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Weexamined the effects of fertilization on the diversity, abundance, and cover ofthe understory plant community of two montane wet forests in Hawaii. One siteoccupies a young substrate, where aboveground tree growth is limited bynitrogen(N), while the other site is on an older substrate, where aboveground treegrowth is limited by phosphorus (P). Both sites contained an on-going,long-termfactorial fertilization experiment in which plots were fertilized semi-annuallywith N, P, or N and P in combination. In each fertilization treatment, wemeasured density of species 0.5 m tall and percent cover ofspecies <0.5 m tall. Fertilization with N reducedspeciesrichness at the young, N-limited site, but none of the nutrient additionsaltered species richness at the older, P-limited site. Species diversity andevenness were not affected by fertilization at either site. At the site withlowN availability, plots fertilized with NP had higher densities of the non-nativeginger Hedychium gardnerianum, and at the site with lowP-availability, densities of the exotic shrub Rubusargutuswere higher in P- and NP-fertilized plots. Other effects included declines inmoss cover with fertilization at both sites, and reduced abundance of nativeseedlings in response to N and NP addition at the N-limited site. Continuedlong-term fertilization could lead to greater dominance of non-native speciesbyencouraging their growth at the expense of native species, which may sufferdecreased recruitment as fertilization and increased abundance of thenon-nativespecies may reduce suitable substrates for seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Co-occurring invasive plant species (invaders hereafter) and natives receive similar or even the same environmental selection pressures. Thus, the differences in functional traits between natives and invaders have become widely recognized as a major driving force of the success of plant invasion. Meanwhile, increasing amounts of acid are deposited into ecosystems. Thus, it is important to elucidate the potential effects of acid deposition on the functional traits of invaders in order to better understand the potential mechanisms for the successful invasion. This study aims to address the differences in functional traits between native red amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor L.; amaranth hereafter) and invasive redroot pigweed (A. retroflexus L.; pigweed hereafter) under simulated acid deposition with a gradient of pH levels. Pigweed was significantly taller than amaranth under most treatments. The greater height of pigweed can lead to greater competitive ability for resource acquisition, particularly for sunlight. Leaf shape index of pigweed was also significantly greater than that of amaranth under all treatments. The greater leaf shape index of pigweed can enhance the efficiency of resource capture (especially sunlight capture) via adjustments to leaf shape and size. Thus, the greater height and leaf shape index of pigweed can significantly enhance its competitive ability, especially under acid deposition. Acid deposition of pH 5.6 significantly increased amaranth leaf width in the co-cultivation due to added nutrients. The pH 4.5 acid deposition treatment significantly increased the specific leaf area of amaranth in the monoculture compared with the pH 5.6 acid deposition treatment and the control. The main mechanism explaining this pattern may be due to acid deposition mediating a hormesis effect on plants, promoting plant growth. The values of the relative competition intensity between amaranth and pigweed for most functional traits were lower than zero under most treatments. Thus, competitive performance arose in most treatments when the two species were grown together. This may be due to the enhanced competitive intensity under interspecific coexistence. However, the values of the relative competition intensity of the leaf functional traits between amaranth and pigweed were all higher than zero under the pH 5.6 simulated acid deposition treatment. Thus, interspecific facilitation occurs when the two species are co-cultivated under the pH 5.6 simulated acid deposition treatment. This may be due the positive nutritional effects induced in the pH 5.6 simulated acid deposition treatment.  相似文献   

