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新种大连滑刃线虫.Aphelenchoides dalianensis sp.nov.采自中国辽宁省大连市老铁山的枯死黑松.新种的鉴别特征为:体较短(雌虫:571.5~658.0 μm;雄虫:436.8~520.0μm),口针纤细(雌虫:10.0~12.7 μm;雄虫:9.2~11.8μm)具有基部球,侧线4条.雌虫阴门位于虫体60%~75%处,尾型特殊,具蜗牛触角状分叉的尾尖突;雄虫尾部向腹面弯曲成拐杖形,有1简单尾尖突,交合刺小(10.0~12.9μm),乳突3对,无交合伞.新种的近似种是大核滑刃线虫A.macronucleatus,主要区别在于大核滑刃线虫的雌虫仅具一简单尾尖突,雄虫加热杀死后呈"L"形,而非新种的"J"形.应用限制性酶切图谱(PCR-ITS-RFLP)的方法以及DNA测序为新种提供了分子生物学的证据.  相似文献   

中国马尾松木上伞滑刃属线虫新种记述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在福建省泉州市南安的马尾松树上发现伞滑刃属线虫1新种,拟小松伞滑刃线虫Bursaphelenchus parapinasetri sp.nov.,新种热杀死体形及形态测量值大小与小松伞滑刃线虫B.pinasteri非常相似,但两者区别主要为:新种口针长,有基部球,雌虫无阴门盖,而近似种则与之相反;两者雄虫交合刺、交合伞形态及尾部乳突数量等方面特征也不同.  相似文献   

2001 ~2002年从山东省青州市韭菜Allium tuberosum的根际土壤中发现滑刃属Aphelenchoides1新种,定名为韭菜滑刃线虫Aphelenchoides allius sp.nov..该虫具有以卜特征:虫体大型;唇区缢缩,口针较长,无口针基部球;侧区具有6条侧线;生殖系统发育良好,卵巢具1~2个转折,卵母细胞单列;尾细锥形,末端收缩呈细指状,平截,刺状尾尖突生于其上;雄虫常见,尾钩状,末端具刺状尾尖突,交合刺典型,顶尖和喙突明显.已报道种中有8个种与新种相似,其中5个种虫体体长较短,小于500μm,易与新种分开,它们是:细尖滑刃线虫A.conimucronatus(L=280~440 μm),高头滑刃线虫A.editocaputis(L=270~ 320 μm),高山滑刃线虫A.montanus(L=390 ~400 μm),稀少滑刃线虫A.rarus(L=300 ~ 320 μm),沃恩滑刃线虫A.vaughani(L=360 ~430μm).另3个种与新种相比较:中心滑 刃线虫A.centralis侧线4条,尾巴较长,雄虫不常见;陶比恰滑刃线虫A.daubichaensis侧线4条,口针较短且有小的基部球,后阴子宫囊较短,卵巢无转折;一点红滑刃线虫A.emiliae口针基部球发达,中食道球椭圆形,更大19 μm×15 μm,后阴子宫囊较短.  相似文献   

