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Fungal biomass associated with decaying leaf litter in a stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Fungal biomass, measured as ergosterol content, was determined on alder leaf litter incubated during autumn in a softwater Pyrenean stream. The ergosterol content of the leaf litter increased rapidly to a maximum of 462 μg/g detrital dry mass. Ergosterol contents of aquatic Hyphomycetes grown in shake culture were typically ≤5 mg/g mycelial dry mass. Using the corresponding ergosterol-to-biomass conversion factor of 200, peak fungal mass accounted for 9.2% of total system mass, or 10.2% of leaf dry mass. For the period of highest activity (incubation days 7–28), net fungal production on leaf litter was estimated as 2.3 mg d−1 g−1 leaf mass. A conservative estimate of the growth efficiency for the same period was 105 mg mycelial mass per gram leaf mass degraded, assuming that non-leaf organic matter did not constitute an important carbon source supporting fungal production.  相似文献   

We studied if biomass, cell dimensions and microcystin concentration of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. (strain BIR 257; recently also referred to as Dolichospermum) change in the presence of turbidity caused by clay and a eukaryotic green algal species. Anabaena sp. was incubated in experimental lab bioassays, with added clay and the chlorophyte Brachiomonas submarina. A control was established containing a single species of Anabaena sp. Biomass of Anabaena, given as carbon concentration increased in response to clay addition, suggesting that Anabaena was stimulated by lower light conditions whereas B. submarina was not. Cell lengths increased most likely as a response to lower light conditions. Dissolved toxin concentration decreased in treatments containing clay. Increased clay turbidity may favour the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. over its eukaryotic competitors in the future Baltic Sea, especially in low-salinity estuaries.  相似文献   

树叶凋落物在受酸性矿山废水污染溪流中的分解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解华南地区酸性矿山废水对溪流中树叶分解的影响,在广东省大宝山矿区附近的1条受酸性矿山废水污染(pH值为2.7—3.4且富含多种重金属元素)的3级溪流中,利用2种孔径(5ram的网袋和0.1ram的布袋)的分解网袋对2种树叶(人面子和蒲桃)进行了为期101d的树叶分解研究。结果表明,人面子树叶网袋和布袋中的树叶干重剩余率分别为39%和48%,而蒲桃树叶网袋和布袋中的干重剩余率仍保持较高的水平,分别为61%和70%。根据指数衰减模型计算出树叶分解的半衰期,人面子树叶在网袋和布袋中的分解半衰期分别为57d和69d,而蒲桃树叶则分别为14-4d和217d。蒲桃树叶的分解速率明显比人面子树叶慢。在网袋中定殖的底栖动物主要是集食者,其中优势类群为摇蚊幼虫,占底栖动物个体总数的99%。摇蚊种群在网袋中的数量波动对2种树叶分解速率的影响并不明显。结果表明,受酸性矿山废水的影响,底栖动物群落的多样性大为减少。同时由于各种金属氧化物在树叶表面的不断沉淀,使树叶处于缺氧状态,抑制了微生物的活动,导致树叶分解速率大为降低。  相似文献   

Microorganisms associated with decomposing deciduous leaf litter in a woodland stream were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The use of a critical point drying method allowed the preservation of a wide variety of microorganisms as well as the decomposing litter with a minimum of distortion. The micrographs provide evidence that the aquatic hyphomycetes are the major fungal flora present during decomposition. Two distinct groups of these fungi were found during the seasonal cycle with one group occurring only in the summer while the other occurred throughout the rest of the year. The presence of all developmental stages of these organisms in the environment is considered further evidence of their active role in the decomposition of litter.  相似文献   

Decomposition of deciduous leaf litter in a woodland stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microorganisms associated with decomposing deciduous leaf litter in a woodland stream were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The use of a critical point drying method allowed the preservation of a wide variety of microorganisms as well as the decomposing litter with a minimum of distortion. The micrographs provide evidence that the aquatic hyphomycetes are the major fungal flora present during decomposition. Two distinct groups of these fungi were found during the seasonal cycle with one group occurring only in the summer while the other occurred throughout the rest of the year. The presence of all developmental stages of these organisms in the environment is considered further evidence of their active role in the decomposition of litter.  相似文献   

Ecological Research - The importance of leaf litter quality for colonization and consumption by two caddisflies (Goerodes satoi and Hydatophylax festivus) and an amphipod (Sternomoera yezoensis)...  相似文献   

