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《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(6):439-448
The natural selection proceeds to very different time paces according to the hierarchical level of the observations. Two methods are used by palaeontologists for reporting how fast is evolution through geological time: the taxonomical and the morphological rates of evolution. However, the interpretation and the understanding of these rates of evolution are not easy. So, there were and still are many debates, and even controversies, concerning the tempo of the history of life as depicted by fossils. Examples from European Palaeogene fossil mammals illustrate some aspects of this problem.  相似文献   

Résumé Des micro-organismes présentant les caractères des mycoplasmes ont été observés dans les tissus adipeux et cardiaques de larves du Coléoptère ScarabeideMelolontha melolontha, soit sur des tissus prélevés directement sur larves, soit maintenus en culture d'organes pendant 15 jours à 3 semaines.
Summary Microorganisms with characteristics usually observed in mycoplasms when examined under the electron microscope have been seen in fat and cardiac cells from larvae ofMelolontha melolontha, [Scarabaeidae Coleoptera]. These observations have been made either on tissues taken directly from larvae or kept in organotypic culture for 15 days to 3 weeks.

Résumé Les cellules du tissu glandulaire du testicule et de la glande interrénale de pleurodèle montrent les caractères généralement observés dans les cellules stéroïdogènes. Des différences existent entre les deux tissus. Le reticulum endoplasmique du tissu glandulaire est très développé et présent dans toutes les cellules qui sont d'aspect homogène. Au contraire, le tissu interrénal montre deux aspects cellulaires différents. Le premier se caractérise par un reticulum endoplasmique lisse relativement peu développé par rapport au tissu glandulaire, par des mitochondries petites et nombreuses, enfin par des liposomes denses et petits. Le deuxième aspect au contraire, se distingue par le petit nombre de mitochondries souvent géantes et à crêtes plus fréquemment organisées en faisceaux, par des liposomes nombreux de grandes dimensions et peu denses aux électrons.Le tissu glandulaire est très peu touché par l'hypophysectomie. Le reticulum persiste plusieurs mois comme d'ailleurs l'activité 5-3 -hydroxystéroïde deshydrogénase. Dans le tissu interrénal, la proportion des cellules d'aspects différents varie au profit des cellules à lipides abondants et à grandes mitochondries. L'activité 5-3 -hydroxystéroïde deshydrogénase est longtemps décelable.Le rôle du reticulum endoplasmique du tissu glandulaire est discuté en fonction des observations réalisées dans d'autres cellules stéroïdogènes à reticulum abondant. La signification des deux aspects cellulaires observés dans l'interrénale est discutée en relation avec les résultats expérimentaux obtenus en particulier chez le rat.Cette étude révèle que les critères d'activité d'une cellule stéroïdogène sont délicats à établir et doivent être différents d'un tissu à l'autre.
Tissues secreting steroid hormones in urodele amphibians
Summary The fine structure of testis glandular tissue and interrenal gland cells of Pleurodeles shows the general features observed in other steroïdogenic cells. Certain differences exist between the two tissues. The agranular endoplasmic reticulum of the glandular tissue cells is well developed and present in all cells of similar appearance. On the contrary, the interrenal tissue cells show two different features. The first is characterised by a poorly developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum, compared with that of the glandular tissue, by small and numerous mitochondria, and finally by small electron dense lipid droplets. The second feature is the small number of mitochondria often giant and with fascicles of straight tubular cristae and numerous large lipid droplets of low electron density.The effect of hypophysectomy on the glandular tissue cells seem very slight. The endoplasmic reticulum and the 5-3 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity persists for several months. In the interrenal tissue, the proportions of the two different cellular features are modified. Cells rich in lipids and with large mitochondria are more abundant. It is possible to demonstrate a 5-3 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity for a long time after hypophysectomy. The functional significance of the agranular endoplasmic reticulum is discussed in relation to some other observations on different steroidogenic cells with a well developed agranular endoplasmic reticulum. The significance of the two cellular features observed in the interrenal gland is discussed in connection with experimental data obtained in the frog and the rat.This study shows that it is difficult to define criteria of cellular activity, which probably differ from one tissue to another.
Equipe de Recherche associée au C. N. R. S. Cytologie Ultrastructurale n 129.  相似文献   

Summary The regeneration (organogenesis was studied by Emig, 1972 a, b) of Phoronida can be divided into three phases: the first one, cicatrisation, is characterized by a provisional mesodermal scar-tissue, later the old epidermis cover this scar-tissue. The regenerating blastema, second phase, takes place by cellular dedifferentiation processes; each germ layer (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm) regenerates itself from its own elements. One exception only seems to be oesophagel regeneration by metaplasia of the prestomacal cells during the asexual reproduction. The differentiation of the amputated structures (third phase) appears submitted to the inductive influence of the mesoderm and to the trophic action of the nervous system (especially the epithelial plexus). The polarity in regeneration sets a problem in Phoronida.

Ce travail a été effectué dans le cadre du contrat L. A. n 41 au C. N. R. S.  相似文献   

Résumé Une cinquantaine d'abeilles, âgées de six jours, peut construire des alvéoles de cire en présence d'une reine vierge ou d'une reine féconde, ce nombre minimum s'élève à 200 avec une reine morte. En revanche, il faut atteindre une quantité importante d'insectes (10000 environ) pour obtenir des étirages de rayon sans reine. Cependant, la présence d'ouvrières pondeuses permet la construction des édifices de cire avec 5000 abeilles. On fait appel à une substance sécrétée par les reines ou bien les ouvrières pondeuses pour expliquer certains de ces phénomènes. Est-elle semblable à celle signalée parPain? Le parallélisme de nos résultats me porte à le croire.
Summary 50 Bees, 6 years old, build combs in presence of mated or virgin queens; 200 insects can also construct in presence of a dead one. In return, 10,000queenless bees are necessary to assume the same task. But 5,000 laying workers can build combs. A queen substance is called upon to explain some of these phenomena.Is this andPain's ectohormone the same? The parallelism of our conclusions urge me to think so.

