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Questions: Does the invasive alien Hedychium gardnerianum (1) replace native understory species, (2) suppress natural regeneration of native plant species, (3) increase the invasiveness of other non‐native plants and (4) are native forests are able to recover after removal of H. gardnerianum. Location: A mature rainforest in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park on the island of Hawai'i (about 1200 m a.s.l.; precipitation approximately 2770 mm yr?1). Study sites included natural plots without effects of alien plants, ginger plots with a H. gardnerianum‐dominated herb layer and cleared plots treated with herbicide to remove alien plants. Methods: Counting mature trees, saplings and seedlings of native and alien plant species. Using non‐parametric H‐tests to compare impact of H. gardnerianum on the structure of different sites. Results: Results confirmed the hypothesis that H. gardnerianum has negative effects on natural forest dynamics. Lower numbers of native tree seedlings and saplings were found on ginger‐dominated plots. Furthermore, H. gardnerianum did not show negative effects on the invasive alien tree species Psidium cattleianum. Conclusions: This study reveals that where dominance of H. gardnerianum persists, regeneration of the forest by native species will be inhibited. Furthermore, these areas might experience invasion by P. cattleianum, resulting in displacement of native canopy species in the future, leading to a change in forest structure and loss of other species dependent on natural rainforest, such as endemic birds. However, if H. gardnerianum is removed the native Hawaiian forest is likely to regenerate and regain its natural structure.  相似文献   

Forest mycorrhizal type mediates nutrient dynamics, which in turn can influence forest community structure and processes. Using forest inventory data, we explored how dominant forest tree mycorrhizal type affects understory plant invasions with consideration of forest structure and soil properties. We found that arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) dominant forests, which are characterised by thin forest floors and low soil C : N ratio, were invaded to a greater extent by non‐native invasive species than ectomycorrhizal (ECM) dominant forests. Understory native species cover and richness had no strong associations with AM tree dominance. We also found no difference in the mycorrhizal type composition of understory invaders between AM and ECM dominant forests. Our results indicate that dominant forest tree mycorrhizal type is closely linked with understory invasions. The increased invader abundance in AM dominant forests can further facilitate nutrient cycling, leading to the alteration of ecosystem structure and functions.  相似文献   

Most invading alien plants affect native biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In a field survey, we assessed the impact of the invasive shrub Prunus laurocerasus on the native vegetation and soil properties in suburban deciduous forests in the region of Basel, Switzerland. We installed four pairs of plots in patches of P. laurocerasus and in adjacent not invaded areas in each of twelve forest areas. Native species richness, Shannon-diversity and species composition of the ground vegetation and shrub layer were assessed in each plot. Furthermore, in each plot we measured physical and soil chemical characteristics, enzyme activities and the carbon source utilization pattern of the soil microbial community using Ecoplates™. The maximum age of P. laurocerasus in each plot was determined using tree ring analysis, indicating the time elapsed since the invasive plant has established. A lower native plant species richness in both the ground vegetation and shrub layer was observed in plots with presence of P. laurocerasus. A different species composition of the ground vegetation was also found among plots with and without the invasive shrub. Plots invaded by P. laurocerasus had a lower soil moisture content than control plots. The intensity, diversity and substrate richness of the carbon sources were increased in soil from invaded plots compared to soil in control plots. However, the chemical soil characteristics examined and the activities of enzymes were not influenced by the invasive plant. The effects of P. laurocerasus became more pronounced with the time elapsed since the invasive plant has established. Thus, the removal of young P. laurocerasus individuals would be an appropriate management practice for this invasive shrub species.  相似文献   

