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Summary In higher organisms, many physiological and behavioral functions exhibit daily variations, generated by endogenous circadian oscillators. It is not yet clear whether all the various rhythms that occur within an individual depend on one and the same pacemaker or whether different pacemakers are involved. To examine this question, the feeding and perch-hopping rhythms were measured in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) under light-dark cycles and continuous dim light. In dim light, the internal phase relationship between the feeding and perch-hopping rhythms changed systematically as a function of the circadian period, and the two rhythms could even dissociate and show different circadian periods in individuals with extremely long or extremely short circadian periods. Moreover, in some birds kept on lowamplitude light-dark cycles, the rhythm of feeding was synchronized 180° out of phase with the rhythm of locomotor activity. These results strongly suggest that in the European starling the feeding and locomotor activity rhythms are controlled by separate circadian pacemakers.  相似文献   

Daily periodic locomotor activity of Carabus auronitens was recorded in a climate-constant laboratory with the animals exposed to naturally changing photoperiods. Most actograms exhibit directed seasonal variations of duration and phase position of daily activity. Seasonal locomotor activity starts in early spring (following dormancy) on a low daily level, first being confined to a short time span around dusk (and even shorter around dawn). In the course of season, the daily onsets of activity become closely related with sunset and the duration of daily activity is steadily extended with both parts of the bimodal phase fusing to a common, unimodal activity band by late spring. Subsequently, it is further extended into forenoon, until in summer (shortly before aestivation), spontaneous phase inversion turns activity periodicity from nocturnality into diurnality within 1 day. Such seasonal variations are paralleled by changes in the precision of synchronization of the individuals' activity rhythms to the entraining light/dark cycle. No geographical differences were detected. The results support the idea of the circadian clock as a system of two dynamically coupled physiological oscillators that invert their phase relation as soon as the natural dark phase falls short of some minimum-tolerable night length.Abbreviations LD light/dark cycle - nLD natural light/dark cycle - DD constant darkness - endogenous period length - SS sunset - SR sunrise - PRC phase-response curve  相似文献   

Effects of food supply on daily periodic locomotor activity in the ground beetle Carabus auronitens were recorded in the laboratory with the animals exposed to natural daylight and photoperiod. Inspection of individual actograms exhibits that in most cases feeding leads to strongly reduced and more or less irregularly distributed activity for a period of up to 4 days. In terms of quantitative parameters, the animals respond to food supply by an immediate reduction of mean amounts of daily activity. This is achieved through the reduction of duration (as a consequence of reduced burstlengths instead of burstnumber) and, less distinctly, the reduction of intensity. The initial levels of parameters are reattained after 4 days. Direct comparison by means of standardized (i.e. level-independent) relative parameter functions demonstrates close concordance between the amount and duration of daily activity; however, distinct synchronous change of intensity is apparent as a consequence of food supply only. This means that any variation of activity amounts is due to changing duration rather than to intensity variation. In analogy to the feeding-dependent parameter dynamics, also the proportion of animals with strong synchronization to the natural light/dark cycle is considerably reduced by food supply. The feeding-dependent reduction of activity is paralleled by temporarily reduced activity of proteolytic enzymes in the beetles. It is argued that, for the purpose of energy saving, the animals will remain inactive as long as reduced enzyme activity inhibits further consumption and digestion of food.Abbreviations DD constant darkness - LD light/dark cycle - nLD natural light/dark cycle - endogenous periodlength  相似文献   

The present study investigates the possible circadian dependence of leptin effects on food intake, locomotor activity, glycemia and plasma cortisol levels in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Fish were maintained under 12L:12D photoperiod and subjected to two different feeding schedules, one group fed during photophase (10:00) and the other one during scotophase (22:00). Leptin or saline were intraperitoneally injected at two different times (10:00 or 22:00), coincident or not with the meal time. To eliminate the entraining effect of the light/dark cycle, goldfish maintained under 24 h light (LL) were fed and leptin-injected at 10:00. A reduction in food intake and locomotor activity and an increase in glycemia were found in goldfish fed and leptin-injected at 10:00. No significant changes in circulating cortisol were observed. Those effects were not observed when leptin was administered during the scotophase, regardless the feeding schedule; neither in fish maintained under LL, suggesting that a day/night cycle would be necessary to observe the actions of leptin administered during the photophase. Changes in locomotor activity and glycemia were only observed in goldfish when leptin was injected at daytime, coincident with the feeding schedule, suggesting that these leptin actions could be dependent on the feeding time as zeitgeber. In view of these results it appears that the circadian dependence of leptin actions in goldfish can be determined by the combination of both zeitgebers, light/dark cycle and food. Our results point out the relevance of the administration time when investigating regulatory functions of hormones.  相似文献   

