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We investigated the mycorrhizal associations in 31 adult wild or cultivated green orchids (22 epiphytic, 8 terrestrial, and 1 species with both epiphytic and lithophytic life-forms) from different vegetation types of Western Ghats, southern India. All the orchids examined were mycorrhizal with the extent of colonization varying with species and life-forms. Mycorrhizal association has been reported for the first time in 25 orchids. The entry of mycorrhizal fungi into the roots was mostly through root hairs. In certain epiphytic species, the fungal entry was directly through the epidermis. The fungi formed highly coiled hyphal structures (pelotons) within the root cortex, and their size was related to the cell size. The fungal invasion of the cortical cells was through cell-to-cell penetration. The cortical cells contained intact and lysed pelotons, and their ratio varied with species and life-forms. No significant relationship existed between root hair characteristics and the extent of colonization. Chlamydospores and microsclerotia-like structure were frequently found within the cortical and root hair cells. The liberation of fungal reproductive structures was by spiral dehiscence of the root hairs.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal diversity in photosynthetic terrestrial orchids   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  

A field survey of metal concentrations and mycorrhizal status of plants growing on copper mine tailings was conducted in Anhui Province, China. Available phosphorus and organic matter in the tailings were very low. High concentrations of Pb, Zn, As and Cd as well as Cu were observed on some sites. The dominant plants growing on mine tailings belonged to the families Gramineae and Compositae, and the most widely distributed plant species wereImperata cylindrica, Cynodon dactylon andPaspalum distichum. Coreopsis drummondii also grew well on the arid sites but not on wet sites. Very low or zero arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal colonization was observed in most of the plants, but extensive mycorrhizal colonization was recorded in the roots ofC. drummondii andC. dactylon. Metal concentrations in plant tissues indicated that /.cylindrica andP. distichum utilized avoidance mechanisms to survive at high metal concentrations. The investigation suggests that remediation and revegetation of heavy metal contaminated sites might be facilitated by selection of tolerant plant species. Isolation of tolerant AM fungi may also be warranted.  相似文献   

A field survey of metal concentrations and mycorrhizal status of plants growing on copper mine tailings was conducted in Anhui Province, China. Available phosphorus and organic matter in the tailings were very low. High concentrations of Pb, Zn, As and Cd as well as Cu were observed on some sites. The dominant plants growing on mine tailings belonged to the families Gramineae and Compositae, and the most widely distributed plant species were Imperata cylindrica, Cynodon dactylon and Paspalum distichum. Coreopsis drummondii also grew well on the arid sites but not on wet sites. Very low or zero arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal colonization was observed in most of the plants, but extensive mycorrhizal colonization was recorded in the roots of C. drummondii and C. dactylon. Metal concentrations in plant tissues indicated that l.cylindrica and P. distichum utilized avoidance mechanisms to survive at high metal concentrations. The investigation suggests that remediation and revegetation of heavy metal contaminated sites might be facilitated by selection of tolerant plant species. Isolation of tolerant AM fungi may also be warranted.  相似文献   

A field survey of metal concentrations and mycorrhizal status of plants growing on copper mine tailings was conducted in Anhui Province, China. Available phosphorus and organic matter in the tailings were very low. High concentrations of Pb, Zn, As and Cd as well as Cu were observed on some sites. The dominant plants growing on mine tailings belonged to the families Gramineae and Compositae, and the most widely distributed plant species were Imperata cylin-drica, Cynodon dactylon and Paspalum distichum. Coreopsis drummondii also grew well on the arid sites but not on wet sites. Very low or zero arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal colonization was observed in most of the plants, but extensive mycorrhizal colonization was recorded in the roots of C. drummondii and C. dactylon. Metal concentrations in plant tissues indicated that /. cylindrica and P. distichum utilized avoidance mechanisms to survive at high metal concentrations. The investigation suggests that remediation and revegetation of heavy metal con  相似文献   

Comparative studies on the genetic attributes of colonizing orchids with diverse mating systems are lacking in the literature. Eulophia sinensis, Spiranthes hongkongensis, and Zeuxine strateumatica are colonizing orchids that frequently occupy newly created habitats in Hong Kong. Mating system studies showed that E. sinensis is a self-compatible but pollinator-dependent outcrossing species, S. hongkongensis is a self-pollinating taxon, and Z srateumatica is apomictic. Population genetic attributes of these orchid species were investigated. Despite their contrasting mating systems, electrophoretic surveys revealed a striking lack of allozyme variation, both within and among populations, in all three species. However, gene duplications were evident in these species, due to their likely polyploid origins, The percentage of duplicate loci exhibiting "fixed heterozygosity" was 10, 21.4, and 20% in E. sinensis, S. hongkongensis, and Z. strateumatica, respectively. The genetic attributes of these orchids are compared to those found in other colonizing plant species.  相似文献   