Ligustrum lucidum is the major exotic tree in NW Argentina montane forests (Yungas). To assess the effects of its expanding invasion on avian communities we (1) measured different habitat properties (vertical forest structure and composition, vegetation cover, light availability, air temperature, air relative humidity and soil litter depth), (2) compared bird species composition and diversity in Ligustrum-dominated and native-dominated secondary forests and (3) analyzed seasonal patterns and changes in these variables between forest types. The study was conducted during 2010–2011 wet and dry seasons, at two altitudinal zones: 500–800 and 1100–1450 masl. Compared with native forests, Ligustrum dominated forests had a more homogeneous vertical forest structure and denser canopy cover (resulting in lower understory solar radiation), significantly lower understory cover and lower litter depth. Air temperature and relative humidity did not differ between forests in either season. Solar radiation was higher in the dry season in both forest types, but litter depth showed opposite patterns between seasons depending on forest type. We recorded 59 bird species in 21 families. Bird species abundance, richness and diversity indexes were significantly lower in Ligustrum-dominated relative to native forests of similar successional age, which had almost twice as many species as the former. Avian communities differed between altitudinal zones, but the difference was stronger between Ligustrum and native-dominated forests. Avian community composition was less variable in time and space in native forests than in Ligustrum-dominated ones. Our results suggest that L. lucidum invasion generates structurally homogeneous and simpler forests that represent a less suitable habitat for a diverse avifauna. This illustrates the wide ecological changes (from habitat properties and ecosystem functioning to vertebrate community composition) that the subtropical mountain forests of Argentina are experiencing with this invasion.  相似文献   

The establishment and spread of non‐native, invasive shrubs in forests poses an important obstacle to natural resource conservation and management. This study assesses the impacts of the physical removal of a complex of woody invasive shrub species on deciduous forest understory resources. We compared leaf litter quantity and quality and understory light transmittance in five pairs of invaded and removal plots in an oak‐dominated suburban mature forest. Removal plots were cleared of all non‐native invasive shrubs. The invasive shrubs were abundant (143,456 stems/ha) and diverse, dominated by species in the genera Ligustrum, Viburnum, Lonicera, and Euonymus. Annual leaf litter biomass and carbon inputs of invaded plots were not different from removal plots due to low leaf litter biomass of invasive shrubs. Invasive shrub litter had higher nitrogen (N) concentrations than native species; however, low biomass of invasive litter led to low N inputs by litter of invasive species compared to native. Light transmittance at the forest floor and at 2 m was lower in invaded plots than in removal plots. We conclude that the removal of the abundant invasive shrubs from a native deciduous forest understory did not alter litter quantity or N inputs, one measure of litter quality, and increased forest understory light availability. More light in the forest understory could facilitate the restoration of forest understory dynamics.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of the invasive species Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle on the understory of the Fontainebleau forest, a peri-urban forest of Paris (France), by comparing invaded versus control plots. We performed floristic inventories in fixed plots around the base of A. altissima vs native trees in different habitat types of the forest. Our findings suggest that the understory vegetation is significantly poorer and more common under Aaltissima than under the other tree species and that the floristic composition is significantly different. Furthermore, the number of A. altissima root suckers growing in the plots was significantly negatively correlated with floristic richness. This effect can be attributed to both interspecific competition and allelopathic properties of A. altissima. These results give an estimate of the threat to biodiversity ascribed to A. altissima in the Fontainebleau forest.  相似文献   

In the South American temperate evergreen rainforest (Valdivian forest), invasive plants are mainly restricted to open sites, being rare in the shaded understory. This is consistent with the notion of closed-canopy forests as communities relatively resistant to plant invasions. However, alien plants able to develop shade tolerance could be a threat to this unique forest. Phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation are two mechanisms enhancing invasiveness. Phenotypic plasticity can promote local adaptation by facilitating the establishment and persistence of invasive species in novel environments. We investigated the role of these processes in the recent colonization of Valdivian forest understory by the perennial alien herb Prunella vulgaris from nearby populations in open sites. Using reciprocal transplants, we found local adaptation between populations. Field data showed that the shade environment selected for taller plants and greater specific leaf areas. We found population differentiation and within-population genetic variation in both mean values and reaction norms to light variation of several ecophysiological traits in common gardens from seeds collected in sun and shade populations. The colonization of the forest resulted in a reduction of plastic responses to light variation, which is consistent with the occurrence of genetic assimilation and suggests that P. vulgaris individuals adapted to the shade have reduced probabilities to return to open sites. All results taken together confirm the potential for rapid evolution of shade tolerance in P. vulgaris and suggest that this alien species may pose a threat to the native understory flora of Valdivian forest.  相似文献   

