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We measured the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of stem cellulose of Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior. Several sites along a transect of a small valley in Switzerland were selected which differ in soil moisture conditions. At every site, six trees per species were sampled, and a sample representing a mean value for the period from 1940 to 1990 was analysed. For all species, the mean site δ13C and δ18O of stem cellulose are related to the soil moisture availability, whereby higher isotope ratios are found at drier sites. This result is consistent with isotope fractionation models when assuming enhanced stomatal resistance (thus higher δ13C of incorporated carbon) and increased oxygen isotope enrichment in the leaf water (thus higher δ18O) at the dry sites. δ18 O-δ13C plots reveal a linear relationship between the carbon and oxygen isotopes in cellulose. To interpret this relationship we developed an equation which combines the above-mentioned fractionation models. An important new parameter is the degree to which the leaf water enrichment is reflected in the stem cellulose. In the combined model the slope of the δ18O-δ13C plot is related to the sensitivity of the pi/pa of a plant to changing relative humidity.  相似文献   

A strong correlation is observed between an El Niño index (anomalies in tropical Pacific sea surface temperature) and rainfall in the Judean foothills near Jerusalem over the past 20 years. These relationships clearly influenced the growth of local pine trees, as reflected in the width of their annual tree rings. The ability to predict El Niño events about a year in advance lend a special significance to relationships reported here for ecology, agriculture and water management in this climatic transition zone. To help explain the observed, long-range teleconnection we propose a possible mechanism based on a newly identified direct cloud connection between equatorial Africa (more directly affected by El Niño) and the Southeastern Mediterranean shoreland. The penetration and contribution of the moisture current from equatorial Africa to this region may depend on a shift in the usual rain generating moisture currents to southwesterly trajectories (passing over north Africa). The occurrence of such shifts is supported by the observed decrease in the mean 18O content of the local precipitation during El Nino winters.  相似文献   

Classical quantitative genetics and quantitative trait dissection analysis (QTL) approaches were used in order to investigate the genetic determinism of wood cellulose carbon isotope composition (δ13C, a time integrated estimate of water use efficiency) and of diameter growth and their relationship on adult trees (15 years) of a forest tree species (maritime pine). A half diallel experimental set‐up was used to (1) estimate heritabilities for δ13C and ring width and (2) to decompose the phenotypic δ13C/growth correlation into its genetic and environmental components. Considerable variation was found for δ13C (range of over 3‰) and for ring width (range of over 5 mm) and significant heritabilities (narrow sense 0·17/0·19 for δ13C and ring width, respectively, 100% additivity). The significant phenotypic correlation between δ13C and ring width was not determined by the genetic component, but was attributable to environmental components. Using a genetic linkage map of a full‐sib family, four significant and four suggestive QTLs were detected for δ13C, the first for δ13C in a forest tree species, as far as known to the authors. Two significant and four suggestive QTLs were found for ring width. No co‐location of QTLs was found between δ13C and growth.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in δ13C and δ18O of cellulose (δ13Cc and δ18Oc) was measured within two annual rings of Pinus radiata growing at three sites in New Zealand. In general, both δ13Cc and δ18Oc increased to a peak over summer. The three sites differed markedly in annual water balance, and these differences were reflected in δ13Cc and δ18Oc. Average δ13Cc and δ18Oc from each site were positively related, so that the driest site had the most enriched cellulose. δ13Cc and δ18Oc were also related within each site, although both the slope and the closeness of fit of the relationship varied between sites. Supporting the theory, the site with the lowest average relative humidity also had the greatest change in δ18Oc‰ change in δ13Cc. Specific climatic events, such as drought or high rainfall, were recorded as a peak or a trough in enrichment, respectively. These results suggest that seasonal and between‐site variation in δ13Cc and δ18Oc are driven by the interaction between variation in climatic conditions and soil water availability, and plant response to this variation.  相似文献   

