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Hydration status of humans was assessed by means of bioimpedancemetry on board the space station or under the conditions of antiorthostatic hypokinesia (AOSH). Water compartments of the body were decreased in a cosmonaut at the seventh day of a ten-day-long flight to the same degree as in a group of six testers by the seventh day of AOSH (?8°): the amount of total body fluids and intracellular and extracellular volumes were decreased by 5.6–6.5% as compared to the baseline level. The changes in body composition of a cosmonaut during flight were similar to the changes observed in testers during AOSH: lean body weight, which was determined by bioimpedancemetry, was insignificantly decreased, whereas the adipose component of body weight was, on the contrary, increased. It was concluded that the hydration level of the human body was decreased and the amount of body fat was increased during a short-term space flight. It was also shown that the hydration status and composition of the human body were changed in a similar way under the conditions of both AOSH and space flight, which indicates that this ground-based model is adequate for simulation of hydration changes caused by microgravity.  相似文献   

The efficacy of countermeasure exercise for diminishing disturbances induced by microgravity in motor system and its visceral supply during different stages of long-duration flight was evaluated. The results of both bicycle and locomotor testing indicate that physical fitness of cosmonaut does not become worse in the course of the long-duration flight. On the contrary, the lowest fitness was recorded at the first stage of mission, just after one month of flight. The "dead period" at the beginning of space flight seems to be a manifestation of the acute decrease in physical condition on transition from 1 G to microgravity, when none of the regular countermeasure regimes is sufficiently effective and acute increase of volume and intensity of training is impossible under the conditions of space flight.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2008,74(1-3):27-36
Yearling Boer × Spanish goat wethers (40) were used to develop and compare body composition prediction equations for mature meat goats based on urea space (US) and body condition score (BCS). Before the experiment, one-half of the animals were managed to have high BW and BCS (1–5, with 1 being extremely thin and 5 very fat) and the others were managed to have low BW and BCS. During the 24-week experiment, initially fat wethers were fed to lose BW and BCS and initially thin wethers were fed to increase BW and BCS. BCS, US, and whole body chemical composition were determined after 0, 12, and 24 weeks. Mean, minimum, and maximum values were 42.1 (S.E. = 1.12), 24.5, and 59.0 kg for shrunk BW; 3.0 (S.E. = 0.11), 1.5, and 4.0 for BCS; 61.3 (S.E. = 1.01), 53.7, and 76.5% for water; 20.2 (S.E. = 1.11), 4.7, and 29.7% for fat; 15.6 (S.E. = 0.19), 13.3, and 18.1% for protein; and 2.9 (S.E. = 0.062), 2.2, and 3.7% for ash, respectively. For water, fat, and ash concentrations and mass, simplest equations explaining greatest variability (with independent variables of US, BCS, and (or) shrunk BW) based on BCS accounted for more variation than ones based on US, although in some cases differences were not large (i.e., water and ash concentrations and mass). Neither US nor BCS explained variability in protein concentration. Equations to predict protein mass based on shrunk BW and US or BCS were nearly identical in R2 and the root mean square error. A 1 unit change in BCS corresponded to change in full BW of 8.9 kg (full BW (kg) = 17.902 + (8.9087 × BCS); R2 = 0.653), fat concentration of 7.54% (%fat = −5.076 + (7.5361 × BCS); R2 = 0.612), and energy concentration of 3.01 MJ/kg (energy (MJ/kg) = 0.971 + (3.0059 × BCS); R2 = 0.615). In summary, BCS may be used as or more effectively to predict body composition of meat goats than US. The primary determinant of BCS, within the range of BCS observed in this experiment, was body fat content.  相似文献   

Although, in many insects, migration imposes a cost in terms of timing or amount of reproduction, in the migratory grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes performance of long-duration flight to voluntary cessation or exhaustion accelerates the onset of first reproduction and enhances reproductive success over the entire lifetime of the insect. Since juvenile hormone (JH) is involved in the control of reproduction in most species, we examined JH titer after long flight using a chiral selective radioimmunoassay. JH levels increased on days 5 and 8 in animals flown to exhaustion on day 4 but not in 1-h or non-flier controls. No difference was seen in the diel pattern of JH titer, but hemolymph samples were taken between 5 and 7 h after lights on. Treatment of grasshoppers with JH-III mimicked the effect of long-duration flight in the induction of early reproduction. The increased JH titer induced by performance of long-duration flight is thus at least one component of flight-enhanced reproduction. To test the possibility that post-flight JH titer increases are caused by adipokinetic hormone (AKH) released during long flights, a series of injections of physiological doses of Lom-AKH I were given to unflown animals to simulate AKH release during long flight. This treatment had no effect on JH titers. Thus, although AKH is released during flight and controls lipid mobilization, it is not the factor responsible for increased JH titers after long-duration flight.  相似文献   