The understory is a diverse component of temperate forest ecosystems, contributing significantly to forest ecosystem services. Despite their importance, many native understories face stresses from current and past land use, habitat fragmentation, invasive species, and overabundant herbivores. We established a four block, three factor experiment to evaluate the relative contribution of native plant establishment, competitive effects from the invasive herb garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), and herbivory from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) to better understand the mechanisms promoting low native plant richness and cover and understory dominance by the biennial exotic herb garlic mustard in a NE Wisconsin, USA forest. Four years of garlic mustard removal failed to increase native plant richness or cover in non-restored plots. However, deer access and the introduction of native plants (restoration treatment) both significantly enhanced native plant cover and richness, with restored species cover in fenced plots approximately 216 % that of open-access plots, and the majority of these species flowered at significantly higher proportions inside of fenced areas. In contrast, deer access did not significantly alter the cover, or seed production of garlic mustard. We also found no significant effect of garlic mustard presence on the cover or flowering of restored native species. We conclude that multiple factors, including limited natural establishment by native species and selective herbivory drove low native, high exotic dominance at our site, suggesting that a shift in focus from invasive plant removal to combined native plant restoration and herbivore control is needed to maximize the recovery of this degraded forest understory.  相似文献   

A 10 year study of forest communities on Silhouette island, Seychelles demonstrates stability of forest composition in most areas over this time-scale. Areas with heavy invasion by alien species were found to be regenerating, particularly with the rapid loss of Clidemia hirta. This is attributed to the abundance of well-adapted native plants allowing competitive exclusion to take place, throughout competition for light. It was noted that invasive plant species tend to be unstable on the rocky slopes covered by native high forest. A high rate of tree fall and limited seed dispersal may reduce the impact of the invasive tree Paraserianthes falcataria in the future. Other species such as Cinnamomum verum and Psidium cattleianum may persist as major invaders due to wider seed dispersal.  相似文献   

The Mauritius Kestrel Falco punctatus, once the rarest kestrel worldwide, became an icon of bird conservation after it recovered from four to six individuals in 1974 to some 800 by 2005 following intense conservation management. Its population however then halved within about a decade prompting a re-evaluation of the IUCN status and up listing of the species in 2014 and an increased conservation attention. Drivers of this new decline are unclear and the influence of habitat structure and diet on breeding success may be important contributors but have received relatively little attention, particularly in the way they may interact to influence production of new fledglings. We address this knowledge gap by studying whether breeding success is influenced by habitat structure (in terms of cover of the invasive Ravenala in native habitats, an alien plant causing strong structural shift in the forests that it invades, and extent of cleared area), diet composition and food pass frequency (as a proxy for food intake) and food quality at 28 nests of a re-introduced kestrel population in south east Mauritius during the 2015–2016 breeding season. The kestrel’s diet comprised native and alien birds, reptiles, insects, and small alien mammals, with a disproportionately high proportion of Phelsuma gecko. A higher frequency of food provisioning and percentage cover of Ravenala both contributed to higher breeding success. Ravenala may increase gecko density or increase gecko detectability and predation by the kestrel, or both, while changed land use (pasture and sugar cane fields) may increase prey diversity in the form of non-forest prey known to be eaten by Kestrels (e.g. alien agamids, small mammals and birds). These prey related influences on breeding suggest that the Bambou mountain range provides a human-generated novel ecosystem altering food availability and increasing the kestrel’s breeding success. However, Ravenala is an invasive alien species harmful to the wider forest biodiversity. Progressive weeding of Ravenala and concurrent re-introduction and augmentation of native palms and Pandanus species which geckos can use at comparable densities to Ravenala, is recommended. This would likely improve the kestrel’s hunting habitat quality and maintain high gecko density or detectability and the vegetation structure required for hunting manoeuvrability and prey availability without the negative consequences of invasive Ravenala.  相似文献   

