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Caveolae and caveolins, structural components of caveolae, are associated with specific ion channels in cardiac myocytes. We have previously shown that P2X purinoceptor 7 (P2X7R), a ligand-gated ion channel, is increased in atrial cardiomyocytes of caveolin-1 knockout mice; however, the specific biochemical relationship of P2X7R with caveolins in the heart is not clear. The aim of this work was to study the presence of the P2X7R in atrial cardiomyocytes and its biochemical relationship to caveolin-1 and caveolin-3. Caveolin isoforms and P2X7R were predominantly localized in buoyant membrane fractions (lipid rafts/caveolae) prepared from hearts using detergent-free sucrose gradient centrifugation. Caveolin-1 knockout mice showed normal distribution of caveolin-3 and P2X7R to buoyant membranes indicating the importance of caveolin-3 to formation of caveolae. Using clear native-PAGE, we showed that caveolin-1, -3 and P2X7R contribute to the same protein complex in the membranes of murine cardiomyocytes and in the immortal cardiomyocyte cell line HL-1. Western blot analysis revealed increased caveolin-1 and -3 proteins in tissue homogenates of P2X7R knockout mice. Finally, tissue homogenates of atrial tissues from caveolin-3 knockout mice showed elevated mRNA for P2X7R in atria. The colocalization of caveolins with P2X7R in a biochemical complex and compensated upregulation of P2X7R or caveolins in the absence of any component of the complex suggests P2X7R and caveolins may serve an important regulatory control point for disease pathology in the heart.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) are both involved in visceral sensory pathways by interacting with P2X and 5-HT3 receptors, respectively. We have investigated the changes in P2X and 5-HT3-mediated signalling in pelvic afferent neurons in mice deficient in P2X2 and/or P2X3 subunits by whole-cell recording of L6–S2 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and by multi-unit recording of pelvic afferents of the colorectum. In wildtype DRG neurons, ATP evoked transient, sustained or mixed (biphasic) inward currents. Transient currents were absent in P2X3 −/− neurons, whereas sustained currents were absent in P2X2 −/− DRG neurons. Neither transient nor sustained currents were observed following application of ATP or α,β-methylene ATP (α,β-meATP) in P2X2/P2X3 Dbl−/− DRG neurons. 5-HT was found to induce a fast inward current in 63% of DRG neurons from wildtype mice, which was blocked by tropisetron, a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist. The percentage of DRG neurons responding to 5-HT was significantly increased in P2X 2 −/−, P2X3 −/− and P2X2/P2X3 Dbl−/− mice, and the amplitude of 5-HT response was significantly increased in P2X2/P2X3 Dbl−/− mice. The pelvic afferent response to colorectal distension was attenuated in P2X2/P2X3 Dbl−/− mice, but the response to serosal application of 5-HT was enhanced. Furthermore, tropisetron resulted in a greater reduction in pelvic afferent responses to colorectal distension in the P2X2/P2X3 Dbl−/− preparations. These data suggest that P2X receptors containing the P2X2 and/or P2X3 subunits mediate purinergic activation of colorectal afferents and that 5-HT signalling in pelvic afferent neurons is up-regulated in mice lacking P2X2 or P2X3 receptor genes. This effect is more pronounced when both subunits are absent.  相似文献   

The neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which acts as a transducer, is responsible for improving cerebral stroke, neuropathic pain, and depression. Exercise can alter extracellular nucleotide levels and purinergic receptors in central nervous system (CNS) structures. This inevitably activates or inhibits the expression of BDNF via purinergic receptors, particularly the P2X receptor (P2XR), to alleviate pathological progression. In addition, the significant involvement of sensitive P2X4R in mediating increased BDNF and p38-MAPK for intracerebral hemorrhage and pain hypersensitivity has been reported. Moreover, archetypal P2X7R blockade induces mouse antidepressant-like behavior and analgesia by BDNF release. This review summarizes BDNF-mediated neural effects via purinergic receptors, speculates that P2X4R and P2X7R could be priming molecules in exercise-mediated changes in BDNF, and provides strategies for the protective mechanism of exercise in neurogenic disease.  相似文献   