Summary Although pinealectomy or blinding resulted in loss of the clarity of the free-running rhythm of locomotor activity and body temperature and reduced the peak level of circulating melatonin rhythms to approximately a half in intact pigeons, neither pinealectomy nor blinding abolished any of these rhythms. However, when pinealectomy and blinding were combined, the rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature disappeared in prolonged constant dim light, and melatonin concentration was reduced to the minimum level of detection. In order to examine the role of melatonin in the pigeon's circadian system, it was administered either daily or continuously to PX + EX-pigeons in LLdim. Daily administration of melatonin restored circadian rhythms of locomotor activity which entrained to melatonin injections, but continuous administration did not induce any remarkable change of locomotor activity. These results suggest that melatonin synthesized in the pineal body and the eye contributes to circulating melatonin and its rhythmicity is important for the control of circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature in the pigeon.Abbreviations LD Light-dark - LLdim constant dim light - LLbright constant bright light - PX pinealectomy - EX blinding - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus  相似文献   

Age-related division of labor in honeybees is associated with plasticity in circadian rhythms. Young nest bees care for brood around the clock with no circadian rhythms while older foragers have strong circadian rhythms that are used for sun compass navigation and for timing visits to flowers. Since juvenile hormone (JH) is involved in the coordination of physiological and behavioral processes underlying age-related division of labor in honey bees, we tested the hypothesis that JH influences the ontogeny of circadian rhythms and other clock parameters in young worker bees. Treatments with the JH analog methoprene or allatectomy did not influence the onset of rhythmicity, overall locomotor activity, or the free-running period of rhythmic locomotor behavior. There were, however, significant differences in the onset of rhythmicity, overall locomotor activity, and longevity between bees from different source colonies, suggesting that there is significant genetic variation for these traits. Our results suggest that JH does not coordinate all aspects of division of labor in bees and that coordination of task performance with circadian rhythms is probably mediated by other regulatory systems.  相似文献   

Few studies in non-mammalian vertebrates have examined how various effectors of the circadian system interact. To determine if the daily locomotor and behavioural thermoregulatory rhythms of Tiliqua rugosa are both controlled by the circadian system in different seasons, lizards were tested in laboratory thermal gradients in four seasons and in constant darkness. Circadian rhythmicity for both rhythms was present in each season, being most pronounced in spring and summer and least evident in autumn. Most lizards displayed a unimodal locomotor activity pattern across all seasons. However, some individuals presented a bimodal locomotor activity pattern in spring and summer. Seasonal variations in the phase relationships of both rhythms to the light:dark (LD) cycle were demonstrated. No seasonal differences in the free-running period lengths of either rhythm were detected, raising the possibility that a single circadian pacemaker drives both rhythms in this species. Our present results demonstrate that both rhythms are similarly controlled by the circadian system in each season. Although seasonal variations in the thermal preferences of reptiles both in the field and laboratory have previously been well documented, this study is the first to demonstrate circadian rhythms of temperature selection in a reptile species in each season.  相似文献   

