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Toads normally obtain water by absorption across their skin from osmotically dilute sources. When hyperosmotic salt solutions are presented as a hydration source to dehydrated desert toads, they place the ventral skin onto the source but soon afterwards escape to avoid dehydration. The escape behavior coincides with neural excitation of the spinal nerves that innervate putative chemosensory cells in the ventral skin. In the present study, fluorescent dye translocated through the spinal nerves to those receptor cells in the epidermis was photoconverted in the presence of 3, 3'-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride for electron-microscopic observation of the cells and associated nerve terminals. Most of the photoconverted cells were located in the deepest layer of the epidermis, with some being in more intermediate layers. No labeled cell was seen in the outermost layer of living cells. In desert toads, flask cells and Merkel cells are occasionally seen in the epidermis. An association of nerve fibers with these epidermal cells has been reported in some species of the anurans. In the present study, however, the cytological features of the photoconverted cells are neither reminiscent of flask cells nor Merkel cells, but are similar to those of surrounding epithelial cells in each layer of the epidermis. We hypothesize a sensory function for these cells, because they have a close association with nerve fibers and participate in the transepithelial transport of salts that must pass through all cell layers of the skin.  相似文献   

Hypertension affects more than 1.5 billion people worldwide but the precise cause of elevated blood pressure (BP) cannot be determined in most affected individuals. Nonetheless, blockade of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) lowers BP in the majority of patients with hypertension. Despite its apparent role in hypertension pathogenesis, the key cellular targets of the RAS that control BP have not been clearly identified. Here we demonstrate that RAS actions in the epithelium of the proximal tubule have a critical and nonredundant role in determining the level of BP. Abrogation of AT(1) angiotensin receptor signaling in the proximal tubule alone is sufficient to lower BP, despite intact vascular responses. Elimination of this pathway reduces proximal fluid reabsorption and alters expression of key sodium transporters, modifying pressure-natriuresis and providing substantial protection against hypertension. Thus, effectively targeting epithelial functions of the proximal tubule of the kidney should be a useful therapeutic strategy in hypertension.  相似文献   

Dehydrated toads initiated water absorption response (WR) behavior and absorbed water from dilute NaCl solutions. With 200-250 mM NaCl, WR behavior and water absorption were both suppressed. With 200-250 mM Na-gluconate, WR initiation was significantly greater than with NaCl but water loss was greater. Neural recordings from spinal nerve #6 showed a greater integrated response to 250 mM NaCl than to 250 mM Na-gluconate, whereas a larger rinse response was seen with Na-gluconate. Studies with isolated epithelium showed a large increase in conductance (G(t)) when 250 mM NaCl replaced NaCl Ringer's as the apical bathing solution that was accompanied by depolarization of the transepithelial potential (V(t)) and basolateral membrane potential (V(b)). Depolarization of V(b) corresponded with the neural response to 250 mM NaCl. When 250 mM Na-gluconate replaced Ringer's as the apical solution G(t) remained low, V(b) transiently hyperpolarized to values near the equilibrium potential for K(+) and corresponded with the reduced neural response. These results support the hypothesis that chemosensory function of the skin is analogous to that of mammalian taste cells but utilizes paracellular ion transport to a greater degree.  相似文献   

The Drosophila eye is a polarized epithelium in which ommatidia of opposing chirality fall on opposite sides of the eye's midline, the equator. The equator is established in at least two steps: photoreceptors R3 and R4 adopt their fates, and then ommatidia rotate clockwise or counterclockwise in accordance with the identity of these photoreceptors. We report the role of two cadherins, Fat (Ft) and Dachsous (Ds), in conveying the polarizing signal from the D/V midline in the Drosophila eye. In eyes lacking Ft, the midline is abolished. In ft and ds mutant clones, wild-type tissue rescues genetically mutant tissue at the clonal borders, giving rise to ectopic equators. These ectopic equators distort a mosaic analysis of these genes and led to the possible misinterpretation that ft and ds are required to specify the R3 and R4 cell fates, respectively. Our interpretation of these data supports a significantly different model in which ft and ds are not necessarily required for fate determination. Rather, they are involved in long-range signaling during the formation of the equator, as defined by the presence of an organized arrangement of dorsal and ventral chiral ommatidial forms.  相似文献   