Winter‐drought induced forest diebacks in the low‐latitude margins of species' distribution ranges can provide new insights into the mechanisms (carbon starvation, hydraulic failure) underlying contrasting tree reactions. We analysed a winter‐drought induced dieback at the Scots pine's southern edge through a dual‐isotope approach (Δ13C and δ18O in tree‐ring cellulose). We hypothesized that a differential long‐term performance, mediated by the interaction between CO2 and climate, determined the fates of individuals during dieback. Declining trees showed a stronger coupling between climate, growth and intrinsic water‐use efficiency (WUEi) than non‐declining individuals that was noticeable for 25 years prior to dieback. The rising stomatal control of water losses with time in declining trees, indicated by negative Δ13C‐δ18O relationships, was likely associated with their native aptitude to grow more and take up more water (suggested by larger tracheid lumen widths) than non‐declining trees and, therefore, to exhibit a greater cavitation risk. Freeze‐thaw episodes occurring in winter 2001 unveiled such physiological differences by triggering dieback in those trees more vulnerable to hydraulic failure. Thus, WUEi tightly modulated growth responses to long‐term warming in declining trees, indicating that co‐occurring individuals were differentially predisposed to winter‐drought mortality. These different performances were unconnected to the depletion of stored carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Tropical forests will experience relatively large changes in temperature and rainfall towards the end of this century. Little is known about how tropical trees will respond to these changes. We used tree rings to establish climate‐growth relations of a pioneer tree, Mimosa acantholoba, occurring in tropical dry secondary forests in southern Mexico. The role of large‐scale climatic drivers in determining interannual growth variation was studied by correlating growth to sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, including the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Annual growth varied eightfold over 1970–2007, and was correlated with wet season rainfall (r=0.75). Temperature, cloud cover and solar variation did not affect growth, although these climate variables correlated with growth due to their relations with rainfall. Strong positive correlations between growth and SSTA occurred in the North tropical Atlantic during the first half of the year, and in the Pacific during the second half of the year. The Pacific influence corresponded closely to ENSO‐like influences with negative effects of high SSTA in the eastern Pacific Niño3.4 region on growth due to decreases in rainfall. During El Niño years growth was reduced by 37%. We estimated how growth would be affected by the predicted trend of decreasing rainfall in Central America towards the end of this century. Using rainfall predictions of two sets of climate models, we estimated that growth at the end of this century will be reduced by 12% under a medium (A1B) and 21% under a high (A2) emission scenario. These results suggest that climate change may have repercussions for the carbon sequestration capacity of tropical dry forests in the region.  相似文献   

Harbor seal ( Phoca vitulina ) haul-out site use may be affected by natural or anthropogenic factors. Here, we use an 11-yr (1997–2007) study of a seal colony located near a mariculture operation in Drakes Estero, California, to test for natural (El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), density-dependence, long-term trends) and anthropogenic (disturbance or displacement related to oyster production activities) factors that may influence the use of haul-out subsites. Annual mariculture related seal disturbance rates increased significantly with increases in oyster harvest ( r s= 0.55). Using generalized linear models (GLMs) ranked by best fit and Akaike's Information Criteria, ENSO and oyster production (as a proxy for disturbance/displacement) best explained the patterns of seal use at all three subsites near the mariculture operations, with effects being stronger at the two subsites closest to operations. Conversely, density-dependence and linear trend effects poorly explained the counts at these subsites. We conclude that a combination of ENSO and mariculture activities best explain the patterns of seal haul-out use during the breeding/pupping season at the seal haul-out sites closest to oyster activities.  相似文献   

We investigated the tree growth and physiological response of five pine forest stands in relation to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration (ca) and climate in the Iberian Peninsula using annually resolved width and δ13C tree‐ring chronologies since ad 1600. 13C discrimination (Δ≈ci/ca), leaf intercellular CO2 concentration (ci) and intrinsic water‐use efficiency (iWUE) were inferred from δ13C values. The most pronounced changes were observed during the second half of the 20th century, and differed between stands. Three sites kept a constant ci/ca ratio, leading to significant ci and iWUE increases (active response to ca); whereas a significant increase in ci/ca resulted in the lowest iWUE increase of all stands at a relict Pinus uncinata forest site (passive response to ca). A significant decrease in ci/ca led to the greatest iWUE improvement at the northwestern site. We tested the climatic signal strength registered in the δ13C series after removing the low‐frequency trends due to the physiological responses to increasing ca. We found stronger correlations with temperature during the growing season, demonstrating that the physiological response to ca changes modulated δ13C and masked the climate signal. Since 1970 higher δ13C values revealed iWUE improvements at all the sites exceeding values expected by an active response to the ca increase alone. These patterns were related to upward trends in temperatures, indicating that other factors are reinforcing stomatal closure in these forests. Narrower rings during the second half of the 20th century than in previous centuries were observed at four sites and after 1970 at all sites, providing no evidence for a possible CO2‘fertilization’ effect on growth. The iWUE improvements found for all the forests, reflecting both a ca rise and warmer conditions, seem to be insufficient to compensate for the negative effects of the increasing water limitation on growth.  相似文献   

The carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of C3 ecosystems is sensitive to water availability, and provides important information for the assessment of terrestrial carbon (C) sink/source activity. Here, we report the effects of plant available soil water (PAW) on community 13C signatures of temperate humid grassland. The 5‐year study was conducted on pastures exhibiting a large range of PAW capacity that were located on two site types: peat and mineral soils. The data set included the centennial drought year 2003, and data from wet years (2000 and 2002). Seasonal variation of PAW was modeled using PAW capacity of each pasture, precipitation inputs and evapotranspiration estimates. Community 13C signatures were derived from the δ13C of vegetation and segments of tail switch hair of cattle grown while grazing pastures. Hair 13C signatures provided an assimilation‐weighted 13C signal that integrated both spatial (paddock‐scale) and temporal (grazing season) variation of 13C signatures on a pasture. The δ13C of hair and vegetation increased with decreasing modeled PAW in the same way on mineral and peat soils. But, at a given PAW, the δ13C of hair was 2.6‰ less negative than that of vegetation, reflecting the diet‐hair isotopic shift. Furthermore, the δ13C of hair and vegetation on peat soil pastures was 0.5‰ more negative than on pastures situated on mineral soil. This may have resulted from a ~10 ppm CO2 enrichment of canopy air derived from ongoing peat mineralization. Community‐scale season‐mean 13C discrimination (Δ) exhibited a saturation‐type response towards season‐mean modeled PAW (r2=0.78), and ranged between 19.8‰ on soils with low PAW capacity during the drought year of 2003, and 21.4‰ on soils with high PAW capacity in a wet year. This indicated relatively small variation in season‐mean assimilation‐weighted pi/pa (0.68–0.75) between contrasting sites and years. However, this range is similar to that reported in other studies, which encompass the range from subtropical arid to humid temperate grassland. Furthermore, the tight relationship between season‐mean Δ and modeled mean PAW suggests that PAW may be used as proxy for Δ.  相似文献   

