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Chapman GB 《Tissue & cell》1999,31(4):421-427
In an attempt to provide some essential basic data, currently very sparse, on the ultrastructure of solitary bees, the histology, cytology and ultrastructure of thin and ultrathin sections of ovarioles of the adult carpenter beeXylocopa virginica virginica were studied with the light and transmission electron microscopes. The work revealed an apparently previously unreported occurrence of intracellular paired membrane configurations in follicle cells of an ovariole and confirmed the presence in follicle cells of somatic intercellular bridges previously reported in follicle cells in a variety of bees, but not in the carpenter bee. Microtubules and bacteroids were also seen in the follicle cells.  相似文献   

The world's biggest salmonid, the huchen, Huchu hucho (L.), is now threatened with extinction, especially the nominate form—the Danubian huchen—which is confined to the basin of the River Danube. About 50 years ago the huchen occupied almost 12 000 km of river in Europe but it is now common in only about 33% of its former distribution, is rare in 28% and has disappeared from 39%. The continuous area formerly inhabited by the huchen is now disrupted into isolated sections. This large predatory fish has been pushed back to the submountain zone of rivers, and its density has decreased considerably. This is the combined result of increased regulation of streams, damming of rivers, industrial and agricultural pollution and other factors causing the destruction of the huchen's habitat. Protective measures have been applied, involving legal restrictions, restocking, the establishment of reserves and introductions into rivers not previously inhabited by the huchen. These measures have failed due to continuing pollution of rivers and the low numbers of fingerlings available for restocking.  相似文献   

Captive worms fed little on fresh apple leaves, but did so readily after the leaves had been leached in water. This was due to their being soft and easy to fragment and not to loss of unpalatable substances during the leaching process. A simple apparatus to measure leaf texture is described. Worm feeding rates were similar for leaves of similar texture but of different phenolic content. Filter paper was accepted as food. The addition of leaf leachates to filter paper disks increased feeding rates, so did added bacterial cells. The part played by leaf micro-organisms in the nutrition of worms and their effect on leaf texture is discussed. Unsoftened leaf material was readily eaten provided it was small enough to be swallowed whole. Leaves from various aromatic plants were eaten by starved worms, but rejected by well-fed ones. Starved worms given aromatic leaf material together with apple leaf preferred the latter. Various unusual materials were eaten, but polyester foam was accepted only when coated with bacterial cells. Responses to chemical as well as to tactile stimuli seem to be involved.  相似文献   

The homology of pharynges within the mostly pharynx‐less Acoela has been a matter of discussion for decades and even the basic question of whether a pharynx is a primitive trait within the Acoela and homologous to the pharynx of platyhelminth turbellarians is open. By using fluorescence staining of musculature, as well as conventional histological techniques and transmission electron microscopy, the present study sets focus on the mouth and pharynx (where present) of seven species of Acoela within Paratomellidae, Solenofilomorphidae, Hofsteniidae, Proporidae, and Convolutidae, as well as one species of Nemertodermatida and Catenulida, respectively. It is shown that among the investigated families of acoels there is a great variability in muscle systems associated with the mouth and pharynx and that pharynx histology and ultrastructural characters are widely diverse. There are no close similarities between the acoel pharynges and the catenulid pharynx but there is a general resemblance of the musculature associated with the mouth in the representatives of Paratomellidae and Nemertodermatida. On the basis of the profound differences in pharynx morphology, three major conclusions are drawn: 1) the pharynges as present in Recent acoels are not homologous to the pharynx simplex characteristic for Catenulida and Macrostomida within the Platyhelminthes; 2) the different muscular pharynx types of acoels are not homologous between higher taxa and thus a single acoel‐type pharynx simplex cannot be defined; 3) the presence of a muscular pharynx most likely does not represent the ancestral state. J. Morphol, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sperm ultrastructure in the marine bivalve order Anomalodesmata is considered in the light of new information for Australian Myochama anomioides and Cuspidaria latesulcata . In M. anomioides , the acrosomal complex lies posterior to the nucleus, in contact with the asymmetrical midpiece mitochondria – an unusual configuration reported from most of the studied Anomalodesmata. Spermatozoa of M. anomioides resemble those of Myadora brevis (both in family Myochamidae). Myochamid spermatozoa are considerably less modified than those of the Lyonsiidae or Laternulidae, and may prove a basal type within the non-septibranch anomalodesmatans. In contrast, C. latesulcata differs from other examined anomalodesmatans in having an anterior acrosomal complex and radial midpiece mitochondria (classic aquasperm features). Sperm data for the Anomalodesmata are limited but congruent with the most recent phylogenetic analyses that recognize distinct 'thraciid' and 'lyonsiid' clades. Results for C. latesulcata suggest septibranch origins before the development of a posteriorly positioned acrosomal complex and mitochondrial asymmetry.  相似文献   

