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Freshwater cladocerans and rotifers were used as prey to study functional response and prey selection by adult females of Chirocephalus diaphanus under laboratory conditions. For functional response studies, we offered three rotifer species (Brachionus calyciflorus, B. patulus and Euchlanis dilatata) and three cladoceran species (Alona rectangula, Ceriodaphnia dubia and Moina macrocopa) at various densities ranging from 0.5 to 16 ind. ml–1. We found increased zooplankton consumption with increasing prey density but beyond 4 ind ml–1 cladocerans and 8 ind. ml–1 rotifers, the number of animals eaten plateaued. In general, C. diaphanus consumed fewer large prey (cladocerans) and many more smaller zooplankton (rotifers). For prey selection experiments, we used B. calyciflrous, B. patulus, C. dubia and M. macrocopa, offered at the ratio of two rotifers: one cladoceran and at three prey densities (total zooplankton numbers: 3, 6 and 12 ind. ml–1). Prey selectivity patterns followed the functional response trends. In general, regardless of prey types, with an increase in the available zooplankton, there was an increase in the number of prey consumed. At any given prey density, C. diaphanus consumed higher numbers of rotifers than cladocerans. Among the prey offered, B. patulus and M. macrocopa were positively selected. Results are discussed in light of possible control of zooplankton by anostracans in temporary ponds. 相似文献
Predation rate and nymphal development time were determined for four predatory bugs (Dicyphus tamaninii Wagner andMacrolophus caliginosus Wagner [Het.:Miridae],Orius laevigatus (Fieber) andO. majusculus (Reuter) [Het.:Anthocoridae], on cucumber withAphis gossypii Glover (Hom.:APhididae) as prey and for both mirids also on tomato withMacrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) as prey. All four predator species were able to achieve adulthood feeding on both aphids. The developmental period ofD. tamaninii nymphs was the longest and the shortest was forO. majusculus. During nymphal developmentD. tamaninii consumed greater numbers of both aphids thanM. caliginosus, whileOrius’ consumption ofA. gossypii was intermediate. Average daily predation was higher forD. tamaninii than forM. caliginosus, but was not different from bothOrius species. FemaleD. tamaninii exhibited a typical type-II functional response when preying on varying densities ofA. gossypii nymphs. 相似文献
Consumption of aphids by spiders and the effect of additional prey: evidence from microcosm experiments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Spiders are common generalist predators in agroecosystems and have been suggested to lower herbivore abundance in crops. It
is not clear, however, if spiders can effectively suppress pest populations, and if so, by what mechanisms. In a microcosm
experiment, we examined the consumption of the bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi L. (Homoptera: Aphididae), a pest species in wheat fields, by three spider species that differ in their hunting methods.
We then tested the effect of additional prey type on the ability of erigonid spiders to reduce aphids. In a 48-h experiment
Mermessus denticulatus (Banks) (Araneae: Linyphiidae; Erigoninae) consumed more aphids than did Enoplognatha gemina Bosmans and Van Keer (Araneae: Theridiidae) and Bathyphantes cf. extricatus (O·P.-Cambridge) (Araneae: Linyphiidae; Linyphiinae). This difference may be due to the ability of erigonids to forage actively
on the vegetation in addition to using their webs to catch prey. In a 7-week experiment, we provided springtails (Collembola)
in high and low densities as additional prey to mated erigonids, prior to aphid introduction. Spiders in the low-density springtail
treatment built more webs on the vegetation, and caused a 50% reduction in aphid populations. There were significantly fewer
aphids in the low-density springtail treatment, but not in the high-density treatment, in comparison to the control (high-density
springtails without spiders). The results suggest that additional prey density affects predatory interactions between M. denticulatus and R. padi and that erigonids, which occur in high densities in wheat fields in the Negev desert, may be involved in aphid suppression
in these agroecosystems.
