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Summary Immunization with the tumor-specific transplantation antigens (TSTA) of experimental, chemically induced sarcomas engenders specific host resistance to challenge with viable, homotypic neoplastic cells. The strength of tumor resistance depends upon the physical state of the TSTA used for immunization. Treatment with 105–106 irradiated tumor cells, a 2-log dose range, induces complete rejection of neoplastic challenges, while immunization within a 1-log dose range with crude 3 M KCl or with 2.5% butanol extracts containing TSTA evokes a weak state of resistance characterized by decreased outgrowth of tumor challenges, but not neoplastic regression. The reduced immunogenicity may be due to either contamination with substances that antagonize host resistance, for example by induction of suppressor cells, or an intrinsic limitation by virtue of the molecular properties of extracted compared with cell-surface TSTA. MCA-F and MCA-D, two noncross-reactive fibrosarcomas induced in C3H/HeJ mice with 3-methylcholanthrene, were employed to compare the relative immunogenic activity of intact tumor cells, 2.5% butanol extracts, and materials sequentially purified by preparative isoelectric focusing (pIEF), preparative isotachophoresis (pITP), and high performance gel permeation chromatography (HPGPC). Immunoprotective TSTA activity purified 50,000-fold by this protocol extended the effective dose range by four to five logs: 15 pg to 1.5 g MCA-F or 1 pg to 10 ng MCA-D antigen-induced specific host resistance. However, despite the appreciable purification of TSTA, immunization with extracted materials only delayed neoplastic outgrowth. They induced neither immediate rejection nor only temporary progression of transplanted tumor cells. Thus, purified TSTA preparations by themselves lack the immunogenic properties of intact cells that result in maximal induction of tumor resistance.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) isolated from Legionella species was found to be a potent adjuvant. When Legionella LPS was injected into animals as aqueous mixture or oil emulsion with protein antigens, it potentiated humoral antibody titers to these antigens by four- to sixfold. The LPS also acted as an intrinsic adjuvant to induce delayed hypersensitivity to the cross-reacting protein antigens present in cells of Legionella species, providing a potentially useful means for detecting legionellosis by skin test. The adjuvanticity of Legionella LPS was comparable in potency to Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra in Freund's complete adjuvant. However, Legionella LPS caused much less tissue inflammation and appeared to function differently in some aspects.  相似文献   

Many new vaccines under development consist of rationally designed recombinant proteins that are relatively poor immunogens unless combined with potent adjuvants. There is only one adjuvant in common use in the U.S., aluminum phosphate or hydroxide (e.g. alum). This adjuvant, however, has significant limitations, particularly regarding the generation of strong cell-mediated (T-cell) immune responses. A novel adjuvant, JVRS-100, composed of cationic liposome–DNA complexes (CLDC) has been evaluated for immune enhancing activity. The JVRS-100 adjuvant has been shown to elicit robust immune responses compared to CpG oligonucleotides, alum, and MPL adjuvants, and efficiently enhances both humoral and cellular immune responses. Safety has been evaluated in preclinical studies, and the adjuvant is now in early-stage clinical development. One application of this novel adjuvant is to augment the immune responses to recombinant subunit antigens, which are often poorly immunogenic. The JVRS-100 adjuvant, when combined with a recombinant influenza hemagglutinin (H1), elicited increased specific antibody and T-cell responses in mice. Single-dose vaccination and prime/boost vaccinations with JVRS-100-H1 were both shown to be protective (i.e., survival, reduced weight loss) following H1N1 (PR/8/34) virus challenge. Enhanced immunological responses could be critically important for improved efficacy and dose-sparing of a recombinant influenza vaccine.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the UV-associated antigens present on tumors induced in mice by chronic UV irradiation could be induced by in vitro irradiation of cells that were already tumorigenic, or whether their occurrence was associated with the primary neoplastic transformation event. Cells of a nonantigenic, spontaneous fibrosarcoma cell line were exposed to UV radiation in vitro, were cloned, and were tested for antigenic properties. A large number of the clones obtained after UV irradiation of the fibrosarcoma cells were highly antigenic (20 of 39), whereas clones derived from unirradiated cultures were not (0 of 10). The antigenic variants did not induce cross-protection among themselves, but induced only variant-specific immunity in vivo. Several antigenic variants were tested for susceptibility to the action of UV-induced suppressor cells, which seem to recognize a common determinant shared among UV-induced tumors. The variants tested were indeed subject to the activity of the UV-induced suppressor lymphocytes. These results demonstrate that the unique antigenic properties exhibited by UV-induced murine skin cancers are also exhibited by cells exposed to UV radiation in vitro. In addition, they imply that the UV-associated antigens arise as a consequence of exposing cells to UV radiation and that they can occur independently of an initial neoplastic transformation event.  相似文献   

