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The aim of this study was to develop an input/output mass balance to predict phosphorus retention in a five pond constructed wetland system (CWS) at Greenmount Farm, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The mass balance was created using 14-months of flow data collected at inflow and outflow points on a weekly basis. Balance outputs were correlated with meteorological parameters, such as daily air temperature and hydrological flow, recorded daily onsite. The mass balance showed that phosphorus retention within the system exceeded phosphorus release, illustrating the success of this CWS to remove nutrients from agricultural effluent from a dairy farm. The last pond, pond 5, showed the greatest relative retention of 86%. Comparison of retention and mean air temperature highlighted a striking difference in trends between up-gradient and down-gradient ponds, with up-gradient ponds 1 and 2 displaying a positive quadratic relationship and down-gradient ponds 3 through 5 displaying a negative quadratic relationship.  相似文献   

《Ecological Engineering》2005,24(3):219-232
Water pollution by agriculture can include inappropriately managed dairy farmyard dirty water. In Ireland, dairy farmyard dirty water includes farmyard runoff, parlour washings, and silage/farmyard manure effluents. The objectives of this study were to determine (i) the quality and quantity of dirty water generated at a farm-scale and (ii) the seasonal effectiveness of a constructed wetland to treat farmyard dirty water. The wetland system was 4800 m2 in area and treated dirty water from a 42-cow organic dairy unit with an open yard area of 2031 m2. Monthly dirty water inflow rate to the wetland ranged between 3.6 and 18.5 m3 d−1. Farmyard dirty water accounted for 27% of hydrological inputs to the wetland, whereas rainfall on wetland, along with wetland bank inflows accounted for 45 and 28%, respectively. Farmyard dirty water quality and quantity did not vary with season. Yearly mass loads discharged to the wetland were 47 ± 10 kg yr−1 of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), 128 ± 35 kg yr−1 of NH4+, 5484 ± 1433 kg yr−1 of organic material as measured by five-day biological oxygen demand (BOD5), and 1570 ± 465 kg yr−1 of total suspended solids (TSS). Phosphorus retention by the wetland varied with season (5–84%) with least amounts being retained during winter.  相似文献   

As environmental legislation has become stricter in recent years, the issue of wastewater treatment in rural areas has become an increasing concern. Choice of the most suitable on-site purification systems is based on the key issues of affordability and appropriateness in Chinese rural areas. This paper describes an integrated household constructed wetland (IHCW) system planted with willow (Salix babylonica) to treat household domestic wastewater in rural villages in northern China. The precast frame structure of IHCW is strong and waterproof. It can be mass-produced and installed per a standard set of specifications. The IHCW has achieved high overall removal efficiencies for BOD5, TSS, NH4-N, and TP: 96.0%, 97.0%, 88.4% and 87.8%, respectively. A 0.4 m biomass layer cover on the system provided significant system thermal insulation, maintaining high treatment performance in freezing winter conditions. The system is cost effective and does not need any operational energy inputs, demonstrating its feasibility for single-family use in developing countries.  相似文献   

This research aimed to investigate the applicability of an integrated constructed wetland system for P removal from low-strength wastewaters. The integrated system consisted of a constructed wetland and a post-filter unit, in series; both units were packed with oyster shells (OS) as adsorption and filtration media. Based on 1 year of operation under the overall hydraulic retention time of 3.5 days, the integrated system was found to be highly effective in removing BOD5 (92.3%), N (85.7%), P (98.3%) and total suspended solids (TSS) (94.4%) compounds, in which the constructed wetland unit was responsible for most of the treatment performance, while the post-filter unit served as a polishing unit, especially in the removal of the remaining N, P and TSS. To simulate heavy rainfall conditions, the integrated system was tested under hydraulic shock loading at the overall hydraulic retention time of 0.7 day for 14 days that represented the extreme period of high drainage flows. There were some increases of P concentrations in the post-filter effluent during the 14 days of operation up to about 5 mg/l, but these P concentrations were later decreased to about 1 mg/L after the shock loading period. These experimental results suggested the applicability of the integrated constructed wetland system which used oyster shells as adsorption and filtration media for P removal which should help to minimize eutrophication problems in receiving waters.  相似文献   