Efrat Gavish-RegevEmail: |
Abstract: One way to understand the behavioural patterns exhibited by a predator in response to prey density is to evaluate its functional response. Such evaluation yields information about basic mechanisms of prey–predator dynamics, and is an essential component of prey–predator models. In this paper we analysed experimentally the functional response and the handling time spent by Chrysomya albiceps on different prey species and larval instars of blowflies. The type II functional response was observed when second instar larvae of Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya macellaria were consumed. The handling time spent by the predator was significantly different between instars and species. The implications of the functional response and handling time for the interaction dynamics of Brazilian Chrysomyinae species are discussed. 相似文献
Wolfgang Nentwig 《Oecologia》1990,82(4):446-449
Summary The maximum body length of the phasmid Carausius morosus which the ctenid spider Cupiennius salei can overwhelm is 2–3x larger than the length of crickets. Eight phasmid species were offered to Cupiennius salei in feeding tests. Among them, Carausius morosus was raised on 4 different food plants. All species of prey items were accepted by the spider predator very readily (>80%). This indicates that phasmids are a highly palatable prey group for spiders. The possible importance of chemical defence and its obvious lack under laboratory conditions are discussed. 相似文献
Decisions regarding foraging patch residence time and the assessmentof patch quality may be mediated by various sources of information.This study examined the use of sensory cues by hunting spidersto assess prey density in the absence of prey capture. Adultfemale wolf spiders [Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz); Lycosidae]had food withheld for 4 days and then were exposed to artificialforaging patches containing four densities of crickets (0, 3,10, 20) with different sensory stimuli (visual and vibratoryinformation, visual only, and vibratory only). The spiders werenot allowed to feed during trials, and patch residence timewas recorded. The spiders varied patch residence time basedon sensory cues alone and spent more time in patches with higherprey density. With visual information only, spiders could apparentlydistinguish among prey densities almost as well as with visualand vibratory cues combined, but residence time did not differamong prey densities when only vibratory information was presented.Measurements of vibration levels produced by cricket activityunder experimental sensory treatments conform to test results,suggesting that visual detection of crickets is important inpatch assessment used in determining patch residence time. 相似文献
1 Development and survivorship of Coelophora inaequalis (F.) were evaluated in the laboratory on the brown citrus aphid, Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy) at 20 and 25 °C. Coelophora inaequalis could complete its life cycle feeding on T. citricida at these two temperatures. The developmental period from egg to adult was significantly longer at 20 °C (24.7 d) than at 25 °C (15.9 d). The survivorship of combined immature stages were higher at 25 °C (39.2%) than at 20 °C (34.3%). 2 The effects of prey densities (4–64 aphids per leaf disk) on the functional responses of C. inaequalis fourth‐instar larvae and female adults were investigated using grapefruit leaf disks over a 24‐h period at 25 °C and a photoperiod of LD 14 : 10 h. Logistic regression analyses indicated that fourth‐instar larvae and adults exhibited a type II functional response to aphid density. Fourth‐instar larvae had a higher search rate (0.1305) than C. inaequalis female adults (0.0989). The handling time of fourth‐instar larvae (30.4 min) was significantly longer than that of female adults (5.8 min). Collectively, C. inaequalis appears to be a promising biological control agent of T. citricida in the citrus groves. 相似文献
二双斑唇瓢虫对矢尖蚧的捕食作用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究了二双斑唇瓢虫(Chilocorus bijugus Mulsant)对矢尖蚧(Unaspis yanonensis Kuwana)的捕食作用,结果表明,瓢虫雌成虫对矢尖蚧各虫态的功能反应呈Holling II型,瓢虫对矢尖蚧的捕食效应随捕食者个体间干扰作用的增加而下降,捕食作用率(E)随着瓢虫数增加呈幂函数下降曲线,温度对瓢虫的捕食效应具有显著的影响,寻找效率(a)和处置时间(Th)与温度之间呈二次函数关系,猎物密度对瓢虫生殖力的影响呈Logistic曲线。 相似文献
STEPHEN F. HUBBARD SEAN L. C. O'MALLEY RAYMOND RUSSO 《Medical and veterinary entomology》1988,2(3):279-283
We present an analysis of the functional response of the predator Toxorhynchites rutilus rutilus (Coquillett) to changes in the density of the larvae of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae). The experiment was replicated for five different ages, and at three different densities of the predator. The data were fitted to Rogers' (1972) random predator equation by non-linear least-squares in order to estimate searching efficiency and handling time for each experimental treatment. The data show that estimated searching efficiencies are highest at intermediate ages of the predator for all predator densities tested. Handling time declines exponentially with increasing predator age. There is a marked interference effect; searching efficiency decreases with increased predator density, and this is most pronounced at intermediate prey ages. Estimated handling times increase with predator density at a rate which declines with increasing predator age. 相似文献
We looked at the effect of the presence of pollen (Typha latifolia) on the functional response of Typhlodromus pyri (Phytoseiidae) to Panonychus ulmi (Tetranychidae) in the laboratory. We found that pollen significantly reduced the predation rate but that the magnitude of the effect was not large. Over the lower range of prey densities the effect appeared to be due to a decrease in search efficiency. 相似文献
Sepideh TAHRIRI Ali A. TALEBI Yaghoub FATHIPOUR Abbas A. ZAMANI 《Entomological Science》2007,10(4):323-331
