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Cold-hardiness was studied in the predatory miteAmblyseius potentillae (Garman) by determining the mortality after exposure to –5°C. Predators reared under diapause-inducing conditions were more cold-resistant than mites that had been kept under long-day conditions. An acclimatization period at 4°C prior to exposure to sub-zero temperatures had a positive effect on the cold-hardiness of the predator, and was remarkable in diapausing mites.Lower temperatures during diapause induction had a positive effect on cold resistance in this predator; mites in which diapause was induced at 15°C were more cold-resistant than mites that had been subjected to short-day conditions at 18 and 20°C.A day/night temperature rhythm did not increase the cold-hardiness of the mite when grown under long-day conditions. Such a rhythm did increase the cold-hardiness of the diapausing predator when given a short acclimatization period, but this effect disappeared after longer acclimatization periods.  相似文献   

Larvae of the bean blister beetle Epicauta gorhami Marseul (Coleoptera: Meloidae) feed on grasshopper eggs in soil and undergo hypermetamorphosis. This beetle undergoes larval diapause in the fifth instar as a pseudopupa, a form characteristic of hypermetamorphosis in meloid beetles. The effects of temperature, photoperiod and soil humidity on larval development of E. gorhami are examined in a population in Miyazaki, Japan, using egg pods of Locusta migratoria L. as food. At lower temperatures (20 and 22.5 °C), all larvae become pseudopupae, regardless of the photoperiod. By contrast, at higher temperatures (27.5 and 30 °C), almost all larvae pupate at the end of the fourth instar, again regardless of the photoperiod. A long‐day photoperiodic response occurs only at an intermediate temperature (25 °C): under an LD 12 : 12 h photocycle, all larvae enter diapause, although the diapause incidence tends to decrease as the day length becomes longer. Pseudopupae are immobile and remain in diapause for ≥120 days when they are kept under the same conditions, except that diapause terminates within a relatively short time at 30 °C. Although lower soil humidity retards post‐feeding development, soil humidity has no effect on the diapause incidence. On the basis of the short developmental period and diapause avoidance under summer conditions, it is suggested that this beetle partially produces two generations a year in southwestern Japan.  相似文献   

光周期和温度对亚洲玉米螟滞育诱导的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée)属兼性滞育昆虫, 其滞育特性与种群利用适生境的最大化和季节性活动密切相关。解析季节性因素如光周期和温度对其滞育的诱导作用可为预测种群发生动态提供科学依据。本实验在HPS 500型和HPG-320H型自动控制环境气候箱中, 测定了RH 80%下温度20℃, 27℃和30℃与11个光周期组合对吉林农安(NA)、 河北衡水(HS)、 广东惠州(HZ)和海南海口(HK)等4个地理种群的滞育诱导作用。结果表明: 光周期、 温度及其交互作用均对亚洲玉米螟滞育诱导具有重要影响, 其中光周期在滞育诱导中起主导作用。在20℃条件下, 其光周期反应曲线属典型的长日照反应型, 临界光周期随种群分布的地理纬度降低而缩短, 4个地理种群NA, HS, HZ和HK的临界日昼长依次为14 h 3 min, 13 h 59 min, 13 h 32 min和13 h 7 min, 最有效的滞育诱导光周期是日昼长12 h。另一方面, 随种群分布纬度升高, 其对光周期诱导滞育的敏感性降低。温度为27℃时, 其光周期反应曲线为短日照 长日照反应型, 各种群有两个临界光周期, 临界日昼长依次为12 h 50 min和13 h 32 min, 11 h 35 min和13 h 8 min, 12 h 58 min和13 h 1 min, 以及11 h 50 min和12 h 26 min, 且最有效的滞育诱导光周期范围的滞育率明显低于20℃。一定温度范围内(20℃~27℃), 随温度升高, 临界光周期缩短; 温度达到30℃时则滞育显著被抑制, 滞育率仅为4.3%或更低。这些结果说明温度对亚洲玉米螟滞育的光周期诱导具有很强的补偿作用。因此, 在自然界亚洲玉米螟的滞育属具有温度补偿作用的长日照反应型昆虫, 临界光周期随地理纬度北移而增长; 种群滞育的短日照 长日照反应型特性可能是产生局部世代种群的重要内因。  相似文献   