Caveolin-3 the muscle-specific caveolin isoform, acts like the more ubiquitously expressed caveolin-1 to sculpt caveolae, specialized membrane microdomains that serve as platforms to organize signal transduction pathways. Caveolin-2 is a structurally related isoform that alone does not drive caveolae biogenesis; rather, caveolin-2 cooperates with caveolin-1 to form caveolae in nonmuscle cells. Although caveolin-2 might be expected to interact in an fashion analogous to that of caveolin-3, it generally has not been detected in cardiomyocytes. This study shows that caveolin-2 and caveolin-3 are detected at low levels in ventricular myocardium and increase dramatically with age or when neonatal cardiomyocytes are placed in culture. In contrast, flotillins (caveolin functional homologs) are expressed at relatively constant levels in these preparations. In neonatal cardiac cultures, caveolin-2 and -3 expression is not influenced by thyroid hormone (a postnatal regulator of other cardiac gene products). The further evidence that caveolin-2 coimmunoprecipitates with caveolin-3 and floats with caveolin-3 by isopycnic centrifugation in cardiomyocyte cultures suggests that caveolin-2 may play a role in caveolae biogenesis and influence cardiac muscle physiology.  相似文献   

Extracellular purines are important signaling molecules involved in numerous physiological and pathological processes via the activation of P2 receptors. Information about the spatial and temporal P2 receptor (P2R) expression and its regulation remains crucial for the understanding of the role of P2Rs in health and disease. To identify cells carrying P2X2Rs in situ, we have generated BAC transgenic mice that express the P2X2R subunits as fluorescent fusion protein (P2X2-TagRFP). In addition, we generated a BAC P2Y1R TagRFP reporter mouse expressing a TagRFP reporter for the P2RY1 gene expression. We demonstrate expression of the P2X2R in a subset of DRG neurons, the brain stem, the hippocampus, as well as on Purkinje neurons of the cerebellum. However, the weak fluorescence intensity in our P2X2R-TagRFP mouse precluded tracking of living cells. Our P2Y1R reporter mice confirmed the widespread expression of the P2RY1 gene in the CNS and indicate for the first time P2RY1 gene expression in mouse Purkinje cells, which so far has only been described in rats and humans. Our P2R transgenic models have advanced the understanding of purinergic transmission, but BAC transgenic models appeared not always to be straightforward and permanent reliable. We noticed a loss of fluorescence intensity, which depended on the number of progeny generations. These problems are discussed and may help to provide more successful animal models, even if in future more versatile and adaptable nuclease-mediated genome-editing techniques will be the methods of choice.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11302-021-09792-9.  相似文献   

ATP physiologically activates the P2X7 receptor (P2X7R), a member of the P2X ionotropic receptor family. When activated by high concentrations of ATP (i.e., at inflammation sites), this receptor is capable of forming a pore that allows molecules of up to 900 Da to pass through. This receptor is upregulated in several diseases, particularly leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer''s disease. A selective antagonist of this receptor could be useful in the treatment of P2X7R activation-related diseases. In the present study, we have evaluated several parameters using in vitro protocols to validate a high-throughput screening (HTS) method to identify P2X7R antagonists. We generated dose-response curves to determine the EC50 value of the known agonist ATP and the ICs50 values for the known antagonists Brilliant Blue G (BBG) and oxidized ATP (OATP). The values obtained were consistent with those found in the literature (0.7 ± 0.07 mM, 1.3-2.6 mM and 173-285 μM for ATP, BBG and OATP, respectively). The Z-factor, an important statistical tool that can be used to validate the robustness and suitability of an HTS assay, was 0.635 for PI uptake and 0.867 for LY uptake. No inter-operator variation was observed, and the results obtained using our improved method were reproducible. Our data indicate that our assay is suitable for the selective and reliable evaluation of P2X7 activity in multiwell plates using spectrophotometry-based methodology. This method might improve the high-throughput screening of conventional chemical or natural product libraries for possible candidate P2X7R antagonist or agonist  相似文献   

