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To examine breeding system characteristics of the endemic Australian prostrate shrub Kunzea pomifera, artificial hybridisations were undertaken using thirteen different genotypes of K. pomifera, to elucidate: (1) self-incompatibility, (2) intraspecific cross-compatibility in the species and (3) interspecific cross-compatibility with each of K. ambigua and K. ericoides. K. pomifera exhibited very low self-compatibility, with the barrier to self-fertilisation being prevention of pollen-tube growth in the style or ovary. Following intraspecific pollination amongst a number of different genotypes of K. pomifera, 38.4% of pollinated flowers developed fruit; arrest of compatible pollen-tubes in the style, preventing fertilisation, contributes to the low fruit set in this species. Interspecific compatibility was examined between K. pomifera (pistillate parent) and K. ambigua (staminate parent) where seed set per pollinated flower (4.47) was not significantly different from intraspecific crosses (4.66). In crosses between K. pomifera (pistillate parent) and K. ericoides as staminate plant, 0.037% of pollinated flowers produced fruit, with 0.0075 seeds per pollinated flower. Reproductive barriers between these two species were evident in the style of K. pomifera, where the growing tips of the K. ericoides pollen-tubes swelled and ceased to grow.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Knowledge of functional leaf traits can provide important insights into the processes structuring plant communities. In the genus Sorbus, the generation of taxonomic novelty through reticulate evolution that gives rise to new microspecies is believed to be driven primarily by a series of interspecific hybridizations among closely related taxa. We tested hypotheses for dispersion of intermediacy across the leaf traits in Sorbus hybrids and for trait linkages with leaf area and specific leaf area. ? Methods: Here, we measured and compared the whole complex of growth, vascular, and ecophysiological leaf traits among parental (Sorbus aria, Sorbus aucuparia, Sorbus chamaemespilus) and natural hybrid (Sorbus montisalpae, Sorbus zuzanae) species growing under field conditions. A recently developed atomic force microscopy technique, PeakForce quantitative nanomechanical mapping, was used to characterize the topography of cell wall surfaces of tracheary elements and to map the reduced Young's modulus of elasticity. ? Key results: Intermediacy was associated predominantly with leaf growth traits, whereas vascular and ecophysiological traits were mainly parental-like and transgressive phenotypes. Larger-leaf species tended to have lower modulus of elasticity values for midrib tracheary element cell walls. Leaves with a biomass investment related to a higher specific leaf area had a lower density. Leaf area- and length-normalized theoretical hydraulic conductivity was related to leaf thickness. ? Conclusions: For the whole complex of examined leaf traits, hybrid microspecies were mosaics of parental-like, intermediate, and transgressive phenotypes. The high proportion of transgressive character expressions found in Sorbus hybrids implies that generation of extreme traits through transgressive segregation played a key role in the speciation process.  相似文献   

While theories explaining the evolution and maintenance of sex are abundant, empirical data on the costs and benefits of asexual relative to sexual reproduction are less common. Asexually reproducing vertebrates, while few, provide a rare opportunity to measure differences in fitness between asexual and sexual species. All known asexually reproducing vertebrates are of hybrid origin, and hybrid disadvantage (i.e., reduced hybrid fitness) is thought to facilitate long-term coexistence between asexual and sexual species. We used repeat swimming performance as a proxy for fitness to compare the fitness of asexual hybrid dace (Pisces: Phoxinus) and their sexually reproducing parental species, finescale dace (Phoxinus neogaeus) and northern redbelly dace (Phoxinus eos). We tested the prediction that, given the widespread coexistence of these hybrid and parental dace, the parental species should show equivalent and perhaps superior repeat performance relative to hybrids. A repeat constant acceleration test (U(max)) was conducted at both acclimation temperature (16 °C) and at an elevated temperature (25 °C) to simulate the combined influence of a repeat swim and acute temperature change that fish might experience in the wild. The asexual hybrids performed more poorly than at least one of the parental species. There was a negative effect of temperature on repeat swimming performance in all fish, and the repeat performance of hybrids was more severely affected by temperature than that of finescale dace. No difference in the effect of temperature on repeat performance was detected between hybrids and northern redbelly dace. These results suggest that hybrids suffer physiological costs relative to the parentals or at least that the hybrids do not gain advantage from hybrid vigor, which probably contributes to the coexistence of asexual and sexual species in this system.  相似文献   