Characterization of the rhizobacteria of native grasses naturally colonizing abandoned mine sites may help in identification of microbial inoculants for ecological-restoration programmes. Eighty one strains of Saccharum munja rhizobacteria isolated from an abandoned mine located on Aravalli mountain and 50 from bulk-region were identified using 16S rRNA sequence analyses. Based on chemical- and biological-assays they were categorized into ecologically diverse functional groups (siderophore-, IAA-, ACC-deaminase-, HCN-, polyphosphate-producers; phosphate-solubilizer; antagonistic). Eight genera, 25 species from rhizosphere and 2 genera, 5 species from bulk-region were dominated by Bacillus spp. (B. barbaricus, B. cereus, B. firmus, B. flexus, B. foraminis, B. licheniformis, B. megaterium, B. pumilus, B. subtilis, B. thuringiensis) and Paenibacillus spp. (P. alvei, P. apiarius, P. lautus, P. lentimorbus, P. polymyxa, P. popillae). Siderophore-producers were common in rhizosphere and bulk soil, whereas IAA-producers, N2-fixers and FePO4-solubilizers dominated rhizosphere samples. During the reproductive phase (winter) of S. munja, siderophore-, ACC-deaminase- and polyP-producers were predominant; however dominance of HCN-producers in summer might be associated with termite-infestation. In vivo ability of selected rhizobacteria (B. megaterium BOSm201, B. subtilis BGSm253, B. pumilus BGSm157, P. alvei BGSm255, P. putida BOSm217, P. aeruginosa BGSm 306) to enhance seed-germination and seedling-growth of S. munja in mine-spoil suggest their significance in natural colonization and potential for ecological-restoration of Bhatti mine.  相似文献   

Pyritic mine tailings (mineral waste generated by metal mining) pose significant risk to the environment as point sources of acidic, metal-rich effluents (acid mine drainage [AMD]). While the accelerated oxidative dissolution of pyrite and other sulfide minerals in tailings by acidophilic chemolithotrophic prokaryotes has been widely reported, other acidophiles (heterotrophic bacteria that catalyze the dissimilatory reduction of iron and sulfur) can reverse the reactions involved in AMD genesis, and these have been implicated in the "natural attenuation" of mine waters. We have investigated whether by manipulating microbial communities in tailings (inoculating with iron- and sulfur-reducing acidophilic bacteria and phototrophic acidophilic microalgae) it is possible to mitigate the impact of the acid-generating and metal-mobilizing chemolithotrophic prokaryotes that are indigenous to tailing deposits. Sixty tailings mesocosms were set up, using five different microbial inoculation variants, and analyzed at regular intervals for changes in physicochemical and microbiological parameters for up to 1 year. Differences between treatment protocols were most apparent between tailings that had been inoculated with acidophilic algae in addition to aerobic and anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria and those that had been inoculated with only pyrite-oxidizing chemolithotrophs; these differences included higher pH values, lower redox potentials, and smaller concentrations of soluble copper and zinc. The results suggest that empirical ecological engineering of tailing lagoons to promote the growth and activities of iron- and sulfate-reducing bacteria could minimize their risk of AMD production and that the heterotrophic populations could be sustained by facilitating the growth of microalgae to provide continuous inputs of organic carbon.  相似文献   

Orchidaceae is one of the most species-rich angiosperm families, and all orchids are fully dependent on fungi for their seed germination and their life cycle. The level of specificity of the association between orchid species and fungi can be related to the number of co-occurring orchid species. To investigate orchid mycorrhizal associations in adult-photosynthetic orchids, 16 Mediterranean orchid species belonging to 4 genera (Anacamptis, Ophrys, Orchis, and Serapias) at 11 different sites were subjected to DNA-based analysis. Eighteen operational taxonomic units representing two fungal families, Tulasnellaceae and Ceratobasidiaceae, were identified. All examined orchid species associated with different mycorrhizal fungi. Interestingly, there was a positive correlation between number of orchid species and number of mycorrhizal. Monospecific populations showed a lower number of fungi, while sympatric populations had a higher number of mycorrhizal fungi. Our results showed that Mediterranean orchid species associated with a higher number of mycorrhizal fungi confirming as photosynthetic orchids are typically generalists toward mycorrhizal fungi. Thus, photosynthetic orchids exhibit low specificity for fungal symbionts showing the potential for opportunistic associations with diverse fungi reducing competition for nutrient. We suggest that these characteristics could confer symbiotic assurance particularly in habitat with resource limitations or prone to stressful conditions.  相似文献   