Low-chlorinated benzenes (CBs) are widespread groundwater contaminants and often threaten to contaminate surface waters. Constructed wetlands (CWs) in river floodplains are a promising technology for protecting sensitive surface water bodies from the impact of CBs. The efficiency and seasonal variability of monochlorobenzene (MCB), 1,4-dichlorobenzene (1,4-DCB) and 1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCB) removal, the impact of planting, and gaseous MCB emissions from the filter surface were investigated over the course of 1 year in both a vegetated pilot-scale CW and an unplanted reference plot (UR). Annual mean concentration decreases of MCB and 1,4-DCB were observed; however, annual mean 1,2-DCB removal was seen only in the upper filter layer. Planting (Phragmites australis) had a statistically significant beneficial effect on removal. The CB removal efficiency in the CW generally decreased with depth, and seasonal variations of removal were evident, with less concentration decrease during summer. Load removal efficiencies of 59-65% (262-358 mg m−2 d−1) for MCB, 59-69% (4.0-5.1 mg m−2 d−1) for 1,4-DCB and 29-42% (0.6-2.1 mg m−2 d−1) for 1,2-DCB were observed in June and July. Volatilization of MCB from the filter surface accounted for 2-4% of the total amount removed. Simple cover layers of organic materials on the filter surface were suitable for MCB emission reduction. Model calculations were carried out to estimate the MCB removal potential attributable to microbial degradation, volatilisation, and plant uptake in the CW and UR. Microbial degradation was the dominating process. The observed positive impact of plants on MCB removal was caused by improved oxygen supply (due to root oxygen release into the rhizosphere and enhanced water table fluctuations), and direct plant uptake.  相似文献   

A self-organizing map (SOM) model was applied as a prediction tool for the performance of an integrated constructed wetland (ICW) agroecosystem treating agricultural runoff to protect receiving watercourses. By utilizing the SOM model, the time-consuming to measure expensive biochemical oxygen demand outflow concentrations were predicted well by other inexpensive variables, which were quicker and easier to measure. Correct predictions for the outflow biochemical oxygen demand concentrations were between 89% and 100%. This novel approach allows for the real time control of the outflow water quality of the ICW and potentially also of other treatment system applications. Moreover, the missing values and outliers from the large but incomplete ICW data set were replaced accurately by most likely values determined by the SOM model. This was important because the proportions of unusable entries for chemical oxygen demand, suspended solids and biochemical oxygen demand were very high: 41%, 54%, and 61%, respectively.  相似文献   

Li  Xi  Li  Yuyuan  Li  Yong  Wu  Jinshui 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2018,102(24):10755-10765
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - Managing waste produced from swine farming operations is a significant agricultural and environmental challenge. Confined animal feeding operations...  相似文献   

Five emergent plant species were compared for their effectiveness in treating contaminants in a wetland system constructed on a military base in El Salvador. The system consisted of the subsurface flow (SSF), open water (OW) and free surface flow (SF) wetlands with a combined flow capacity of up to 151.4 m3 d?1. Reliability and consistent performance in extreme conditions, such as those occurring during the tropical dry or wet seasons were important evaluation criteria. The discontinuous flow patterns typical of tropical climates necessitated the use of water balance calculations using climatic data such as rainfall and evapotranspiration. System characterization was achieved by computation of daily input and output mass loading rates for each individual constituent. Results suggest that Phragmites and Brachiaria were the most effective plants in SSF wetland. Brachiaria provided the added benefit of serving as a source of fodder and proved proficient, with N and P uptakes of 1.5–3.14% and 0.17–0.25% per dry plants’ biomass, respectively. Typha yielded the highest dry season removal efficiency within the SF (BOD5: 80.78 ± 9.35%, COD: 65.18 ± 19.6%, TN: 58.59 ± 19.3%, oil and grease: 78.34 ± 10.55%, total dissolved phosphorus: 66.5 ± 20.7%). PhragmitesTypha treatment subset performed better year-round than either ThaliaThalia or BrachiariaCyperus. Evaluated plants were capable of surviving and proliferating in extreme tropical climates.  相似文献   

