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The term ‘idiobiont’ refers to those parasitoid species that permanently paralyse their hosts during parasitism, causing the cessation of host growth and development. This is in contrast to koinobiont parasitoids, which allow their hosts to continue developing after being parasitized. While no koinobiont species induce permanent paralysis in their hosts, a minority of koinobionts induce a temporary paralysis that does not interfere with overall host growth and development. We characterized transient paralysis induction in two koinobiont aphid parasitoids in the genus Binodoxys (Hymenoptera: Aphidiinae). Both Binodoxys species induced transient paralysis in Aphis glycines, with paralysis time ranging between 4.5 and 8 min (depending upon parasitoid species and host instar). In a separate experiment, B. communis was capable of inducing transient paralysis in nine aphid species. We addressed two hypotheses potentially explaining the adaptive value of temporary host paralysis in experiments using A. nerii, which is readily accepted but engages in strong defensive behaviour. The first hypothesis is that paralysis increases oviposition success by interfering with host defences and the second is that it aids in the avoidance of self-superparasitism. Paralysed aphids were more likely to be rejected by B. communis than were aphids that had never been stung or that had recovered from paralysis. This result supports the avoidance-of-self-superparasitism hypothesis and is inconsistent with the hypothesis that transient paralysis increases oviposition success of B. communis.  相似文献   

The success of an invasive plant species could be explained by trade-off between growth and defence. The aim of this paper was to explore the responses of two non-native aquatic macrophytes Elodea canadensis and Elodea nuttallii to herbivores in their introduced range. We assessed the palatability of the two phylogenetically close aquatic plant species in field and their responses to gammarid consumption in spring, summer and autumn in a microcosm experiment. We measured the variation of functional traits for each season. The traits selected were those judged most closely related to the allocation of resources to growth or to resistance against herbivores. We clearly established that the strategies of the two species were different and that their consumption rate differed in summer. In summer, E. canadensis allocated more of its resources to structural defence (leaf toughness). The increase in leaf thickness reduced the palatability of E. canadensis, whereas E. nuttallii stimulated its growth. Moreover, a decrease in dry matter content in E. nuttallii was found during the growing season in field. In autumn, both plant species accumulated nitrogen and phosphorus in their tissues. We also demonstrated that neither species induced efficient chemical defences against the herbivores. The different strategies of these two Elodea species could be explained by their different resident times in the introduced area and by an adaptation of the naturalised E. canadensis to herbivores.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The fleas Xenopsylla conformis and Xenopsylla ramesis exploit the same rodent host, Meriones crassus , and replace each other between two different habitats situated at the opposite sides of a steep precipitation gradient. It was hypothesised that the reason for this paratopic distribution is competition between larvae of the two species for food resources.
2. This hypothesis was tested by studying the performance of larvae of the two species in terms of their developmental success in mixed-species and single-species treatments under different air temperatures, relative humidities, substrate textures, and food abundance.
3. The number of individuals of X. conformis that survived until emergence depended significantly on the presence of competing species, being, in general, lower in mixed-species compared with single-species treatments. The decrease in developmental success of X. conformis in mixed-species treatments was found mainly during food shortage. In contrast, presence of the competitor did not affect the number of X. ramesis that survived until emergence. No effect of the presence of the competitor on duration of development or sex ratio was found in either species.
4. The results of this study, together with the results of our previous studies, provide an explanation for the paratopic distribution of X. conformis and X. ramesis that exploit the same host species.  相似文献   

Knowledge on interspecific pre‐ and post‐zygotic isolation mechanisms provides insights into speciation patterns. Using crosses (F1 and backcrosses) of two closely related flea beetles species, Altica fragariae and A. viridicyanea, specialized on different hosts in sympatry, we measured: (a) the type of reproductive isolation and (b) the inheritance mode of preference and host‐specific performance, using a joint‐scaling test. Each species preferred almost exclusively its host plant, creating strong prezygotic isolation between them, and suggesting that speciation may occur at least partly in sympatry. Reproductive isolation was intrinsic between females of A. fragariae and either A. viridicyanea or F1 males, whereas the other crosses showed ecologically dependent reproductive isolation, suggesting ecological speciation. The genetic basis of preference and performance was at least partially independent, and several loci coded for preference, which limits the possibility of sympatric speciation. Hence, both ecological and intrinsic factors may contribute to speciation between these species.  相似文献   