P2X7 receptors are present in presynaptic membranes of motor synapses, but their regulatory role in modulation of neurotransmitter release remains poorly understood. P2X7 receptors may interact with pannexin 1 channels to form a purinergic signaling unit. The potential mechanism of P2X7 receptor-dependent modulation of acetylcholine (ACh) release was investigated by recording miniature endplate potentials (MEPPs) and evoked endplate potentials (EPPs) in neuromuscular junctions of wild-type (WT) and pannexin 1 knockout (Panx1?/?) mice. Modulation of P2X7 receptors with the selective inhibitor A740003 or the selective agonist BzATP did not alter the parameters of either spontaneous or evoked ACh release in WT mice. In Panx1?/? mice, BzATP-induced activation of P2X7 receptors resulted in a uniformly increased quantal content of EPPs during a short stimulation train. This effect was accompanied by an increase in the size of the readily releasable pool, while the release probability did not change. Inhibition of calmodulin by W-7 or of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) by KN-93 completely prevented the potentiating effect of BzATP on the EPP quantal content. The blockade of L-type calcium channels also prevented BzATP action on evoked synaptic activity. Thus, the activation of presynaptic P2X7 receptors in mice lacking pannexin 1 resulted in enhanced evoked ACh release. Such enhanced release was provoked by triggering the calmodulin- and CaMKII-dependent signaling pathway, followed by activation of presynaptic L-type calcium channels. We suggest that in WT mice, this pathway is downregulated due to pannexin 1-dependent tonic activation of inhibitory presynaptic purinergic receptors, which overcomes P2X7-mediated effects.  相似文献   

Esophageal cancer is an aggressive tumor and is the sixth leading cause of cancer death worldwide. ATP is well known to regulate cancer progression in a variety of models by different mechanisms, including P2X7R activation. This study aimed to evaluate the role of P2X7R in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) proliferation. Our results show that treatment with high ATP concentrations induced a decrease in cell number, cell viability, number of polyclonal colonies, and reduced migration of ESCC. The treatment with the selective P2X7R antagonist A740003 or siRNA for P2X7 reverted this effect in the KYSE450 cell line. In addition, results showed that P2X7R is highly expressed, at mRNA and protein levels, in KYSE450 lineage. Additionally, KYSE450, KYSE30, and OE21 cells express P2X3R, P2X4R, P2X5R, P2X6R, and P2X7R genes. P2X1R is expressed by KYSE30 and KYSE450, and only KYSE450 expresses the P2X2R gene. Furthermore, esophageal cancer cell line KYSE450 presented higher expression of E-NTPDases 1 and 2 and of Ecto-5′-NT/CD73 when compared to normal cells. This cell line also exhibits ATPase, ADPase, and AMPase activity, although in different levels, and the co-treatment of apyrase was able to revert the antiproliferative effects of ATP. Moreover, results showed high immunostaining for P2X7R in biopsies of patients with esophageal carcinoma, indicating the involvement of this receptor in the growth of this type of cancer. The results suggest that P2X7R may be a potential pharmacological target to treat ESCC and can lead us to further investigate the effect of this receptor in cancer cell progression.  相似文献   

Altered cytokine production in mice lacking P2X(7) receptors   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
The P2X(7) receptor (P2X(7)R) is an ATP-gated ion channel expressed by monocytes and macrophages. To directly address the role of this receptor in interleukin (IL)-1 beta post-translational processing, we have generated a P2X(7)R-deficient mouse line. P2X(7)R(-/-) macrophages respond to lipopolysaccharide and produce levels of cyclooxygenase-2 and pro-IL-1 beta comparable with those generated by wild-type cells. In response to ATP, however, pro-IL-1 beta produced by the P2X(7)R(-/-) cells is not externalized or activated by caspase-1. Nigericin, an alternate secretion stimulus, promotes release of 17-kDa IL-1 beta from P2X(7)R(-/-) macrophages. In response to in vivo lipopolysaccharide injection, both wild-type and P2X(7)R(-/-) animals display increases in peritoneal lavage IL-6 levels but no detectable IL-1. Subsequent ATP injection to wild-type animals promotes an increase in IL-1, which in turn leads to additional IL-6 production; similar increases did not occur in ATP-treated, LPS-primed P2X(7)R(-/-) animals. Absence of the P2X(7)R thus leads to an inability of peritoneal macrophages to release IL-1 in response to ATP. As a result of the IL-1 deficiency, in vivo cytokine signaling cascades are impaired in P2X(7)R-deficient animals. Together these results demonstrate that P2X(7)R activation can provide a signal that leads to maturation and release of IL-1 beta and initiation of a cytokine cascade.  相似文献   