Fire tree (Morella faya) has invaded extensive areas of wet and mesic forest on the Island of Hawai’i, forming nearly monospecific stands. Our objective was to identify a method of controlling M. faya, which would allow native plants to establish while minimizing establishment by invasive plants. Treatments (logging all trees, trees left standing but girdled, and incremental girdling over 20 months) were selected to kill M. faya stands at different rates, thereby creating different conditions for species establishment. Leaf litter was either removed or left in place; seeds and seedlings of three native pioneer species, three native forest species, and three alien invasive species were then added to determine their ability to establish. Native pioneer species established best in the log and girdle treatments, whereas seedling emergence of native forest species was higher in the girdle and incremental girdle treatments. Seedlings of invasive species emerged faster than the natives, but each of them responded differently to the stand treatments. Leaf litter reduced seedling emergence for all species, with small‐seeded species (<1 mg/seed) affected most under low light conditions. No single method eliminated all invaders, but girdling of M. faya provided suitable conditions for most native species. If combined with selective removal of the most disruptive alien species and native seed additions, girdling could be an effective general strategy for restoring native forests that have been overwhelmed by woody invaders.  相似文献   

Background: Biological invasions are one of the major causes of biodiversity loss, yet remain rather understudied in tropical environments. The Australian palm tree Archontophoenix cunninghamiana was introduced into Brazil for ornamental purposes, but has become an invasive species in urban and suburban forest patches. The substitution of A. cunninghamiana by the native palm Euterpe edulis has been proposed as a management action.

Aims: We aimed to evaluate the regeneration potential of these two palm species in an Atlantic forest remnant in south-eastern Brazil where both species occur.

Methods: We compared seedling establishment and seed longevity of both species through seed sowing, and also measured the contribution of A. cunninghamiana to the local seed rain and seed bank.

Results: Nearly half of the non-anemochoric diaspores collected from the seed rain belonged to A. cunninghamiana, which represented a high propagule pressure in the community. The distribution of the alien palm seeds in the seed rain correlated with the distribution of nearby young and adult individuals inside the forest. Neither A. cunninghamiana nor E. edulis appeared to have a persistent seed bank in a burial experiment; seedling survival experiments suggested a much better performance for A. cunninghamiana, which had a survival rate of ca. 30% compared with a rate of only 3.5% for E. edulis.

Conclusions: The results suggest a higher regeneration capacity for the alien palm over the native species when co-occurring in a forest fragment. Management actions are thus proposed to reduce a potential biological invasion process.  相似文献   

In an ecosystem under simultaneous threat from multiple alien species, one invader may buffer the impact of another. Our surveys on a remote floodplain in the Kimberley region of north western Australia show that invasive chinee apple trees (Ziziphus mauritiana) provide critical refuge habitat for native rodents (pale field rats, Rattus tunneyi). Feral horses (Equus caballus) have trampled most of the remaining floodplain, but are excluded from the area around each chinee apple tree by thorny foliage. Although chinee apple trees constituted <10% of trees along our transects, they represented >50% of trees that harboured rat burrows. The mean number of burrows under each chinee apple tree was twice as high as under most other tree species, and we trapped more than seven times as many rats under chinee apple trees as under other types of trees. The extensive burrow systems under chinee apple trees contained female as well as male rats, whereas we only captured males around the smaller burrow systems under other tree species. Our data suggest that this invasive tree plays a critical role in the persistence of pale field rat populations in this degraded ecosystem, and that managers should maintain these trees (despite their alien origins) at least until feral horses have been removed.  相似文献   

