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A main tenet of sex-allocation theory is that environmental stress should lead to increased maleness because reproducing through pollen is generally cheaper than producing fruits and seeds. Though this prediction has held for many species, it has been little tested for gynomonoecious plants, in which individuals produce both female and perfect flowers. We exposed eight ramets of each of 22 genets of a gynomonoecious goldenrod, Solidago altissima (Asteraceae), to a factorial combination of nutrient stress and herbivory by the gall-inducer Eurosta solidaginis (Tephritidae). Nutrient stress alone increased relative femaleness: Stressed ramets produced fewer flowers total and a higher ratio of ray (female) flowers to disk (perfect) flowers. Galling caused no change in fertilized ramets, but the combination of nutrient stress and galling caused an increase in relative maleness: Nutrient-stressed, galled ramets produced fewer flowers total and had a higher disk to ray ratio. In addition to being phenotypically plastic, floral-sex ratio had a great deal of genetic variation, with a broad-sense heritability of 0.68. While the floral-sex ratio responses of gynomonoecious plants may be more complicated than for plants of other breeding systems, they offer the potential to test and refine the already rich body of sex-allocation theory.  相似文献   

Plant-induced responses to multiple herbivores can mediate ecological interactions among herbivore species, thereby influencing herbivore community composition in nature. Several studies have indicated high specificity of induced responses to different herbivore species. In addition, there may be genetic variation for plant response specificity that can have significant ecological implications, by altering the competitive strength and hierarchical relationships among interacting herbivore species. However, few studies have examined whether plant populations harbor genetic variation for induction specificity. Using three distinct genotypes of Solidago altissima plants, we examined whether specialist herbivore species Dichomeris leuconotella, Microrhopala vittata, and Trirhabda virgata elicit specific induction responses from plants (specificity of elicitation), and whether induction differentially affects these herbivore species (specificity of effect). Results from bioassays and secondary metabolite analyses suggest that there is specificity of both elicitation and effect in the induced responses: D. leuconotella and M. vittata preferred and performed better on leaves damaged by conspecifics than heterospecifics, and induced qualitatively different secondary metabolite profiles. In contrast, T. virgata equally avoided but physiologically tolerated all types of damage. These patterns of specificity suggest that plant-induced responses mediate asymmetric competitive interactions between herbivore species, which potentially intensifies inter-specific relative to intra-specific competition. Plant genotypes widely differed in overall susceptibility to the herbivores and secondary metabolite production, yet we found no genotype-by-treatment interactions in insect performance, preference and plant secondary metabolite production. This lack of genetic variation for induction specificity suggests that competitive interactions between herbivore species on S. altissima are homogeneous across plant genotypes.  相似文献   

In leaves of goldenrod, Solidago canadensis (Asteraceae, tribe Astereae), numerous internal oil reservoirs with a uniseriate epithelium occur as a single file above or below veins or as isolated cavities in the mesophyll. Reservoirs are abaxial to major veins (vein orders 1–3), either above, below, or superimposed in intermediate 4th order veins, but strictly adaxial to 5th and 6th order minor veins. Reservoirs are initiated as discrete cavities, but those below 1st and 2nd order veins are in a single crowded file, each separated only by epithelial cells. Elongation of these cavities, accompanied by stretching and separation of septa, gives a false impression at maturity of an indefinitely long duct instead of a series of tubular cavities. Reservoirs of vein orders 3–6 are mostly more widely separated and less subject to elongation, thus they are shorter and remain discrete at maturity. The overall foliar pattern is one of successively shorter reservoirs, a sequence that is in concert with the successively narrower and progressively less elongated vein orders. The shift from abaxial to adaxial reservoirs in minor veins may be related to different phloem functions: sugar transport in major veins and photosynthate assimilation in minor veins.  相似文献   