Light is a key factor influencing competition between species, and the mechanisms by which trees overcome insect outbreaks can be associated with alternation of the leaves structure, which then prevent or promotes their susceptibility to herbivores. It was predicted that leaf tissue anatomy would likely be different in sun and shade leaves, with a gradual decline of leaves resistance coupled with reduction of accessible light. We quantified anatomical patterns and the distribution of defence compounds (phenols, total tannins, catechol tannins) within heavily grazed leaves of Prunus padus, native in Europe and Prunus serotina, an invasive to Central Europe. Both species were strongly attacked by folivorous insects when shrubs grew in the shade. In the sun, however only P. padus leaves were grazed, but P. serotina leaves were almost unaffected. We identified that anatomical characteristics are not linked to different P. padus and P. serotina leaf vulnerability to insects. Furthermore, the staining of defence compounds of P. serotina leaves grown in full sun revealed that the palisade mesophyll cells had a higher content of phenolic compounds and catechol tannins. Thus, our results indicate that a specific distribution of defence compounds, but not the anatomical relationships between palisade and spongy mesophyll, may be beneficial for P. serotina growth outside its natural range. The identified pattern of defence compounds distribution is linked to a lower susceptibility of P. serotina leaves to herbivores, and is associated with its invasiveness. This likely reflects that P. serotina is a stronger competitor than P. padus, especially at high sunlit sites i.e. gaps in the forest.  相似文献   

Question: Is there a light level at which alien grass biomass is reduced while still supporting growth and survival of native woody species, allowing for native species regeneration in abandoned pastures? Location: Island of Hawaii, USA. Methods: In a two‐part study we examined the effect of light availability on common native woody and alien grass species found in secondary forests in Hawaii. A field survey was conducted to examine the relationship between light availability and canopy type (open pasture, planted canopy and secondary forest) on understory grass biomass and litter accumulation. We then experimentally manipulated light levels to determine the effect of light availability on growth and survival of six native woody species and three alien grasses. Low‐light (5%), medium‐light (10%) and high‐light (20‐30%) treatments were created using shade structures erected beneath the existing secondary koa canopy. Results: In the field survey, alien grass biomass was greatest under the open pasture and lowest in the secondary forest. There was a positive correlation between understory light availability and alien grass biomass. In the experimental study, large reductions in relative growth rates were documented for all of the grass species and four of the six woody species under the lowest light level. Although growth at 5% light is substantially reduced, survival is still high (84‐100%), indicating that these species may persist under closed canopy. Conclusion: Low‐light conditions result in the greatest reduction in alien grass biomass while creating an environment in which native woody species can grow and survive.  相似文献   

This study compared litter production, litter decomposition and nutrient return in pure and mixed species plantations. Dry weight and N, P, K, Ca, Mg quantities in the litterfall were measured in one pure Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation (PC) and two mixed-species plantations of C. lanceolata with Alnus cremastogyne (MCA) and Kalopanax septemlobus (MCK) in subtropical China. Covering 6 years of observations, mean annual litter production of MCA (4.97 Mg·ha−1) and MCK (3.97 Mg·ha−1) was significantly higher than that of PC (3.46 Mg·ha−1). Broadleaved trees contributed 42% of the total litter production in MCA and 31% in MCK. Introduction of broadleaved tree species had no significant effect on litterfall pattern. Total litterfall was greatest in the dry season from November to March. Nutrient returns to the forest floor through leaf litter were significantly higher in both MCA and MCK than in PC (P < 0.05). The amounts of N, K, and Mg returned to the forest floor through leaf litter were highest in the MCA, and P and Ca returns were highest in the MCK. Percent contribution of broadleaf litter to total nutrient returns ranged from 41.7% to 86.9% in MCA and from 49.3% to 74.8% in MCK. The decomposition rate of individual leaf litter increased in the order: C. lanceolata < K. septemlobus < A. cremastogyne. Litter mixing had a positive effect on decomposition rate of the more recalcitrant litter and promoted nutrient return. Relative to mass loss of A. cremastogyne decomposing alone, higher mass loss of the mixture of C. lanceolata and A. cremastogyne was observed after 330 days of decomposition. These results indicate that mixed plantations of different tree species have advantages over monospecific plantations with regards to nutrient fluxes and these advantages have relevance to restoration of degraded sites. Responsible Editor: Alfonso Escudero.  相似文献   