Exclusion experiments were used to assess the effect of different pollinator groups on outcrossing and seed production in Metrosideros excelsa. The main study site was Little Barrier Island, New Zealand where indigenous bird and native solitary bees are the main flower visitors. Our results showed that native birds were more important pollinators of M. excelsa than native bees. Seed production was much higher in open pollination than in two exclusion experiments where either birds were excluded and native bees only had access to flowers, or where all pollinators had been excluded. The number of fertile seeds per capsule was 45% higher after open pollination than in treatments with bee visitation only and 28% higher than in treatments where all flower visitors were excluded. Estimated outcrossing rates were significantly higher (tm = 0.71) for open pollination in the upper canopy (>4 m above‐ground level) where bird visitation is presumed to be more frequent than for a treatment with native bee access only (tm = 0.40). Our results also suggest that a large proportion of seeds (66%) arise from autonomous self‐pollination when all pollinators are excluded. In four trees of a modified mainland population with predominantly introduced birds and a mixture of introduced and native bees there was no decrease in seed production for the treatment allowing bee access only, indicating that – in contrast to native bees – honeybees may be more efficient pollinators of M. excelsa. Observation of the foraging behaviour of both groups of bees showed that native bees contact the stigma of flowers less frequently than honeybees. This is likely to be a consequence of their smaller body size relative to honeybees.  相似文献   

Wright's adaptive topography describes gene frequency evolution as a maximization of mean fitness in a constant environment. I extended this to a fluctuating environment by unifying theories of stochastic demography and fluctuating selection, assuming small or moderate fluctuations in demographic rates with a stationary distribution, and weak selection among the types. The demography of a large population, composed of haploid genotypes at a single locus or normally distributed phenotypes, can then be approximated as a diffusion process and transformed to produce the dynamics of population size, N, and gene frequency, p, or mean phenotype, . The expected evolution of p or is a product of genetic variability and the gradient of the long-run growth rate of the population, , with respect to p or . This shows that the expected evolution maximizes , the mean Malthusian fitness in the average environment minus half the environmental variance in population growth rate. Thus, as a function of p or represents an adaptive topography that, despite environmental fluctuations, does not change with time. The haploid model is dominated by environmental stochasticity, so the expected maximization is not realized. Different constraints on quantitative genetic variability, and stabilizing selection in the average environment, allow evolution of the mean phenotype to undergo a stochastic maximization of . Although the expected evolution maximizes the long-run growth rate of the population, for a genotype or phenotype the long-run growth rate is not a valid measure of fitness in a fluctuating environment. The haploid and quantitative character models both reveal that the expected relative fitness of a type is its Malthusian fitness in the average environment minus the environmental covariance between its growth rate and that of the population.  相似文献   

Several mouse-rat somatic hybrid cell lines were isolated by fusing chloramphenicol-resistant (CAPr) and CAP-sensitive (CAPs) parent cells, and propagation of the parent mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) species in the hybrid cells was studied. The restriction endonucleases EcoRI, HpaII, and HaeIII were used for identification of mtDNA species. Both mouse and rat mtDNAs were propagated in all the hybrid cells examined and maintained during long-term cultivation and repeated cell division. Moreover, in CAPr mouse-rat hybrid cells, selection and successive cultivation in the presence of CAP did not increase the relative amount of mtDNA species of CAPr parent cell origin, and when CAP was removed from the culture medium, mtDNA species of CAPr parent cell origin did not decrease appreciably. The amount of mouse mtDNAs was consistently 1-4 times that of rat mtDNAs inthe mouse-rat hybrid cells regardless of the species of parent cells from which the CAP resistance was derived. Thus mouse-rat hybrid cells have a stable mtDNA population in which the amount of mouse mtDNAs is larger than that of rat mtDNAs without any influence of CAP selection.  相似文献   

While there are many reports in the literature describing the attributes of specific applications of transgenic animals for agriculture, there are relatively few studies focusing on the fitness of the transgenic animals themselves. This work was designed to gather information on genetically modified food animals to determine if the presence of a transgene can impact general animal production traits. More specifically, we used a line of transgenic dairy goats expressing human lysozyme in their mammary gland to evaluate the reproductive fitness and growth and development of these animals compared to their non-transgenic counterparts and the impact of consuming a transgenic food product, lysozyme-containing milk. In males, none of the parameters of semen quality, including semen volume and concentration, total sperm per ejaculate, sperm morphology, viability and motility, were significantly different between transgenic bucks and non-transgenic full-sib controls. Likewise, transgenic females of this line did not significantly differ in the reproductive traits of gestation length and litter size compared to their non-transgenic counterparts. To evaluate growth, transgenic and non-transgenic kid goats received colostrum and milk from either transgenic or non-transgenic does from birth until weaning. Neither the presence of the transgene nor the consumption of milk from transgenic animals significantly affected birth weight, weaning weight, overall gain and post-wean gain. These results indicate that the analyzed reproductive and growth traits were not regularly or substantially impacted by the presence or expression of the transgene. The evaluation of these general parameters is an important aspect of defining the safety of applying transgenic technology to animal agriculture.  相似文献   