Population divergence of phytophagous insects is often coupled to host‐plant shifts and is frequently attributed to the divergent selective environments associated with alternative host‐plants. In some cases, however, divergence is associated with the use of alternative host‐plant organs of a single host species. The basis of within‐host radiations such as these remains poorly understood. In the present stusy, we analysed the radiation of Asteromyia gall midges occurring both within one host plant species and within a single organ on that host. In this system, four morphologically distinct Asteromyia gall forms (morphs) coexist on the leaves of goldenrod Solidago altissima. Our analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequence data confirm the genetic differentiation among midges from three gall morphs and reveal evidence of a genetically distinct fourth gall morph. The absence of clear gall morph related clades in the mitochondrial DNA derived phylogenies is indicative of incomplete lineage sorting or recent gene flow, suggesting that population divergence among gall forms is recent. We assess the likely history of this radiation and use the results of phylogenetic analyses along with ecological data on phenology and parasitism rates to evaluate potential hypotheses for the mode of differentiation. These preliminary analyses suggest that diversification of the Asteromyia gall morphs is likely shaped by interactions between the midge, a symbiotic fungus, and parasitoid enemies. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 840–858.  相似文献   

Previous chromosomal studies within Melampodium (Asteraceae, Heliantheae) of Mexico and Central America have documented chromosome numbers n = 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 20, 23, 25 ± 1, 27, 30, and 33. Some species also have been shown to exhibit infra- and interpopulational polyploidy. The presence of cytotype mixtures is especially pronounced in the white-rayed complex, which occurs in the southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico. This group includes M. cinereum (n = 10 and 20), M. leucanthum (n = 10 and 20), and M. argophyllum (n = 30). Cytotype distribution has been newly analyzed in 415 plants from 152 populations and added to existing data from 185 plants from 113 populations, yielding information from a total of 600 individuals from 265 populations. Within M. cinereum and M. leucanthum are parapatric distributions of cytotypes, with tetraploids centered in the eastern and diploids in the western portions of their ranges. Tetraploids are most likely of autopolyploid origin, forming recurrently, with adaptations that allow colonization and establishment in new ecological regions. Contact zones are relatively narrow and only two triploid individuals have been detected. The tetraploid cytotypes probably extended eastward into central and southern Texas to the natural barriers at the edge of the Edward's Plateau in M. leucanthum and the low sandy plains in M. cinereum. The hexaploid M. argophyllum is interpreted as a relict surviving in the low mountains of northern Mexico; it may be an allopolyploid of hybrid origin between ancestors of the evolutionary lines that eventually yielded M. cinereum and M. leucanthum.  相似文献   

Understanding speciation and biodiversity patterns in plants requires knowledge of the general role of climate in allowing polyploids to escape competition and persist with their diploid progenitors. This is a particularly interesting issue in widespread species that present multiple ploidy levels and occur across a heterogeneous environment. Chrysolaena (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) is a cytogenetically very diverse genus, with significant interspecific and intraspecific ploidy level variation and with continuous distribution across South America. No previous studies have summarized chromosome count data of Chrysolaena or addressed the cytogeography of the genus. Ploidy level of Chrysolaena species was determined by chromosome counting during mitosis and/or meiosis; the geographic distribution of cytotypes was examined and the correlations between the distribution of particular cytotypes and current ecological conditions were evaluated. A total of 43 new chromosome counts and five ploidy levels (2x, 4x, 6x, 7x, 8x) were reported. The chromosome number of C. cordifolia (2n = 7x = 70) and a new cytotype for C. propinqua var. canescens (2n = 4x = 40) are reported for the first time. Three geographic areas with high diversity of cytotypes and species were detected. The results obtained do not suggest a clear distribution pattern that depends on climatic factors for Chrysolaena populations. However, a geographic pattern was identified in the distribution of ploidy levels, with diploid species presenting a more restricted distribution than polyploid species.  相似文献   

Plant protease inhibitors (PIs) are among the most well-studied and widely distributed resistance traits that plants use against their herbivore attackers. There are different types of plant PIs which putatively function against the different types of proteases expressed in insect guts. Serine protease inhibitors (SPIs) and cysteine protease inhibitors (CPIs) are hypothesized to differentially function against the predominant gut proteases in lepidopteran and coleopteran herbivores, respectively. Here, we test the hypothesis that tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima, can specifically respond to damage by different herbivores and differentially induce SPIs and CPIs in response to damage by lepidopteran and coleopteran herbivores. Moreover, we ask if the concerted induction of different types of PIs accounts for variation in induced resistance to herbivory. We altered and optimized a rapid and effective existing methodology to quantitatively analyze both SPI and CPI activity simultaneously from a single tissue sample and to use the same plant extracts directly for characterization of inhibitory effects on insect gut protease activity. We found that both SPIs and CPIs are induced in S. altissima in response to damage, regardless of the damaging herbivore species. However, only SPIs were effective against Spodoptera exigua gut proteases. Our data suggest that plant PI responses are not necessarily specific to the identity of the attacking organism but that different components of generally induced defense traits can specifically affect different herbivore species. While providing an efficient and broadly applicable methodology to analyze multiple PIs extracted from the same tissue, this study furthers our understanding of specificity in induced plant resistance.  相似文献   