  • Plant galls are abnormal growths caused by an inducer that determines their morphology and anatomy. We qualitatively and quantitatively compared the histological anatomy of five aphid species (Paracletus cimiciformis, Forda marginata, Forda formicaria, Baizongia pistaciae and Geoica wertheimae) that induce galls in Pistacia terebinthus shrubs growing in Israel. We also quantitatively compared these galls to those that the aphids create on the same host in Spain.
  • Histological study was conducted following methods described previously by the authors.
  • Quantitative differences among the galls were found in five of 12 common anatomical traits: gall thickness, stomatal number in the epidermis‐air, size of vascular bundles, distance of phloem ducts from the lumen and number of intraphloematic schizogenous ducts. Other structures were particular to one or some species: number of cracks in the epidermis–lumen, a sclereid layer, trichomes and microcrystal inclusions. Fisher's tests of combined probabilities showed that the galls induced in Israel were statistically different from those in Spain. In particular, the number of intraphloematic schizogenous ducts was higher in the galls induced in P. terebinthus in Israel. Such differences were also found in other traits related to defence of the gall inhabitant.
  • In conclusion, while the gall shape and size are determined mainly by the cecidogenic insect, it seems that the host plant also plays an important role in determining the number/size of quantitative traits, in this case mainly protective structures.

  • Several studies have suggested reasons why galls have conspicuous colours, but none of the ideas have been confirmed. However, what if the vibrant colours of some galls are explained simply by the effect of light exposure? This may lead to anthocyanin accumulation, functioning as a defence mechanism against the effects of high light.
  • We studied the globoid galls induced by Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) on Qualea parviflora (Vochysiaceae), relating anthocyanin accumulation and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters to light incidence in abaxial and adaxial galls. We also tested if the anthocyanin accumulation patterns apply to another Cecidomyiidae‐induced gall morphotype (intralaminar) within the same plant.
  • Adaxial galls are exposed to higher incident light, with more anthocyanin accumulation and therefore red coloration. In galls from angled leaves, the greater the angle of the leaf, the higher the difference between anthocyanins on the sun and shade sides of galls. Photosynthetic pigment concentrations did not differ between abaxial and adaxial galls. However, we found higher (Fm′ ? F′)/Fm′ and Fv/Fm in the abaxial galls. Conversely, NPQ and Rfd were higher in adaxial galls. Finally, the pattern of anthocyanin accumulation was not found in the intralaminar gall.
  • Anthocyanin accumulation in galls functions as a photoprotective strategy, maintaining tissue vitality in regions exposed to high light conditions. However, this mechanism may vary even among galls within the same host, indicating idiosyncrasy when it comes to coloration in galls. To date, this is the first study to demonstrate quantitatively why the galls of a specific species may be coloured: the variation in light regimes creates differential anthocyanin accumulation, influencing coloration.

Positive sense single-stranded RNA viruses undergo three mutually exclusive processes to replicate within a cell. These are translation to produce proteins, replication to produce RNA viral genomes, and packaging to form virions. The allocation of newly synthesised viral genomes to these processes, which can be regarded as life-history traits, may be subject to natural selection for efficient reproduction. Here, we develop a mathematical model of the process of intracellular viral replication to study alternative strategies for the allocation and reallocation of viral genomes to these processes. We explore four cases of the model: (1) Free Movement, in which viral genomes can freely be allocated and reallocated among translation, replication and packaging; (2) Unidirectional Reallocation, in which allocation occurs freely but reallocation can only proceed from translation to replication to packaging; (3) Conveyor Belt, in which viral genomes are first allocated to translation, then passed on to replication and finally to packaging; and (4) Permanent Allocation in which new genomes are allocated to the three processes but not reallocated between them. We apply this model to hepatitis C virus and study changes in the production of virus as the rates of allocation and reallocation are varied. We find that high viral production occurs when allocation and reallocation of the genome are weighted towards the translation and replication processes. The replication process in particular is favoured. The most productive strategy is a form of the Free Movement model in which genomes are allocated entirely to the replication-translation cycle while allowing some genomes to be packaged through reallocation.  相似文献   