Due to their capacity to induce primary immune responses, dendritic cells (DC) are attractive vectors for immunotherapy of cancer. Yet the targeting of tumor Ags to DC remains a challenge. Here we show that immature human monocyte-derived DC capture various killed tumor cells, including Jurkat T cell lymphoma, malignant melanoma, and prostate carcinoma. DC loaded with killed tumor cells induce MHC class I- and class II-restricted proliferation of autologous CD8+ and CD4+ T cells, demonstrating cross-presentation of tumor cell-derived Ags. Furthermore, tumor-loaded DC elicit expansion of CTL with cytotoxic activity against the tumor cells used for immunization. CTL elicited by DC loaded with the PC3 prostate carcinoma cell bodies kill another prostate carcinoma cell line, DU145, suggesting recognition of shared Ags. Finally, CTL elicited by DC loaded with killed LNCap prostate carcinoma cells, which express prostate specific Ag (PSA), are able to kill PSA peptide-pulsed T2 cells. This demonstrates that induced CTL activity is not only due to alloantigens, and that alloantigens do not prevent the activation of T cells specific for tumor-associated Ags. This approach opens the possibility of using allogeneic tumor cells as a source of tumor Ag for antitumor therapies.  相似文献   

Haemophilus ducreyi, the chancroid-causing bacterium, produces lipooligosaccharides (HdLOS) that comprise 5–11 partially sialylated monosaccharides. Subcutaneous immunisation of mice with 5 μg of HdLOS purified from H. ducreyi strains 4438 and 7470 induced high levels of anti-HdLOS IgG. The antibody responses displayed T-cell-independent features, and were dependent upon Toll-like receptor 4/MyD88 signalling pathways as demonstrated using knockout mice. The immunogenicity of HdLOS was found to require the intact lipid A moiety. The specificity studies of the anti-HdLOS antibodies, as revealed by absorption studies, antibody detection in ELISA, and immune thin-layer chromatography, indicated that the majority of the anti-LOS antibodies were specific for the inner core of the HdLOS. Antibodies to HdLOS failed to inhibit LOS induction of TNF-α release from human mononuclear cells. The adjuvanticity of HdLOS7470 was assessed in BALB/c mice that were immunised with bovine serum albumin (BSA) with or without the addition of HdLOS. The addition of 5 μg HdLOS resulted in a 10-fold increase in the total anti-BSA IgG antibody level as estimated by ELISA. The highest increase was noted for IgG2b, which contrasted with the predominantly IgG1 subclass response to immunisation with BSA alone, indicating an immunomodulatory activity of the HdLOS.  相似文献   

CTL lines were established in vitro by stimulating patient lymphocytes with autologous melanoma cells in the presence of IL-2. Resulting CTL lines lysed autologous melanoma and failed to lyse several allogeneic melanomas or K562. The mechanism of target cell recognition by autologous tumor-specific CTL was evaluated in this system, using several CTL lines: DT6, DT105, DT141, DT166, DT169, and DT179. Autologous melanoma lysis was inhibited by W6/32, mAb directed against HLA class I Ag, but not by L243, mAb directed against HLA class II Ag. CTL from DT6, DT141, DT166, DT169, and DT179 lysed fresh and cultured allogeneic melanomas, which shared the HLA-A2 Ag, but failed to lyse allogeneic melanomas, which shared B-region or C-region Ag, or shared no HLA class I Ag. CTL from DM141 lysed DM93, which shared A2 and Bw6, but failed to lyse DM105, which shared only Bw6. DM105 CTL failed to lyse allogeneic melanomas that shared HLA-A1, or that shared B or C region Ag, but they did lyse allogeneic melanoma DM49, which expressed an A region Ag that either was A10 or was serologically cross-reactive with A10. A T cell leukemia line, three EBV transformed B cell lines, and a pancreatic cancer line, all of which expressed HLA-A2, were not lysed by DM6 or DM179 CTL. Furthermore, HLA-matched nonmelanomas failed to inhibit autologous tumor lysis in cold target inhibition assays, whereas an HLA-A2+ allogeneic melanoma, DM93, inhibited autologous tumor lysis as effectively as the autologous tumor itself. HLA-A2, and possibly other HLA-A-region Ag, appear to function in HLA-restricted recognition of shared melanoma associated Ag by CTL.  相似文献   

Antigen preparations extracted from C3H/HeJ methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcomas by the 3M KCl extraction procedure were assessed for tumor-specific and allospecific antigenicity. Specificity of crude tumor antigen preparations and of fractions from preparative isoelectric focusing was investigated by evocation of footpad swelling (FPS) in syngeneic mice immunized with irradiated fibrosarcoma cells. Tumor immune mice displayed delayed hypersensitivity as positive FPS responses to challenge with 3M KCl extract and with fraction (Fr) 15 (pH 5.7 to 6.0) from preparative isoelectrically focused 3M KCl extract. Crude extracts and Fr 15 exhibited immunoprotective activity in vivo. Immune mice demonstrated a specific FPS response only to crude antigen preparations of Fr 15 from immunizing tumors, not to materials from a noncross-reactive neoplasm. DBA/2J mice immunized with C3H/HeJ spleen cells displayed FPS to challenge with crude antigen preparations, but not with the tumor-specific Fr 15. Alloantigen activity, however, was detected by a positive FPS response in C3H-immune DBA mice in fractions from the pH range 5.1 to 5.5. These experiments demonstrated that the FPS assay provides the setting for detection of specific delayed hypersensitivity responses to crude and fractionated tumor antigen preparations and for delineation of tumor-specific and histocompatibility antigen activities in fractions from crude extracts.  相似文献   