Alien species are often a major threat to native species. We consider optimal conservation strategies for a population whose viability is affected both by an alien species (such as a competitor, a predator, or a pathogen) and by random fluctuations of the environment (e.g. precipitation, temperature). We assume that the survivorship of the native population can be improved by providing resources such as food and shelter, and also by an extermination effort that decreases the abundance of the alien species. These efforts decrease the extinction probability of the native population, but they are accompanied by economic costs. We search for the optimal strategy that minimizes the weighted sum of the extinction probability and the economic costs over a single year. We derive conditions under which investment should be made in both resource-enhancement and extermination, and examine how the optimal effort levels change with parameters. When the optimal strategy includes both types of efforts, the optimal extermination effort level turns out to be independent of the density and economic value of the native species, or the variance of the environmental fluctuation. Furthermore, the optimal resource-enhancement effort is then independent of the density of the alien species. However, the parameter dependencies greatly change if one of the efforts becomes zero. We also examine the situation in which the impact of the alien species is uncertain. The optimal extermination effort increases with the uncertainty of this impact except when the cost of extermination is very high.  相似文献   

Roadsides may homogenize the distribution of native species and act as corridors for the spread of alien taxa. We examined the variation in native and alien plant species richness and composition at two spatial scales defined by altitude and habitat type (edges and fill slopes), as well as the relationship between native and exotic species richness in roadside plant communities in mountains from central Argentina. Following a gradient from 1100 to 2200 m a.s.l. along a mountain road, plant species cover was recorded within sample plots of 30 m × 10 m systematically located at 100‐m altitude intervals on both roadside habitats. Although native species richness decreased with altitude and composition changed accordingly, the number of alien species peaked at both extremes of the elevation gradient and did not reflect an altitudinal replacement of chorological groups. The number of both native and alien species was higher in roadside edges, but a negative association between the richness of native and alien species occurred only on fill slopes, suggesting that roadside habitats differ in their susceptibility to plant species colonization and in the mechanisms driving native and alien species richness. Our results highlight the importance of altitude and roadside habitat as factors controlling plant species richness and composition along roadside communities in central Argentina. Although altitude acts as a filter for native plants, it apparently did not constrain the establishment of alien species along the studied roadsides, indicating that the influence of this road as a plant species corridor may increase with time, promoting the opportunities for aliens to expand their current distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract: We tested the hypothesis that shrub canopies interact with monthly rain pulses to control litter decomposition in a sandy Monte desert, in Argentina. We assessed (i) the potential for litter decomposition of soils beneath the canopies of two dominant shrub species (Larrea divaricata and Bulnesia retama, Zygophyllaceae R. Br.) and from bare‐ground microsites or ‘openings’; (ii) litter decomposition at different spatial patches over the summer rainy season; and (iii) the interaction between vegetation patches and monthly rain pulses on short‐term litter decomposition, or decomposition pulses. In a greenhouse experiment, we found buried litter decomposition to be higher in soils from under the canopies of a dominant shrub species compared with soils from openings and sterilized controls. This, and higher nutrient concentration under shrub soils, suggest undercanopy soils may support a microbial community capable of decomposing litter at higher rates than soils in bare openings. However, ?eld trials showed that shrub patches did not affect leaf litter decomposition over the rainy season, at least for short periods. We found an interaction between shrub patches and incubation time at the end of the ?eld experiment, with higher litter decomposition rates under B. retama canopies. In a monthly ?eld experiment, we found monthly rain pulses signi?cantly explained decomposition pulses, irrespective of patch type. Our ?ndings support the hypothesis that shrub soils have a greater potential for litter decomposition, but this is not directly translated to the ?eld possibly due to interactions with abiotic factors. Rain pulses create conditions for decomposition pulses to occur at shorter time scales, whereas rainfall may interact with a dominant shrub undercanopy to control litter mass loss over longer time scales.  相似文献   