Up to 99% of the carbon fuelling the food webs of temperate woodland streams is derived from inputs of terrestrial leaf litter. Aquatic bacteria, fungi, and detritivore invertebrates directly utilize these inputs, transferring this energy to other components of the food web. Increases in atmospheric CO2 could indirectly impact woodland stream food webs by chemically altering leaf litter. This study evaluated CO2-induced chemical changes in aspen ( Populus tremuloides ) leaf litter, and the corresponding effects on stream bacteria, fungi and leaf-shredding cranefly larvae ( Tipula abdominalis : Diptera). Leaf litter from plants grown under elevated CO2 had decreased nutritional value to aquatic decomposers and detritivores because of higher levels of structural compounds and lower nitrogen content. Consequently, elevated CO2-grown leaf litter supported 59% lower bacterial production in a stream than litter grown at ambient CO2 levels, while not affecting fungal biomass. Larval craneflies fed elevated CO2-grown microbially colonized leaves consumed less, assimilated less, and grew 12 times slower than their ambient fed counterparts.  相似文献   

Here we report on the results of a survey of the yeast populations occurring on submerged leaves (alder, eucalyptus and oak) in a natural mountain stream, during different phases of their decomposition and through two consecutive years. Leaf litter mass loss, total yeast counts, Shannon-Weiner index (H'), yeast community structure and physiologic abilities were analyzed to evaluate the dynamics of yeast communities during decay. Seventy-two yeast taxa were recorded, and in all litter types, species of basidiomycetous affinity predominated over ascomycetous ones. Discriminant analysis of presence/absence data (yeast species) showed significant differences both among substrate types (P<0.0026) and with decomposition time (P<0.0001). Carbon and nitrogen source utilization by yeast strains also varied with the substrate (P<0.0001) and decomposition time (P<0.0001). Further conclusions were that: (1) all litter types have in common ubiquitous yeast species, such as Cryptococcus albidus, Debaryomyces hansenii and Rhodotorula glutinis, among the common 20 yeast species; (2) only a few species were dominant, and most species were rare, being recorded once or twice throughout decomposition; and (3) the order of yeast appearance, and their substrate assimilation patterns, strongly suggest a succession phenomenon. Finally, explanations for the distribution patterns and variations in yeast communities are discussed.  相似文献   

To construct a budget of carbon transformations occurring during leaf decomposition, alder leaves were placed in a woodland stream, later retrieved at weekly intervals, and rates of fungal and bacterial production, microbial respiration, and release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) were determined during short laboratory incubations. Carbon dioxide was the major decomposition product, explaining 17% of the microbially mediated leaf mass loss. DOM and FPOM were also important products (5 and 3% of total mass loss, respectively), whereas carbon flow to microbial biomass was low (2%). Fungal biomass in leaves always exceeded bacterial biomass (95–99% of total microbial biomass), but production of bacteria and fungi was similar, indicating that both types of microorganisms need to be considered when examining leaf decomposition in streams. Comparison of leaf mass loss in coarse and fine mesh bags revealed, in addition, that the shredder, Gammarus pulex, had a major impact on leaf decomposition in this study.  相似文献   

1. Leaf litter decomposition is one of the most important ecosystem processes in streams. Recent studies suggest that facilitation, in which litter is processed by a succession of species with differing abilities and requirements, may be important in making the nutrients bound in litter available to the stream assemblage.
2. We predicted that stream invertebrates that feed on terrestrial leaf litter (shredders) and tadpoles would facilitate leaf litter decomposition by changing the quality of leaf material directly via physical contact or indirectly via nutrient release. We experimentally examined the ability of shredders and tadpoles to break down leaves, independently and together, in artificial streams beside a natural forest stream.
3. The decomposition rate was greater when shredders and tadpoles were together than was expected from rates in single-species treatments, indicating that facilitation occurred. This facilitation operated in one direction only: the rate of leaf breakdown by tadpoles was higher when leaves had been partly processed by shredders, but there was no similar effect when leaves previously occupied by tadpoles were processed by shredders. We did not detect facilitation caused by indirect nutrient release.
4. Shredders may have benefited tadpoles by roughening leaf surfaces, making them easier for the tadpoles to consume and enhancing leaf breakdown in the presence of both taxa. This indicates that the loss of a single species can have impacts on ecosystem functioning that go beyond the loss of its direct contribution.  相似文献   

