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Lytopsenella kerneggeri n.sp. from Baltic amber (Upper Eocene) is described and compared with the hitherto known fossil and recent species of the genus. The phylogenetic position ofLytopsenella within the Bethylidae is discussed. PossiblyLytopsenella must be regarded as a paraphyletic grouping as autapomorphic characters of this taxon are unknown. Hence, the clarification of the exact phylogenetic position of the species ofLytopsenella is impossible.  相似文献   

Actacarus obductus sp.n. is described. The Actacarinae are known from intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats, A. obductus is the first Actacarus species from deeper parts of the ocean. The distribution of the genus Actacarus and a key to known species are given. A. monniotae Krantz is considered to be synonymous with A. bacescui Konnerth-Ionescu.  相似文献   

Coelogynopora sieinooecki sp.n. and C. hamulis sp.n., are described from sublittoral sediments of the North Sea. C. hamulis also occurs in an eulittoral lower beach slope.  相似文献   

Among the cytherine ostracodes possessing caudal process a new genusKroemmelbeinia is defined by its hinge-element. In its habitus, and its structure particularly the punctate surface and the inner lamella the new genusKroemmelbeinia resembles the genusMicrocytherura G. W. Müller, but which possesses smaller valves. The characteristic hinge-elementsof Kroemmelbeinia are: both terminal teeth in the left valve crenulate, interior with 5–6 terminal teeth in the left valve crenulate, interior with 5–6 toothlets, and posterior with 6–7 connected by a narrow and finely crenulate groove. By this hinge-constructionKroemmelbeinia differs fromMicrocytherura (Tetracytherura) Ruggieri 1952 and also from other genera(Cytheropteron, Perissocytheridea) of similar outline.  相似文献   

Actinoscyphia saginata (Verrill, 1882; type species) and Actinoscyphia aurelia (Stephenson, 1918) are redescribed with special reference to characters of diagnostic significance in order to differentiate the two species both inhabiting the 2000 m slope region of the North Atlantic. In situ photograph of A. aurelia off the North West African coast shows it to display a novel life form type in expanding its bi-lobed tentacular disc like a Venus-fly-trap and standing on the muddy sediment with a small, non-adhesive base penetrating just below the surface of the sediment. The peculiar nematocyst equipment found in both species makes it necessary to rehabilitate the family Actinoscyphiidae Stephenson, 1920. The systematic position of the family is discussed and eventually the Actinoscyphiidae is considered as sister group (sensu Hennig) of the Hormathiidae. Because of the loss of acontia in the Actinoscyphiidae, this taxon is considered to be the more advanced one. Chondrodactis japonica Wassilieff, 1908, is found to belong to the genus Actinoscyphia.  相似文献   

Placidiopsis pseudocinerea is described as a new species, which up to now is known from six localities in the Alps and northern Norway. The species is morphologically and anatomically very similar toCatapyrenium cinereum (Pers.)Koerb. but differs in having two-celled spores.

In the mouth of the honey bee several types of sensory organs are found: Sensillae chaeticae on the tongue, sensillae trichodeae on the epipharynx and sensillae basiconicae on the hypopharynx. These organs usually are built up by a trichogen and a tormogen cell and they possess primary bipolar sensory cells in a varying number.  相似文献   

A fauna of small-sized ammonites is described from the Upper Badamu Formation west of Kerman, including 15 species. Following species are new: “Pelekodites”kermanensis n. sp., “Pelekodites”nodosus n. sp.,Lissoceras (Microlissoceras) badamui n. sp.,Etropolia sapunovi n. sp. The fauna is closely related to the west and northwest European realm. It corresponds to thesauzei zone. Kurzfassung: Aus der oberen Badamu-Formation wird eine insgesamt kleinwüchsige Ammoniten-Fauna mit 15 Arten beschrieben, darunter die neuen Arten: »Pelekodites«kermanensis n. sp., »Pelekodites«nodosus n. sp.,Lissoceras (Microlissoceras) badamui n. sp.,Etropolia sapunovi n. sp. Die Fauna hat eindeutig einen west- bis nordwesteuropäischen Charakter und gehört dersauzei- Zone an.  相似文献   

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