桂西北喀斯特区原生林与次生林凋落物量及其降解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
凋落物量及其降解速率在养分循环尤其碳循环中起着至关重要的作用。本文比较了桂西北喀斯特区3种原生林(圆果化香、大叶蚊母树和青檀)与3种次生林(圆叶乌桕、八角枫和黄荆)凋落物量及其降解特征。结果发现,在所有原生林与次生林中,叶凋落量占总凋落物量的80%左右,且与降雨量呈负相关,降雨量最少的旱期凋落物量最大。除大叶蚊母树外,次生林的总凋落物量及养分归还量大于原生林。凋落物降解90d后,大叶蚊母树的质量损失最小,有87.6%未分解。经过1年的降解,质量损失最大的为圆果化香,仅剩余49.5%未降解。圆叶乌桕凋落物含N量最高,降解最快;大叶蚊母树凋落物量最高,降解最慢;而圆叶乌桕凋落物养分含量高,降解速率快。因此,圆叶乌桕是喀斯特区退化土地植被重建与土壤养分修复较好的选择。  相似文献   

桂西北喀斯特区原生林与次生林凋落叶降解和养分释放   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凋落叶降解及养分释放研究对喀斯特生态脆弱区森林生态系统的恢复与重建具有重要指导意义。本文选取桂西北喀斯特区3种原生林与3种次生林进行比较,研究其凋落叶降解与降解过程中的营养元素释放规律以及降解速率的影响因子。结果表明,原生林凋落叶的降解速率略大于次生林。C、N、K元素在前180天释放速率较快,随后趋于稳定。次生林凋落叶总P含量在降解初始阶段呈净积累,随后净释放,而原生林的凋落叶在降解360天后仍呈现P素净积累。相关分析表明,凋落叶降解速率与凋落叶初始总N、木质素含量及木质素:N比值呈负相关,与C:N比呈正相关。综合比较发现,次生林圆叶乌桕(Sapium rotundifolium Hemsl)凋落叶的降解速率与养分释放速率较快,是喀斯特退化土地及植被恢复过程中潜在的优势种和建群种。  相似文献   

周景钢  李林  魏识广 《生态学报》2024,44(2):699-711
群落特征可能取决于物种在功能实体功能特征的独特组合(FE)中的分布。了解这些分布是保护生物多样性和维持生态系统功能的基础。鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林群落物种丰富,根据物种的多度来区分常见种(每hm2超过一个个体)和偶见种(每hm2少于一个个体)。基于功能实体,分别计算功能实体数量、功能冗余度、功能脆弱度和功能过度冗余度来描述每个样方中常见种和偶见种的功能多样性。采用Wilcoxon检验检测常见种和偶见种功能性状的差异,通过线性回归分析常见种和偶见种的功能多样性与物种数量的关系,采用冗余分析(RDA)影响常见种和偶见种的功能多样性的环境因子。研究结果表明:(1)鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林群落中功能性状在常见种和偶见种间差异显著。(2)群落中数量较低的偶见种保持着较高比例的功能实体数量。功能实体数量、功能冗余度与常见种和偶见种数量显著正相关,功能过度冗余度与偶见种数量显著正相关,功能脆弱度与常见种和偶见种的物种数量呈显著负相关。(3)海拔是影响常见种功能多样性最关键的地形因子,凹凸度是影响偶见种功能多样性最关键的地形因子。土壤含水量是影响常见种功能多样性最关键的土壤因子,速效钾是影响偶见种功能多样性最关键的环境因子。研究结果表明,尽管物种丰富的热带森林具有较高的功能冗余,但其提供的保险效应不能抵消生态系统的功能脆弱性。减少具有独特功能实体和偶见种的损失是避免热带森林生态系统功能损失的有效和必要的方法。  相似文献   