Abstract Sericinus montelus overwinters as diapausing pupae. In the present study, the effects of photoperiod and temperature on diapause induction and termination of diapause are investigated. The results obtained demonstrate that high temperature can reverse the effect of short day‐lengths on diapause induction. Under an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod, all pupae enter diapause at 15, 20 and 25 °C, whereas all pupae develop without diapause at 35 °C. No pupae enter diapause under an LD 14 : 10 h photoperiod when the temperature is above 20 °C. Photoperiodic response curves obtained at 25 and 30 °C indicate that S. montelus is a long‐day species and the critical day‐length is approximately 13 h at 25 °C. At 25 °C, the duration of diapause is shortest when the diapausing pupae are maintained under an LD 16 : 8 h photoperiod and increases under LD 14 : 10 h and LD 12 : 12 h photoperiods. Under an LD 16 : 8 h photoperiod, the duration of diapause is shortest when the diapausing pupae are maintained at 25 °C, followed by 20 and 30 °C, and then at 15 °C. These results suggest that a moderate temperature favours diapause development under a diapause‐averting photoperiod in this species. The duration of diapause induced by an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod is significantly longer at 25 °C than those at 15, 20 and 30 °C, and is shortest at 15 °C. At 25 °C, the duration of diapause induced by LD 6 : 18, LD 12 : 12 and LD 13 : 11 h photoperiods is similar and longer than 90 days. Thus, the diapause‐inducing conditions may affect diapause intensity and a photoperiod close to the critical day‐length has significant influence on diapause intensity in S. montelus.  相似文献   

Abstract. The grape berry moth, Lobesia botrana Denn. & Sciff. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), one of the most injurious pest of grape berries in Greece, is a multivoltine species that overwinters as diapausing pupae. The effects of several diel and non-diel photoperiods and of temperature, experienced by eggs and larvae, on pupal diapause induction were investigated. The diapause response curve was of Type I (long day type) and the determining factor was the duration of scotophase (> 11 h), regardless of the duration of photophase. However, at very short (< 4 h) photoperiods, the incidence of diapause was also high. Diapause was positively and significantly correlated with the egg-larval developmental time, pupal mortality and the duration of the pupal stage. Eggs and larvae reared under LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod and various temperatures (from 12 to 30 °C) produced diapausing pupae (almost 100%), but the duration of the pupal stage (intensity of diapause) increased with increasing temperature. Under continuous darkness, however, the percentage diapause decreased with increasing temperature. Single and double 1-h light pulses were applied systematically at various times during the scotophase of six diapause-inducing diel photoperiods. Two photosensitive points in time (called A and B) were revealed, during which illumination resulted in a significant decrease of diapause induction. The decrease was much greater during the first sensitive period (early in scotophase) rather than in the second (late in the scotophase).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Photoperiodic control of facultative reproductive diapause was examined in females of the phytoseiid mite, Amblyseius potentillae (Garman). Full diapause was induced by rearing the mites from egg to adult under short-day photoperiods. Egg-laying females, however, which had experienced a long-day photoperiodic regime during pre-imaginal development, could still be induced to enter diapause when they were transferred to a short-day regime. Diapause development proceeded slowly under a short-day photoperiod, but was accelerated under long days. During diapause development under short days the photoperiodic sensitivity of the females diminished gradually and ultimately disappeared completely. However, after completion of diapause, sensitivity to photo-period reappeared. A second diapause could be induced in post-diapause females under short-day photoperiods and completed again under long-day photoperiods. These results show that A. potentillae remains sensitive to diapause-inducing and diapause-averting daylengths during the adult stage and that a second diapause may be induced after completion of the first one.  相似文献   

The yellow peach moth, Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée), a multivoltine species that overwinters as diapausing larvae, is one of the most serious insect pests on maize in China. Effect of photoperiod and temperature on larval diapause was examined under empirical laboratory conditions. Short‐day treatments caused larval diapause at 25°C, and the critical photoperiod was between 12 and 13 h (or 12 h 51 min) light per day. No sensitive instar was identified for diapause induction under alternated short‐ (L : D 11 : 13 h) and long‐day (L : D 14 : 10 h) treatments at different larval stages. However, accumulative treatment of three instars and 10 d under short‐day treatment was required for the induction of 50% larval diapause. All larvae entered diapause at 20°C, whereas less than 3% did so at 30°C, irrespective of the long‐ or short‐day treatment. Furthermore, under the short‐day treatment, more than 90% of larvae went into diapause with temperatures ≤ 25°C, but less than 17% did so at 28°C. In contrast, under the long‐day treatment, less than 19% of larvae went into diapause with temperatures ≥ 23°C. The forward shift (5°C) of critical temperature under the long‐day regime demonstrated the compensatory effect of temperature and photoperiod on diapause induction. In conclusion, C. punctiferalis had a temperature‐dependent type I photoperiodic diapause response; there was no sensitive instar for diapause determination, but the photoperiodic accumulation time countermeasures both of the short‐day cycles and the number of instars exposed, and the photoperiodic diapause response, was a temperature‐compensated phenomenon.  相似文献   