Abstract. Species of Helicoradomenia are constantly found at hydrothermal vent sites of the eastern and western Pacific Ocean. The digestive tract of 2 species of the genus was investigated with special focus on the ultrastructure and histochemistry of epithelia and glandular organs. The preoral cavity and foregut epithelia are composed of microvillous main cells, secretory cells producing protein-rich substances, and sensory cells with specialized cilia. The foregut bears a pair of glands with 3 types of extremely long-necked glandular cells surrounded by musculature. Each glandular cell opens directly into the radula pocket without a gland duct. The large radula apparatus consists of pairs of denticulated bars resting on a flexible radular membrane without elaboration of a subradular membrane. The midgut has a narrow, mid-dorsal tract of ciliary cells, but most of the epithelium is composed of digestive cells with a highly developed lysosomal system. The hindgut is lined by ciliated cells and free of glands. The foregut and radula seem to be highly efficient in the capture of relatively large, motile prey. Food contents within the midgut lumen and within some of the large secondary lysosomes indicate a triploblastic metazoan prey of non-cnidarian origin. The digestive tract is not adapted to microvory and there is no indication of a symbiosis with chemoautotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

This study details the gross and microscopic anatomy of the pelvic kidney in male Ambystoma maculatum. The nephron of male Ambystoma maculatum is divided into six distinct regions leading sequentially away from a renal corpuscle: (1) neck segment, which communicates with the coelomic cavity via a ventrally positioned pleuroperitoneal funnel, (2) proximal tubule, (3) intermediate segment, (4) distal tubule, (5) collecting tubule, and (6) collecting duct. The proximal tubule is divided into a vacuolated proximal region and a distal lysosomic region. The basal plasma membrane is modified into intertwining microvillus lamellae. The epithelium of the distal tubule varies little along its length and is demarcated by columns of mitochondria with their long axes oriented perpendicular to the basal lamina. The distal tubule possesses highly interdigitating microvillus lamellae from the lateral membranes and pronounced foot processes of the basal membrane that are not intertwined, but perpendicular to the basal lamina. The collecting tubule is lined by an epithelium with dark and light cells. Light cells are similar to those observed in the distal tuble except with less mitochondria and microvillus lamellae of the lateral and basal plasma membrane. Dark cells possess dark euchromatic nuclei and are filled with numerous small mitochondria. The epithelium of the neck segment, pleuroperitoneal funnel, and intermediate segment is composed entirely of ciliated cells with cilia protruding from only the central portion of the apical plasma membrane. The collecting duct is lined by a highly secretory epithelium that produces numerous membrane bound granules that stain positively for neutral carbohydrates and proteins. Apically positioned ciliated cells are intercalated between secretory cells. The collecting ducts anastomose caudally and unite with the Wolffian duct via a common collecting duct. The Wolffian duct is secretory, but not to the extent of the collecting duct, synthesizes neutral carbohydrates and proteins, and is also lined by apical ciliated cells intercalated between secretory cells. Although functional aspects associated with the morphological variation along the length of the proximal portions of the nephron have been investigated, the role of a highly secretory collecting duct has not. Historical data that implicated secretory activity concordant with mating activity, and similarity of structure and chemistry to sexual segments of the kidneys in other vertebrates, lead us to believe that the collecting duct functions as a secondary sexual organ in Ambystoma maculatum. