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Summary In the human intervertebral disc, specially in old age, areas with so-called pigment are found. The composition of this age pigment has been studied with histochemical and microchemical techniques. A special histochemical technique for the detection of masked lipids has been devised. The granules of the pigment areas appeared to be particularly rich in masked lipids. This is also true for the abundant globular structures occurring in different regions of the annulus fibrosus. Tyrosine, sulfhydryl-containing amino acids and keratosulphate were detected histochemically in the granule proteins. By chemical extraction three lipid fractions were isolated from the annulus fibrosus tissue of the disc. With quantitative thin-layer chromatography these fractions were found to contain a large amount of triglycerides. A hypothesis concerning the formation of such areas of age pigment is proposed.  相似文献   

L-serine dehydratase (SDH), a member of the beta-family of pyridoxal phosphate-dependent (PLP) enzymes, catalyzes the deamination of L-serine and L-threonine to yield pyruvate or 2-oxobutyrate. The crystal structure of L-serine dehydratase from human liver (hSDH) has been solved at 2.5 A-resolution by molecular replacement. The structure is a homodimer and reveals a fold typical for beta-family PLP-dependent enzymes. Each monomer serves as an active unit and is subdivided into two distinct domains: a small domain and a PLP-binding domain that covalently anchors the cofactor. Both domains show the typical open alpha/beta architecture of PLP enzymes. Comparison with the rSDH-(PLP-OMS) holo-enzyme reveals a large structural difference in active sites caused by the artifical O-methylserine. Furthermore, the activity of hSDH-PLP was assayed and it proved to show catalytic activity. That suggests that the structure of hSDH-PLP is the first structure of the active natural holo-SDH.  相似文献   

Yamada T  Komoto J  Takata Y  Ogawa H  Pitot HC  Takusagawa F 《Biochemistry》2003,42(44):12854-12865
SDH (L-serine dehydratase, EC catalyzes the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent dehydration of L-serine to yield pyruvate and ammonia. Liver SDH plays an important role in gluconeogenesis. Formation of pyruvate by SDH is a two-step reaction in which the hydroxyl group of serine is cleaved to produce aminoacrylate, and then the aminoacrylate is deaminated by nonenzymatic hydrolysis to produce pyruvate. The crystal structure of rat liver apo-SDH was determined by single isomorphous replacement at 2.8 A resolution. The holo-SDH crystallized with O-methylserine (OMS) was also determined at 2.6 A resolution by molecular replacement. SDH is composed of two domains, and each domain has a typical alphabeta-open structure. The active site is located in the cleft between the two domains. The holo-SDH contained PLP-OMS aldimine in the active site, indicating that OMS can form the Schiff base linkage with PLP, but the subsequent dehydration did not occur. Apo-SDH forms a dimer by inserting the small domain into the catalytic cleft of the partner subunit so that the active site is closed. Holo-SDH also forms a dimer by making contacts at the back of the clefts so that the dimerization does not close the catalytic cleft. The phosphate group of PLP is surrounded by a characteristic G-rich sequence ((168)GGGGL(172)) and forms hydrogen bonds with the amide groups of those amino acid residues, suggesting that the phosphate group can be protonated. N(1) of PLP participates in a hydrogen bond with Cys303, and similar hydrogen bonds with N(1) participating are seen in other beta-elimination enzymes. These hydrogen bonding schemes indicate that N(1) is not protonated, and thus, the pyridine ring cannot take a quinone-like structure. These characteristics of the bound PLP suggest that SDH catalysis is not facilitated by forming the resonance-stabilized structure of the PLP-Ser aldimine as seen in aminotransferases. A possible catalytic mechanism involves the phosphate group, surrounded by the characteristic sequence, acting as a general acid to donate a proton to the leaving hydroxyl group of serine.  相似文献   