Step clinal transitions in inherited character(s) between genetically distinct populations are usually referred to as hybrid zones. An example is found in the population of the intertidal snail Littorina saxatilis in Galicia (NW Spain). We studied the shape of the overall fitness surface for sexual selection in this hybrid zone, and the position of hybrids and pure morphs on this surface. We found that sexual divergent selection acted on a combination of phenotypic traits separating the pure morphs, and therefore that sexual selection contributed to morph differentiation. The average fitness of hybrids as a group was not significantly different from that of the pure morphs, but they did show divergent sexual selection in some traits. These results are in agreement with a model of divergent selection favouring both the pure morph as well as those hybrids most resembling each morph. The finding of divergent selection is remarkable because quadratic selection gradients are usually weak in nature.  相似文献   

Diploid hybrid speciation in plants is often accompanied by rapid ecological divergence between incipient neospecies and their parental taxa. One plausible means by which novel adaptation in hybrid lineages may arise is transgressive segregation, that is, the generation of extreme phenotypes that exceed those of the parental lines. Early generation (BC2) hybrids between two wild, annual sunflowers, Helianthus annuus and Helianthus petiolaris, were used to study directional selection on transgressive characters associated with the origin of Helianthus paradoxus, a diploid hybrid species adapted to extremely saline marshes. The BC2 plants descended from a single F1 hybrid backcrossed toward H. petiolaris. The strength of selection on candidate adaptive traits in the interspecific BC2 was measured in natural H. paradoxus salt marsh habitat. Positive directional selection was detected for leaf succulence and Ca uptake, two traits that are known to be important in salt stress response in plants. Strong negative directional selection operated on uptake of Na and correlated elements. A significant decrease in trait correlations over time was observed in the BC2 population for Na and Ca content, suggesting an adaptive role for increased Ca uptake coupled with increased net exclusion of Na from leaves. Patterns of directional selection in BC2 hybrids were concordant with character expression in the natural hybrid species, H. paradoxus, transplanted into the wild. Moreover, the necessary variation for generating the H. paradoxus phenotype existed only in the BC2 population, but not in samples of the two parental species, H. annuus and H. petiolaris. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that transgressive segregation of elemental uptake and leaf succulence contributed to the origin of salt adaptation in the diploid hybrid species H. paradoxus.  相似文献   

Fitness varies nonlinearly with environmental variables such as temperature, water availability, and nutrition, with maximum fitness at intermediate levels between more stressful extremes. For environmental agents that are highly toxic at exposures that substantially exceed background levels, fitness is maximized at concentrations near zero--a phenomenon often referred to as hormesis. Two main components are suggested: (1) background hormesis, which derives from the direct adaptation of organisms to their habitats; and (2) stress-derived hormonesis, which derives from metabolic reserves that are maintained as an adaptation to environmental stresses through evolutionary time. These reserves provide protection from lesser correlated stresses. This article discusses illustrative examples, including ethanol and ionizing radiation, aimed at placing hormesis into an ecological and evolutionary context. A unifying approach comes from fitness-stress continua that underlie responses to abiotic variables, whereby selection for maximum metabolic efficiency and hence fitness in adaptation to habitats in nature underlies hormetic zones. Within this reductionist model, more specific metabolic mechanisms to explain hormesis are beginning to emerge, depending upon the agent and the taxon in question. Some limited research possibilities based upon this evolutionary perspective are indicated.  相似文献   