Native vegetation is frequently replaced by alien plants on isolated oceanic islands. The effects of such replacements by invasive plants on the diversity and temporal dynamics of island-endemic insects remain unclear. We examined flying insect communities using Malaise traps on the small island of Nishi-jima in the oceanic Ogasawara Archipelago in the northwestern Pacific. On the island, an alien tree, Casuarina equisetifolia, has become dominant, occupying 57.3?% of the vegetation area. The species richness, composition, and abundance of pollinators (bees), predators (wasps), and wood-boring beetles (cerambycids, mordellids, and elaterids) were compared in each summer season of 4?years among three vegetation types: C. equisetifolia forest, natural forest, and grassland. In the traps, 82.3?% of species captured were endemic to the archipelago. The grassland harbored the highest species richness of native bees and wasps, whereas the natural forest had the highest species richness of native wood-boring beetles. The C. equisetifolia forest had the poorest species richness for most insect groups. Principal response curves indicated that differences in species composition among the three vegetation types were consistent through time for all insect groups. Most insect species were more abundant in natural forest or grassland than in C. equisetifolia forest. Standard deviations in both the numbers of individuals and species estimated under a Bayesian framework suggested that annual fluctuations of abundance and species density were similar among vegetation types (except for elaterid abundance). Therefore, replacement by C. equisetifolia has likely altered insect species composition but has not necessarily dramatically affected the temporal dynamics of insect assemblages on the island.  相似文献   

Abstract. Piper aduncum is a neotropical invasive species which has spread throughout Papua New Guinea over the past three decades. It has become a most successful alien woody plant in New Guinea, occurring from sea level up to 2000 m a.s.l. The species prefers initial stages of forest succession and is particularly common in recently abandoned gardens representative of a system of swidden agriculture. It often attains high cover, suppresses other pioneer species and becomes the absolute dominant species in these habitats. The species is now also spreading into naturally disturbed habitats far from direct human influence, such as natural tree‐fall gaps, landslides and frequently flooded stream banks. It has, however, never been found in a closed primary forest. The species germinates from faeces of mammal and bird species, and we conclude that dispersal through endozoochory contributes to this species’ extraordinary success in Papua New Guinea. A similar invasion behaviour has been documented over a large geographic area, from Malaysia to Fiji. Piper aduncum has attributes which are common amongst successful invasive species: (1) a large native geographic range; (2) aggressively colonizing disturbed habitats in its native area; (3) relatively small seeds; (4) a short juvenile period; (5) a large seed production every year.  相似文献   

Restoration by natural successional processes after removal of perturbations may not be feasible for many degraded ecosystems. Controlling major ecological threats such as non‐native ungulates is often a critical first step toward restoring native communities but past degradation, interactions with alien species and abiotic features may create conditions requiring additional intervention to ensure effective conservation. We monitored a series of fenced plots within diverse mesic forest on western Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands from 1998 to 2005 to determine the effects of ungulate removal on native and alien plant species. Relative to unfenced control plots, germination of seedlings and frequency of understory species of both native and alien species increased in the fenced plots. Density of both native and alien canopy and understory species declined more in unfenced than fenced plots, but density of native species declined more than alien species density in both fenced and unfenced plots. In fenced plots, the frequency of larger alien woody species and cover of an alien, mat‐forming fern species increased over time, indicating that fencing may encourage alien species that could interfere with regeneration of native species. Our study suggests that effective conservation of this and other remnant native Hawaiian forests will require both ungulate exclusion, removal of alien plant species with especially detrimental effects on native species, and proactive restoration programs for native species without natural sources of propagules. As the effects of invasive species continue to escalate, continental ecosystems lacking high endemism may also require similar interventions to preserve their biodiversity.  相似文献   

Kumar  Mukesh  Garkoti  Satish Chandra 《Plant Ecology》2021,222(6):723-735

Across the continents, plant invasion is identified as one of the main threats to ecosystem functioning and stability. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the differences in the functional traits between invasive alien (Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) and Lantana camara L.) and native (Berberis asiatica Roxb. Ex DC., Pyracantha crenulata (D. Don.) M. Roemer and Rubus ellipticus Sm.) shrub species of chir pine (Pinus roxburghii Sarg.) forest in the central Himalaya. Three 0.5 hectare chir pine forest stands were selected and individuals of similar diameter were tagged for comparative studies of leaf traits, growth pattern, and biomass accumulation in structural organs of each invasive alien and native species. Our one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test results showed that both the invasive alien species have significantly (p?<?0.05) higher SLA, LWC, total chlorophyll content, foliar nutrient (N and P), RGR, LMR, SMR, nutrient uptake, and nutrient use efficiencies than native species. Leaf litter decomposition rate and nutrient release were also significantly (p?<?0.05) higher in both the invasive alien species. Native species, R. ellipticus, shared some of the traits, such as leaf area, chlorophyll content, RGR, LAR, LMR, and nutrient uptake efficiency with invasive alien species. The majority of traits differed among invasive alien and native species, implying that the success of invasive alien species is best described by being functionally distinct from native species. These findings indicate that invasive alien species had advanced functional traits which may be playing an important role in a rapid spread in the central Himalaya.