A manipulative field experiment to test for trophic cascading effects of predatory fish on detritus processing by benthic invertebrates was performed in stream channels running through a wetland forest in northern Japan. To control for fish effects on benthic invertebrates, two simple treatments (fish-present and fish-absent) were established for 4 weeks, with two common predatory fish, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and freshwater sculpin (Cottus nozawae), being introduced into and excluded from stream cages. At the end of experiment, the biomass of the dominant detritivore, an amphipod (Jesogammarus jezoensis), was significantly less in the fish-present treatment (0.56 g m–2 in dry mass on average) than that in the fish-absent treatment (1.32 g m–2), there being no significant treatment effect evident for the second-dominant detritivore, coleopteran larvae (Optioservus kubotai). The loss of oak leaves (Quercus crispla) from litter bags in the fish-present treatment (0.31 g week–1 in dry mass on average) was significantly less than in the fish-absent treatment (0.54 g week–1). Predator-induced lower biomass and likely lowered foraging activities of the J. jezoensis were responsible for the suppression of litter processing efficiency. In contrast, the standing crop of fine particulate organic matter did not differ significantly between the treatments. The experimental results revealed that the predatory fish had an indirect but significant effect on leaf litter processing in the stream.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition, a fundamental process of nutrient cycling and energy flow in freshwater ecosystems, is driven by a diverse array of decomposers. As an important component of the heterotrophic food web, meiofauna can provide a trophic link between leaf‐associated microbes (i.e., bacteria and fungi)/plant detritus and macroinvertebrates, though their contribution to litter decomposition is not well understood. To investigate the role of different decomposer communities in litter decomposition, especially meiofauna, we compared the litter decomposition of three leaf species with different lignin to nitrogen ratios in litter bags with different mesh sizes (0.05, 0.25, and 2 mm) in a forested stream, in China for 78 days. The meiofauna significantly enhanced the decomposition of leaves of high‐and medium‐ quality, while decreasing (negative effect) or increasing (positive effect) the fungal biomass and diversity. Macrofauna and meiofauna together contributed to the decomposition of low‐quality leaf species. The presence of meiofauna and macrofauna triggered different aspects of the microbial community, with their effects on litter decomposition varying as a function of leaf quality. This study reveals that the meiofauna increased the trophic complexity and modulated their interactions with microbes, highlighting the important yet underestimated role of meiofauna in detritus‐based ecosystems.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Despite the widely accepted importance of bacteria and fungi in degrading detritus in aquatic ecosystems there is still very little quantitative information on the abundance and dynamics of these microorganisms. Using epifluorescent microscopy, we measured the biomass of bacteria and fungi during decomposition of three types of leaf detritus. Bacterial production was determined from the rate of incorporation of 3H-thymidine into DNA.
2. The transformation of leaf carbon into dissolved organic carbon and fine particulate organic carbon was followed in order to compare the amounts of leaf material that were converted into these 'end-products' of decomposition versus the amount converted into microbial biomass.
3. The amount of microbial carbon in the leaf-detritus complex never exceeded 5.2% of the total carbon, and fungal biomass was always much greater than bacterial biomass. Despite the greater standing stock of fungi, the rapid turnover of bacteria (doubling about once per day) implies that their role in degrading leaf litter or as a food source for detritivores might be as great as for fungi.
4. Removal of microbial biomass from leaf litter may occur as release of fungal spores and consumption or shedding of bacterial biomass. Fungal spores can be a significant part of the fine particulate organic carbon released from leaf detritus and potentially represent an important food resource for filter-feeding organisms.  相似文献   

1. Allochthonous organic matter, in the form of senesced leaves, is a major source of carbon supporting detrital food webs. While studies have documented the role of bacteria and fungi in the decomposition of leaf litter, little information is available regarding the role of protists in the decomposition process. 2. We tested the hypothesis that the presence of stream‐dwelling bacterivorous protists leads to an increased rate of leaf decomposition through grazing pressure on bacteria. We isolated live protists from decomposing leaves collected in a stream in Northern Virginia, U.S.A. (Goose Creek) and established laboratory cultures of common bacterivorous protists. 3. Recently senesced leaves from the field were used in laboratory microcosm experiments to determine if the rate of litter decomposition differed between four treatments: bacteria only, bacteria + flagellates, bacteria + flagellates + ciliates, autoclaved stream water (control). We determined the dry weight of leaf remaining, bacterial abundance, flagellate abundance and ciliate abundance for each replicate on days 0, 7, 14, 30, 60 and 120. 4. The rate of leaf decomposition was significantly higher in treatments with protists than without and bacterial abundance declined in protist treatments compared with bacteria only treatment. Weight loss in the presence of flagellates was three to four times higher when protists were present compared with treatments with bacteria alone. These results provide experimental evidence that protists could play a significant role in the detrital processes of streams.  相似文献   

