 was found to ferment a wide variety of carbohydrates, but butanol production was not necessarily enhanced when percentage sporulation was low. Butanol concentration was more related to the total amount of acidic end-products (acetic and butyric acid) reutilized by the microorganism for solvent production and to the type and amount of carbohydrate utilized. Fermentation of cellobiose led to conditions resulting in complete acid reutilization and the highest butanol concentration (10.4–10.6 g/l). In cultures containing a mixture of glucose and cellobiose, glucose repression of cellobiose utilization resulted in lower butanol concentrations (6.6–7.5 g/l). Sporulation was dependent on the type of carbohydrate utilized by the microorganism. Glucose had a greater enhancing effect on the sporulation process (22–42%) than starch (9–12%) or cellobiose (22–34%). It was concluded that whereas the type of carbohydrate fermented had a specific effect on the extent of sporulation of a culture, conditions of low sporulation did not enhance butanol concentration unless carbohydrate utilization and the reutilization of acidic products were high.Correspondence to: W. M. Ingledew  相似文献   

Summary A minimal medium was used to investigate the triggers regulating the initiation of solvent production and differentiation in Clostridium acetobutylicum P262. The accumulation of acid end-products caused the inhibition of cell division and the initiation of solvent production and cell differentiation. Initiation only occurred with a narrow pH range. Glucose or ammonium limited cultures failed to achieve the necessary threshold of acid end-products and solvent production and differentiation were not initiated. The addition of acid end-products or ammonium to cultures containing suboptimal levels of glucose or nitrogen respectively, enhanced solvent production. Resuspension of cells in media containing the threshold level of acid end-products and residual glucose induced endospore formation. Glucose or ammonium limitation did not induce sporulation and there was a requirement for glucose and ammonium during solventogenesis and endospore formation. Initiation of solvent production and clostridial stage formation were essential for sporulation. The induction of endospore formation in C. acetobutylicum P262 differs from that in the aerobic endospore forming bacteria where sporulation is initiated by nutrient starvation.  相似文献   

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