The P2X7 receptor has recently been described as a marker for lung alveolar epithelial type I cells. Here, we demonstrate both the expression of P2X7 protein and its partition into lipid rafts in the mouse lung alveolar epithelial cell line E10. A significant degree of colocalization was observed between P2X7 and the raft marker protein Caveolin-1; also, P2X7 protein was associated with caveolae. A marked reduction in P2X7 immunoreactivity was observed in lung sections prepared from Caveolin-1-knockout mice, indicating that Caveolin-1 expression was required for full expression of P2X7 protein. Indeed, suppression of Caveolin-1 protein expression in E10 cells using short hairpin RNAs resulted in a large reduction in P2X7 protein expression. Our data demonstrate a potential interaction between P2X7 protein and Caveolin-1 in lipid rafts, and provide a basis for further functional and biochemical studies to probe the physiologic significance of this interaction.  相似文献   

The ATP-activated P2X7 receptor channel is involved in immune function and inflammatory pain and represents an important drug target. Here we describe a new P2X7 splice variant (P2X7(k)), containing an alternative intracellular N terminus and first transmembrane domain encoded by a novel exon 1 in the rodent P2rx7 gene. Whole cell patch clamp recordings of the rat isoform expressed in HEK293 cells revealed an 8-fold higher sensitivity to the agonist Bz-ATP and much slower deactivation kinetics when compared with the P2X7(a) receptor. Permeability measurements in Xenopus oocytes show a high permeability for N-methyl-d-glucamine immediately upon activation, suggesting that the P2X7(k) channel is constitutively dilated upon opening. The rates of agonist-induced dye uptake and membrane blebbing in HEK cells were also increased. PCR analyses and biochemical analysis by SDS-PAGE and BN-PAGE indicate that the P2X7(k) variant escapes gene deletion in one of the available P2X7−/− mice strains and is strongly expressed in the spleen. Taken together, we describe a novel P2X7 isoform with distinct functional properties that contributes to the diversity of P2X7 receptor signaling. Its presence in one of the P2X7−/− strains has important implications for our understanding of the role of this receptor in health and disease.P2X receptors (P2XRs)3 are ATP-gated cation channels. They consist of three subunits (1, 2) each containing two transmembrane domains (TMDs) linked by an extracellular ligand-binding domain (3). The P2X7 receptor is distinguished from other P2X receptors by its long intracellular C terminus, a low ATP sensitivity (EC50: 100 μm to 1 mm), and its ability to induce “cell permeabilization,” meaning that upon prolonged ATP application the opening of a permeation pathway for large molecules is induced. This process eventually leads to apoptosis, requires the C terminus (36), and may be mediated by interaction with pannexin hemichannels (7). In addition, “pore dilation,” which allows the passage of the large cation NMDG, is observed if extracellular sodium is replaced by NMDG (8), a property also displayed by the P2X2 (9) and P2X4 (10) receptors. This pore dilation is assumed to represent an intrinsic property of these P2X receptors (11, 12), although it can be influenced by interaction with intracellular proteins (13). However, both processes are still poorly understood.P2X7 receptors are found on cells of the hematopoietic lineage, in epithelia, and endothelia. Several studies report its expression and/or function in neurons, although its presence here is under debate (14, 15). So far, nine splice variants (P2X7(b) through P2X7(j)) have been described, only one of which was shown to be, at least partially, functional (16, 17). In addition, numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms have been identified in the human P2X7 receptor. Some of these have been found to cause either gain or loss of function and have been associated with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, bone fracture risk, and impaired immune functions (1820). Recent genetic studies indicate an association between the Gln-460 → Arg polymorphism and familial depressive disorders (21).Two P2X7-deficient mouse lines have been described. In the mouse line generated by Glaxo, the P2rx7 gene was knocked out by insertion of a lacZ transgene into exon 1 (22). In the mouse line generated by Pfizer (23) a neomycin cassette was inserted into exon 13, replacing a region that encodes Cys-506–Pro-532 of the intracellular C terminus of the receptor. The Pfizer P2X7 KO mice demonstrated the involvement of this receptor in bone formation (24), cytokine production, and inflammation (23, 25) while the Glaxo−/− mice established its role in inflammatory and neuropathic pain (26). All these findings and multiple subsequent studies based on these mouse models defined the P2X7R as a promising target for the development of innovative therapeutic strategies, and selective P2X7 inhibitors are already in clinical trials for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (27).Here, we describe a novel P2X7 isoform with an alternative N terminus and TMD 1. Compared with the originally identified P2X7(a) variant, it has increased agonist sensitivity and a higher propensity to form NMDG-permeable pores and permit dye uptake. Due to a novel alternative exon 1 and translation start, this splice variant escapes inactivation in the Glaxo P2X7−/− mice and thus could account for possible inconsistencies between results obtained with different P2X7−/− mouse lines (28).  相似文献   