It has been shown that in liver extract of men deceased by different causes, L-threonine and L-serine dehydratase activities probably, belonging to only one enzyme--L-threonine-L-serine dehydratase--are found. Both activities and their ratios depend on K+ concentration both in the buffer used for enzyme extraction and in the reaction medium. Before extraction of active and stable forms of enzyme the liver is to homogenized in a buffer containing 0.15 M KCl. Both enzymatic activities have a pH-optimum at pH 9.6--10.0. It was shown that D-isomers of threonine and serine are not dehydratated and do not inhibit dehydratation of L-isomers. Studies of dependence of L-threonine and L-serine dehydratase reaction rates on temperature showed that at any temperature ranges the energy activation values are higher for the L-threonine dehydratase reaction than for the L-serine dehydratase reaction and that the ratio reaction rates for both reactions depends on temperature.  相似文献   

It was shown that low concentrations of ATP (1..10(-4)M) and 10-fold concentrations of AMP (1.10(-3)M) at three constant L-threonine concentrations activated the L-threonine dehydratase activity of L-threonine-L-serine dehydratase from human liver, but had no effect on the L-serine dehydratase activity of this enzyme. Higher concentrations of both nucleotides inhibited the enzyme. The effects of ATP and AMP were specific. The activating and inhibiting effects of various concentrations of ATP and AMP were revealed as changes in the shapes of the curves for the initial reaction rate of the L-threonine dehydratase reaction versus initial substrate concentration. For this reaction the curves were not hyperbolic and were characterized by intermediary plateaux. ATP and AMP also influenced the maximal rate of the enzymatic reaction. Using the desensitization method it was shown that the activating effects of ATP and AMP are of allosteric nature. Thus, human liver L-threonine-L-serine dehydratase is an allosteric enzyme, for which positive allosteric effectors are low concentrations of ATP and AMP and negative allosteric effectors are high concentrations of these nucleotides. A possible mechanism of allosteric regulation of the enzyme under catalysis of the L-threonine dehydratase reaction and the lack of regulation under catalysis of the L-serine dehydratase reaction as well as specificity of the allosteric sites of this enzyme to the two nucleotides and the physiological significance of this process are discussed.  相似文献   

We have hypothesized that rat liver serine dehydratase (SDH) is induced in response to the amount of surplus amino acids from dietary protein. In the present study, we found that excess leucine intake strongly induced SDH activity in the liver but not in the kidney of rats. The increase in activity was accompanied by increases in the levels of SDH mRNA. On the other hand, isoleucine and valine had little effect on SDH induction. These results support our hypothesis and suggest that leucine is a signal for SDH induction.  相似文献   

Summary The mRNA for rat liver serine dehydratase, a gluconeogenic enzyme, exhibits a circadian rhythm with a maximum at the onset of darkness marking the end of the fasting period and a minimum at the onset of light that marks the end of the feeding period, when rats have free access to food and water.In situ hybridization with an antisense cRNA probe revealed that serine dehydratase mRNA was localized in the periportal area of rat liver parenchyma in the evening, whereas it was scarce in the liver in the morning. The predominant localization of serine dehydratase mRNA in the periportal area also occurred in livers of rats that underwent laparotomy, glucagon and dexamethasone administration, and streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus, all of which are known to induce serine dehydratase mRNA levels remarkably. Immunostaining revealed that the localization of serine dehydratase protein agreed with that of succinate dehydrogenase, another enzyme known to be predominant in the periportal zone. Thus, the periportal serine dehydratase gene expression strongly supports the idea of metabolic zonation that gluconeogenesis from amino acids occurs preferentially in the periportal parenchyma of rat liver.  相似文献   