Morphometrics and isotope-labelled water were used to determine body composition [total body water, total body fat and fat-free mass (FFM)] of three captive female olive baboons (Papio anubis). Mean mass was 16.5 kg, comparable with other captive settings but heavier than wild olive baboons. Average water content was 66%; FFM averaged 90.5%. Baboon females have less body fat than human counterparts. Compared with captive or wild baboons, these females were adequately nourished for their energy expenditure. A positive association between total mass and FFM existed, but due to the small sample no general relationship was observed for body fat or FFM and condition or size measures. The kinetics of deuterium equilibration in body fluids for baboons was determined as 3-4 hours after injection, similar to that for humans. Deuterium dilution technique appears to be an appropriate method for studying body composition in baboons, although a larger sample is needed for relationships between morphometric indices and body composition.  相似文献   

目的:提出了一种基于多导联生理信号采集装置平台的快速、稳定、低功耗的在线阻抗测量方法。方法:在线阻抗测量的实现主要有两个关键技术:正弦信号恒流源和数字带通滤波器,都主要是采用软件的方式实现的。结果:单极性和双极性两种模式四组测量阻值的变异系数均不超过10%,测量值的稳定性较高,可以通过多次测量求平均值的办法来修正测量误差,修正后的误差明显优于修正之前的误差。结论:由单极性和双极性两种模式实际阻抗测量值可知,测量值能够准确反映电极与人体表皮的接触情况,此种方法稳定可靠。  相似文献   

Exposure to thermal environment is one of the main concerns for manned space exploration. By focusing on the works performed on thermoregulation at microgravity or simulated microgravity, we endeavored to review the investigation on space thermal environmental physiology. First of all, the application of medical requirements for the crew module design from normal thermal comfort to accidental thermal emergencies in a space craft will be addressed. Then, alterations in the autonomic and behavioral temperature regulation caused by the effect of weightlessness both in space flight and its simulation on the ground are also discussed. Furthermore, countermeasures like exercise training, simulated natural ventilation, encouraged drink, etc., in the protection of thermoregulation during space flight is presented. Finally, the challenge of space thermal environment physiology faced in the future is figured out.  相似文献   

Space flight experiments have suggested that microgravity can affect cellular processes in microorganisms. To simulate the microgravity environment on earth, several models have been developed and applied to examine the effect of microgravity on secondary metabolism. In this paper, studies of effects of space flight on secondary metabolism are exemplified and reviewed along with the advantages and disadvantages of the current models used for simulating microgravity. This discussion is both signi?cant and timely to researchers considering the use of simulated microgravity or space flight to explore effects of weightlessness on secondary metabolism.  相似文献   

本文采用生物阻抗分析法,研究了布朗族成人的体成分特点。我们在云南省测量了604例(男性248例,女性356例)布朗族成人19项身体成分指标,运用Excel 2003、Spss 19.0对其各项指标进行统计分析。结果显示,男性全身脂肪分布特征为躯干和下肢的脂肪率都大于上肢脂肪率,女性脂肪率从大到小依次为下肢、躯干、上肢;男、女性双侧下肢脂肪率和肌肉量接近,左上肢肌肉量低、脂肪率高;布朗族男性的身高、体质量、肌肉量、推定骨量、总能量代谢、水分率、内脏脂肪等级均大于女性,而体脂率、BMI小于女性。随着年龄的增长,布朗族成人身体肌肉量、骨量、下肢脂肪率、能量代谢等呈明显下降,而内脏脂肪等级明显增加。与云南汉族比较,布朗族成人的体脂率较低、肌肉较发达。  相似文献   

A 10-week feeding trial was conducted to study the effect of feeding level and dietary lysine concentration on growth, protein and lysine retention, and body composition in juvenile turbot. Maintenance requirement for lysine and the efficiency of lysine utilisation were determined as well. Two experimental diets were formulated based on fishmeal or wheat gluten as main protein sources, containing 6.4 g (Diet A, control) and 4.5 g lysine per 100 g CP (Diet B), respectively. Diets were fed once daily at six feeding levels (per day 0.3%, 0.6%, 0.9%, 1.2%, and 1.5% of body weight [BW] and ad libitum) to a total of 432 fish of 48 g initial BW. No differences in the growth parameters were observed between diets at the same feeding level, except a lower feed to gain ratio (p < 0.05) at the highest feeding level at Diet B. Whole-body composition was not affected by diet, whereas muscle protein concentration was significantly lower for fish fed Diet B. Amino acid concentration in whole-body protein was affected by dietary treatment and fish fed Diet B showed lower concentrations of all essential amino acids. In fish muscle protein, lysine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine concentrations were significantly lower in Diet B. Efficiency of lysine utilisation for growth (klys) was determined by linear regression analysis and amounted for 0.69 for Diet B. The maintenance lysine requirement defined at zero lysine retention was 6.5 mg · kg?0.8 · d?1. Lysine intakes at zero protein retention were 13.0 mg and 12.9 mg · kg?0.8 · d?1 for Diet A and B, respectively. Growth and nutrient retention were similar for both diets and, therefore, a lysine deficiency in Diet B did not occur. In conclusion, a proportion of 330 g wheat gluten per kg feed did not influence growth performance and maintenance requirement for lysine in juvenile turbot. However, the effect of diet composition on the amino acid profile of body protein might be relevant for the derivation of the amino acid requirement from protein retention.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a relativistic electron beam in the vicinity of an injector in the form of a spherical conducting body in a space plasma is considered. An equation describing the radial evolution of a steady electron beam with a self-similar density profile in the electric field of the injector is formulated. A method for calculating the radial evolution of a relativistic electron beam in the vicinity of an injector is developed. The method is based on the numerical integration of a set of ordinary differential equations for the beam radius and field potential in the space charge region under the relevant boundary conditions at the injector surface. Results are presented from numerical simulations of the radial dynamics of an electron beam in the vicinity of a spherical screen system for neutralizing the electric charge carried away by the beam. The numerical results show that the electric field of the injector hastens the beam expansion.  相似文献   