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Due to local extinction, the endangered green carpenter bee (Xylocopa aerata) has a disjunct distribution in the southeast of Australia. The species relies on dead softwood from a small selection of plant species for making its nests. Habitat fragmentation, combined with deleterious fire events, is thought to have negatively impacted on nesting substrate availability and recolonisation chances. Here, we use MaxEnt algorithm to model both the current distribution and the effect of climate change scenarios on the distribution of both X. aerata and four plant species that provide most of its nesting substrate: Banksia integrifolia, B. marginata, Xanthorrhoea arborea and Xanthorrhoea semiplana subsp. tateana. The annual mean temperature is the strongest climatic predictor of the distribution of X. aerata and its host plants. The modelled distribution of the bee under current climatic conditions indicates that climatic factors are unlikely to cause local extinctions. In all future scenarios, suitable areas for X. aerata and each of its nesting hosts are expected to contract towards the southeast of mainland Australia. The suitability of Kangaroo Island for the bee and its current local current host species is maintained in all scenarios, while Tasmania will become increasingly suitable for all species. The Grampians National Park in western Victoria, where the bee species were last seen outside of its current range (in the 1930s), is predicted to remain suitable for X. aerata and several host plants under all scenarios. Therefore, this relatively large area of native vegetation may be a good case study for re‐introduction as part of future conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands are oceanic islands of volcanic origin located in the northwestern Pacific Ocean about 1,000 km south of the Japanese mainland. A large carpenter bee, Xylocopa (Koptortosoma) ogasawarensis, is endemic to the islands but its closest relative is unknown. The Ogasawara Islands are geographically closest to the Japanese Archipelago, but this area is inhabited only by species of a different subgenus, Alloxylocopa. Thus, X. ogasawarensis is commonly thought to have originated from other members of Koptortosoma, which is widely distributed in the Oriental tropical region. In this study, we investigated the origin of X. ogasawarensis using a phylogenetic analysis of Xylocopa based on four genes: mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and cytochrome b (Cyt b), and nuclear elongation factor-1alpha (EF-1alpha) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK). A combined analysis of the four genes strongly suggests that Koptortosoma is a large, polyphyletic group, within which Alloxylocopa is embedded. Xylocopa ogasawarensis emerged as the species most closely related to Alloxylocopa and not to Oriental species of Koptortosoma. Contrary to previous views of the origin of X. ogasawarensis, our results suggest that X. ogasawarensis and Alloxylocopa share a common origin and diverged after they colonized the island regions of East Asia.  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of the neotropical hystricomorph rodent Ctenomys maulinus have been examined cytochemically and under the transmission electron microscope. The head is flattened dorsoventrally. At the caudal end of the head there is a process oriented parallel to the tail. This process corresponds to a cylindrical extension of the nucleus, which constitutes a unique feature among mammals.  相似文献   

Summary The tentacle of Rhabdopleura compacta (Hemichordata) consists of two layers of cells surrounding a central coelomic cavity. The two layers of cells are separated by a cell free basement lamella.The tentacles on the arms of Rhabdopleura bear three longitudinal rows of cilia. The ciliated cells are closely associated with bundles of nerve fibres, and between some of the cells and nerve fibres there are synapses. The peripheral regions of the ciliated cells are joined to one another by desmosomes. Tonofibrils join some of these desmosomes to the kinetosomes of the cilia.The nerve fibres are confined to the ectodermal layer and the muscle cells to the layer of cells within the basement lamella. In the ectodermal layer besides ciliated cells there are mucus cells, densely pigmented cells, and green bodies. The function of these last two types of cells is secretory. Most of the epithelial cells have microvilli upon their free borders.I wish to thank Professor J. Z. Young F. R. S. for enthusiastic advice and encouragement. Dr. R. Bellairs generously provided the facilities for electron microscopy. Mr. R. Moss gave excellent technical and photographic assistance. Dr. A. Stebbing of the Plymouth Marine Biological Laboratory helped me to obtain and to identify the specimens. Professor D. W. James kindly allowed me to use his facilities for interference microscopy.  相似文献   

