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In the presence of size-selective fish daphnids were shown to exhibit two alternative inducible defence strategies: They may either escape predation by active migration or adopt a life history strategy, e.g., reproduce earlier and at a smaller size. Depending on the type of habitat, migration may either be vertically (in deep stratified lakes) or horizontally (in shallow lakes with macrophytes) oriented. Concerning behavioural defence strategies, daphnids living in medium-deep, weakly stratified water bodies with a poorly developed littoral face a dilemma, since the littoral provides no shelter and the availability of a deep-water refuge is unpredictable. We studied the population dynamics, life history changes (size at maturity) and daytime vertical distribution of Daphnia galeata in a weakly stratified reservoir in relation to predation by juvenile fish during 6 years. While temperature gradients were usually small, oxygen concentrations suggest that a low-oxygen refuge for daphnids was available in every year to some extent. Our results indicate that, depending on predation intensity and stratification patterns, daphnids exhibit both, behavioural and life history defences. In years with a high biomass of young-of-the-year (YOY) perch Daphnia abundance declined rapidly at the end of the clear water stage while at the same time the vertical distribution at daytime shifted to deep strata providing a low-oxygen refuge and the size at maturity decreased. However, while the life history response in some years lasted throughout most of the summer period, a shift in daytime vertical distribution was exhibited for much shorter periods. Both traits were much less expressed in years with low YOY fish densities and no negative correlation between them could be verified. We suggest that under high predation pressure in this relatively shallow reservoir no strictly alternative (either behavioural or life history) strategies exist, but that daphnids make use of the full range of possible anti-predator defences available, at least during short periods when predation is most intense. Guest editor: Piet Spaak Cladocera: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Cladocera  相似文献   



A mismatch has emerged between models and data of host-parasite evolution. Theory readily predicts that parasites can promote host diversity through mechanisms such as disruptive selection. Yet, despite these predictions, empirical evidence for parasite-mediated increases in host diversity remains surprisingly scant.  相似文献   

Two repeated DNA sequences isolated from a partial genomic DNA library of Helianthus annuus, p HaS13 and p HaS211, were shown to represent portions of the int gene of a Ty3 /gypsy retroelement and of the RNase-Hgene of a Ty1 /copia retroelement, respectively. Southern blotting patterns obtained by hybridizing the two probes to BglII- or DraI-digested genomic DNA from different Helianthus species showed p HaS13 and p HaS211 were parts of dispersed repeats at least 8 and 7 kb in length, respectively, that were conserved in all species studied. Comparable hybridization patterns were obtained in all species with p HaS13. By contrast, the patterns obtained by hybridizing p HaS211 clearly differentiated annual species from perennials. The frequencies of p HaS13- and p HaS211-related sequences in different species were 4.3x10(4)-1.3x10(5) copies and 9.9x10(2)-8.1x10(3) copies per picogram of DNA, respectively. The frequency of p HaS13-related sequences varied widely within annual species, while no significant difference was observed among perennial species. Conversely, the frequency variation of p HaS211-related sequences was as large within annual species as within perennials. Sequences of both families were found to be dispersed along the length of all chromosomes in all species studied. However, Ty3 /gypsy-like sequences were localized preferentially at the centromeric regions, whereas Ty1/ copia-like sequences were less represented or absent around the centromeres and plentiful at the chromosome ends. These findings suggest that the two sequence families played a role in Helianthusgenome evolution and species divergence, evolved independently in the same genomic backgrounds and in annual or perennial species, and acquired different possible functions in the host genomes.  相似文献   

Studying Pneumocystis has proven to be a challenge from the perspective of propagating a significant amount of the pathogen in a facile manner. The study of several fungal pathogens has been aided by the use of invertebrate model hosts. Our efforts to infect the invertebrate larvae Galleria mellonella with Pneumocystis proved futile since P. murina neither caused disease nor was able to proliferate within G. mellonella. It did, however, show that the pathogen could be rapidly cleared from the host.  相似文献   

Sakwińska O 《Oecologia》2004,138(3):379-386
The aim of the present study was to examine the magnitude and persistence of maternal effects in Daphnia, in particular maternal identity effects. I studied life history traits of a single clone of Daphnia galeata born to 40 different mothers belonging to three age groups. Maternal identity had large effects on offspring traits, that is, identically treated clonal females differed substantially in respect to the traits of their offspring, including size at birth, age at maturity, and number of second generation offspring. The effects of maternal identity on these traits were largely independent of maternally induced differences in offspring size, indicating that maternal effects were mediated through offspring quality. Maternal age also affected offspring traits: older mothers gave birth to larger offspring which matured earlier, were larger and more fecund, and survived better until maturity. Individuals which were larger at birth also had a better chance of survival. Contrary to expectation, I found little evidence that maternal identity or maternal age had any influence on their offsprings response to fish kairomones.  相似文献   