Rat liver serine dehydratase (SDH) is known to be involved in gluconeogenesis. It has long been believed to be a dimeric protein with the subunit molecular weight (M(r)) of 34,000. Recently, sheep liver SDH was reported to be a monomer with a M(r) of 38,000. The native M(r) of rat SDH was only determined by the ultracentrifugation method more than three decades ago, and that of sheep SDH was done by the method of gel chromatography. The primary to quaternary structures of a given enzyme in a specific mammalian organ are usually conserved among various species. The aim of the present investigation is to clarify the structural differences between rat and sheep SDHs. First, we found that the amino acid composition reported for sheep SDH was statistically similar to that of rat SDH. Second, immunoblot analysis using anti-rat SDH IgG as the probe showed the size of sheep SDH to be a M(r) of 30,500, whereas that of SDH was about M(r) of 35,000. On the other hand, the native size of rat SDH was assessed by two methods: (1) the laser light scattering method demonstrated that rat SDH had a M(r) of 66,800, consistent with the previous value (M(r)=64,000); (2) cross-linking experiments of the purified rat SDH with dimethyl suberimidate revealed the existence of a dimeric form by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The present results clearly confirm that rat SDH is a dimer, and suggest that sheep SDH is similar to rat SDH immunologically, but with a molecular weight 7500 smaller than reported previously.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Suncus murinus was injected dibutyryl adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (Bt2cAMP) and assayed serine-glyoxylate aminotransferase (EC and serine dehydratase (EC
  • 2.2. Serine dehydratase was induced 4-fold by Bt2cAMP. The Km values of the induced enzyme for l-serine and pyridoxal 5′-phosphate was 57 mM and 3.0 μM, respectively. The enzyme had a pH optimum at pH 10.0. These kinetic properties and pH optimum were same as those of the enzyme from the control. Both the holoenzyme and the apoenzyme increased to the same extent by Bt2cAMP.
  • 3.3. Serine-glyoxyate aminotransferase activity was decreased slightly by the Bt2cAMP injection. The holoenzyme activity was increased, but the apoenzyme decreased. Km values for l-serine and glyoxylate of this enzyme were 6mM and 0.2 mM, respectively, without change by Bt2cAMP.

Sialyltransferase activity in normal human breast tissue and tumors was investigated with lactose, desialylated fetuin, and bovine submaxillary mucin as the acceptors. While microsomal preparations from the normal tissue showed little or no sialyltransferase activity toward these acceptors, tumors showed elevated enzymic activities. Tween-20 at 0.5% concentrations stimulated sialic acid transfer to all three acceptors. Another nonionic detergent, Triton X-100, stimulated asialo fetuin sialyltransferase activity while inhibiting activity toward asialo BSM and lactose. Interestingly, lysolecithin, a normal cellular constituent which possesses detergent properties also had an effect similar to that of Triton X-100. Thermal denaturation curves of enzymic activity toward asialo BSM, however, resembled those seen with asialo fetuin as the acceptor. Kinetic studies showed that at acceptor concentrations of 500 micrograms each, sialyl transfers to asialo fetuin, asialo BSM, and lactose showed apparent Km values of 50, 60, and 300 microM, respectively. At CMP-sialic acid concentrations of 300 microM, the Km values for the above acceptors were 25, 15, and 5000 microM.  相似文献   

In rat liver, serine dehydratase mRNA is undetectable in the late prenatal period, but its level increases rapidly after birth to a transient peak, and then after decrease gradually increases again to a maximum 2 weeks after birth that is slightly higher than that of adult liver. To determine whether mature quiescent hepatocytes proliferate without loss of differentiated functions, we measured the serine dehydratase mRNA contents in regenerating liver and primary cultured hepatocytes from adult rats. Partial hepatectomy resulted in a dramatic decrease in the mRNA content within 24 h and then its recovery within a week. In subconfluent cultures of adult rat hepatocytes that did not grow even in the presence of mitogens, serine dehydratase mRNA was maintained at a high level. However, when the hepatocytes were cultured at low cell density without added mitogens, their serine dehydratase mRNA content decreases to a quarter of that of subconfluent cultures. The possibility that the expression of serine dehydratase mRNA is regulated in G0/G1 transition before entry into the S phase and the relationship of the mRNA with growth are discussed.  相似文献   

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