Androgen binding has been studied in the prostate cytosol of zinc deficient rats by charcoal assays. Rats were housed individually in plastic cages and maintained on a zinc deficient diet for 3 months. The cytosol fraction of prostate gland was incubated with various concentrations of tritiated methyltrienolone (3H-R1881, a synthetic androgen) alone or in the presence of 500-fold excess of radioinert R1881. Scatchard analysis of the data revealed that the number of androgen binding sites in the cytosol fraction of the zinc deficient rat prostate was 31 +/- 5.2 fmol/mg cytosol protein. This was significantly lower than that (84 +/- 11.5 fmol/mg protein) of the controls. Their dissociation constant (Kd = 1.6 +/- 0.6 nM) on the other hand was not different from that (1.7 +/- 0.7 nM) of control animals. This decrease in the concentration of cytosol receptor sites in the zinc deficient state suggests that this metal is involved in the androgen-binding process in the target cells.  相似文献   

Summary Studies with the electron microscope revealed the presence of glycogen granules in the neurohypophysis of toads (Bufo arenarum Hensel). The glycogen appeared as scattered particles or as clusters formed by these particles within the nerve fibers. The scattered granules were intermingled with the neurosecretory granules and with the microvesicles. Chemical assays showed the presence of glycogen in the neurointermediate lobe of the toad's hypophysis.This work was supported by research grants from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina and The Rockefeller Foundation.The authors wish to express their appreciation to Prof. Bernardo A. Houssay and to Dr. Luis F. Leloir for their encouragement during the preparation of this paper; to Miss Susana Camocardi for her technical assistance and to Mr. Luis Millara for the photographic work.  相似文献   

When loach embryos (Miagurnus fossilis) were incubated with opioid substance, sigma-receptors ligand SKF 10.047, activity of the key enzyme of polyamine synthesis - ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), increased. A correlation between teratogenic and ODC-stimulated action of SKF 10.047 was stage-specific and depend on opioid concentration. Possible mechanism of embryonic cell aggregation under SKF 10.047 action and polyamines role in that process is discussed.  相似文献   

TRIpartite Motif(TRIM) family proteins are ring finger domain-containing,multi-domain proteins implicated in many biological processes. Members of the TRIM-9/C-I subfamily of TRIM proteins,including TRIM-9,MIDI and MID2,have neuronal functions and are associated with neurological diseases.To explore whether the functions of C-I TRIM proteins are conserved in invertebrates,we analyzed Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila trim-9 mutants.C.elegans trim-9 mutants exhibit defects in the ventral guidance of h...  相似文献   

Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system but has also important functions in the epidermis. It is involved in keratinocyte barrier function and in re-epithelialization processes after wounding. Recently, glutamate signalling has been suggested to be implicated in the development of melanoma. The present study examined the expression and functionality of metabotropic and ionotropic glutamate receptors on normal human melanocytes. We found that cultured melanocytes expressed the ionotropic glutamate receptors GluR2 and 4 [alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxsazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors] and N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors 2A and 2C and possibly the metabotropic glutamate receptor 1. Melanocytes were also found to express specific glutamate transporters and decarboxylases, but appeared neither to produce nor to release l-glutamate. Stimulation with 10 or 100 microM AMPA or NMDA elevated intracellular calcium concentrations in melanocytes, and thus demonstrated the functionality of the glutamate receptors. Millimolar concentrations of l-glutamate did not induce melanocyte toxicity and had no stimulating effect on melanin production. However, blockage of AMPA and NMDA receptors with CFM-2, memantine or MK801 caused a rapid and reversible change in melanocyte morphology, which was associated with disorganisation of actin and tubulin microfilaments. After 24 h of treatment with the AMPA receptor inhibitor CFM-2, there was a sharp reduction in the expression of the crucial melanocyte differentiation and proliferation factor MiTF. The results of this study demonstrate a role for glutamate in melanocyte regulation that may have implications in melanocyte associated disorders.  相似文献   