Dewatered alum sludge, a widely generated by-product of drinking water treatment plants using aluminium salts as coagulants was used as main substrate in a pilot on-site constructed wetland system treating agricultural wastewater for 11 months. Treatment performance was evaluated and spreadsheet analysis was used to establish correlations between water quality variables. Results showed that removal rates (in g/m2 d) of 4.6-249.2 for 5 day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), 35.6-502.0 for chemical oxygen demand (COD), 2.5-14.3 for total phosphorus (TP) and 2.7-14.6 for phosphate (PO4P) were achieved. Multiple regression analysis showed that effluent BOD5 and COD can be predicted to a reasonable accuracy (R2 = 0.665 and 0.588, respectively) by using input variables which can be easily monitored in real time as sole predictor variables. This could provide a rapid and cheap alternative to such laborious and time consuming analyses and also serve as management tools for day-to-day process control.  相似文献   

Efforts to protect watercourses, especially sources of drinking water, particularly in rural areas, are now underway in China. Nitrogen present in wastewater, due to its role in eutrophication and potential toxicity to aquatic species, is a focus of primary concern. Constructed wetlands (CWs), a simpler, less costly treatment alternative, have been used to treat domestic wastewater for small communities. Although showing great promise for removing carbonaceous materials from wastewater, wetland systems have not been successful in removing nitrogen mainly due to lack of dissolved oxygen (DO). To enhance nitrogen removal, a novel CW configuration with three stages, towery hybrid constructed wetland (THCW), was designed. The first and third stages were rectangle subsurface horizontal flow CWs, and the second stage was a circular three-layer free-water flow CW. Increased DO by passive aeration of a tower type cascade overflow from the upper layer into the lower layer in the second stage of the wetland enhanced nitrification rates. Denitrification rates were also improved by additional organic matter supplied as a result of bypass influent directly into the second stage. Evergreen tree Pond Cypress (Taxodium ascendens), industrial plants Mat Rush (Schoenoplectus trigueter) and Wild Rice shoots (Zizania aquatica), ornamental floriferous plants Pygmy Waterlily (Nymphaea tetragona) and Narrow-leaved Cattail (Typha angustifolia) were planted in the wetland. The average percentage of removal was 89%, 85%, 83%, 83% and 64% for total suspended solid, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus, respectively. There was no significant difference (p < 0.05) at low and high hydraulic loads (16 cm/d and 32 cm/d) for performance of THCW. Nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria as well as potential nitrification activity and potential denitrification rates measured have shown that nitrification–denitrification is the main mechanism for nitrogen removal in the wetland. THCW also provided additional aesthetic benefits.  相似文献   

In Catalonia (Spain), a variety of different systems have been built to naturally treat liquid residues from small communities. Some of these wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) include constructed wetlands with horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) as secondary treatment. The present study described and characterized the performance of 11 WWTPs with secondary HSSF constructed wetland systems after an initial operating period of 8 years. The effluent concentrations of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorous (TP) were statistically analyzed, and removal efficiencies for all WWTPs including all stages in treatment were calculated. The accumulated probability functions of those parameters were evaluated to determine the influence of two different types of polishing units on the overall performance: (a) only lagoon systems and (b) lagoon systems with HSSF. The statistical analysis indicates good performance for BOD5 and TSS. In the first case, mean concentrations below 25 mg/L were found in 9 of the 11 plants analyzed and removal efficiencies between 78 and 96% were observed. In the second case, mean concentrations below 35 mg/L were found in 8 of the 11 plants, and removal efficiencies were between 65 and 88%. For the nutrients, the removal efficiency for TN and TP were in the range of 48-66% and 39-58%, respectively. Additionally, the analysis of the influence of the polishing units did not show a significant improvement (α > 0.05) for any parameter in the wetland systems without a subsequent polishing unit. However, in the wetland systems with a polishing unit of HSSF, a significant improvement (α < 0.05) was found for the effluent's BOD5, TN and TP concentrations but with no significant contribution in TSS management.  相似文献   

Development of a constructed subsurface-flow wetland simulation model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a mechanistic, compartmental simulation model of subsurface-flow constructed wetlands. The model consists of six submodels, including the nitrogen and carbon cycles, both autotrophic and heterotrophic bacteria growth and metabolism, and water and oxygen balances. Data from an existing constructed wetland in Maryland were used to calibrate the model. Model results reproduced seasonal trends well. Interactions between the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen cycles were evident in model output. In general, effluent biochemical oxygen demand, organic nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate concentrations were predicted well. Because little is known about rootzone aeration by wetland plants, oxygen predictions were fair. The model is generally insensitive to changes in individual parameters. This is due to the complexity of the ecosystem and the model, as well as the numerous feedback mechanisms. The model is most sensitive to changes in parameters that affect microbial growth and substrate use directly. This dynamic, compartmental, simulation model is an effective tool for evaluating the performance of subsurface-flow constructed wetlands. The model provided insights into treatment problems at an existing constructed wetland. With further evaluation and refinement, the model will be a useful design tool for subsurface-flow constructed wetlands.  相似文献   