Self-thinning in alfalfa, a dynamic process involving the progressive elimination of the weakest plants, was enhanced by Meloidogyne hapla. Alfalfa stand densities decreased exponentially with time and were reduced 62% (P = 0.05) in the presence of M. hapla. As stand densities decreased over time, mean plant weights increased at a rate 2.59 times faster in the absence of M. hapla. In a stepwise multiple regression analysis, 65% of the total variation in yield could be explained by changes in stand density and 85% by average weight of individual stems. Alfalfa yields were suppressed (P = 0.05) by M. hapla, with suppression generally increasing with time and as the nematode population density increased. Yield suppression was attributable primarily to the decline in plant numbers and to suppression in individual plant weights.  相似文献   

Synthesis of methionine5-enkephalin by intact cells of murine neuroblastoma clone N1E-115 has been demonstrated both immunocytochemically and biochemically. In addition, N1E-115 cells possess homogeneous enkephalin (delta) receptors which inhibit prostaglandin E1-induced intracellular cyclic AMP formation. An assay was developed for measuring de novo synthesis of methionine5-enkephalin by pulsing cells in culture with radioactive methionine and isolating this pentapeptide to radiochemical purity by a procedure that included immunoaffinity chromatography specific for oxidized methionine5-enkephalin. This assay indicated that production of radiolabeled-methionine5-enkephalin was increased upon lengthy exposure of intact N1E-115 cells in the late logarithmic phase of growth to a nonproteolyzable analog of methionine5-enkephalin. This increase in synthesis of intracellular methionine5-enkephalin relative to control cells was prevented by prior incubation of the clone with naloxone, indicating that the response was mediated by the delta receptor.  相似文献   

植物水的稳定同位素分馏过程是水在土壤-植物-大气连续体中循环的重要环节。以往研究由于叶片水18O同位素比值(δ18O l,b)和氘(D)同位素比值(δDl,b)(合称δl,b)实测数量少只能作为模型验证数据, 导致δl,b富集机制研究多集中于模型研究, 缺乏基于野外试验条件的δl,b富集的控制机制研究。叶片水δDl,bδ18O l,b的富集程度(ΔDl,bΔ18O l,b, 合称Δl,b)通常表示为δl,b与茎秆水D同位素比值(δDx)和18O同位素比值(δ18Ox) (合称δx)之差, 即Δl,b = δl,b - δx。该研究以黑河中游沙漠绿洲春玉米(Zea mays)生态系统为研究对象, 重点采集和分析了季节和日尺度δl,bδx数据, 配套开展了大气水汽δ18O和δD (合称δv)等辅助变量的原位连续观测, 探讨了季节和日尺度上的δl,b富集特征及其影响因素。结果表明: 叶片水δl,bΔl,b的季节变化趋势不明显, 而受蒸腾作用影响表现出白天富集夜间贫化的单峰日变化特征。对于D来说, 无论季节尺度上还是日尺度上, 大气水汽δv和相对湿度是δDl,bΔDl,b的主要环境控制因素; 而对于18O来说, 无论季节尺度上还是日尺度上, 相对湿度是δ18O l,bΔ18O l,b的主要环境控制因素。由于D和18O在热力学平衡分馏上有约8倍差异, 直接分析叶片水ΔDl,bΔ18Ol,b与影响因素的差异性, 有助于理解叶片水δD和δ18O富集过程以及对模型发展有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Summary Cotyledonary somatic embryos ofLarix × leptoeuropaea that developed after various maturation times on media containing abscisic acid showed different frequencies of conversion into plants. Drying of these somatic embryos under high relative humidity (RH) before germination improved plantlet recovery and eliminated differences in the performance of somatic embryos matured for different times. However, dehydration of somatic embryos under 98% RH to a water content below that of zygotic embryos excised from mature seeds (0.97 and 1.36 g H2O/g dry weight, respectively) showed a strong positive correlation between longer maturation time and desiccation tolerance. Drying somatic embryos at 4° C under 59% RH for 1 wk resulted in desiccation to a water content of 0.30 g H2O/g dry weight, which was the closest to the hydration state of zygotic embryos in dried, stored seeds (0.20 g H2O/g dry weight). Under this condition, only somatic embryos matured for 5 wk germinated and produced plantlets at a relatively high frequency (73 and 41%, respectively).  相似文献   

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