Understanding the responses of invasive and native populations to environmental change is crucial for reliable predictions of invasions in the face of global change. While comparisons of responses across invasive species with different life histories have been performed before, comparing functional traits of congeneric native and invasive species may help to reveal driving factors associated with invasion. Here we compared morphological functional trait patterns of an invasive species (Impatiens parviflora) with its congeneric native species (I. noli-tangere) along an approximately 1600 km European latitudinal gradient from France (49°34′N) to Norway (63°40′N). Soil nitrogen was recorded during six weeks of the growing season, and light, soil moisture, and nutrient availability were estimated for each sampled population using community weighted means of indicator values for co-occurring species. Temperature data were gathered from nearby weather stations.Both the native and invasive species are taller at higher latitudes and this response is strongest in the invasive species. Seed mass and number of seeds per capsule increase in I. noli-tangere but decrease in I. parviflora towards higher latitudes. Surprisingly, plant height in the invasive I. parviflora decreases with increasing soil nitrogen availability. The latitudinal pattern in seed mass is positively related to temperature in I. noli-tangere and negatively in I. parviflora. Leaf area of both species decreases with increasing Ellenberg indicator values for nitrogen and light but increases with increasing soil moisture. Soil nitrogen concentrations and Ellenberg indicator values for nitrogen have significant positive (I. noli-tangere) and negative (I. parviflora) effects on the number of seeds per capsule. Our results show that the native I. noli-tangere has efficient reproduction at its range edge while the invasive I. parviflora shows a marked decrease in seed size and seed number per capsule. These patterns are unrelated to the growth and obtained size of the plants: even low soil nitrogen availability in the north seemed not to limit plant growth and size. Our results suggest that the invasive I. parviflora tends to become more invasive at lower latitudes by producing heavier seeds and more seeds per capsule.  相似文献   

The putative ectomycorrhizal fungal species registered from sporocarps associated with ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir forests in their natural range distribution (i.e., western Canada, USA, and Mexico) and from plantations in south Argentina and other parts of the world are listed. One hundred and fifty seven taxa are reported for native ponderosa pine forests and 514 taxa for native Douglas-fir forests based on available literature and databases. A small group of genera comprises a high proportion of the species richness for native Douglas-fir (i.e., Cortinarius, Inocybe, and Russula), whereas in native ponderosa pine, the species richness is more evenly distributed among several genera. The comparison between ectomycorrhizal species richness associated with both trees in native forests and in Patagonia (Argentina) shows far fewer species in the latter, with 18 taxa for the ponderosa pine and 15 for the Douglas-fir. Epigeous species richness is clearly dominant in native Douglas-fir, whereas a more balanced relation epigeous/hypogeous richness is observed for native ponderosa pine; a similar trend was observed for Patagonian plantations. Most fungi in Patagonian Douglas-fir plantations have not been recorded in plantations elsewhere, except Suillus lakei and Thelephora terrestris, and only 56% of the fungal taxa recorded in Douglas-fir plantations around the world are known from native forests, the other taxa being new associations for this host, suggesting that new tree + ectomycorrhizal fungal taxa associations are favored in artificial situations as plantations.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of soil nutrient availability and tissue chemistry on decomposition of both fine roots (<2 mm diameter) and leaves in three sites along a forest chronosequence in the Hawaiian Islands. These sites form a natural fertility gradient, with the youngest and oldest sites having lower nutrient availability than the intermediate-aged site. Nitrogen (N) limits aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) in the youngest site, while phosphorus (P) limits ANPP in the oldest site. Both root and leaf litter decomposed most slowly in the 4.1-Myear-old site. We also investigated root decomposition in fertilized plots at the youngest and oldest sites; when roots were produced and decomposed in fertilized plots, root decomposition rates increased with N and P additions at the 4.1-Myear-old site. At the 300-year-old site, however, root decomposition rates did not respond to N or P additions. Roots decomposed faster than leaves at the more infertile sites, in part because of lower lignin-to-nitrogen ratios in roots than in leaf litter. Decomposing roots immobilized more nutrients than did decomposing leaves, and may serve an important role in retaining nutrients in these forests. Received: 30 November 1998 / Accepted: 12 August 1999  相似文献   

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