The accuracy of radioimmunoassay (RIA) has been much improved for sea-squirt antigen Gi-x, which is considered to be of higher molecular weight than antigen Ei-M, by using radiolabeled Gi-x as a tracer. Gel chromatography monitored by the improved RIA revealed a wide distribution of molecular weight of Gi-x type antigens, in contrast to Ei-M. However, since a considerable portion of the anti-genic activity gave a single peak in gel chromatography with Sepharose 6B, the substance in the peak fractions was isolated as a fairly homogeneous preparation and referred to as Gi-rep. Gi-rep showed distinct characteristics of Gi-x type antigens and was clearly discriminated from Ei-M by radioimmunometry in vitro. The in vitro observation also suggested that Gi-rep and Ei-M carried a common antigenic determinant (type alpha), but that Ei-M also carried a specific determinant (type beta). The weight-average molecular weights were 1.1 x 10(5) for Gi-rep and 2.3 x 10(4) for Ei-M. Both preparations consisted of acidic glycoproteins with considerable amounts of sulfate and phosphate.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the complexity of a unique tumor-specific transplantation antigen expressed by the murine ultraviolet light-induced fibrosarcoma 1591-RE. This tumor is highly immunogenic and is regularly rejected by normal mice. We have derived a cloned cytolytic T cell line showing a reactivity pattern representative of the cytolytic response of the host rejecting this regressor tumor. Using this T cell line (anti-A), variants of 1591-RE (1591-A-) were selected in vitro that had lost the same antigen as progressor variants of 1591-RE selected by the host in vivo. The in vitro derived variant was then used to generate a second T cell clone (anti-B) that recognized an antigen on the parental tumor that had been retained by the variants derived in vitro. Host-selected progressor variants were also found to have retained this antigen. By selecting for variants in vitro from the parental tumor with the anti-B T cell line, it was shown that the two different antigens (A and B) present on the parental tumor were lost independently of each other. Despite the independence of these two antigens, the host T cell response to the parental regressor tumor was invariably restricted to only the "immunodominant" A antigen.  相似文献   

The present review contains information concerning immunobiological properties of plague microbe antigens. All of the identified antigens are evaluated in relation to pathogenicity of Yersinia pestis namely a resistance to phagocytosis, toxicity, adhesiveness etc. as well as persistence ability and adaptation to variable environment. In addition, the role of antigens in immunogenicity of living plague microbe for experimental animals is considered. The data concerning mechanisms of antigenic contribution to the development of adaptive immunity are presented.  相似文献   

Most studies of Lactococcus lactis as delivery vehicles of pneumococcal antigens are focused on the effectiveness of mucosal recombinant vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae in animal models. At present, there are three types of pneumococcal vaccines: capsular polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccines (PPV), protein-polysaccharide conjugate pneumococcal vaccines (PCV) and protein-based pneumococcal vaccines (PBPV). Only PPV and PCV have been licensed. These vaccines, however, do not represent a definitive solution. Novel, safe and inexpensive vaccines are necessary, especially in developing countries. Probiotic microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are an interesting alternative for their use as vehicles in pneumococcal vaccines due to their GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status. Thus, the adjuvanticity of Lactococcus lactis by itself represents added value over the use of other bacteria, a question dealt with in this review. In addition, the expression of different pneumococcal antigens as well as the use of oral and nasal mucosal routes of administration of lactococcal vaccines is considered. The advantages of nasal live vaccines are evident; nonetheless, oral vaccines can be a good alternative when the adequate dose is used. Another point addressed here is the use of live versus inactivated vaccines. In this sense, few researchers have focused on inactivated strains to be used as vaccines against pneumoccoccus. The immunogenicity of live vaccines is better than the one afforded by inactivated ones; however, the probiotic-inactivated vaccine combination has improved this matter considerably. The progress made so far in the protective immune response induced by recombinant vaccines, the successful trials in animal models and the safety considerations of their application in humans suggest that the use of recombinant vaccines represents a good short-term option in the control of pneumococcal diseases.  相似文献   

Immunogenic properties of babesial serum antigens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Use of complete Freund's adjuvant for production of antibodies to study protein conformation is valid only if emulsification in adjuvant does not denature protein antigens. Using electron paramagnetic resonance to observe directly the protein in situ in the opaque emulsions, we demonstrate that hemoglobin is not denatured by emulsification or storage in adjuvant for 24 hr at 4 degrees C, conditions comparable to the usual handling of antigens before immunization.  相似文献   

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