Chemotaxonomy of the Rubiaceae family based on leaf fatty acid composition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With 10,700 species distributed in 637 genera, the Rubiaceae family is one of the largest of the angiosperms. Since it was previously evidenced that the fatty acid composition of photosynthetic tissues can be a tool for chemotaxonomic studies, the fatty acid composition of leaves from 107 Rubiaceae species highly representative of the diversity of the family was determined. Principal component analysis allowed a clear-cut separation of Coffeae, Psychotrieae and Rubieae. The occurrence of C16:3 fatty acid, a marker of the prokaryotic plastidial lipid biosynthetic pathway, concerned at least two branches: Theligoneae/Rubieae and Anthospermeae-Anthosperminae which appeared to be in close relationship. Additional experiments were carried out to ensure the correlation between the presence of C16:3 fatty acid and the prokaryotic biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Although the bulk of litter input to stream ecosystems is in the form of fresh leaves, current understanding of organic matter processing is largely founded on experimental studies made with pre-dried leaves. This paradox points to the critical need for evaluating to what extent those experiments with dried leaves reflect natural litter decomposition.
2. The mass loss rates, patterns of mass loss, and chemical changes during processing of fresh leaf litter were compared with air-dried leaf litter in a stream ecosystem.
3. Although overall mass loss rates were similar between treatments ( k = 0.0213 day−1 and 0.0206 day−1), fresh leaves lost mass at a constant rate, whereas the decay of dried leaves proceeded in two distinct phases. Soluble organic carbon, phosphorus, and potassium were rapidly leached from dried litter, but were largely retained in fresh material for more than a week. Kinetics of concentrations of cellulose and changes in amounts of lignin remaining per leaf pack revealed further differences in decomposition dynamics between treatments, apparently related, either directly or indirectly, to differences in leaching behaviour.
4. Dynamics of nitrogen and protein contents were similar between treatments, indicating that microbial colonization was not greatly delayed on fresh leaves.
5. It is concluded that the retention of labile carbon and nutrients in fresh leaf litter facilitates their utilization by leaf-associated micro-organisms and invertebrates, resulting in an increased importance of biotic processes relative to physical processes such as leaching.
6. At the ecosystem level, retention of carbon and nutrients in streams would be increased, allowing greater overall productivity. Conversely, the availability of labile organic carbon would be reduced in compartments such as the epilithon, fine sediments, and the water column.  相似文献   

Leaf breakdown of two riparian tree species, Cunonia capensis L. and Ilex mitis (L.) Radlk. was investigated in vitro at Window Stream, Table Mountain, using three different designs of litter bag. Breakdown of Cunonia and Ilex in coarse-mesh (5 mm) litter bags was very rapid (respectively 14.79 and 13.93% loss d–1), and was significantly greater than the loss of leaf material of 1% d–1 for both species from fine-mesh bags (180 µm). Differences recorded between fine-mesh and composite-mesh bags (180 µm mesh with 5 mm mesh top) represented macro-invertebrate ingestion, and at t = 28 d, amounted to 67.57% material loss in Cunonia and 62.58% in Ilex. The losses due to microbial activity and leaching, 31.28% in Cunonia and 29.17% in Ilex were not significantly different. Weight loss of Cunonia in coarse-mesh bags (14.79% loss d–1) and in composite-mesh bags (13.93% loss d–1) did not differ, but this was not the case for Ilex, where a significantly higher rate of loss in coarse-mesh bags (13.93% loss d–1) than in composite-mesh bags (7.69% loss d–1) was observed. This difference was used to quantify fragmentation losses. It was concluded that future leaf breakdown experiments in mountain streams must take cognisance of differential fragmentation losses before inferences can be made as to both invertebrate feeding preferences and biological decomposition of leaves.  相似文献   

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