Social bees harbor a community of gut mutualistic bacteria, among which bifidobacteria occupy an important niche. Recently, four novel species have been isolated from guts of different bumblebees, thus allowing to suppose that a core bifidobacterial population may be present in wild solitary bees. To date there is sparse information about bifidobacteria in solitary bees such as Xylocopa and Osmia spp., this study is therefore focused on the isolation and characterization of bifidobacterial strains from solitary bees, in particular carpenter bee (Xylocopa violacea), builder bee (Osmia cornuta), and red mason bee (Osmia rufa). Among the isolates from Osmia spp. no new species have been detected whereas among Xylocopa isolates four strains (XV2, XV4, XV10, XV16) belonging to putative new species were found. Isolated strains are Gram-positive, lactate- and acetate-producing and possess the fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase enzyme. Full genome sequencing and genome annotation were performed for XV2 and XV10. Phylogenetic relationships were determined using partial and complete 16S rRNA sequences and hsp60 restriction analysis that confirmed the belonging of the new strains to Bifidobacterium genus and the relatedness of the strains XV2 and XV10 with XV16 and XV4, respectively. Phenotypic tests were performed for the proposed type strains, reference strains and their closest neighbor in the phylogenetic tree. The results support the proposal of two novel species Bifidobacterium xylocopae sp. nov. whose type strain is XV2 (=DSM 104955T = LMG 30142T), reference strain XV16 and Bifidobacterium aemilianum sp. nov. whose type strain is XV10 (=DSM 104956T = LMG 30143T), reference strain XV4.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of Chiton marginatus is a long uniflagellate cell displaying structural features of “modified sperm.” The nucleus presents a conical shape with a long apical cylindrical extension. The chromatin is homogeneously dense. Scattered inside the condensed nucleus, a few nuclear lacunae are visible. The acrosomal complex is lacking. Some mitochondria are located in a laterofrontal structure side by side with the nucleus. The typical midpiece is absent. The cytoplasm forms a thin layer around the nucleus and the mitochondria. The proximal centriole is in a basal nuclear indent. The distal centriole serves to form the axoneme tail with the usual microtubular pattern. During nuclear maturation, the early spermatid nucleus is spherical and contains fine granular chromatin patches. The nuclear envelope shows a deposit of dense material at the base of the nucleus, forming a semicircular invagination occupied by a flocculent mass. In middle spermatid stage, the chromatin gets organized in filaments, coiled as a hank, attached over the inner surface of the basal thickening of the nuclear envelope. The nucleus starts to elongate anteroposteriorly. At the pointed apical portion of the spermatid, a group of microtubules is observed seeming to impose external pressure to the nucleus giving rise to the long apical nuclear point. The mitochondria have a basal position. Late spermatids have an elongated conical nucleus. The chromatin filaments are further condensed, and lacunae appear inside the nucleus. Some mitochondria migrate to a lateral position.  相似文献   

The sperm of Marthasterias glacialis (Linnaeus) was studied by light and electron microscopy. It is a long uniflagellated cell of the “primitive” type. The head has a spherical shape and contains a nucleus with a spheroid acrosome lying in a cup-shaped anterior fossa. The acrosome is formed by an acrosomal vesicle surrounded by the periacrosomal material. The basal specializations of the acrosomal vesicle show a clear differentiation of its constituents resembling the structure of membrane. The midpiece contains a very large annular mitochondrion which encircles two perpendicular centrioles. The distal centriole is in close association with a pericentriolar radial complex. The tail, containing a common microtubular axoneme, is projected to a variable position.  相似文献   

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