The effects of vinorelbine (VRL) on the circadian rhythms in body temperature and locomotor activity were investigated in unrestrained B6D2F1 mice implanted with radio-telemetry transmitters. A single intravenous VRL dose (24 or 12 mg/kg) was given at 7 h after light onset (HALO), a time of high VRL toxicity, and resulted in transient suppression of temperature and activity circadian rhythms in mice kept in light-dark (LD) 12h:12h. Such suppression was dose-dependent. It occurred within 1-5 d after VRL dosing. Recovery of both rhythms was partially complete within 5 d following the high dose and within 2 or 3 d after the low dose and was not influenced by suppression of photoperiodic synchronization by housing in continuous darkness. Moreover, VRL induced a dose-dependent relative decrease in amplitude and phase shift of the temperature circadian rhythm. The mesor and amplitude of the activity rhythm were markedly reduced following the VRL administration. The relevance of VRL dosing time was studied in mice housed in LD 12h:12h. Vinorelbine was injected weekly (20 mg/kg/injection) for 3 wk at 6 or 18 HALO. Vinorelbine treatment ablated the rest-activity and temperature rhythms 3-6 d after each dose, with fewer alterations after VRL dosing at 18 HALO compared to 6 HALO, especially for the body temperature rhythm. There was at least partial recovery 1 wk after dosing, suggesting the weekly schedule of drug treatment is acceptable for therapeutic purposes. Our findings demonstrate that VRL can transiently, yet profoundly, alter circadian clock function. Vinorelbine-induced circadian dysfunction may contribute to the toxicokinetics of this and possibly other anticancer drugs.  相似文献   

Melatonin reduces locomotor activity and circulating cortisol in goldfish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study focused on the effects of a subchronic melatonin treatment on locomotor activity and cortisol plasma levels in goldfish. We compared two different administration routes: peripheral (10 μg/g body weight) versus central (1 μg/μl) injections of melatonin for 7 or 4 days, respectively. Daily locomotor activity, including both diurnal and nocturnal activities, food anticipatory activity and circulating cortisol at 11:00 (under 24 h of food deprivation and 17 h postinjection) were significantly reduced after repeated intraperitoneal injections with melatonin for 7 days, but not after intracerebroventricular treatment. Taking in mind the anoretic effect of melatonin in this species, we investigated if such feeding reduction is directly responsible for the reduction in motor activity induced by melatonin treatment. Food restriction (50%) for 10 days did not significantly modify either daily locomotor activity or plasma cortisol levels in goldfish, indicating that the peripheral action of melatonin diminishing locomotor activity in goldfish is not a direct consequence of its anoretic action. In summary, our results indicate that, as previously described in other vertebrate species, melatonin can regulate locomotor activity and cortisol levels in goldfish, suggesting a sedative effect of this hormone in this teleost.  相似文献   

We examined whether melatonin can act as a synchronizing agent within the circadian system of amphibians by testing the ability of melatonin injections to entrain the circadian locomotor activity rhythm of a newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster). Under constant darkness, all newts (13 cases) showing the free-running rhythms were subcutaneously injected with 10 g melatonin at the same time every other day for at least 30 days. Subsequently, they were injected with vehicle (1% ethanolic saline) instead of melatonin for at least another 30 days. In 10 of the 13 newts, the locomotor activity rhythms could be entrained to a period of 24 h by melatonin injections but not by vehicle injections. During the entrained steady-state, the active phase of an activity-rest cycle preceded the time of melatonin injections as previously reported in other diurnal species. These results suggest that the endogenous circadian rhythm of melatonin concentration may be involved in synchronizing circadian oscillator(s) within the newt's circadian system.  相似文献   

The effects of suprachiasmatic and control lesions on the circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature were studied in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) maintained in constant light as well as constant darkness. Large suprachiasmatic lesions, but not control lesions, eliminated circadian rhythmicity in locomotor activity as well as in body temperature. Analysis of the robustness of the rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature in unlesioned and lesioned animals suggests that, because body temperature rhythmicity is more robust than locomotor rhythmicity, lesions that spare a small number of suprachiasmatic cells might abolish the latter but not the former. Our results do not support the hypothesis that the body temperature rhythm is controlled by a circadian pacemaker distinct from the main pacemaker located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei.  相似文献   