Food quality in terms of carbon (C):phosphorus (P) ratio can constrain the success of highly demanding P herbivores as Daphnia. North Andean Patagonian lakes are ultraoligotrophic with low nutrient concentrations and well-developed euphotic zones. We investigated the distribution of the large Daphnia commutata in relation with food quality (sestonic C:P ratio) and predation risk in these lakes. The predation risk was estimated based on the fish species present and their relative eye diameter and transparency of the lake. The C:P ratios in the lakes were high, varying from 350 to >1,200. The lakes with D. commutata had significantly lower C:P ratio than those without these daphnids. On the other hand, those lakes where Daphnia is present have the lower predation risk than those were Daphnia is absent. In addition, we carried out growth experiments with neonates and natural seston of three lakes with different C:P ratio. The growth rates were inversely related with C:P of the food. Food quality and predation risk together determined the success or failure of large Daphnia populations in these Andean clear ultraoligotrophic lakes.  相似文献   

A revision of Penstemon sect. Saccanthera subsect. Serrulati includes a new species (P. salmonensis), a new variety (P. triphyllus var. infernalis), and the elevation of a subspecies to species (P. curtiflorus), bringing the total number of species to eight, which are keyed and described, complete with nomenclature and type citations.  相似文献   

A genetic transformation system has been developed for callus cells of Crataegus aronia using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Callus culture was established from internodal stem segments incubated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 5 mg l−1 Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 0.5 mg l−1 6-benzyladenine (BA). In order to optimize the callus culture system with respect to callus growth and coloration, different types and concentrations of plant growth regulators were tested. Results indicated that the best average fresh weight of red colored callus was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg l−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 1.5 mg l−1 kinetin (Kin) (callus maintenance medium). Callus cells were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium harboring the binary plasmid pCAMBIA1302 carrying the mgfp5 and hygromycin phosphotransferase (hptII) genes conferring green fluorescent protein (GFP) activity and hygromycin resistance, respectively. Putative transgenic calli were obtained 4 weeks after incubation of the co-cultivated explants onto maintenance medium supplemented with 50 mg l−1 hygromycin. Molecular analysis confirmed the integration of the transgenes in transformed callus. To our knowledge, this is the first time to report an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system in Crataegus aronia.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of infection transmission via water from infected to healthy fish were conducted. The dark-brown bacterial colonies typical for Aeromonas salmonicida on tryptone soya agar (TSA) have been isolated and counted (from 3.0±0.6×102 to 3.5±0.5×105 c.f.u. g−1) from the internal organs of naturally infected (NI) and experimentally infected (EI) perch and sea trout. No significant differences in dark-brown bacterial counts were detected between EI perch and EI sea trout. The assessment and comparison of the alterations of the biological parameters of EI European perch and sea trout with bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida with naturally infected perch were conducted. No mortality was recorded in groups of EI perch and sea trout. Whereas, the mortality of NI perch (collected from the main sites of outbreak of disease) was observed from the second day of the experiments. Changes in morphophysiological parameters of EI perch and sea trout were similar. Different alterations in blood cell parameters of EI fish were observed, and the most noticeable was the decrease (P≤0.01) in white blood cell count (WBC) of EI perch and sea trout. Based on these results it can be deduced that there is infection transmission of bacterium A. salmonicida from European perch via water to other fish species.  相似文献   

Dated sediment cores from acidified and fishless Lake Gaffeln and Lake Härsvatten, SW Sweden, were analyzed for Daphnia ephippia and Chaoborus mandibles to test whether acidification history and fish extirpations could be reconstructed in a paleo-study using these easily identifiable animal remains. According to monitoring data fish were lost in both lakes from the 1950s to the 1970s. Progressive acidification prior to monitoring was confirmed by a gradual decrease and eventual loss of Daphnia ephippia in both study lakes during the first half of the twentieth century. In Lake Gaffeln mandibles of C. obscuripes appeared immediately after fish loss in 1973, and the regular presence of this species confirmed the succeeding fishless state of this lake. In Lake Härsvatten sediments C. obscuripes appeared only recently, i.e. three decades after fish extirpation, showing that the absence of C. obscuripes mandibles is not a trustworthy indicator of fish presence. Hence, the appearance of C. obscuripes was not temporally related to fish loss but confirmed the present fishless condition. Known historical presence of cyprinid fish in Lake Gaffeln was confirmed by a significantly higher proportion of fragmented mandibles of C. flavicans compared to the historically cyprinid-free Lake Härsvatten. In addition, both lake profiles displayed zero-proportions of fragmented mandibles during fishless periods. We conclude that acidification history and fish extirpations can be inferred by integrated studies on subfossil Daphnia ephippia and Chaoborus mandibles. However, during extreme ultra-oligotrophic conditions in acidified clear-water lakes subfossil Chaoborus mandibles may be too scarce to infer fish absence/presence.  相似文献   