The predatory mitesAmblyseius potentillae, A. cucumeris andTyphlodromus pyri entered diapause in response to a short-day photoperiodic regime, when they were reared on pollen of the ice plant,Dorotheanthus bellidiformis. With pollen of the broad bean,Vicia faba, as food, however, diapause was virtually absent inA. potentillae andA. cucumeris under the same short-day regime, but full diapause was found inT. pyri. The importance of carotenoids for the photoperiodic response in these predatory mites is discussed.  相似文献   

Larvae of Leptinotarsa decemlineata developed faster and consumed less food under short-day (Sd, 12:12 h light:darkness) than under long-day (Ld, 18:6 h L:D) conditions. The average index of food conversion efficiency was 5.4 in the Ld (25 degrees C), and 7.2 and 11.9 (at 20 and 25 degrees C, respectively) in the Sd insects. Pupae were smaller under the Ld conditions due to a greater loss of biomass during the prepupal period that was nearly twice longer than in the Sd insects. Virgin Ld females laid eggs for 6 months and survived 13 months. The lack of oviposition, reduced food intake, and behavioural changes characterised diapause in the Sd adults. Application of 100 microg JH III to newly ecdysed adults was used to probe diapause intensity. At 25 degrees C, the treatment elicited oviposition most effectively in females that were just transferred from the Ld to the Sd conditions. A distinctly lower response occurred in insects that had been kept under Sd conditions since hatching; their transfer to Ld conditions at the time of treatment had little effect on JH sensitivity. JH application to Sd females reared at 20 degrees C caused enlargement of the germaria but no eggs were formed.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Diapause induction in monarch butterflies Danaus plexippus was studied using adults captured from the wild in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and individuals reared under outdoor and controlled conditions.
2. Oocyte presence in females and ejaculatory duct mass in males were used to indicate reproductive status.
3. Some wild individuals were in diapause in mid-August, and all males and females were in diapause by late August and early September respectively.
4. Individuals reared under decreasing day lengths and fluctuating temperatures were more likely to be in diapause than were individuals reared under long or short day lengths or constant temperatures.
5. Individuals fed potted old Asclepias curassavica plants were more likely to be in diapause than were those fed potted young host plants; when cuttings of Asclepias syriaca plants from the field or greenhouse pots were used, there was no effect of host plant age.
6. Extremely high temperatures increased the number of day-degrees required for development from egg to adult, while decreasing day lengths and older host plants tended to decrease the number of day-degrees required for development.
7. There appears to be a continuum of reproductive development in monarchs, with gradual declines in mean ejaculatory duct mass and oocyte production during the late summer.
8. None of the experimental treatments led to 100% diapause, and diapause was more likely to occur in monarchs subjected to more than one diapause-inducing cue.  相似文献   

温、湿度对美洲斑潜蝇发育、存活及食量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郝树广  康乐 《昆虫学报》2001,44(3):332-336
以花斑芸豆Phaseolus vulgaris为食料植物,在不同温、湿度组合下,观测了美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyza sativae的发育、存活及取食特征。结果表明,卵、幼虫和蛹期的发育速率与温度的关系均呈S型曲线。发育起点温度为:卵,8.9℃;幼虫, 10.1℃;蛹,9.6℃;整个未成熟期,9.5℃。有效积温为:卵,57.7日·度;幼虫,53.9日·度;蛹,151.9日·度;整个未成熟期,264.2日·度。湿度对发育速率的影响不明显。温度对存活的影响较大,当温度>34℃或<19℃时,各虫态的存活率都显著降低。湿度对存活率的影响主要发生在蛹期,当湿度低于50%时,蛹的羽化率显著降低。在高温、低湿的条件下,蛹不能羽化。在相对低温下的累计取食面积大于高温时的相应值,在25℃时达到1.6 cm2,而在28℃及以上温度时取食面积只有0.9 cm2左右。  相似文献   

  • 1 The phytoseiid predator Amblyseius potentillae (Garman) responded to volatile kairomones emitted from leaves infested by the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch), the apple rust mite (Aculus schlechtendali (Nalepa)) or the thrips Frankliniella pallida (Uzel), only when the predators had been reared on a carotenoid-free diet. In contrast A.potentillae responded to the European red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi (Koch)) both when the predators had been reared on a carotenoid-containing and a carotenoid-free diet.
  • 2 Carotenoid-deficient predators did not respond to odour emitted from a host plant that was infested by larvae of the fruit-tree leaf roller (Adoxophyes orana (F.v.R)), a carotenoid-containing phytophage, that cannot be preyed upon by A.potentillae.
  • 3 Carotenoids are indispensable for diapause induction in A.potentillae. Hence, carotenoid-deficient predators can increase their fitness by feeding from a carotenoid source. This may explain the response of carotenoid-deficient predators to the kairomones of the two-spotted spider mite, F.pallida and the apple rust mite (all containing ingestible carotenoids). As the fruit-tree leaf roller cannot serve as prey and thus as a carotenoid source, it makes sense that the predators lacking carotenoids do not respond to the kairomone of this phytophagous insect.
  • 4 Two-choice experiments in a Y-tube olfactometer showed that the kairomone preference of A.potentillae has a hierarchical structure: the kairomone of the European red spider mite is the most preferred one, followed by that of apple rust mite, whereas the kairomone of the two-spotted spider mite is the least preferred of these three.