In passerine birds, the periodic secretion of melatonin by the pineal organ represents an important component of the pacemaker that controls overt circadian functions. The daily phase of low melatonin secretion generally coincides with the phase of intense activity, but the precise relationship between the melatonin and the behavioral rhythms has not been studied. Therefore, we investigated in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) (1) the temporal relationship between the circadian plasma melatonin rhythm and the rhythms in locomotor activity and feeding; (2) the persistence of the melatonin rhythm in constant conditions; and (3) the effects of light intensity on synchronized and free-running melatonin and behavioral rhythms. There was a marked rhythm in plasma melatonin with high levels at night and/or the inactive phase of the behavioral cycles in almost all birds. Like the behavioral rhythms, the melatonin rhythm persisted for at least 50 days in constant dim light. In the synchronized state, higher daytime light intensity resulted in more tightly synchronized rhythms and a delayed melatonin peak. While all three rhythms usually assumed a rather constant phase relationship to each other, in one bird the two behavioral rhythms dissociated from each other. In this case, the melatonin rhythm retained the appropriate phase relationship with the feeding rhythm. Accepted: 10 December 1999  相似文献   

The locomotor activity of the millipede Glyphiulus cavernicolus (Spirostreptida), which occupies the deeper recesses of a cave, was monitored in light-dark (LD) cycles (12h light and 12h darkness), constant darkness (DD), and constant light (LL) conditions. These millipedes live inside the cave and are apparently never exposed to any periodic factors of the environment such as light-dark, temperature, and humidity cycles. The activity of a considerable fraction of these millipedes was found to show circadian rhythm, which entrained to a 12:12 LD cycle with maximum activity during the dark phase of the LD cycle. Under constant darkness (DD), 56.5% of the millipedes (n = 23) showed circadian rhythms, with average free-running period of 25.7h ± 3.3h (mean ± SD, range 22.3h to 35.0h). The remaining 43.5% of the millipedes, however, did not show any clear-cut rhythm. Under DD conditions following an exposure to LD cycles, 66.7% (n = 9) showed faint circadian rhythm, with average free-running period of 24.0h ± 0.8h (mean ± SD, range 22.9h to 25.2h). Under constant light (LL) conditions, only 2 millipedes of 11 showed free-running rhythms, with average period length of 33.3h ± 1.3h. The results suggest that these cave-dwelling millipedes still possess the capacity to measure time and respond to light and dark situations. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 757-765, 2000)  相似文献   

Bed bugs must avoid detection when finding hosts and returning to hidden harborages. Their stealthy habits include foraging when hosts are asleep. Characteristics of spontaneous locomotor activity rhythm of bed bugs with different feeding histories were studied. In the absence of host stimuli, adults and nymphs were much more active in the dark than in the light. The onset of activity in the scotophase commenced soon after lights-off. The free-running period (τ) for all stages was longer in continuous darkness (DD) than in continuous light (LL). The lengthening of τ in DD is an exception for the circadian rule that predicts the opposite in nocturnal animals. Activity in all stages was entrained to reverse L:D regimes within four cycles. Short-term starved adults moved more frequently than recently fed adults. While bed bugs can survive for a year or more without a blood meal, we observed a reduction in activity in insects held for five weeks without food. We suggest that bed bugs make a transition to host-stimulus dependent searching when host presence is not predictable. Such a strategy would enable bed bugs to maximize reproduction when resources are abundant and save energy when resources are scarce.  相似文献   

The circadian locomotor activity rhythm of the Japanese newt has been thought to be driven by a putative brain oscillator(s) subordinate to the pineal clock. The existence of mutual coupling between the pineal clock and the brain oscillator(s) in vivo was examined. We covered the newt's skull with aluminum foil and simultaneously reversed the light-dark cycle, thereby allowing the pineal organ to be exposed to constant darkness while the rest of the animal was exposed to the reversed light-dark cycle. In control animals, whose heads were covered with transparent plastic, the rhythm of synaptic ribbon number in the pineal photoreceptor cells was entrained to the reversed light-dark cycle. Rhythms from newts whose heads were shielded, however, were similar to those observed in the unoperated newts kept under constant darkness. The locomotor activity rhythms of both head-covered animals and control animals were entrained to the reversed light-dark cycle. These data suggest that extrapineal photoreception can entrain the putative brain oscillator(s), but not the pineal clock. Thus, at least in an aspect of photic entrainment, there seems to be little or no mutual coupling between the pineal clock and the putative brain oscillator(s) in the circadian system of the Japanese newt.Abbreviations LD light-dark - DD constant darkness - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - SR synaptic ribbon  相似文献   