Kao RH 《Annals of botany》2008,101(1):145-152
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Polyploidy is a central force structuring genetic diversity in angiosperms, but its ecological significance and modes of origin are not fully understood. This work investigated the patterns of coexistence and molecular relatedness of polyploids in the perennial herb, Arnica cordifolia. METHODS: The local- and broad-scale distributions of cytotypes were analysed using flow cytometry. Samples were collected from both roadside and understorey habitats to test the hypothesis of niche separation between triploids and tetraploids. The nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid rpl16 spacer, trnL intron plus trnL-trnF spacer and trnK 3' intron regions were sequenced. KEY RESULTS: Broad-scale sampling established that both triploids and tetraploids were common throughout the range of the species, pentaploids were rare, and diploids were not found. Local-scale sampling revealed coexistence of both triploids and tetraploids within the majority of sites. Triploids and tetraploids were equally represented in the understorey and roadside habitat. Triploids were more variable than tetraploids, but both cytotypes shared polymorphisms in ITS. CONCLUSIONS: Coexistence of cytotypes appears to be the norm in A. cordifolia, but habitat differentiation (roadside vs. understorey) is not supported as a coexistence mechanism. Molecular analyses supported multiple events creating triploids but revealed a lack of variation in the tetraploids. Additionally, sequence polymorphisms in ITS suggested a hybridization event prior to polyploidization.  相似文献   

Various plant antagonists appear to alter phytohormone levels for their own benefit. Among insects, gall-inducing species appear to influence phytohormones and it is widely believed that they alter levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) to help produce their galls, but evidence exists for only a limited number of species. To further explore the role of phytohormones in gall formation, we measured levels of IAA and abscisic acid (ABA), a hormone involved in plant defenses and that can influence IAA, in tissues of control stems of Solidago altissima (Asteraceae) and those galled by Gnorimoschema gallaesolidaginis (Gelechiidae). This gall-inducing caterpillar species significantly altered the distribution of IAA in galls and the larvae themselves contained high concentrations of IAA. In contrast, the generalist caterpillar Heliothis virescens (Noctuidae) neither altered IAA nor accumulated significant concentrations of IAA, suggesting that G. gallaesolidaginis may have a distinctive influence over IAA. The gall-inducing caterpillars, particularly younger larvae, also contained high levels of ABA but did not increase levels of ABA, which is induced by herbivory of H. virescens. Because G. gallaesolidaginis also does not increase levels of other defense-related hormones, avoiding generalized plant defenses may facilitate gall induction and formation.  相似文献   

Floral sex ratios and gynomonoecy in Solidago (Asteraceae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gynomonoecy is the sexual system in which individual plants bear both female and bisexual flowers. Little attention has been paid to the adaptive significance of this sexual system, which is particularly prevalent in the Asteraceae. We investigated one hypothesized advantage of having two flower types, namely that this arrangement permits flexibility in allocation of resources to male and female reproductive functions. We examined six species of goldenrod ( Solidago ), a genus of gynomonoecious, perennial herbs. In greenhouse experiments, we varied one or more of three environmental variables – light, nutrients and water – and/or examined heads in different positions on the plants. Most variables had little or no effect on the proportion of ray flowers. Significant effects were found for light in 0 of 5 experiments, for nutrients in 4 of 9 experiments and for water in 0 of 3 experiments. Heads in different positions in the inflorescence differed in the proportion of ray flowers in half of the experiments, though the differences were small. We also monitored temporal patterns in four species and found that the proportion of ray flowers increased significantly over the blooming period and the number of flowers per head declined. Because of the small number of significant effects and their modest magnitude, we conclude that the presence of two flower types in goldenrods is probably not advantageous in allowing flexibility in sex expression. It seems likely that this sexual system has been more important either in increasing pollinator attraction or in reducing pollen–pistil interference. The small observed changes in floral ratios were generally accompanied by changes in disc size in a manner consistent with an explanation based on allometry.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 413–422.  相似文献   