Populations of the dinoflagellate Dinophysis norvegica in the Baltic Sea and in the adjacent North Sea are infected by the endoparasite Amoebophrya sp. The high diversity recently unveiled within the genus Amoebophrya brings uncertainty about their identities. We applied molecular biology techniques--18S rDNA sequencing and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)--to compare this host-parasite system from both environments. The North Sea Amoebophrya sp. 18S rDNA sequence was 89% identical to the previously described Baltic Sea Amoebophrya sp. sequence, suggesting they are different species. In spite of that, a phylogenetical analysis placed the North Sea parasite sequence in a well-supported cluster with other Amoebophrya sp. sequences. The D. norvegica 18S rDNA sequences from both environments were 100% identical, indicating that the hosts have not evolved independently. A DNA probe designed for the Baltic Sea Amoebophrya sp. 18S rRNA was used in FISH assays on infected D. norvegica populations from both environments. The probe stained all infected cells from the Baltic sample, whereas none from the North Sea were stained. The results indicate that D. norvegica is released from one parasite when entering the Baltic Sea, and become less infected by an alternative parasite species.  相似文献   

Trade-offs and the evolution of host specialization   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Summary Trade-offs in performance on different hosts are thought to promote the evolution of host specificity by blocking host shifts. Yet, in contrast, most experiments using phytophagous insects have shown performance on alternative hosts to be uncorrelated or positively correlated. Recent quantitative genetic models based on mutation—selection balance indicate that underlying constraints on the simultaneous maximization of different components of fitness may not always generate negative genetic correlations. We suggest an alternative or additional explanation for the lack of observed negative genetic correlations. If performance is polygenically controlled and some performance loci possess only antagonistically pleiotropic alleles, then the expression of trade-offs in performance will vary over time in populations. Consequently, a trade-off will be seen only in populations that have adapted to two hosts and are at or close to genetic equilibrium. Therefore, studies testing performance on a novel as compared with a normal host will generally yield non-negative genetic correlations between performance on the two hosts. The results of published studies are consistent with the predictions of this hypothesis.  相似文献   

In the context of complex systems and, particularly, of protein folding, a physically meaningful distance is defined which allows to make useful statistical statements about the way in which energy differences are modified when two different instances of the same potential-energy function are used. When the two instances arise from the fact that different algorithms or different approximations are used, the distance herein defined may be used to evaluate the relative accuracy of the two methods. When the difference is due to a change in the free parameters of which the potential depends on, the distance can be used to quantify, in each region of parameter space, the robustness of the modeling to such a change and this, in turn, may be used to assess the significance of a parameters' fit. Both cases are illustrated with a practical example: the study of the Poisson-based solvation energy in the Trp-Cage protein (PDB code 1L2Y).  相似文献   

Summary The present paper deals with the reaction of two closely related species of Argemone L., A. mexicana L. and A. ochroleuca Sweet, to its own density in pure stands and a comparison of this with its reaction to the density of the associated species. The results of the pure culture studies indicate that whilst each of the two species reacted to an increase in its own density by higher mortality and a striking reduction in vegetative and reproductive growth, A. mexicana was more susceptible to intraspecific effect than A. ochroleuca. On the other hand, mixed culture studies indicated that A. mexicana was more successful when in competition with A. ochroleuca. Further, that species which was in a majority in the mixture suffered most compared to the minority species. Such a density dependent differential behaviour in pure stands and frequency dependent differential behaviour in mixed cultures along with the reversal in superiority of the two species in pure and mixed cultures was considered to be responsible for the cohabitation of the two species and their relative population sizes in nature.  相似文献   

Amino acid budgets in three aphid species using the same host plant   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. Nutrient provisioning in aphids depends both on the composition of ingested phloem sap and on the biosynthetic capabilities of the aphid and its intracellular symbionts. Amino acid budgets for three aphid species, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) and Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), were compared on a single host plant species, wheat Triticum aestivum L. Ingestion of amino acids from phloem, elimination of amino acids in honeydew, and the content of amino acids in aphids tissue were measured. From these values, ingestion rates were estimated and compared to honeydew and to estimated composition of aphid proteins. Ingestion rate was lowest in D. noxia due to low growth rate and low honeydew production; intermediate in S. graminum due to higher growth rate and intermediate honeydew production; and highest in R. padi , which had the highest rates for both variables. Both D. noxia and S. graminum induced increases in the amino acid content of ingested phloem. These changes in phloem content, combined with differences in ingestion rates, resulted in large differences among aphids in estimated rates of ingestion of individual amino acids. In honeydew, most essential amino acids were found in low amounts compared with the amounts ingested, especially for methionine and lysine. A few amino acids (arginine, cystine, histidine and tryptophan) were more abundant in honeydew of some aphids, suggesting oversupply. Aphid species differed in the composition of free amino acids in tissue but showed very similar composition in protein, implying similar requirements among the aphids. In R. padi and D. noxia , most essential amino acids were ingested in amounts insufficient for growth, implying dependence on symbiont provisioning. In S. graminum , most amino acids were ingested in amounts apparently sufficient for growth.  相似文献   

