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Metabolic rate (MR), thermal neutral zone (TNZ), body temperature (Tb), and thermal conductance were measured in striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis) that were live-trapped in winter and summer.  相似文献   

Resting metabolic rate (RMR), nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) and mitochondria cytochrome c oxydase (COX) activity of brown adipose tissue (BAT), as well as weight of skin and fur were measured in striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis) that were live-trapped in the summer, autumn, winter and spring.  相似文献   

徐德立  徐来祥 《生态学报》2015,35(6):1882-1890
温带地区小型哺乳动物经常面临着食物资源的波动。食物对动物的免疫功能具有重要影响。将19只成年雄性黑线仓鼠(Cricetulus barabensis)随机分为自由取食组(n=9)和限食组(n=10)。注射植物血球凝集素(PHA)来测定细胞介导的免疫反应,用匙孔血蓝蛋白(KLH)免疫动物,然后测定抗KLH抗体的浓度以反映其体液免疫功能。旨在检验食物限制是否会抑制黑线仓鼠的细胞免疫和体液免疫功能。结果发现,与对照组相比,限食组黑线仓鼠具有较低的体重、体脂、脾脏鲜重、血清瘦素水平、免疫球蛋白Ig G和Ig M浓度。而限食对胸腺鲜重、白细胞数、皮质酮水平以及PHA反应没有显著影响。结果表明黑线仓鼠免疫系统的不同成分对限食反应存在差异,在食物资源短缺时,黑线仓鼠防御细胞外病原体的能力降低,从而导致生存能力的下降。  相似文献   

2003年在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟浑善达克沙地进行了EP-1不育剂控制黑线仓鼠的野外实验,分析新型EP系列不育剂对黑线仓鼠种群结构和繁殖的影响。采用逐月夹线调查方法,监测EP-1不育剂对沙地黑线仓鼠种群结构与数量动态的作用。结果表明,投药区与对照区相比,不育剂对黑线仓鼠的性别比例没有影响,对照区域投药区相比雄性比例没有差异。投药区黑线仓鼠种群幼鼠比例下降,比对照区相比幼鼠比例下降40%—60%,持续时间达4个月以上。春季一次性投放EP-1不育剂,可实现对沙地黑线仓鼠整个繁殖季节的繁殖控制。此外,EP-1不育剂对沙地鼠类种群年龄结构与数量的作用成效,随着时间的推移逐渐下降,这可能跟沙地鼠类具有扩散迁移习性有关。  相似文献   

曹静  王桂英  赵志军 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4824-4831
为探讨环境温度和繁殖经历对黑线仓鼠哺乳期能量收支的影响,将连续3次繁殖的黑线仓鼠暴露于温度梯度降低的条件下(30—0℃,1℃/4d),使初次、第2和3次繁殖的动物分别暴露于30—20℃、20—10℃、10—0C℃,测定了哺乳期能量收支。与初次繁殖的动物相比,第3次繁殖组动物的摄食量显著增加,静止代谢率、非颤抖性产热、褐色脂肪组织细胞色素c氧化酶(COX)活性和血清T3水平显著增加,而断乳时胎仔重显著降低。结果表明:(1)低温下繁殖的黑线仓鼠处于负能量平衡,在自身维持和哺育后代的能量分配之间存在权衡,低温下产热增加,繁殖输出减少;(2)黑线仓鼠可能感知环境温度的变化,在连续降低温度的条件下降低繁殖投资,符合"季节性投资假说"的预测。  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH, 0.0025 and 0.025 I.U. ml−1) and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA, 50 μg ml−1) enhance rotifer population growth in batch cultures. In order to further understand the mechanism of their actions, we conducted experiments culturing isolated females at low food and high free ammonia levels. At an optimum food level of 7×106 Nannochloropsis oculata cells ml−1 or at low free ammonia level of 2.4 μg ml−1, the F1 offspring of rotifers treated with GH at 0.0025 I.U. ml−1 had significantly higher population growth rate (r) and net reproduction rate (Ro), and shorter generation time than untreated rotifers. At a lower food level of 7×105 cells ml−1 or at high free ammonia level of 3.1 μg ml−1, rotifers treated with GABA at 50 μg ml−1 had significantly higher r and Ro, and shorter generation time. These results indicate that GABA is effective in enhancing rotifer reproduction when rotifers are cultured under stress whereas GH enhances rotifer reproduction when culture conditions are optimal. Significant effects were also observed in F1 and F2 generations which were not treated with hormones. These data may be useful for treating rotifer mass cultures to mitigate the effects of stress caused by high population densities.  相似文献   

Natriuretic peptides (NPs) are involved in maintaining cardiovascular and fluid homeostasis, regulating reproductive processes and bone growth, and other numerous functions. To better understand the role of NPs in goat (Capra hircus), in the present study, full-length cDNAs of goat Nppa (natriuretic peptide precursor A), Nppb (natriuretic peptide precursor B) and Nppc (natriuretic peptide precursor C), respectively encoding ANP, BNP and CNP, were cloned from adult goat heart and ovary. The putative prepropeptide ANP (prepro-ANP) and prepro-CNP share a high amino acid sequence identity with other species. Real-time PCR showed that Nppa, Nppb and Nppc were widely expressed in adult goat tissues. The mRNA expression of Nppa and Nppb in the heart was extremely higher compared with other tissues. Nppc mRNA expression in the lung and uterus was also higher than in other tissues. The expression of Nppa, Nppb and Nppc genes was examined at different ovarian follicle stages using RT-PCR. The mRNAs of Nppa and Nppb were detected in secondary follicles as well as in COCs (cumulus–oocyte-complexes) and granulosa cells of antral follicles. However, the mRNA expression of Nppc was observed throughout ovarian follicle development, and it was especially higher in granulosa cells of antral follicles. In vitro, stimulating goat granulosa cells with FSH led to an increase in the expression of Nppc by dose- and time-dependent manners and a rapid decline was induced by LH stimulation, but the expression of Nppa and Nppb did not change after FSH or LH treatment. These results suggest that Nppc is a gonadotropin-induced gene in granulosa cells of goat ovary and CNP may be involved in the regulation of ovarian follicle development and oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