Host stage preference, functional response and mutual interference of Aphidius matricariae (Haliday) (Hym.: Braconidae: Aphidiinae), parasitoid of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae Scopoli (Hom.: Aphididae) were investigated in a growth chamber at a temperature of 25°C, 65% relative humidity and a photoperiod of 16 h light : 8 h dark on the PP8 variety of sugar beet. Nicholson's model and linear regression were used to determine per capita searching efficiency and interference coefficient, respectively. The highest parasitism percentage was observed on the third instar nymphs of A. fabae in both choice and no‐choice preference tests. There was significant difference between rates of parasitism on different stages of A. fabae (P < 0.01). Using logistic regression, a type II functional response was determined for A. matricariae. The Holling and Rogers models were used for estimating searching efficiency (a) and handling time (Th). The data was fitted by the Rogers equation better than by the Holling disc equation based on the R2 values. The estimated values of searching efficiency and handling time were 0.040 ± 0.013/h and 3.439 ± 0.383 h, respectively. The per capita searching efficiency decreased significantly from 0.272 to 0.139 as parasitoid densities increased from one to five. Therefore, different host‐parasitoid ratios could affect the efficacy of A. matricariae. 相似文献
T. I. Ofuya 《BioControl》1997,42(1-2):277-282
This study was conducted to examine the effects of some aphicidal biologically active plant compounds on the natural enemies of the cowpea aphid,Aphis craccivora Koch. In the laboratory, acetone extracts ofCymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf.,Momordica charantia L.,Zingiber officinale Rose andAframomum melegueta (Rose) K. Schum, were tested for toxicity to two coccinellid species,Cheilomenes lunata (Fabricius) andCheilomenes vicina (Mulsant) predaceous on the aphid. All the extracts were highly ovicidal to eggs of the two coccinellid predators. None of the extracts caused mortality of eitherC. lunata orC. vicina fourth-instar larvae after 24 h. Larvae treated with the extracts consumed fewer aphids in 24 h than untreated larvae. Ability to pupate was also significantly reduced in larvae treated with the extracts. No morphological deformities were observed in adults emerging from treated larvae. 相似文献
We used a video imaging technique to test the effects of prey movement on attack behavior and foraging patch residence time decision rules of wolf spiders. TwelveSchizocosa ocreata (Hentz) (Lycosidae) were tested in an artificial foraging patch stimulus chamber consisting of a microscreen television displaying a computer digitized, animated image of a cricket. Four prey movement treatments were used: (1) a blank screen, (2) a stationary cricket control, (3) a cricket moving for 1 min, and (4) a cricket moving for 10 min. Spiders stayed significantly longer in treatments with higher cricket activity. Spiders also stayed longer when they attacked the stimulus than when they did not. The distribution of patch residence times of spiders indicates a decision rule based on a fixed probability of leaving. 相似文献
ROBERT R. JACKSON 《Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society》1986,88(2):179-190
Myrtnarachne is a genus of ant-like salticids. Eight species were observed feeding, in nature, in Australia, Kenya, Malaysia and Sri Lanka, on varied types of insects but not ants. The behaviour of M. lupata , from Australia, was studied in the laboratory. Predatory sequences were found to differ considerably from those of typical salticids. Attacking by lunging instead of leaping and the pronounced use of pre-attack tapping are especially noteworthy. The unusual behaviour of M. lupata when preying on insects is consistent with maintenance of ant mimicry. Myrmarachne lupata also preys on the eggs of other spiders which it extracts from their nests. The males of many species have very large chelicerae, and the large chelicerae of M. lupata males influence the course of predatory sequences, with insects and with eggs. 相似文献
Shi-Ze Zhang Rui-Xin Jiang Fan Zhang Xiang-Li Xu 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2010,20(9):961-971
The suitability of Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotype-B eggs and nymphs as prey for pre-imaginal development and survival, adult longevity, and fecundity of the lacewing, Chrysopa pallens (Rambur) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) was evaluated under laboratory conditions at 25±1°C, 50±10% RH and a photoperiod of 16 h L:8 h D. Survival of C. pallens from first instar to adult eclosion was significantly different between the larvae that fed on the two prey species. C. pallens fed on A. craccivora completed development from egg to adult emergence, but those fed on eggs and nymphs of B. tabaci could not complete development, resulting in abnormal pupae and no normal adults emerged. The net reproductive rate (R 0), intrinsic rate of natural population increase (r m ), finite rate of increase (λ), mean generation time (T), index of population trend (I), doubling time (DT), and gross reproductive of rate (GRR) of C. pallens that fed on A. craccivora were 201.9 eggs per female, 0.13/d, 1.1/d, 40.1 d, 68.5, 5.2 d, 203.1 eggs per female, respectively. These results could be useful for mass-rearing of C. pallens and for understanding its population dynamics in the field in relation to the availability of different prey species. 相似文献
Abstract. 1. Although predatory insects often feed on diverse prey, their reproductive activity may be linked most strongly to a more restricted range of prey. The propensity of adult females of the ladybird beetle, Coccinella septempunctata L., to attack two natural prey species, pea aphids [ Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)] and alfalfa weevil larvae [ Hypera postica (Gyllenhal)], was compared, and the degree to which ladybird egg production depends on consumption of aphids vs. weevils was assessed.