1. Hyssopus pallidus Askew (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) is a gregarious ectoparasitoid of the two tortricid moths species Cydia molesta Busck and C. pomonella L. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). It paralyses and parasitizes different larval instars of both species inside the apple fruit, which leads to the death of the caterpillar. 2. We assessed the influence of host species characteristics and host food on the performance of the parasitoid female in terms of clutch size decisions and fitness of the F(1) generation. 3. A comparison of clutch size revealed that female parasitoids deposited similar numbers of eggs on the comparatively smaller C. molesta hosts as on the larger C. pomonella hosts. The number of parasitoid offspring produced per weight unit of host larva was significantly higher in C. molesta than in C. pomonella, which is contrary to the general prediction that smaller hosts yield less parasitoid offspring. However, the sex ratio was not influenced by host species that differed considerably in size. 4. Despite the fact that less host resources were available per parasitoid larva feeding on C. molesta caterpillars, the mean weight of emerging female wasps was higher in the parasitoids reared on C. molesta. Furthermore, longevity of these female wasps was neither influenced by host species nor by the food their host had consumed. In addition we did not find a positive relationship between adult female weight and longevity. 5. Parasitoid females proved to be able to assess accurately the nutritional quality of an encountered host and adjust clutch size accordingly. These findings indicate that host size is not equal to host quality. Thus host size is not the only parameter to explain the nutritional quality of a given host and to predict fitness gain in the subsequent generation.  相似文献   

In this paper we test the following two hypotheses: (1) that apparently conspecific samples of the cleptoparasitic beeCoelioxys funeraria, differing markedly in size and reared from different host species, do indeed represent one panmictic population; (2) that bees that nest in holes in wood or twigs have higher levels of genetic variation than those nesting in the ground. Based upon 41 loci, the genetic differences between the two samples ofC. funeraria could be explained entirely in terms of sampling error. In contrast, the sympatricC. moesta showed 16 fixed allelic differences from theC. funeraria samples. Similarly, the two hosts ofC. funeraria, Megachile relativa andM. inermis, had 21 fixed allelic differences between them out of 42 presumptive gene loci. Heterozygosities among the wood-nesting bees were not particularly high for Hymenoptera, ranging from 0.045 to 0.054. Comparisons of heterozygosity estimates among bees remain ambiguous as to whether soil nesting confers sufficient environmental buffering effects to reduce possible advantages of heterosis in ground-nesting species.  相似文献   

Brant SV  Ortí G 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(10):2853-2859
We describe the genetic structure of populations of the intestinal nematode Longistriata caudabullata (Trichostrongyloidea: Heligmosomidae), a common parasite of short-tailed shrews (genus Blarina, Insectivora: Soricidae). Parasites and hosts were collected from a transect across a contact zone between two species of hosts, Blarina brevicauda and B. hylophaga, in central North America. An 800-base pairs (bp) fragment of the ND4 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene was sequenced for 28 worms and a 783-bp fragment of the mtDNA control region was analysed for 16 shrews. Phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA sequences revealed reciprocal monophyly for the shrew species, concordant with morphological diagnosis, and supported the idea that the transect cuts through a secondary contact zone between well-differentiated B. brevicauda and B. hylophaga. In contrast to this pattern, the parasitic nematode mtDNA phylogeny was not subdivided according to host affiliation. Genealogical discordance between parasite and host phylogenies suggests extensive gene flow among parasites across the host species boundary.  相似文献   