The geographic distributions of polyploids suggest they can have distinct and sometimes broader niches compared to diploids. However, relatively few field experiments have investigated whether range differences are associated with local adaptation or reflect other processes, such as dispersal limitation. In three years of transplants across the elevational ranges of five cytotypes in the Claytonia perfoliata complex, we found evidence for local adaptation. In at least one study year germination was higher within the natural range for each cytotype, and four of the five cytotypes attained larger biomass within their natural range. Fitness within and beyond range varied across years, with two instances of cytotypes showing higher fitness beyond the range, highlighting a potential role of temporal variability in cytotype differentiation. Polyploids as a group did not outperform diploids, but the cytotype with highest fitness across environments was a hexaploid reported to be invasive. Our results suggest that differences in geographic ranges within the C. perfoliata complex reflect local adaptation of cytotypes. Although we did not find a general polyploid advantage, our findings support the idea that occasional polyploid cytotypes exhibit high fitness relative to other cytotypes, and contribute to growing evidence supporting ecological differentiation of cytotypes within polyploid complexes.  相似文献   

DNA ploidy levels were estimated using DAPI-flow cytometry of silica-dried specimens of the European mountain plant Senecio carniolicus (Asteraceae), covering its entire distribution area in the Eastern Alps (77 populations, 380 individuals) and the Carpathians (five populations, 22 individuals). A complex pattern of ploidy level variation (2x, 4x, 5x, 6x, and 7x cytotypes) was found in this species, which has been considered uniformly hexaploid. Hexaploids predominated in the Eastern Alps and was the only cytotype found in the Carpathians, while odd ploidy levels (5x, 7x) constituted a small fraction of the samples (<1.3%). Tetraploids occurred in two disjunct areas, which correspond with putative Pleistocene refugia for silicicolous alpine plants. Diploids occurred in large portions of the Alps but were absent from areas most extensively glaciated in the past. Intrapopulational cytotype mixture was detected in 22 populations-the majority involving diploids and hexaploids-with intermediate ploidy levels mostly lacking, suggesting limited gene flow and the evolution of reproductive isolation. Significant and reproducible intracytotype variation in nuclear DNA content was observed. Higher genome size in western diploids might be due to ancient introgression with the closely related S. incanus or to different evolutionary pathways in the geographically separated diploids.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic study of 62 populations of Santolina pectinata in Spain shows the existence of two ploidy levels. The diploid cytotypes with 2 n  = 18 occupy the eastern Betic mountains, and the tetraploid cytotypes with 2 n  = 36 are located on the spurs of the Iberian System. The former show a much wider ecological spectrum than the latter. Mixed cytotypes were observed in two diploid populations, with one tetraploid in each, showing different karyotypes. Three trisomic individuals were detected, one in a diploid population and the other two in a tetraploid population. Also, three hypotetraploid individuals were detected in a tetraploid population. Polyploidy is shown to be spontaneous and recurrent, promoting partial sterility in the pollen. Structural chromosomal changes, principally translocations, and local speciation through autopolyploidy are the principal factors in the evolution and diversification of this species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 657–667.  相似文献   

Experimental crosses between diploids, triploids and tetraploids ofHieracium echioides were made to examine mating interactions. Specifically, cytotype diversity in progeny from experimental crosses, intercytotype pollen competition as a reproductive barrier between diploids and tetraploids, and differences in seed set between intra- and intercytotype crosses were studied. Only diploids were found in progeny from 2x × 2x crosses. The other types of crosses yielded more than one cytotype in progeny, but one cytotype predominated in each cross type: diploids (92%) in 2x × 3x crosses, tetraploids (88%) in 3x × 2x crosses, triploids (96%) in 2x × 4x crosses, triploids (90%) in 4x × 2x crosses, tetraploids (60%) in 3x × 3x crosses, pentaploids (56%) in 3x × 4x crosses, triploids (80%) in 4x × 3x crosses and tetraploids (88%) in 4x × 4x crosses. No aneuploids have been detected among karyologically analyzed plants. Unreduced egg cell production was detected in triploids and tetraploids, but formation of unreduced pollen was recorded only in two cases in triploids. Triploid plants produced x, 2x and 3x gametes: in male gametes x (92%) gametes predominated whereas in female gametes 3x (88%) gametes predominated. Cytotype diversity in progeny from crosses where diploids and tetraploids were pollinated by mixture of pollen from diploid and tetraploid plants suggested intercytotype pollen competition to serve as a prezygotic reproductive barrier. No statistically significant difference in seed set obtained from intra- and intercytotype crosses between diploids and tetraploids was observed, suggesting the absence of postzygotic reproductive barriers among cytotypes.  相似文献   