The precise role of estrogen in the pathogenesis of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is still unclear, while the results concerning the effect of selective estrogen receptor modulators on pelvic organ prolapse are contradictory. Our aim was to test whether alteration in the expression of estrogen receptors in the pelvic floor of pre- and post-menopausal women is related to genital prolapse status. The mRNA levels of ERα and ERβ in 60 biopsy specimens were measured. Significantly higher expression of ERα and higher ERα/ERβ ratio were demonstrated in post-menopausal women compared to pre-menopausal women. Higher expression of ERα and higher ERα/ERβ ratio were detected in all studied groups with POP, thus it did not reach significance in the post-menopausal group. Pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women presenting pelvic organ prolapse had no difference in the ERα expression. Our preliminary study may indicate that pelvic organ prolapse is associated with higher expression of ERα/ERβ in the pelvic floor of both pre- and post-menopausal women; thus not reaching statistical significance in the post-menopausal women was probably due to the group's size. We believe that the inevitable changes in the estrogen receptor expression over women's different lifetimes may affect the risk of genital prolapse progression, and might contribute to the further search for appropriate selective estrogen receptor modulators as a treatment for women with pelvic organ prolapse.  相似文献   

TRIpartite Motif (TRIM) family proteins are ring finger domain-containing, multi-domain proteins implicated in many biological processes.Members of the TRIM-9/C-I subfamily of TRIM proteins, including TRIM-9, MIDI and MID2, have neuronal functions and are associated with neurological diseases. To explore whether the functions of C-I TRIM proteins are conserved in invertebrates, we analyzed Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila trim-9 mutants. C. elegans trim-9 mutants exhibit defects in the ventral guidance of hermaphrodite specific neuron (HSN) and the touch neuron AVM. Further genetic analyses indicate that TRIM-9 participates in the UNC-6-UNC-40 attraction pathway.Asymmetric distribution of UNC-40 during HSN development is normal in trim-9 mutants. However, the asymmetric localization of MIG-10,a downstream effector of UNC-40, is abolished in trim-9 mutants. These results suggest that TRIM-9 functions upstream of MIG-1 0 in the UNC40 pathway. Moreover, we showed that TRIM-9 exhibits E3 ubiquitin ligase activity in vitro and this activity is important for TRIM-9 function in vivo. Additionally, we found that Drosophila trim-9 is required for the midline attraction of a group of sensory neuron axons. Over-expression of the Netrin/UNC-6 receptor Frazzled suppresses the guidance defects in trim-9 mutants. Our study reveals an evolutionarily conserved function of TRIM-9 in the UNC-40/Frazzled-mediated UNC-6/Netrin attraction pathway.  相似文献   

Oxygen uptake across plaice skin was unaffected by temporary arrest of skin blood flow. This indicates that oxygen taken up across the skin is consumed by the skin itself. Weight specific rate of O2-consumption of skin is estimated to be 1.7-1.9 times that of the entire fish. Total resting O2-consumption increased from 0.43 to 0.58 mg X kg-1 X min-1 when salinity was raised from 8.5 to 25%. The relative increase in O2-uptake across the skin following an increase in salinity was smaller than the increase in total O2-uptake. This is taken to indicate that the high O2-consumption of skin is not specifically related to an osmoregulatory function of the skin.  相似文献   

The majority of axons in the central nervous system (CNS) are eventually myelinated by oligodendrocytes, but whether the timing and extent of myelination in vivo reflect intrinsic properties of oligodendrocytes, or are regulated by axons, remains undetermined. Here, we use zebrafish to study CNS myelination at single-cell resolution in vivo. We show that the large caliber Mauthner axon is the first to be myelinated (shortly before axons of smaller caliber) and that the presence of supernumerary large caliber Mauthner axons can profoundly affect myelination by single oligodendrocytes. Oligodendrocytes that typically myelinate just one Mauthner axon in wild type can myelinate multiple supernumerary Mauthner axons. Furthermore, oligodendrocytes that exclusively myelinate numerous smaller caliber axons in wild type can readily myelinate small caliber axons in addition to the much larger caliber supernumerary Mauthner axons. These data indicate that single oligodendrocytes can myelinate diverse axons and that their myelinating potential is actively regulated by individual axons.  相似文献   