2001~2002年从山东省青州市韭菜Allium tuberosum的根际土壤中发现滑刃属Aphelenchoides1新种,定名为韭菜滑刃线虫Aphelenchoides alliussp.nov.。该虫具有以下特征:虫体大型;唇区缢缩,口针较长,无口针基部球;侧区具有6条侧线;生殖系统发育良好,卵巢具1~2个转折,卵母细胞单列;尾细锥形,末端收缩呈细指状,平截,刺状尾尖突生于其上;雄虫常见,尾钩状,末端具刺状尾尖突,交合刺典型,顶尖和喙突明显。已报道种中有8个种与新种相似,其中5个种虫体体长较短,小于500μm,易与新种分开,它们是:细尖滑刃线虫A.conimucronatus(L=280~440μm),高头滑刃线虫A.editocaputis(L=270~320μm),高山滑刃线虫A.montanus(L=390~400μm),稀少滑刃线虫A.rarus(L=300~320μm),沃恩滑刃线虫A.vaughani(L=360~430μm)。另3个种与新种相比较:中心滑刃线虫A.centralis侧线4条,尾巴较长,雄虫不常见;陶比恰滑刃线虫A.daubichaensis侧线4条,口针较短且有小的基部球,后阴子宫囊较短,卵巢无转折;一点红滑刃线虫A.emiliae口针基部球发达,中食道球椭圆形,更大19μm×15μm,后阴子宫囊较短。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜技术首次对四刺盅口线虫Cyathostomum tetracanthum、碗形盅口线虫C.catinatum和蝶状盅口线虫C.pateratum的体表结构特征进行观察和比较.结果表明:3种线虫在外叶冠的形状和数目、雄虫生殖锥和雌虫尾部等结构方面存在一定的差异.四刺盅口线虫的外叶冠由20或22个小叶组成,小叶末端尖,向外翻卷;雄虫生殖锥背唇上有1对大的乳房状附属物;雌虫尾部直,尾长114 (92 ~128)μm.碗形盅口线虫的外叶冠由22个小叶组成,小叶末端钝圆,平直伸向口孔;雄虫生殖锥背唇上无明显的附属物;雌虫尾部呈“人脚形”,尾长62 (54~68) μm.蝶状盅口线虫的外叶冠由24个小叶组成,小叶末端尖,平直伸向口孔;雄虫生殖锥背唇上有1对细长的指状附属物;雌虫尾部呈“人脚形”,尾长93 (78~109) μm.研究结果为盅口线虫的分类鉴定提供了更稳定的形态学依据.  相似文献   

钩口科(Ancylostomatidae)弯口属(Uncinaria)计14种,我国共发现2种:长刺弯口线虫(U.longespiculum Maplestone,1931)和狭首弯口线虫(U.stenocephala Ralliet,1885)。长刺弯口线虫是陈心陶(1937)在广州果子狸体内发现的,此后国内各地未见报道。我们在四川省南充县果子狸小肠内也发现该虫种,此虫种为四川省新纪录,其形态和测量数据与陈心陶的报道一致,仅交合刺稍长(1.81—2.30mm),简记如下。雄虫体长3.2—4.2mm,最大宽度0.28—0.29mm,交合刺两根等长。雌虫体长3.9—4.3mm,最大宽度0.27—0.36mm,阴门在体后部距尾端1.2—1.3mm,尾刺长0.015—…  相似文献   

报道了粒科线虫的1个新纪录种:细小茎线虫Ditylenchus exilis Brzeski,1983.其鉴定特征为雌虫身体在近阴门处直或微弯;环纹宽度不规则;头连续;侧区4条侧线;口针短,锥部大约为口针长度的1/3,基球圆;中食道球梭形或微圆;后阴子宫囊为阴门处虫体直径的0.8~1.2倍;尾细,端圆,与肛阴距等长.雄虫与雌虫体形相似,交合伞钝齿形,占尾长的29%~35%.  相似文献   

本组于1956年在安徽合肥进行鸡、鸭体内寄生蠕虫调查时,在家鸭的砂囊中发现了砂囊瓣状线虫新种。 砂囊瓣状线虫新种的特征为:头顶端向后伸出6个形状相同的瓣状突出物,其末端有3个齿状缺刻;口内有6个乳突;雄虫交合刺分为三分枝,其背分枝顶端呈截状。 附有Epomidiostomum属各种检索表。  相似文献   

滑刃属一新种记述(滑刃目,滑刃科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2002年从山东省乳山市牛筋草的根际土壤中发现滑刃属1新种,类刷尾滑刃线虫 Aphelenchoides parabrushmucronatus sp.nov,.该虫具有以下特征:雌虫虫体中等;唇区较高,缢缩明显;中食道球卵圆形;生殖系统发育良好,卵母细胞单列,受精囊和后阴子宫囊都含较大的圆形精子;雌虫尾圆柱形,尾端中间具有1试管刷状尾尖突.A.appendurus Singh,1967在形态上与新种相似,区别在于前者有两条侧线,虫体和口针更长,尾巴相对较短(L=720-880μm;stylet=16~17μm;tail=38.4μm).A.seiachicus Nesterov,1973在形态上也与新种相似,区别在于前者虫体更小,口针、尾巴更短(L=370-420μm;stylet=9.5μm;c'=3).  相似文献   