Mining activities have left a legacy of metals containing tailings impoundments. After mine closure, reclamation of mine wastes can be achieved by restoration of a vegetation cover. This study investigated the impact of biochar (BC), biosolids (BS), humic substances (HS), and mycorrhizal fungi (MF) for improving mine tailings fertility and hydraulic properties, supporting plant establishment, tailings revegetation, and enabling growth of energy crops. We conducted a pot trial by growing willow, poplar, and miscanthus in Pb/Zn/Cu mine tailings untreated or amended with two rates of amendments (low or high input). Biosolids resulted in the most significant changes in tailings properties, neutralizing pH and increasing organic carbon, nutrient concentrations, cation exchange capacity, water retention, and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The greatest increase in energy crops production was also observed in BS treatments enabling the financial viability of mine reclamation. Although BC resulted in significant improvements in tailings fertility and hydraulic properties, its impact on biomass was less pronounced, most likely due to lower N and P available concentrations. Increases in willow and miscanthus biomass were observed in HS and MF treatments in spite of their lower nutrient content. A pot experiment is underway to assess synergistic effects of combining BS with BC, HS, or MF.  相似文献   

铅锌尾矿上自然定居植物   总被引:32,自引:4,他引:32  
在凡口1#铅锌尾矿库内共有10种植物自然定居,这些植物主要生长在尾矿库的边缘区域.植物在尾矿上的生长、分布明显受到表层尾矿某些物理性质如稳定状况、含水量等的影响,尾矿中的营养物质含量与植物的生长高度以及群落盖度有一定的关系.杜虹花(Callicarpa pedunculata)体内的Pb、Zn、Cu和Cd含量大小顺序为叶>根>茎,而盐肤木(Rhuschinensis)和美丽胡枝子(Lespedeza  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal fungi of six endangered species, Paphiopedilum micranthum, Paphiopedilum armeniacum, Paphiopedilum dianthum, Cypripedium flavum, Cypripedium guttatum, and Cypripedium tibeticum, from two closely related genera in the Orchidaceae from Southwestern China, were characterized using the nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and part of the large subunit gene of mitochondrial rDNA (mtLSU) sequences. The most frequently detected fungi belonged to the Tulasnellaceae. These fungi were represented by 25 ITS sequence types and clustered into seven major clades in the phylogenetic analysis of 5.8S sequences. Species of Paphiopedilum and Cypripedium shared no fungal ITS sequence types in common, but their fungal taxa sometimes occurred in the same major clade of the 5.8S phylogenetic tree. Although it had several associated fungal ITS sequence types in a studied plot, each orchid species had in general only a single dominant type. The fungal sequence type spectra of different species of Paphiopedilum from similar habitats sometimes overlapped; however, the dominant sequence types differed among the species and so did the sequence-type spectra within Cypripedium. Orchids of P. micranthum and P. armeniacum transplanted from the field and grown in two greenhouses had a greater number of mycorrhizal associations than those sampled directly from the field. Root specimens from P. micranthum taken from the greenhouses were preferably associated with mycobionts of the Tulasnella calospora complex, while those from the field had mycorrhizal associations of other tulasnelloid taxa. Such plasticity in mycorrhizal associations makes ex situ conservation or even propagation by means of mycorrhization of axenically grown seedlings possible.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation of mine tailings in temperate and arid environments   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Phytoremediation is an emerging technology for the remediation of mine tailings, a global problem for which conventional remediation technologies are costly. There are two approaches to phytoremediation of mine tailings, phytoextraction and phytostabilization. Phytoextraction involves translocation of heavy metals from mine tailings to the plant shoot biomass followed by plant harvest, while phytostabilization focuses on establishing a vegetative cap that does not shoot accumulate metals but rather immobilizes metals within the tailings. Phytoextraction is currently limited by low rates of metal removal which is a combination of low biomass production and insufficiently high metal uptake into plant tissue. Phytostabilization is currently limited by a lack of knowledge of the minimum amendments required (e.g., compost, irrigation) to support long-term plant establishment. This review addresses both strategies within the context of two specific climate types: temperate and arid. In temperate environments, mine tailings are a source of metal leachates and acid mine drainage that contaminate nearby waterways. Mine tailings in arid regions are subject to eolian dispersion and water erosion. Examples of phytoremediation within each of these environments are discussed. Current research suggests that phytoextraction, due to high implementation costs and long time frames, will be limited to sites that have high land values and for which metal removal is required. Phytostabilization, due to lower costs and easier implementation, will be a more commonly used approach. Complete restoration of mining sites is an unlikely outcome for either approach.  相似文献   