潜流-上行垂直流复合人工湿地对氮磷去除效果   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
研究了潜流-上行垂直流复合人工湿地工艺对NH4+-N、NO3--N、TN和TP的去除效果。在处理负荷为30 L.d-1,水力停留时间为4.8 d时,该工艺对NH4+-N、NO3--N、TN和TP具有良好的去除效果,平均去除率分别为95%、52%、79%和81%。对3种含氮化合物的去除效果可以根据运行时间分为两阶段,在两阶段中,对NH4+-N、NO3--N和TN的平均去除率分别为93%和99%,35%和98%,71%和98%。对TP的去除效果在整个试验过程中则保持稳定。  相似文献   

Arsenic is ubiquitous in the biosphere and frequently reported to be an environmental pollutant. Global cycling of arsenic is affected by microorganisms. This paper describes a new bacterial strain which is able to efficiently oxidize arsenite (As[III]) into arsenate (As[V]) in liquid medium. The rate of the transformation depends on the cell density. Arsenic species were separated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and quantified by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The strain also exhibits high minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for As[III] (6.65 mM (500 mg L-1)) and other heavy metals, such as cadmium (1.42 mM (160 mg L-1)) or lead (1.20 mM (250 mg L-1)). Partial identification of the strain revealed a chemoorganotrophic, Gram-negative and motile rod. The results presented here demonstrate that this strain could represent a good candidate for arsenic remediation in heavily polluted sites.  相似文献   

Mixed groundwater contaminations by chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOC) cause environmental hazards if contaminated groundwater discharges into surface waters and river floodplains. Constructed wetlands (CW) or engineered natural wetlands provide a promising technology for the protection of sensitive water bodies. We adapted a constructed wetland able to treat monochlorobenzene (MCB) contaminated groundwater to a mixture of MCB and tetrachloroethene (PCE), representing low and high chlorinated model VOC. Simultaneous treatment of both compounds was efficient after an adaptation time of 2 1/2 years. Removal of MCB was temporarily impaired by PCE addition, but after adaptation a MCB concentration decrease of up to 64% (55.3 micromol L(-1)) was observed. Oxygen availability in the rhizosphere was relatively low, leading to sub-optimal MCB elimination but providing also appropriate conditions for PCE dechlorination. PCE and metabolites concentration patterns indicated a very slow system adaptation. However, under steady state conditions complete removal of PCE inflow concentrations of 10-15 micromol L(-1) was achieved with negligible concentrations of chlorinated metabolites in the outflow. Recovery of total dechlorination metabolite loads corresponding to 100%, and ethene loads corresponding to 30% of the PCE inflow load provided evidence for complete reductive dechlorination, corroborated by the detection of Dehalococcoides sp.  相似文献   

Expansins comprise a superfamily of plant cell wall loosening proteins that can be divided into four individual families (EXPA, EXPB, EXLA and EXLB). Aside from inferred roles in a variety of plant growth and developmental traits, little is known regarding the function of specific expansin clades, for which there are at least 16 in flowering plants (angiosperms); however, there is evidence to suggest that some expansins have cell‐specific functions, in root hair and pollen tube development, for example. Recently, two duckweed genomes have been sequenced (Spirodela polyrhiza strains 7498 and 9509), revealing significantly reduced superfamily sizes. We hypothesized that there would be a correlation between expansin loss and morphological reductions seen among highly adapted aquatic species. In order to provide an answer to this question, we characterized the expansin superfamilies of the greater duckweed Spirodela, the marine eelgrass Zostera marina and the bladderwort Utricularia gibba. We discovered rampant expansin gene and clade loss among the three, including a complete absence of the EXLB family and EXPA‐VII. The most convincing correlation between morphological reduction and expansin loss was seen for Utricularia and Spirodela, which both lack root hairs and the root hair expansin clade EXPA‐X. Contrary to the pattern observed in other species, four Utricularia expansins failed to branch within any clade, suggesting that they may be the result of neofunctionalization. Last, an expansin clade previously discovered only in eudicots was identified in Spirodela, allowing us to conclude that the last common ancestor of monocots and eudicots contained a minimum of 17 expansins.  相似文献   