棒尾拟短体线虫Pratylenchoides davicauda Geraert,Choi&Choi,1990为中国新纪录种.该种线虫的主要鉴别特征为:唇区前端平圆,具4~5条环纹;侧区6条侧线;食道腺双叶状从背侧长覆盖肠;雌虫双卵巢;尾圆筒形,末端无环纹或具2~3条不规则环纹;雄虫交合刺长21.8~26.2μm.  相似文献   

An evolutionarily interesting nematode, Bursaphelenchus okinawaensis sp. nov., is described and illustrated. The new species has several characteristic morphological traits, i.e., four lateral lines in both sexes, lack of a vulval flap in females, and a triangular spicule shape and stout P4 caudal papillae in males, and characteristic biological traits, including phoretic association with Monochamus maruokai, a species of longhorn beetle, parthenogenetic reproduction, and a high frequency of dauer production. Bursaphelenchus okinawaensis sp. nov. shares several important traits with various phylogenetic groups within the genus. The new species shares its spicule shape with B. hellenicus and B. hofmanni. It shares four lateral lines, P4 caudal papillar structure (size and position), and female vulval shape with the 'hunti' group, although it was molecularly inferred to be phylogenetically closer to the 'xylophilus' group and B. africanus. The autapomorphic traits of B. okinawaensis sp. nov. are parthenogenetic reproduction and high frequency of dauer production. All other nominal Bursaphelenchus nematodes have bisexual reproduction and tightly synchronized dauer production. The unique morphological and biological traits of B. okinawaensis sp. nov. suggest genetic flexibility within the genus. The importance of the morphology and arrangement of the caudal papillae is discussed relative to the phylogeny of the genus.  相似文献   

描述了中国黄海自由生活海洋线虫1新种Siphonolaimus boucheri sp.nov.,S.boucheri sp.nov.的主要特征是:口针短(21~23μm),头直径为10~11μm,圆形化感器直径为13μm,与相应体直径的比例为59%;短交接刺(61~65μm,为肛径的1.33倍),无交接辅器;尾巴圆锥形,雄性尾巴为肛径的3.57倍,雌性尾巴为肛径的4.58倍。同时,描述了中国东海管咽线虫科的1新纪录,Siphonolaimus profundus。模式标本存放于中国海洋大学生命学院。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Feces from a juvenile specimen of the anteater Tamandua tetradactyla from Ponta de Pedras, Marajó, Pará, northern Brazil, contained three different coccidial oocysts: Eimeria tamanduae Lainson, 1968; E. corticulata Lainson & Shaw, 1990; and a third species previously unrecorded and described here as Eimeria marajoensis n. sp. Oocysts of the latter parasite are spherical to subspherical, 13.9 ± 1.5 times 13.4 ± 1.4 (11.1-16.5 times 11.1-16.5) μm, shape index (length/width) 1.0 (1.0-1.2). the oocyst wall is a single, Colorless layer about 0.6-1.0 μm thick with no striations or micropyle. There is no oocyst residuum, but a single, round, oval or irregularly shaped polar granule of about 0.75-2.5 μm is consistently present. the sporocysts are broadly ellipsoidal, 7.1 ± 0.7 ± 5.3 ± 0.6 (6.0-8.8 times 4.0-5.7) μm, shape index 1.3 (1.2-1.5), with a delicate wall bearing a minute stieda body. No sub-stieda body was visible. the sporocyst residuum consists of some 10-20 rounded granules, lying between the two slightly curved sporozoites which measure approximately 6.5 times 2.0 μm. Sporocyst refractile bodies were not discernablc.  相似文献   

记述中国琵甲属8新种:甘孜琵甲Blaps garzica,sp,nov,叉尾琵甲B.furcala,sp.nov。,太原琵甲B.taiyuanica,Sp,nov.,尖角琵甲B.acutangula,sp.nov., 周氏琵甲B.choui,sp.nov.,多毛琵甲Bpilosa,sp.,nov.,短体琵甲B.brevis,sp.nov和圆形琵甲B.ratalaria,sp,nov。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

Oocysts of Caryospora cobrae n. sp. were isolated from an Indian cobra, Naja naja Linnaeus from West Bengal, India. The sporulated oocysts were spherical to subspherical, 16.5-19.5 times 16.5-18.0 μm, and had a micropyle but lacked a polar granule and oocysl residuum. The sporocysts were piriform, measuring 12.0-16.5 times 9.0?12.8 μm; a Stieda body and sporocyst residuum were present.  相似文献   