2. Coccinella septempunctata females more readily attacked aphids than weevil larvae. This was true regardless of whether females had fed previously on aphids or on weevil larvae.
3. When females were provided with few to many aphids daily, or few aphids plus an excess number of weevil larvae, their rates of egg production depended primarily on the number of aphids consumed.
4. Addition of weevil larvae to diets of limited numbers of aphids increased egg production, but only modestly. Thus, consumption of weevil larvae may have served mostly for self-maintenance, thereby enabling females to use for egg production more of the nutrients and energy obtained from limited consumption of aphids.
5. The females' linkage of egg production primarily to aphid rather than weevil consumption may be adaptive, as their offspring are much less able as larvae to survive and mature on a diet of weevils rather than aphids. 相似文献
2. Coccinella septempunctata females more readily attacked aphids than weevil larvae. This was true regardless of whether females had fed previously on aphids or on weevil larvae.
3. When females were provided with few to many aphids daily, or few aphids plus an excess number of weevil larvae, their rates of egg production depended primarily on the number of aphids consumed.
4. Addition of weevil larvae to diets of limited numbers of aphids increased egg production, but only modestly. Thus, consumption of weevil larvae may have served mostly for self-maintenance, thereby enabling females to use for egg production more of the nutrients and energy obtained from limited consumption of aphids.
5. The females' linkage of egg production primarily to aphid rather than weevil consumption may be adaptive, as their offspring are much less able as larvae to survive and mature on a diet of weevils rather than aphids. 相似文献
Abstract Portia is a behaviourally complex and aberrant salticid genus. The genus is of unusual importance because it is morphologically primitive. Five species were studied in nature (Australia, Kenya, Malaysia, Sri Lanka) and in the laboratory in an effort to clarify the origins of the salticids and of their unique, complex eyes. All the species of Portia studied were both web builders and cursorial. Portia was also an araneophagic web invader, and it was a highly effective predator on diverse types of alien webs. Portia was an aggressive mimic, using a complex repertoire of vibratory behaviour to deceive the host spiders on which it fed. The venom of Portia was unusually potent to other spiders; its easily autotomised legs may have helped Portia escape if attacked by its frequently dangerous prey. Portia was also kleptoparasitic and oophagic when occupying alien webs. P. fimbriata from Queensland, where cursorial salticids were superabundant, used a unique manner of stalking and capturing other salticids. The display repertoires used during intraspecific interactions were complex and varied between species. Both visual (typical of other salticids) and vibratory (typical of other web spiders) displays were used. Portia copulated both on and away from webs and frequently with the female hanging from a dragline. Males cohabited with subadult females on webs, mating after the female matured. Adult and subadult females sometimes used specialised predatory attacks against courting or mating males. Sperm induction in Portia was similar to that in other cursorial spiders. Portia mimicked detritus in shape and colour, and its slow, mechanical locomotion preserved concealment. Portia occasionally used a special defensive behaviour (wild leaping) if disturbed by a potential predator. Two types of webs were spun by all species (Type 1, small resting platforms; Type 2, large prey-capture webs). Two types of egg sacs were made, both of which were highly aberrant for a salticid. Responses of different species and both sexes of Portia were quantitatively compared for different types of prey. Many of the trends in behaviour within the genus, including quantitative differences in predatory behaviour, seemed to be related to differences in the effectiveness of the cryptic morphology of Portia in concealing the spider in its natural habitat (‘effective crypsis’). The results of the study supported, in general, Jackson & Blest’s (1982a) hypothesis of salticid evolution which, in part, proposes that salticid ancestors were web builders with poorly developed vision and that acute vision evolved in conjunction with the ancestral spiders becoming proficient as araneophagic invaders of diverse types of webs. 相似文献