wFleaBase is a database with the necessary infrastructure to curate, archive and share genetic, molecular and functional genomic data and protocols for an emerging model organism, the microcrustacean Daphnia. Commonly known as the water-flea, Daphnia's ecological merit is unequaled among metazoans, largely because of its sentinel role within freshwater ecosystems and over 200 years of biological investigations. By consequence, the Daphnia Genomics Consortium (DGC) has launched an interdisciplinary research program to create the resources needed to study genes that affect ecological and evolutionary success in natural environments.  相似文献   

Zooplankters are hosts to numerous endo- and ectoparasites, some of which have dramatic impacts on their hosts. Epizootics on zooplankton are probably more widespread in lake systems than it is currently known, and few studies have explored the direct and indirect importance of parasitism in aquatic food webs. In addition, our understanding of the sublethal effects of parasitic infections on host organisms and populations is limited. We used a novel electro-chemical based technique to measure in the outflow of the feeding current changes in the beat rate of the thoracic appendages in female Daphnia pulicaria. We observed simultaneously the heart rates and compared chytrid infected animals with uninfected gravid and non-gravid ones. We found in uninfected animals a thoracic beat rate of 3.81 ± 018 Hz and a heart rate of 4.67 ± 0.42 Hz. Gravid daphnids had a 14% lower thoracic beat rate (3.27 ± 0.30 Hz) than non-gravid females while the heart rate did not significantly differ (4.48 ± 0.28 Hz). In contrast, infected animals showed a 22% lower thoracic beat rate (2.96 ± 0.47 Hz) and a 36% lower heart rate (2.98 ± 0.5 Hz) when compared with uninfected non-gravid females. We discuss the ways Daphnia are affected by Polycaryum leave infections on the individual and population level.  相似文献   

The maT clade of transposons is a group of transposable elements intermediate in sequence and predicted protein structure to mariner and Tc transposons, with a distribution thus far limited to a few invertebrate species. We present evidence, based on searches of publicly available databases, that the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae has several maT-like transposons, which we have designated as CbmaT elements, dispersed throughout its genome. We also describe two additional transposon sequences that probably share their evolutionary history with the CbmaT transposons. One resembles a fold back variant of a CbmaT element, with long (380-bp) inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) that show a high degree (71%) of identity to CbmaT1. The other, which shares only the 26-bp ITR sequences with one of the CbmaT variants, is present in eight nearly identical copies, but does not have a transposase gene and may therefore be cross mobilised by a CbmaT transposase. Using PCR-based mobility assays, we show that CbmaT1 transposons are capable of excising from the C. briggsae genome. CbmaT1 excised approximately 500 times less frequently than Tcb1 in the reference strain AF16, but both CbmaT1 and Tcb1 excised at extremely high frequencies in the HK105 strain. The HK105 strain also exhibited a high frequency of spontaneous induction of unc-22 mutants, suggesting that it may be a mutator strain of C. briggsae.  相似文献   

Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) stem canker caused by Diaporthe helianthi is one of the most important sunflower diseases in Croatia. Until recently, sunflower was the only known host for D. helianthi. In our research carried out in the area of Eastern Croatia, isolates of Diaporthe/Phomospis were collected from Xanthium italicum, X. strumarium and Arctium lappa. Using morphological, cultural and molecular ITS rDNA data, isolates from these weeds were identified as D. helianthi. The following isolates were used in the pathogenicity test: one isolate originated from sunflower (Su5/04), three from X. italicum (Xa2, Xa3 and Xa5), two from X. strumarium (Xa9 and Xa12), one from Xanthium sp. (Xa13) and one from A. lappa (Ar3). According to the results, it was determined that isolate Xa5 (originated from X. italicum) was the most pathogenic to sunflower stems. The average length of the lesion was 11.3 cm. The lowest level of pathogenicity was found in Xa9 (isolated from X. strumarium). The length of the lesion was 0.1 cm.  相似文献   