Bursaphelenchus platzeri n. sp., an associate of nitidulid beetles in southern California, is described and illustrated. Adult males and females of B. platzeri n. sp. were examined by scanning electron microscopy for ultrastructural comparisons with other members of the genus. Bursaphelenchus cocophilus (red ring nematode) appears to be the closest related taxon to B. platzeri n. sp. based upon shared morphological features of the fused spicules, female tail shape, phoresy with non-scolytid beetles, and molecular analysis of the near full-length small subunit (SSU) rDNA. Unfortunately, sequence data from the D2D3 expansion segments of the large subunit (LSU) rDNA and partial mitochondrial DNA COI did not help resolve the relationship of nearest relative. In addition to significant molecular sequence differences in SSU, LSU, and COI, B. platzeri n. sp., which is an obligate fungal feeder, can be differentiated from B. cocophilus because it is an obligate parasite of palms. Bursaphelenchus platzeri n. sp. can be differentiated from all other species of Bursaphelenchus by the length and shape of the female tail and spicule morphology. The spicules are fused along the ventral midline and possess unfused cucullae; the fused unit appears to function as a conduit for sperm. Population growth of B. platzeri n. sp. was measured in a time-course experiment at 25°C in the laboratory on cultures of the fungus Monilinia fructicola grown on 5% glycerol-supplemented potato dextrose agar (GPDA). Nematode population densities rapidly increased from 25 to approximately 200,000/culture within 14 d and then plateaued for up to 28 d.  相似文献   

Feces from a specimen of Tamandua tetradactyla (Linn.) from Portel, Para State, north Brazil, contained two different coccidial oocysts; one identified as Eimeria tamanduae Lainson 1968, and the other as a new species, described here as Eimeria corticulata n. sp. Oocysts of E. corticulata are ellipsoidal, 37.4 × 30.4 (31.2–43.7 × 23.7–35.0) μm, shape index (length/width) 1.2 (1.0–1.5). Oocyst wall 2.5–3.7 μm thick and composed of two layers; an outer thick, brown-yellow one with radial striations, and a thin inner smooth one: no visible micropyle. Oocyst residuum a large globule of about 10.7 × 10.3 μm, usually accompanied by a number of smaller attached globules. Sporocysts ellipsoidal, 21.0 × 11.0 (20.0–22.5 × 10.0–12.5) μm, with a conspicuous Stieda body: shape index 1.9 (1.6–2.2). Sporocyst residuum a small number of scattered granules: sporozoites 18.7 × 5.0 μm, with a large posterior refractile body. Eimeria zygodontomyis n. sp. is described in feces from Zygodontomys lasiurus (Lund) from the Serra dos Carajas, Para. Oocysts ellipsoidal to cylindrical, 16.5 × 12.0 (13.7–18.7 × 11.2–12.3) μm, shape index 1.4 (1.2–1.5). Wall colorless, smooth, single-layered and about 0.6 μm thick: no micropyle. No oocyst residuum, but a polar granule of about 1.8 × 1.0 μm is sometimes present. Sporocysts ellipsoidal, 8.4 × 5.5(7.5–8.7 × 5.0–6.2) μm, shape index 1.5 (1.4–1.7), with a thin colorless wall and a delicate Stieda body. Sporozoites enclose a compact residuum of about 2.5 × 3.7 μm.  相似文献   

记述采自中国山东省网翅蝗科异爪蝗属Euchorthippus Tarbinsky,1926 1新种,山东异爪蝗 Euchorthippus shandongensis sp. nov.。新种同素色异爪蝗 Euchorthippus unicolor(Ikonnikov,1913)近似,其区别特征为:头侧窝较长,长为宽的3.2倍;颜面隆起明显,具纵沟,中眼之下缩狭,往下明显宽大; 雄性前翅较长,明显超过肛上板基部;雄性下生殖板较短,侧面观长为宽的1.5倍; 阳茎基背片弓形深,两侧下端具尖突。模式标本保存于山东农业大学植保学院。  相似文献   

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