Zusammenfassung In Anwesenheit einer unbegatteten oder begatteten Königin, zeigen 50 sechstägige Bienen eine deutliche Bautätigkeit. In Anwesenheit einer toten Königin müssen es schon 200 Bienen sein. Ohne Königin fängt erst mit 10000 Bienen die Bautätigkeit an. Mit eierlegenden Arbeiterinnen genügen doch 5000 Bienen. Die Erklärung dieser Tatsache wird in das Vorhandensein einer Substanz gesucht, welche durch die Königin oder durch eierlegenden Arbeiterinnen abgesondert wird. Man vermuttet daß diese Substanz dieselbe ist als diejenige die durchPain gefunden wurde.

The earliest vertebrates and the first steps of the evolution of the skull. Vertebrates are one of the few metazoan taxa, which display a well-corroborated phylogenetic pattern, a good and anatomically informative fossil record, and a relatively slow ontogenetic development. They are thus a favourite taxon for illustrating evolution as a historical process, although the stem of the vertebrate tree remains poorly documented by fossils, except for some Early Cambrian forms. Therefore, the characterization of the vertebrates now rests essentially on a small number of developmental characters, mostly involved in the rise of the skull, and whose precursors may occur in other chordates. The tree of the crown-group vertebrates also shows some major morphological gaps due to early extinctions, but a number of Palaeozoic stem gnathostome taxa helps in documenting the agnathan-gnathostome evolutionary transition. However, stem cyclostomes remain elusive.  相似文献   

Summary By a first experimentation, I take 6 two-females nests, in which differential oophagy is already established or is being established. The experiment consists in putting during the night the principal layer (=oophagic) in an enclosure at 6° while the auxiliary remains in the nest during the same time.As soon as the experiment begins, as might be expected, we note a diminution in the laying of this wasp which is in the ice-box. In the same time, the laying of the auxiliary is increasing without the relations of dominance being changed in any manner. The differential oophagy also shows no change, perhaps rather we may observe in one nest, after one month of experimentation, a slight diminution in the oophagic condition.The obtained results depend particularly upon the total time during which each of the two wasps remains in the nest.It appears also that the effect of group has no predominate part. The development of the fecundity of the auxiliaries seems to be bound to the superabundance of free cells, created by the diminution of laying in the principal layer.
Zusammenfassung In einer ersten Versuchsreihe wurden 6 Polistes-Nester mit 2 Weibchen verwendet, bei denen die differentielle Oophagie bereits eingesetzt hatte oder gerade begann. Das Experiment bestand darin, daß die Haupteierlegerin (das eierfressende dominierende Weibchen) jeweils während der Nacht vom Nest abgetrennt und bei 6° C eingeschlossen wurde. Das Hilfsweibchen verblieb während dieser Zeit im Nest. Dies führte erwartungsgemäß gleich nach Versuchsbeginn zu einer Verringerung der Eiablage bei der nächtlich gekühlten Wespe. Gleichzeitig nimmt die Eiablagezahl des Hilfsweibchens zu, ohne daß sich jedoch die Dominanz-Beziehungen verändern. Die differenzielle Oophagie veränderte sich ebenfalls nicht, wenngleich in einem der beobachteten Nester nach Ablauf eines Versuchsmonat eine geringe Verminderung der Oophagie eintrat. Weitere Versuche haben zum Ziel eine Reihe von Faktoren auszuschließen. Ein Gruppen-Effekt scheint keine besondere Rolle zu spielen. Die Determination des Geschehens scheint an einen Überschuß freier (unbelegter) Zellen gebunden zu sein, der durch die Verminderung der Ablagezahl des Hauptweibchens entsteht.

An outbreak of infectious rhinotracheitis affecting four herds of dairy cattle was observed in the Province of Quebec, the general characteristics of which are the same as those reported in the infection of feedlot cattle.However, a 25% average decrease in the milk production of affected herds was noticed during the present infection, thus stressing a particular economic aspect. The nature of the viruses isolated during this outbreak and those described previously in North America is identical.  相似文献   

The workers of Myrmica rubra aggregate around a source of one of their secretions, which can be called ‘alarm pheromone’, and also around workers of Lasius flavus. The mechanism of these aggregations differ.Both L. flavus workers and a solution in liquid paraffin of 3-octanol, one of the mandibular gland compounds, act as an arrestant for the workers of M. rubra. Both Dufour's gland secretion and a source of 3-octanone, the major compound of the mandibular gland secretion, are true attractants.The poison gland secretion, a mixture of 3-octanone and 3-octanol in liquid paraffin and a solution in liquid paraffin of 3-nonanone, a minor mandibular gland compound, all induce klinokinesis. The secretion of the mandibular glands and the secretion of the venom apparatus both cause positive klinokinesis and taxis. These locomotory reactions increase the probability that an object, marked by nest mates with these secretions, will be detected by several workers.When presented alone, 3-octanone is the only attractive compound in the mandibular gland secretion. However, a mixture of 3-octanone and 3-octanol (15 per cent of 3-octanol in the vapour phase) is detected more easily by the ants. The diffusion coefficients of the two compounds are different, and a mixture of these substances creates not only a quantitative but also a qualitative odour gradient. This may explain the synergy of the mixture.  相似文献   

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