Female dystrophic mice (mdx on C57 Black background) gained weight more rapidly than age-matched controls and had a higher body fat content (% body weight), a slightly lower protein content and a reduced mass of muscle. Chronic treatment (21 d) of the mice with the 2-agonist clenbuterol stimulated weight gain in both genotypes without affecting energy intake. Clenbuterol increased the mass of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscle by 13% and 29% in normal and dystrophic mice, respectively, and raised body protein but depressed body fat. Body water and energy content were unaffected by clenbuterol, but the ratio of protein to fat in the carcasses was enhanced by 17% in normal and 56% in dystrophic mice following clenbuterol treatment. Thus, the 2-agonist restored the body composition of dystrophic mice to normal and enhanced the protein to fat ratio in both these and normal mice.  相似文献   

Water influx rates (WIR) measured with tritiated water dilution were compared with direct measures of water and energy intake in glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus). Total body water (TBW) measured isotopically was also compared with TBW determined by body composition analysis (BCA) of the same birds. Seventeen wild gulls were captured and studied in outdoor enclosures at Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, in July 2002. Gulls were hand-fed known quantities of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) or given water on the basis of one of four experimental treatments: (A) fasting, (B) fish only, (C) water only, or (D) fish and water. Water and energy content of Arctic cod was also determined. WIR of gulls (after subtracting metabolic water production) in treatments A, B, C, and D were 0, 101 +/- 5, 62 +/- 19, and 122 +/- 21 SD g d(-1), respectively. Measured water intake in each group was 0, 111 +/- 2, 64 +/- 3, and 134 +/- 15 SD g d(-1), respectively. On average, WIR underestimated measured water intake in each group. Errors were lowest but most variable for gulls fed water only (-2.2% +/- 32.8%) compared with gulls fed fish only (-9.0% +/- 5.4%) or fish and water (-9.0% +/- 7.0%). Compared with measured water intake, errors in WIR were relatively low overall (-6.9% +/- 17.4%) and comparable to previous validation studies. The difference in TBW determined by BCA versus isotopic dilution ranged between -1.02% and +8.59% of mass. On average, TBW measured isotopically (632 +/- 24 g kg(-1)) overestimated true body water by a factor of 1.033.  相似文献   

Relationships for estimating body lipids, energy and proteins from the deuterium-oxide (D2O) diffusion space have been determined using 38 dry, pregnant or lactating ewes. The animals were fed as usual and had free access to water up to slaughter. They were injected with deuterium-oxide in the morning, half an hour to 3 hours after being fed the whole daily ration or half of it. Blood samples were collected between 1 and 24 h after injection. The deuterium-oxide content of blood water was determined by infra-red spectrophotometry. The ewes were slaughtered 24 h after injection and their body water, protein, ash and energy were chemically determined. Different blood samples were used to measure the deuterium-oxide diffusion space (theoretical initial concentration Co method). The closest relationship between measured body water (ECM) and D2O diffusion space (ECD2O) was found when the blood sample collected 8 h after injection was discarded. Ewe body composition was estimated using a linear relationship in which ewe body weight and D2O diffusion space were two independent variable (relationship number 5). The best ewe body weight to use was the weight measured at injection time. The estimation of body lipid was significantly affected by physiological status when slaughter weight and true body water, measured at slaughter, were used. The effect of this physiological status decreased when the water content of the digestive tract was taken into account and it was no longer significant when the water content of the uterus and conceptus was considered. Body composition could always be predicted by estimating the water content; the standard error was nearly 1.4 kg. However, the method was not accurate enough to obtain a significant effect of physiological status on lipid estimation. Thus, at present we have proposed identical equations for dry, pregnant or lactating ewes.  相似文献   

粗毛纤孔菌子实体化学成分   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
采用多种层析分离手段从粗毛纤孔菌子实体甲醇提取物中分离得到麦角甾醇、7(8),22(23)-二烯-3-酮-麦角甾烷、(22E,24R)-5α,8α-过氧麦角甾-6,22-二烯-3β-醇、4,6,8(14),22(23)-四烯-3-酮-麦角甾烷、齿孔酸、Hispidin、Hispolon、次黄嘌呤核苷、InoscavinC和原儿茶酸10个单体化合物;通过气质联机分析,黄色油状物鉴定为12个脂肪酸衍生物、2,6,10,15,19,23-六甲基菠菜烯和二十二烷。  相似文献   

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