A farnesyl diphosphate synthase gene (FPPS2), which contains 11 introns and 12 exons, was isolated from the apple cultivar “White Winter Pearmain”. When it was compared to our previously reported FPPS1, its each intron size was different, its each exon size was the same as that of FPPS1 gene, 30 nucleotide differences were found in its coding sequence. Based on these nucleotide differences, specific primers were designed to perform expression analysis; the results showed that it expressed in both fruit and leaf, its expression level was obviously lower than that of FPPS1 gene in fruit which was stored at 4 °C for 5 weeks. This is the first report concerning two FPPS genes and their expression comparison in apples.  相似文献   

Terpenoid precursor biosynthesis occurs in human and many pathogenic organisms via the mevalonate and 2-C-methyl-d-erythritol-4-phosphate (MEP) pathways, respectively. We determined the X-ray structure of the Fe/S containing (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl-diphosphate reductase (LytB) of the pathogenic protozoa Plasmodium falciparum which catalyzes the terminal step of the MEP pathway. The cloverleaf fold and the active site of P. falciparum LytB corresponds to those of the Aquifex aeolicus and Escherichia coli enzymes. Its distinct electron donor [2Fe–2S] ferredoxin was modeled to its binding site by docking calculations. The presented structural data provide a platform for a rational search of anti-malarian drugs.  相似文献   

The Deleted in Azoospermia (DAZ) family of RNA binding proteins consists of highly conserved genes boule, daz and daz-like (dazl) essential for germ cell development. boule is known for its unisexual meiotic expression in invertebrates and mammals, but meiotic-specific female expression plus meiosis-preferential male expression in trout, and meiosis-preferential bisexual expression in medaka. dazl shows highly conserved bisexual expression throughout gametogenesis in diverse species. Here we report the cloning and expression of boule and dazl in the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), an important aquaculture fish. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis led to the identification of tilapia boule and dazl cDNAs. The predicted partial Boule contains a conserved RRM motif and Dazl has the C-terminal sequence. On a phylogenetic tree, tilapia Boule and Dazl are in separate clades of Boule and Dazl homologs from other species, indicating their divergence during early vertebrate evolution. By RT-PCR analysis, boule and dazl showed bisexual gonad-specific expression. By in situ hybridization analysis, both boule and dazl RNAs were restricted to female and male germ cells of adult gonads but absent in gonadal soma. In the ovary, boule and dazl RNAs were abundant in oocytes. In the testis, boule and dazl RNAs were prominent in meiotic spermatocytes but barely detectable in meiotic products. These data show that boule and dazl are expressed bisexually in germ cells and provide useful markers to study gametogenesis in the adult tilapia.  相似文献   

Quinoxaline derivatives (quinoxalines) comprise a class of drugs that have been widely used as animal antimicrobial agents and feed additives. Although the metabolism of quinoxaline drugs has been mostly studied using chicken liver microsomes, the biochemical mechanism of biotransformation of these chemicals in the chicken has yet to be characterized. In this study, using bacteria produced enzymes, we demonstrated that both CYP1A4 and CYP1A5 participate in the oxidative metabolism of quinoxalines. For CYP1A5, three hydroxylated metabolites of quinocetone were generated. In addition, CYP1A5 is able to hydroxylate carbadox. For CYP1A4, only one hydroxylated product of quinocetone on the phenyl ring was identified. Neither CYP1A5 nor CYP1A4 showed hydroxylation activity towards mequindox and cyadox. Our results suggest that CYP1A4 and CYP1A5 have different and somewhat overlapping substrate specificity in quinoxaline metabolism, and CYP1A5 represents a crucial enzyme in hydroxylation of both quinocetone and carbadox.  相似文献   

The AtoS–AtoC signal transduction system in E. coli, which induces the atoDAEB operon for the growth of E. coli in short-chain fatty acids, can positively modulate the levels of poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (cPHB) biosynthesis, a biopolymer with many physiological roles in E. coli. Increased amounts of cPHB were synthesized in E. coli upon exposure of the cells to acetoacetate, the inducer of the AtoS–AtoC two-component system. While E. coli that overproduce both components of the signal transduction system synthesize higher quantities of cPHB (1.5–4.5 fold), those that overproduce either AtoS or AtoC alone do not display such a phenotype. Lack of enhanced cPHB production was also observed in cells overexpressing AtoS and phosphorylation-impaired AtoC mutants. The results were not affected by the nature of the carbon source used, i.e., glucose, acetate or acetoacetate. An E. coli strain with a deletion in the atoS–atoC locus (ΔatoSC) synthesized lower amounts of cPHB compared to wild-type cells. When the ΔatoSC strain was transformed with a plasmid carrying a 6.4-kb fragment encoding the AtoS–AtoC system, cPHB biosynthesis was restored to the level of the atoSC+ cells. Introduction of a multicopy plasmid carrying a functional atoDAEB operon, but not one with a promoterless operon, resulted in increased cPHB synthesis only in atoSC+ cells in the presence of acetoacetate. These results indicate that the presence of both a functional AtoS–AtoC two-component signal transduction system and a functional atoDAEB operon is critical for the enhanced cPHB biosynthesis in E. coli.  相似文献   

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