Estimation of nitrogen dynamics in a vertical-flow constructed wetland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The vertical-flow constructed wetland (VFCW) is a promising engineering technique for removal of excess nutrients and certain pollutants from wastewater and stormwater. The aim of this study was to develop a model using the STELLA software for estimating nitrogen (N) dynamics in an artificial VFCW (i.e., a substrate column with six zones) associated with a growing Cyperus alternifolius species under a wetting (wastewater) -to-drying ratio of 1:3. The model was calibrated by our experimental data with a reasonable agreement prior to its applications. Simulations showed that rates of NH4+-N and NO3-N leaching decreased with increasing zone number (or column depth), although such a decrease was much more profound for NH4+-N. Our simulations further revealed that rate of NH4+-N leaching decreased with time within each zone, whereas rate of NO3-N leaching increased with time within each zone. Additionally, both the rates of NH4+-N and NO3-N leaching through zones followed the water flow pattern: breakthrough during wetting period and cessation during drying period. In general, the cumulative amounts of total nitrogen (TN) were in the following order: leaching > denitrification > uptake > settlement. About 54% of the TN from the wastewater flowed out of the VFCW system, 18% of TN lost due to denitrification, 6% of TN was taken up by roots of a single plant (one hill), and the rest of 22% TN from the wastewater was removed from other mechanisms, such as volatilization, adsorption, and deposition. This study suggested that to improve the overall performance of a VFCW for N removal, prevention of N leaching loss was one of the major issues.  相似文献   

Subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SSFCW) subjected to changing of loading rates are poorly understood, especially when used to treat swine waste under heavy loads. This study employed a SSFCW system to take pretreated swine effluent at three hydraulic retention times (HRT): 8.5-day HRT (Phase I), 4.3-day HRT (Phase II), and 14.7-day HRT (Phase III). Results showed that the system responded well to the changing hydraulic loads in removing suspended solids (SS) and carbonaceous oxygen demands. The averaged reduction efficiencies for four major constituents in the three phases were: SS 96-99%, chemical oxygen demand (COD) 77-84%, total phosphorus 47-59%, and total nitrogen (TN) 10-24%. While physical mechanisms were dominant in removing pollutants, the contributions of microbial mechanisms increased with the duration of wetland use, achieving 48% of COD removed and 16% of TN removed in the last phase. Water hyacinth made only a minimal contribution to the removal of nutrients. This study suggested that the effluent from SSFCW was appropriate for further treatment in land applications for nutrient assimilation.  相似文献   

4种木本植物在潜流人工湿地环境下的适应性与去污效果   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为解决冬季植物问题,将4种木本植物引入潜流人工湿地环境,进行植物适应性和去污效果研究,结果表明:(1)4种木本植物在潜流人工湿地环境下的净光合速率日变化规律为夹竹桃、栀子、女贞变化规律是"双峰"型,木槿则是"单峰"型;叶片气孔导度日变化规律为木槿是"单峰"型,其他3个品种没有明显规律;植物胞间CO2浓度的日变化规律与净光合速率日变化规律相反对应关系;蒸腾速率日变化规律为4种植物都呈现"单峰"型规律,且高峰出现在11:00—13:00之间。(2)除女贞外较低外,其余3种植物叶绿素含量较高但差异不大;丙二醛含量较高的是木槿与栀子,女真最低;氮磷积累量最高是夹竹桃,最低的是木槿;基质脲酶活性夹竹桃、木槿高于栀子、女贞,基质磷酸酶活性在4种植物中比较接近。(3)4种木本植物引入湿地后长出了白色的水生根系,且数量多于陆地土壤栽培条件的土培根系;在内部结构上也有较大差异,土培根系的组织非常致密,水生根系则有发达的通气组织。(4)试验期间系统TN平均去除率为40.2%,TP平均去除率为80.8%。COD Cr的平均去除率较低为15.4%,NH+4-N的平均去除率为61.8%,各月份间的差异随着季节温度的变化基本一致。  相似文献   

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