After a decade of transgenic crop production, the dynamics of gene introgression into wild relatives remain unclear. Taking an ecological genetics approach to investigating fitness in crop-wild hybrid zones, we uncovered both conditions and characteristics that may promote introgression. We compared diverse crop-wild hybrid genotypes relative to wild Helianthus annuus under one benign and three stressful agricultural environments. Whereas relative fitness of crop-wild hybrids averaged 0.25 under benign conditions, with herbicide application or competition it reached 0.45 and was more variable. In some instances, hybrid fitness matched wild fitness (approximately 1). Thus, wild populations under agronomic stress may be more susceptible to introgression. Although 'domestication' traits are typically considered unlikely to persist in wild populations, we found some (e.g. rapid growth and early flowering) that may enhance hybrid fitness, especially in stressful environments. Rigorous assessment of how particular genotypes, phenotypes, and environments affect introgression will improve risk assessment for transgenic crops.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the consequences of the switch of tactic from parasitic to parental male in the black goby, Gobius niger (Teleostei: Gobiidae), a species showing two alternative male mating tactics. Older and larger males defend nests, court, and perform parental care on eggs, while younger and smaller ones behave as parasites, sneaking into nests while spawning occurs. Males adopting different tactics are known to present differences in primary and secondary sex traits. The social context of sneaker males was manipulated to induce a tactic switch. Sneakers were kept under two different experimental treatments with or without a female, and under exclusion of male-male competition. Males changed tactics, courting females, spawning, and performing parental care. All males showed substantial changes in primary sexual traits, such as a reduction in gonadal development and an increase in the investment in accessory structures. The experimental groups differed in the functionality of gonads and accessory organs and in the development of the secondary sex traits. These results demonstrate that the moment of switching is not genetically fixed in the black goby. Sneaker males are able to quickly reallocate energy in primary and secondary sex traits, in accordance with the adopted tactic. Several aspects of this flexible reproductive pattern resemble the socially controlled sex change found in sequential hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Myrceugenia is a mainly temperate South American genus with two species on the Juan Fernández Islands, 12 in central and southern Chile and adjacent Argentina, and 25 in the highlands of southeastern Brazil and adjacent regions. The continental populations are separated by about 1000 km. Numerical cladistic procedures based on the criteria of parsimony, compatible characters and a combination of compatible characters and character correlation are used to deduce hypothetical phylogenetic undirected trees. These indicate that 3–8 groups of species bridge the continent of South America. An explanation of how the distribution of the genus could have come about is given based on: 1) the above mentioned numerical analyses, 2) the ecology of the species, 3) the distribution of other plant genera, and 4) theories of the geologic and climatic history of southern South America. Myrceugenia is hypothesized to have grown continuously across South America during the early Tertiary and to have become divided into eastern and western populations probably during the Miocene.  相似文献   

Pearse IS  Baty JH 《Oecologia》2012,169(2):489-497
Herbivory on hybrid plants has the potential to affect patterns of plant evolution, such as limiting gene-flow through hybrids, and can also affect herbivore biodiversity. However, few studies have surveyed multiple hybrid species to identify phylogenetic patterns in the inheritance of plant traits that may drive herbivory. We surveyed 15 leaf traits and patterns of chewing, mining, and galling herbivory in a common garden of 17 artificially crossed hybrid oak species and each of their parental species over a 2-year period. Using a phylogeny of oaks, we tested whether hybrids that resulted from more divergent parents received more herbivory than those derived from closely related parents (as would be predicted by a build-up of incompatibilities in defensive systems over evolutionary time) and found only marginal evidence in support of this. We found that chewing damage to hybrids was weakly predicted by the relatedness of a parental species to the single native oak. The levels of chewing and mining herbivory on hybrids were typically intermediate to those of their parental species, though less than the parental mean for chewing damage in 2008. Most leaf traits of hybrids were also intermediate to those of their parental species. There was no clear pattern in terms of an association between 11 species of cynipid gall wasps and hybrids. The patterns of (1) intermediate levels of herbivory on hybrids and (2) no trend in herbivory on hybrids based on the phylogenetic relatedness of parental species suggest that herbivory may not play a general role in limiting hybrid fitness (and thus gene-flow through hybrids) in oaks.  相似文献   

The effects of inbreeding, with (IS) and without selection (IO) for reproductive fitness, on inbreeding depression and heterozygosity were evaluated in 20 lines of each treatment inbred over seven generations using full-sib mating. The survival of lines was significantly greater in IS (20/20) than in IO (15/20). The competitive index measure of reproductive fitness was significantly lower in the inbred lines than in the outbred base population, but not significantly different in surviving IS and IO lines. There was a trend for higher fitness in the IS treatment as relative fitnesses were 19% higher in IS than IO for surviving lines and 59% higher for all lines. Heterozygosities were lower in the inbred lines than in the base population, and significantly higher in the IS than the IO lines. Consequently, the reduction of inbreeding depression in IS has been achieved, at least in part, by slowing the rate of fixation.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that in sexual selection on human males, intrasexual competition plays a larger role than female choice. In a sample of men (N?=?164), we sought to provide further evidence on the effects of men's physical dominance and sexual attractiveness on mating success and hence in sexual selection. Objective measures and subjective ratings of male sexually dimorphic traits purportedly under sexual selection (height, vocal and facial masculinity, upper body size from 3D scans, physical strength, and baseline testosterone) and observer perceptions of physical dominance and sexual attractiveness based on self-presentation video recordings were assessed and associated with mating success (sociosexual behaviour and number of potential conceptions) in a partly longitudinal design. Results from structural equation models and selection analyses revealed that physical dominance, but not sexual attractiveness, predicted mating success. Physical dominance mediated associations of upper body size, physical strength, as well as vocal and facial physical dominance and attractiveness with mating success. These findings thus suggest a greater importance of intrasexual competition than female choice in human male sexual selection.  相似文献   