The gradual increase in reforested areas worldwide, as a strategy for mitigating native forest loss, has stressed the need of assessing their real value as habitat for native species. Forest plantations, particularly those based on native species, could be valuable for conservation purposes, especially in heavily fragmented and disturbed ecosystems. We evaluated the value of a monoculture of a native tree species, the Andean alder (Alnus acuminata), for the conservation of avifauna in the Central Andes region, which is considered a bird species diversity hotspot but also suffers from high anthropogenic disturbance levels. Our results suggest that alder plantations are valuable for conservation from three points of view: (1) they have similar or greater bird species richness and abundance than secondary native forests; (2) low community similarities are found between this type of forest compared to secondary forest stands (with 27 species exclusive to alder plantations); and (3) three near threatened species (Odontophorus hyperythrus, Eriocnemis derbyi, and Cyanolyca viridicyanus). Further, 27 out of the 85 species found at the alder plantations were of least concern but showing decreasing population trends. While forest plantations do not replace native forests, they offer habitat for many bird species, some of them being of conservation concern (i.e., included in an IUCN threat category) or with decreasing populations. Hence establishing native species plantations among native forest remnants – especially in heavily fragmented landscapes – could have a positive effect in the conservation of threatened avifauna.  相似文献   

We surveyed ants in 16 forest remnants in the Vallès lowlands north of Barcelona, Spain: eight with invasive exotic ants (IE = Linepithema humile and/or Lasius neglectus) present, seven with native parasitic ants (P = Lasius meridionalis, Lasius carniolicus, Plagiolepis xene, Chalepoxenus muellerianus, and/or Polyergus rufescens) present, and one remnant with both invasive exotic and parasitic ants present. Forest remnants with IE ants were smaller, more isolated, had greater perimeter/area, lower ant species density, and lower ant species richness than remnants with P ants. The community composition was also significantly different, with greater dissimilarity within remnants with alien, invasive species. The presence of some species is bio-indicator of low disturbance, whereas others are indicative of high disturbance. Our findings underscore the value of different types of ants as bio-indicators of fragmentation and habitat quality.  相似文献   

Although interactions between alien and native plant species are well studied, data on interactions between two co-existing alien species with respect to their invasibility are scarce. The aims of this study were (1) to evaluate three factors shaping abundance of the alien shrub species Cornus alternifolia: abundance of another alien (invasive) shrub species (Prunus serotina), type of tree stand (coniferous vs. broadleaved) and distance to propagule sources and (2) to assess the potential dispersal distance of the species studied. Densities of both species were assessed within 194 experimental plots (located in experimental plantations of trees) in Rogów Arboretum (Central Poland). P. serotina occurred on 79 and C. alternifolia on 33 of the 194 plots. The furthest distance of C. alternifolia from the propagule source was 338 m. C. alternifolia reached higher densities in coniferous than broadleaved tree stands. Density of C. alternifolia depended on tree stand type and distance from the propagule source, but did not depend on density of P. serotina. Density of C. alternifolia decreased with increasing distance from the propagule source; however, this relationship was modified by the type of tree stand: densities were lower in broadleaved than in coniferous stands. The presence of the invasive species seems to neither facilitate nor limit the dispersal distance of C. alternifolia, as these two species differ in shade tolerance. The study also provided the first information about C. alternifolia potential invasiveness, because earlier this species was noticed only as casually escaping from cultivation in Slovakia.  相似文献   

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