The resting membrane potential, E(m), of mammalian cells is a fundamental physiological parameter. Even small changes in E(m) can modulate excitability, contractility and rates of cell migration. At present accurate, reproducible measurements of E(m) and determination of its ionic basis remain significant challenges when patch clamp methods are applied to small cells. In this study, a mathematical model has been developed which incorporates many of the main biophysical principles which govern recordings of the resting potential of 'small cells'. Such a prototypical cell (approx. capacitance, 6 pF; input resistance 5 GΩ) is representative of neonatal cardiac myocytes, and other cells in the cardiovascular system (endothelium, fibroblasts) and small cells in other tissues, e.g. bone (osteoclasts) articular joints (chondrocytes) and the pancreas (β cells). Two common experimental conditions have been examined: (1) when the background K(+) conductance is linear; and (2) when this K(+) conductance is highly nonlinear and shows pronounced inward rectification. In the case of a linear K(+) conductance, the presence of a "leakage" current through the seal resistance between the cell membrane and the patch pipette always depolarizes E(m). Our calculations confirm that accurate characterization of E(m) is possible when the seal resistance is at least 5 times larger than the input resistance of the targeted cell. Measurement of E(m) under conditions in which the main background current includes a markedly nonlinear K(+) conductance (due to inward rectification) yields complex and somewhat counter-intuitive findings. In fact, there are at least two possible stable values of resting membrane potential for a cell when the nonlinear, inwardly rectifying K(+) conductance interacts with the seal current. This type of bistable behavior has been reported in a variety of small mammalian cells, including those from the heart, endothelium, smooth muscle and bone. Our theoretical treatment of these two common experimental situations provides useful mechanistic insights, and suggests practical methods by which these significant limitations, and their impact, can be minimized.  相似文献   

Cutaneously absorbed water in anurans has two potential routes of movement from the skin interstitium into the body fluids, via the cutaneous capillaries and/or the lymphatic system. We investigated the lymphatic route at the pelvic patch skin under the influence of isoproterenol and arginine vasotocin in Bufo marinus by continuously aspirating lymph from the lymph sacs draining the pelvic patch while the animals absorbed water. Changes in body mass, lymph mass, and lymph osmolality were measured. If absorbed water entered the lymph space directly, we expected, relative to controls, (1) no difference in change in body mass, (2) lymph mass to be greater, and (3) lymph osmolality to be lower. None of these predictions were confirmed. We also tested the possibility that absorbed water was stored in the skin interstitium by measuring the surface density of pelvic skin immediately after it absorbed water. If water was stored, we expected the surface density of this skin to be greater than that of control skin. No difference in surface density was found. These results provide strong evidence that absorbed water does not directly enter the lymphatic system and is not stored in the skin. Consequently, osmotically absorbed water must enter via a transcapillary route.  相似文献   

The ventral pelvic integument of anurans in hypervascular as compared to other skin regions. Recent studies indicate that this area is primarily responsible for water uptake and rehydration. Nine species representing four genera of terrestrial and aquatic Anura were dissected for comparison of vascularity in the pelvic area. Major differences in the ventral pelvic integumental vessels were found between aquatic and terrestrial genera. These variations are described, and names are suggested for previously unnamed vessels. Changes in vascularity are discussed and related to the literature on Anura pertinent to rehydration rates, tolerance of desiccation, resistance to desiccation, and habitat. Data from this study and previous studies suggest a correlation among the parameters discussed and habitat. The suggestion is made that when species are classified as xeric, mesic, or aquatic on the basis of the habitat in which they live, their responses to rehydration, tolerance to desiccation, and vasculatity should be considered, as these characteristics more accurately represent the micro-habitat.  相似文献   

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