Adverse weather conditions during parental care may have direct consequences for offspring production, but longer‐term effects on juvenile and parental survival are less well known. We used long‐term data on reproductive output, recruitment, and parental survival in northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) to investigate the effects of rainfall during parental care on fledging success, recruitment success (juvenile survival), and parental survival, and how these effects related to nestling age, breeding time, habitat quality, and parental nest visitation rates. While accounting for effects of temperature, fledging success was negatively related to rainfall (days > 10 mm) in the second half of the nestling period, with the magnitude of this effect being greater for breeding attempts early in the season. Recruitment success was, however, more sensitive to the number of rain days in the first half of the nestling period. Rainfall effects on parental survival differed between the sexes; males were more sensitive to rain during the nestling period than females. We demonstrate a probable mechanism driving the rainfall effects on reproductive output: Parental nest visitation rates decline with increasing amounts of daily rainfall, with this effect becoming stronger after consecutive rain days. Our study shows that rain during the nestling stage not only relates to fledging success but also has longer‐term effects on recruitment and subsequent parental survival. Thus, if we want to understand or predict population responses to future climate change, we need to consider the potential impacts of changing rainfall patterns in addition to temperature, and how these will affect target species' vital rates.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the strength and form of phenotypic selection among groups provide a powerful approach for testing adaptive hypotheses. A central and largely unaddressed issue is how fitness and phenotypes are standardized in such studies; standardization across or within groups can qualitatively change conclusions whenever mean fitness differs between groups. We briefly reviewed recent relevant literature, and found that selection studies vary widely in their scale of standardization, but few investigators motivated their rationale for chosen standardization approaches. Here, we propose that the scale at which fitness should be relativized should reflect whether selection is likely to be hard or soft; that is, the scale at which populations (or hypothetical populations in the case of a contrived experiment) are regulated. We argue that many comparative studies of selection are implicitly or explicitly focused on soft selection (i.e., frequency and density‐dependent selection). In such studies, relative fitness should preferably be calculated using within‐group means, although this approach is taken only occasionally. Related difficulties arise for the standardization of phenotypes. The appropriate scale at which standardization should take place depends on whether groups are considered to be fixed or random. We emphasize that the scale of standardization is a critical decision in empirical studies of selection that should always warrant explicit justification.  相似文献   

Evolutionary models estimating phenotypic selection in character size usually assume that the character is invariant across reproductive bouts. We show that variation in the size of reproductive traits may be large over multiple events and can influence fitness in organisms where these traits are produced anew each season. With data from populations of two orchid species, Caladenia valida and Tolumnia variegata, we used Bayesian statistics to investigate the effect on the distribution in fitness of individuals when the fitness landscape is not flat and when characters vary across reproductive bouts. Inconsistency in character size across reproductive periods within an individual increases the uncertainty of mean fitness and, consequently, the uncertainty in individual fitness. The trajectory of selection is likely to be muddled as a consequence of variation in morphology of individuals across reproductive bouts. The frequency and amplitude of such changes will certainly affect the dynamics between selection and genetic drift.  相似文献   

Seed germination constitutes an important event in the life cycle of plants. Two related seed traits affect fitness: seed size and the timing of seed germination. In three sets of experiments, we (1) partition the sources of seed-size variance in Lobelia inflata into components attributable to fruit size, relative fruit position, and parental identity; (2) examine the influence of pregermination conditions and seed size on time to germination; and (3) assess the fitness consequences of seed size and germination timing under seminatural, harsh conditions. Seed-size variance is attributable to both parental identity and fruit position within an individual. Distal fruits produce larger but fewer seeds. No significant correlation exists between fruit size and seed size, but a trade-off is found between the number and size of seeds contained in a fruit after correcting for fruit size. The timing of germination is influenced by seed size, light conditions before winter, and winter duration. Germination timing influences survival, and despite small seed size in this species (2 × 10 g/seed), seed size has a persistent and significant association with both final plant size and the probability of survival to autumn.  相似文献   

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