The diversity of pathways through which mycorrhizal fungi alter plant coexistence hinders the understanding of their effects on plant‐plant interactions. The outcome of plant facilitative interactions can be indirectly affected by mycorrhizal symbiosis, ultimately shaping biodiversity patterns. We tested whether mycorrhizal symbiosis enhances plant facilitative interactions and whether its effect is consistent across different methodological approaches and biological scenarios. We conducted a meta‐analysis of 215 cases (involving 21 nurse and 29 facilitated species), in which the performance of a facilitated plant species is measured in the presence or absence of mycorrhizal fungi. We show that mycorrhizal fungi significantly enhance plant facilitative interactions mainly through an increment in plant biomass (aboveground) and nutrient content, although their effects differ across biological contexts. In semiarid environments mycorrhizal symbiosis enhances plant facilitation, while its effect is non‐significant in temperate ecosystems. In addition, arbuscular but not ecto‐mycorrhizal (EMF) fungi significantly enhance plant facilitation, particularly increasing the P content of the plants more than EMF. Some knowledge gaps regarding the importance of this phenomenon have been detected in this meta‐analysis. The effect of mycorrhizal symbiosis on plant facilitation has rarely been assessed in other ecosystems different from semiarid and temperate forests, and rarely considering other fungal benefits provided to plants besides nutrients. Finally, we are still far from understanding the effects of the whole fungal community on plant‐plant interactions, and on plant species coexistence.  相似文献   

Summary Mill tailings resulting from mining and metallurgical processes are usually disposed of into open-air impoundments, where they become subjected to chemical or microbial leaching. At the surface of the tailings, where oxic conditions prevail, acidophilic bacteria, such as thiobacilli, can oxidize sulfidic minerals (e.g. pyrite and pyrrhotite) and generate acidic metal-rich leachates as by-products of their metabolism. This, combined with chemical oxidation, leads to acid mine drainage (AMD). Biomineralization, whereby a proportion of the metal leachate is precipitated, can also occur in the oxidized tailings, often as a result of a close metal-bacteria interaction. Iron-rich precipitates are usually found on bacterial cell walls, and are thought to serve as nucleation sites for further mineralization within the tailings impoundments. As depth increases in mine tailings, oxygen depletion and the presence of water-saturated pores usually lead to anoxic conditions. Under such redox and chemical conditions, populations of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRBs) can colonize the tailings. As a result of their metabolic activity, sulfate is reduced to hydrogen sulfide, which in turn can react with dissolved metals to form metal sulfide precipitates. Microbial sulfate reduction also generates alkalinity, although chemical dissolution of carbonate and oxide minerals probably also play an important role in the generation of alkaline conditions in mine tailings.  相似文献   