Diabetic neuropathic pain (DNP) is highly common in diabetes patients. P2X receptors play critical roles in pain sensitization. We previously showed that elevated P2X3 expression in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) contributes to DNP. However, the role of other P2X receptors in DNP is unclear. Here, we established the DNP model using a single high-dose streptozotocin (STZ) injection and investigated the expression of P2X genes in the DRG. Our data revealed elevated P2X2, P2X4, and P2X7 mRNA levels in DRG of DNP rats. The protein levels of P2X4 and P2X7 in DNP rats increased, but the P2X2 did not change significantly. To study the role of P2X4 and P2X7 in diabetes-induced hyperalgesia, we treated the DNP rats with TNP-ATP (2’,3’-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-adenosine 5’-triphosphate), a nonspecific P2X1–7 antagonist, and found that TNP-ATP alleviated thermal hyperalgesia in DNP rats. 2 Hz electroacupuncture is analgesic against DNP and could downregulate P2X4 and P2X7 expression in DRG. Our findings indicate that P2X4 and P2X7 in L4–L6 DRGs contribute to diabetes-induced hyperalgesia, and that EA reduces thermal hyperalgesia and the expression of P2X4 and P2X7.  相似文献   

Cerebral ischemia–reperfusion (I–R) injury is one of the primary causes of ischemic stroke. Ischemic postconditioning (iPoCo) is evolving as an important adaptive technique to contain I–R injury. Some recent studies have shown neuroprotective effect of iPoCo. However, neuroprotective mechanism of iPoCo is not clear. So, the present study has been undertaken to investigate the possible role of P2X7 purinoceptors in neuroprotective mechanism of iPoCo in mice. Bilateral carotid artery occlusion for 12 min followed by R for 24 h produced a significant rise in cerebral infarct size and neurological severity score (NSS) along with impairment of memory and motor coordination. iPoCo, involving three episodes of 10-s carotid artery occlusion with intermittent R of 10 s applied just after ischemic insult of 12 min, produced a significant decrease in cerebral infarct size and NSS along with reversal of I–R-induced impairment of memory and motor coordination. iPoCo induced neuroprotective effects were significantly abolished by pretreatment with selective purinergic P2X7 receptor blocker Brilliant Blue G (40 mg/kg intraperitoneal). It may be concluded that neuroprotective effect of iPoCo probably involves in activation of purinergic P2X7 receptors.  相似文献   

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