The two sibling species Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa assulta utilise the same two aldehydes as their sex pheromones, but in opposite ratios. In both species three odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) can be classified as pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs). To investigate the role of these three PBPs in chemical communication between sexes and their mode of action, we have expressed the proteins in bacteria and prepared mutants lacking their C-terminal regions. Using polyclonal antibodies we found that the expression of the three PBPs is basically confined to the antennae of both sexes and both species. Binding experiments with the fluorescent probe N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine across a pH range indicated that, the affinity of wild-type proteins decreases at low pH, while that of the mutants is not or less affected, suggesting that a conformational change of the C-terminus occurs in these proteins, as reported for other lepidopteran OBPs. All three proteins bind with similar strength both pheromone components, as well as their corresponding alcohols and acetates. However, they exhibit significant selectivity to linear alcohols and aldehydes of different length, with optimal affinities to the ligand of 13-15 carbon atoms for PBP1 and 12-14 carbon atoms for PBP2. We suggest that all three PBPs might cooperate to build a unique olfactory image, that could help avoiding cross-mating between the two species and with other noctuids.  相似文献   

The complexes of hymenopterous parasitoids of two rose tortricids Pardia tripunctata Schiff. and Notocelia roborana Den. & Schiff. are compared. P. tripunctana supports a parasitoid complex of only few but well adapted species. The two dominant ones, Glypta similis Bridg. and Campoplex sp. (near mutabilis Hlgr.), (Ichneumonidae), are ecological homologues. Their competitive coexistence is rendered possible by means of counterbalanced competition: The polyphagous species Campoplex sp. is intrinsically superior. At the level of extrinsic competition, however, the specialist Glypta similis is the dominant species because of its superior searching efficiency: it is able to recognise the host plant, to exploit a great proportion of the host population and to discriminate against previously parasitized hosts.The parasitoid complex of N. roborana on the other hand is more diverse. The dominant species are also ecological homologues but are polyphagous and host alternating. They show no behavioural response to competition. Their coexistence seems to be rendered possible only by temporal segregation.The different parasitoid systems may be explained as follows:The larvae of P. tripunctana are well protected inside the shoot tips and, though highly predictable, are always rare. Parasitoids therefore had to increase searching efficiency and competitive ability. In this way a simple complex of well adapted species evolved.The larvae of N. roborana are more common and less protected. A more diverse parasitoid system could become established consisting of less adapted species with low competitive ability.
Zusammenfassung Die Parasitenkomplexe von zwei Rosenwicklern Pardia tripunctana und Notocelia roborana werden verglichen.Im falle von P. tripunctona liegt ein artenarmer Komplex aus gut angepaßten Arten vor. Die beiden dominanten Arten (Glypta similis, Campoplex sp.) sind ökologisch stellenäquivalent, ihre Koexistenz wird durch Alternative Wettbewerbsstrategien gefördert: Im Fall von Multiparasitismus wird die Larve des Spezialisten G. similis von seinem Konkurrenten ausgeschaltet; im Adultstadium dagegen ist G. similis aufgrund ihres hochentwickelten Suchvermögens konkurrenzüberlegen: sie besitzt Diskriminierungsvermögen, kann die Pflanze ihres Wirts erkennen und kann wegen des langen Legebohrers einen großen Teil der Wirtspopulation ausbeuten.Der Parasitenkomplex von N. roborana dagegen ist reichhaltiger und besteht aus Generalisten. Die beiden dominanten Arten (Apanteles sp., Diadagma praerogator) sind ebenfalls ökologisch stellenäquivalent, aber polyphag und wirtswechselnd. Als einziger Mechanismus zur Stabilisierung der Koexistenz wurde zeitliche Einnischung gefunden.Es wird vermutet, daß die unterschiedlichen Parasitoid Systeme folgendermaßen erklärt werden können.Die Larvendichten von P. tripunctana sind immer niedrig. Die Tiere leben innerhalb der Schößlingsspitzen und sind daher gut geschützt. Parasitoide mußten daher Suchfähigkeit und Konkurrenzkraft maximieren. Auf diese Weise entwickelte sich ein einfacher Komplex aus gut angepaßten Arten.Die Larven von N. roborana dagegen sind häufiger und weniger geschützt; es konnte sich daher ein artenreicher Komplex von generalisten mit geringer Konkurrenzkraft etablieren.

Meylin types with different protein components in the same species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Myelin was isolated from bovine optic nerve, cerebral white matter, spinal cord white matter and peripheral nerve (intradural spinal roots). The freeze-dried myelin completely dissolved in phenol-formic acid-water (14:3:3, w/v/v), and acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the myelin proteins was performed with this solvent. Qualitative and quantitative differences were observed in the myelin proteins from the various regions of the CNS. Myelin of peripheral nerve contained proteins that are apparently unique to it and which are not found in the myelin of the CNS.  相似文献   

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