Aim Newly formed polyploids experience problems of establishment and spread similar to those faced by newly introduced alien species. To understand the significance of polyploidy in biological invasions, we mapped the distribution of ploidy levels in Solidago gigantea Aiton in its native range in North America, and in Europe and East Asia where it is invasive. Location North America, Europe and East Asia. Methods Flow cytometry was used to measure ploidy levels in a total of 834 plants from 149 locations. Together with data from contributors and a literature review, ploidy‐level data were assembled for 336 locations. Cytogeographical maps from North America and Europe were prepared, incorporating new and previously published ploidy‐level data. Results In the native range, diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid plants were found, and also one triploid and one pentaploid plant (2n = 3x and 2n = 5x, respectively, each being new reports for this species). There was a high degree of geographical separation among the ploidy levels, and populations with mixed ploidy were rare. However, four zones were identified where plants of different ploidy could come into contact. In Europe and East Asia, only tetraploid plants were found. Main conclusions The geographical pattern in North America suggests that the ploidy levels are ecologically differentiated, although further investigations are needed to identify the nature of these differences. Alien populations appear to be exclusively tetraploid, but it is not clear whether this is because tetraploids were selectively introduced or because diploids were unsuccessful. In any case, comparisons between native and introduced populations need to account for ploidy level.  相似文献   

? Premise of the Study: Polyploidy resulting from whole genome duplication has contributed to the adaptive evolution of many plant species. However, the conditions necessary for successful polyploid evolution and subsequent establishment and persistence in sympatry with diploid progenitors are often quite limited. One condition thought to be necessary for establishment is a substantial competitive superiority of the polyploid. ? Methods: We conducted a pairwise competition experiment using diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe L. to determine whether (1) tetraploids have greater competitive ability than diploids, (2) cytotypes from mixed-cytotype populations have more balanced competitive abilities than single-cytotype populations, and (3) competitive abilities change along a longitudinal gradient. ? Key Results: Across sampling localities, tetraploids did not produce greater aboveground biomass than diploids but suffered from greater intracytotypic competition. Tetraploids allocated greater biomass belowground than diploids, regardless of competition treatment, and had greater performance for traits associated with long-term persistence (bolted more frequently and produced more accessory rosettes). Competitive ability of tetraploids did not differ between single- and mixed-cytotype populations but varied along a longitudinal gradient. Tetraploids were stronger intercytotypic competitors in Western Europe (Switzerland and Germany) than in Eastern Europe (Hungary and Slovakia), which indicates that cytotype coexistence may be more likely in Eastern Europe, the proposed origin of tetraploids, than in Western Europe. ? Conclusions: Our study addresses the importance of examining competitive interactions between cytotypes across their distributional range, as competitive interactions were not consistent across sampling localities.  相似文献   

The anatomy of internal secretory spaces in immature and mature aerial stems, rhizomes, and roots of common goldenrod, Solidago canadensis (Asteraceae, tribe Astereae), was studied from resin-embedded samples cut 1–2 μm thick. Oil-filled cavities of different lengths, each lined by a uniseriate epithelium, form in young stems and rhizomes. Epithelial cells enlarge and elongate, and some continue to divide mitotically. The cavities thereby expand and accommodate themselves to the growing stem and rhizome. Septa are sometimes forced open by this enlargement, which merges adjacent cavities. Oil reservoirs in roots are probably also cavities, but their lack of densely cytoplasmic epithelial cells prevented us from locating the end walls. Cavities in stem, root, and the cortex of rhizomes occur only as one median file located just outside of each phloem strand; in the pith of rhizomes, however, several files of cavities of larger diameter seem randomly distributed. This study extends our earlier findings that the oil reservoirs in leaves of this species are cavities; we have therefore verified that cavities, not ducts, permeate the goldenrod plant.  相似文献   

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