华南铅锌尾矿生态恢复的理论与实践   总被引:59,自引:2,他引:59  
介绍了近年来有关华南地区5个铅锌尾矿生态恢复研究领域的主要研究成果。内容包括:铅锌尾矿的理化性质和影响植物定居的限制因子;尾矿酸化的预测与控制;尾矿的基质改良;尾矿自然定居植物的生态对策;重金属耐性植物的筛选与耐性机理;豆科植物在废弃地植被恢复中的作用;尾矿湿地系统的重建及其废水处理效率;土壤种子库在尾矿生态恢复中的作用;尾矿植被恢复的野外中试研究等。同时,也讨论了尾矿废弃地生态恢复的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Summary Roots of two year old willow and poplar planted as cuttings in copper and iron mine tailings were stained intact and examined microscopically for mycorrhizal development. Incidence of mycorrhizae was related to tree vigor and to chemical and physical properties of the tailings. Results showed that no mycorrhizal development occurred on roots of these tree species in the copper tailings; inoculations with natural forest soil extract failed to initiate this symbiosis. Tops and roots of the willow and poplar were stunted and survival was poor. Roots in the iron mine tailings developed extensive ectomycorrhizae and trees showed good growth. Presence of mycorrhizae was confirmed and external morphology examined with the scanning electron microscope. Aseptic jack pine and naturally mycorrhizal white pine roots were used in microscopic comparisons with the hardwoods. re]19760220  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal fungi influence plant and soil functions and interactions   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Schreiner  R.P.  Mihara  K.L.  McDaniel  H.  Bethlenfalvay  G.J. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(2):199-209
Potted soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) plants were grown in P-fertilized (+P) or low-P soil (-P), or colonized in -P soil by one of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi Glomus etunicatum (Ge), Glomus mosseae (Gm), or Gigaspora rosea (Gr). Treatment effects on plant development, on the soil microflora, and on the status of water-stable soil aggregates (WSA) were evaluated for all 5 treatments or for the 3 AM treatments alone. Dry weights of the AM plants, as a group, were half-way between the dry weights of the +P and -P plants, but within the AM group, Gm plants had the highest pod dry weights and pod/stem and root/stem ratios and the lowest specific root lengths, while Ge plants had high stem dry weights and were highly nodulated. High reproductive development and coarse roots in the Gm plants were associated with the most extensive growth of AM soil hyphae (km pot-1: Gm, 20; Gr, 12; Ge, 8), while nodulation was inversely related with AM-colonized root length. The soils colonized by AM fungi had significantly higher levels of WSA (size classes 1 to 2 and 2 to 4 mm), and within the larger size class, Gm soils had the highest percentage of WSA. Proliferation (plate counts) of Gram positive (G+) and Gram negative (G-) bacteria, Arthrobacter sp. (G+), and Pseudomonas sp. (G-) was greatest in the -P soils, but the bacterial populations of the +P and the AM soils were generally not significantly different. There were, however, differences among the AM treatments, where Gm soils had the lowest G- bacterial populations, while Ge soils had the highest populations of both G+ and G- bacteria. Correlations between plant and soil traits indicated that interactions within the plant-soil system were mediated by the AM fungi.  相似文献   

The Alaskan tussock tundra is a strongly nutrient-limited ecosystem, where almost all vascular plant species are mycorrhizal. We established a long-term removal experiment to document effects of arctic plant species on ecto- and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and to investigate whether species interactions and/or nutrient availability affect mycorrhizal colonization. The treatments applied were removal of Betula nana (Betulaceae, dominant deciduous shrub species), removal of Ledum palustre (Ericaceae, dominant evergreen shrub species), control (no removal), and each of these three treatments with the addition of fertilizer. After 3 years of Ledum removal and fertilization, we found that overall ectomycorrhizal colonization in Betula was significantly reduced. Changes in ectomycorrhizal morphotype composition in removal and fertilized treatments were also observed. These results suggest that the effect of Ledum on Betula 's mycorrhizal roots is due to sequestration of nutrients by Ledum, leading to reduced nutrient availability in the soil. In contrast, ericoid mycorrhizal colonization was not affected by fertilization, but the removal of Betula and to a lower degree of Ledum resulted in a reduction of ericoid mycorrhizal colonization suggesting a direct effect of these species on ericoid mycorrhizal colonization. Nutrient availability was only higher in fertilized treatments, but caution should be taken with the interpretation of these data as soil microbes may effectively compete with the ion exchange resins for the nutrients released by plant removal in these nutrient-limited soils.  相似文献   

Natural populations thriving in heavy-metal-contaminated ecosystems are often subjected to selective pressures for increased resistance to toxic metals. In the present study we describe a population of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus luteus that colonized a toxic Cu mine spoil in Norway. We hypothesized that this population had developed adaptive Cu tolerance and was able to protect pine trees against Cu toxicity. We also tested for the existence of cotolerance to Cu and Zn in S. luteus. Isolates from Cu-polluted, Zn-polluted, and nonpolluted sites were grown in vitro on Cu- or Zn-supplemented medium. The Cu mine isolates exhibited high Cu tolerance, whereas the Zn-tolerant isolates were shown to be Cu sensitive, and vice versa. This indicates the evolution of metal-specific tolerance mechanisms is strongly triggered by the pollution in the local environment. Cotolerance does not occur in the S. luteus isolates studied. In a dose-response experiment, the Cu sensitivity of nonmycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris seedlings was compared to the sensitivity of mycorrhizal seedlings colonized either by a Cu-sensitive or Cu-tolerant S. luteus isolate. In nonmycorrhizal plants and plants colonized by the Cu-sensitive isolate, root growth and nutrient uptake were strongly inhibited under Cu stress conditions. In contrast, plants colonized by the Cu-tolerant isolate were hardly affected. The Cu-adapted S. luteus isolate provided excellent insurance against Cu toxicity in pine seedlings exposed to elevated Cu levels. Such a metal-adapted Suillus-Pinus combination might be suitable for large-scale land reclamation at phytotoxic metalliferous and industrial sites.  相似文献   

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