New combinations are proposed in anticipation of the Polygonaceae treatment in the forthcoming volume of Intermountain Flora: Polygonum kelloggii var. esotericum, P. kelloggii var. watsonii , Rumex densiflorus var. pycnanthus , R. salicifolius var. utahensis, and R. occidentalis var. tomentellus. Typifications are proposed to facilitate ongoing studies in Polygonaceae and to maintain current usage.  相似文献   



Vascular plants respond to pathogens by activating a diverse array of defense mechanisms. Studies with these plants have provided a wealth of information on pathogen recognition, signal transduction and the activation of defense responses. However, very little is known about the infection and defense responses of the bryophyte, Physcomitrella patens, to well-studied phytopathogens. The purpose of this study was to determine: i) whether two representative broad host range pathogens, Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora (E.c. carotovora) and Botrytis cinerea (B. cinerea), could infect Physcomitrella, and ii) whether B. cinerea, elicitors of a harpin (HrpN) producing E.c. carotovora strain (SCC1) or a HrpN-negative strain (SCC3193), could cause disease symptoms and induce defense responses in Physcomitrella.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effect of chemical cues from two fish species (mosquitofish and pumpkinseed), at different concentrations, was tested in life history experiments with Daphnia longispina. The two fish species used represent the most abundant planktivores of many Mediterranean shallow lakes (SW Europe), where the indigenous fish communities have been replaced by such exotic assemblages. Results have shown a similar response of D. longispina to both fish species: kairomones stimulated daphnids to produce more offspring, which resulted in higher fitness (r), relatively to a fishless control. Fish presence also induced an earlier first reproduction, a smaller size at maturity of daphnids, and the production of smaller-sized neonates. Significant correlations with fish concentration (indirect measure of fish kairomone concentration) were found for size at maturity and neonate size, for both fish species. These results are in accordance to the “positive response” observed by other authors, which represents a defence mechanism to face losses caused by fish predators. The chemically mediated size reduction of mature females and neonates is an adaptive response to the size-selective predation exerted by fish. Pumpkinseed introduction is very recent in the lake of origin of the daphnids used in the experiments and its kairomone produced similar effects to mosquitofish in the life history of D. longispina. These results are contrary to the existence of a species-specific kairomone and support the hypothesis of a general fish kairomone. Guest editor: Piet Spaak Cladocera: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Cladocera  相似文献   

Seol E  Jung Y  Lee J  Cho C  Kim T  Rhee Y  Lee S 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(7):1197-1206
Notocactus scopa cv. Soonjung was subjected to in planta Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation with vacuum infiltration, pin-pricking, and a combination of the two methods. The pin-pricking combined with vacuum infiltration (20-30 cmHg for 15 min) resulted in a transformation efficiency of 67-100%, and the expression of the uidA and nptII genes was detected in transformed cactus. The established in planta transformation technique generated a transgenic cactus with higher transformation efficiency, shortened selection process, and stable gene expression via asexual reproduction. All of the results showed that the in planta transformation method utilized in the current study provided an efficient and time-saving procedure for the delivery of genes into the cactus genome, and that this technique can be applied to other asexually reproducing succulent plant species.  相似文献   

Tropilaelaps mercedesae is a serious ectoparasite of Apis mellifera in China. The aim of this study was to investigate the infestation rates and intensity of T. mercedesae in A. mellifera in China, and to explore the relative importance of climate, district, management practices and beekeeper characteristics that are assumed to be associated with the intensity of T. mercedesae. Of the 410 participating apiaries, 379 apiaries were included in analyses of seasonal infestation rates and 352 apiaries were included in multivariable regression analysis. The highest infestation rate (86.3%) of T. mercedesae was encountered in autumn, followed by summer (66.5%), spring (17.2%) and winter (14.8%). In autumn, 28.9% (93) of the infested apiaries were in the north (including the northeast and northwest of China), 71.1% (229) were in the central and south (including east, southeast and southwest China), and 306 apiaries (82.9%) were co-infested by both T. mercedesae and Varroa. Multivariable regression analysis showed that geographical location, season, royal jelly collection and Varroa infestation were the factors that influence the intensity of T. mercedesae. The influence of beekeeper’s education, time of beekeeping, operation size, and hive migration on the intensity of T. mercedesa was not statistically significant. This study provided information about the establishment of the linkage of the environment and the parasite and could lead to better timing and methods of control.  相似文献   

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