In mammals, it is well established that circadian rhythms in physiology and behavior, including the rhythmic secretion of hormones, are regulated by a brain clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. While SCN regulation of gonadal hormone secretion has been amply studied, the mechanisms whereby steroid hormones affect circadian functions are less well known. This is surprising considering substantial evidence that sex hormones affect many aspects of circadian responses, and that there are significant sex differences in rhythmicity. Our previous finding that "core" and "shell" regions of the SCN differ in their expression of clock genes prompted us to examine the possibility that steroid receptors are localized to a specific compartment of the brain clock, with the discovery that the androgen receptor (AR) is concentrated in the SCN core in male mice. In the present study, we compare AR expression in female and male mice using Western blots and immunochemistry. Both of these methods indicate that ARs are more highly expressed in males than in females; gonadectomy eliminates and androgen treatment restores these sex differences. At the behavioral level, gonadectomy produces a dramatic loss of the evening activity onset bout in males, but has no such effect in females. Treatment with testosterone, or with the non-aromatizable androgen dihydrotestosterone, restores male locomotor activity and eliminates sex differences in the behavioral response. The results indicate that androgenic hormones regulate circadian responses, and suggest an SCN site of action.  相似文献   

Captive hagfish,Eptatretus burgeri, were subjected to step transitions from continuous dark (DD) to continuous light (LL) and their locomotor activity patterns recorded. Free-running activity rhythms occurred in both the DD and LL regimes. The timing of the transition influenced the circadian period (τ), the relationship between the period response (δτ, or τ{inLL}–τ{inDD}, change in the circadian period) and the former being represented by a cosine curve δτ became most positive and most negative when hagfish underwent a DD-LL transition shortly before the beginning of the duration of activity (α) and shortly after the end of such, respectively. The phase response (δ-phase, change in the relative timing of the activity phase) was characterized by a delay in the activity phase after the DD-LL transition, although its magnitude bore no relation to the timing of the transition.  相似文献   

Summary A marked interspecific variability in the role played by the pineal and the retinae characterizes the circadian system of lizards. I examined the role played by these structures in a new model species, the ruin lizard, Podarcis sicula. In constant temperature and darkness pinealectomy as well as bilateral removal of the retinae produced significant changes (both lengthening and shortening) in the freerunning period of locomotor rhythms. Circadian activity time was also affected by pinealectomy. Circadian locomotor rhythmicity persisted in all cases even when both operations were combined in the same individuals. This demonstrates in Podarcis sicula the existence of an oscillatory system outside the pineal and the retinae which can drive locomotor rhythms. The period changes recorded after pinealectomy as well as after bilateral removal of the retinae specifically suggest that both the pineal and the retinae play a modulating role on circadian oscillators located elsewhere in the system, with the final effect of stabilizing the overt rhythms.Abbreviations DD constant darkness - LL constant light - PIN-X pinealectomy - RET-X bilateral removal of the retinae - SHAM sham pinealectomy - circadian activity time - freerunning circadian period  相似文献   

We examined the effects of pinealectomy and blinding (bilateral ocular enucleation) on the circadian locomotor activity rhythm in the Japanese newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. The pinealectomized newts were entrained to a light-dark cycle of 12 h light and 12 h darkness. After transfer to constant darkness they showed residual rhythmicity for at least several days which was gradually disrupted in prolonged constant darkness. Blinded newts were also entrained to a 12 h light/12 h dark cycle. In subsequent constant darkness they showed free-running rhythms of locomotor activity. However, the freerunning periods noticeably increased compared with those observed in the previous period of constant darkness before blinding. In blinded newts entrained to the light/dark cycle the activity rhythms were gradually disrupted after pinealectomy even in the presence of the light/dark cycle. These results suggest that both the pineal and the eyes are involved in the newt's circadian system, and also suggest that the pineal of the newt acts as an extraretinal photoreceptor which mediates the entrainment of the locomotor activity rhythm.Abbreviations circadian period - DD constant darkness - LD cycle, light-dark cycle - LD 12:12 light-dark cycle of 12 h light and 12 h darkness  相似文献   

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