【目的】为明确诱导管侧沟茧蜂Microplitis tuberculifer 滞育的主要因子,在田间和室内研究了不同温度和光周期下管侧沟茧蜂的滞育率和滞育茧的最佳冷藏温度。【方法】田间实验分别从8月31日到9月25日每隔5 d在室外罩笼内释放管侧沟茧蜂寄生的粘虫幼虫,待寄生蜂结茧后统计子代蜂的滞育率。室内实验共设5个不同温度(16℃, 18℃, 20℃, 22℃和24℃)和7个不同光周期(6L:18D, 8L:16D, 10L:14D, 12L:12D, 14L:10D, 16L:8D和18L:6D),分别统计寄生蜂在各个处理条件下的滞育率。【结果】在河北中部地区秋季自然条件下,8月底当日平均气温为24.4℃,日平均光照时间为12 h 51 min 时,少数蛹(5.08%)开始进入滞育;9月25日,当日平均气温为17.2℃,日平均光照时间为11 h 36 min以下时,几乎所有蛹个体进入滞育,滞育率达到99.70%。在室内人工控制条件下,当温度为22℃以上,无论光周期如何变化,管侧沟茧蜂不能进入滞育,所结茧全部为非滞育茧。温度为22℃以下存在光周期反应,在温度16℃, 18℃和20℃,光周期10L:14D时形成滞育茧数量最多,滞育率分别为100%, 89.75% 和 29.58%。可见温度和光周期二者共同影响管侧沟茧蜂的滞育。滞育茧在0℃左右条件下冷藏 240 d 和5℃左右环境条件下冷藏180 d, 成虫的羽化率和寄生能力与发育茧差异不显著(P>0.05);0℃条件下冷藏300 d,滞育茧仍有79%可以正常羽化。【结论】该寄生蜂在秋季进入滞育主要是低温条件和短光照反应相互作用的结果,滞育茧在0℃和5℃温度下至少可以保存240 d。这些结果对管侧沟茧蜂的大规模繁殖和滞育茧的保存具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

温度和光周期对绿盲蝽滞育诱导的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了阐明环境因子对绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum Meyer-Dür卵滞育诱导作用,测定了3个温度和6个光周期组合处理对绿肓蝽的滞育诱导和绿盲蝽光周期感应的敏感虫态,系统调查了绿肓蝽在不同温度和不同光照组合下所产卵的孵化率.结果表明:绿盲蝽的敏感虫态为1龄若虫;在17℃,20℃和23℃3个不同温度下,光照时间小...  相似文献   

Abstract. The interactive effects of temperature (20 °C or 25 °C) and photoperiod (LD 12 : 12 h or LD 15 : 9 h) on diapause induction and termination are investigated in the west‐Japan type yellow‐spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Larval diapause of P. hilaris is induced under three diapause‐inducing conditions (20 °C–SD, 20 °C–LD and 25 °C–SD), and the diapause larvae are transferred to one of four conditions (20 °C–SD, 20 °C–LD, 25 °C–SD or 25 °C–LD) for observation of pupation, which indicates termination of diapause. The intensity of diapause induced under the three conditions increases in the order 20 °C–SD < 25 °C–SD < 20 °C–LD, when assessed by the time course of pupation after the transfer. On the other hand, the effectiveness of the temperature–photoperiod combinations to terminate diapause is in the order 25 °C–SD (ineffective) < < 20 °C–LD < 25 °C–LD < 20 °C–SD. Among the temperatures (5, 10, 15 and 20 °C) examined, 15 °C is the most effective in terminating diapause under the short day; diapause in most larvae appears to have been completed in 15 days.  相似文献   

光周期和温度对草地螟滞育诱导的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
草地螟Loxostege sticticalis以老熟幼虫滞育越冬。在室内通过人工诱导的方法对其滞育的光周期和温度诱导条件进行了研究。结果表明:草地螟是一种典型的长日照发育型种类。光周期、温度及其交互作用均对草地螟滞育诱导具有重要影响, 其中光周期起主导作用, 温度伴随着光周期起作用。对幼虫滞育诱导最有效的光周期是L12∶D12; 随着温度的升高, 临界光周期呈缩短趋势(18℃除外)。18, 22, 26和30℃条件下幼虫滞育的临界日长依次为13.97, 14.48, 13.92 和12.88 h。光敏感实验揭示:21℃时草地螟对光照反应最敏感时期为幼虫孵化后的11~17 d(约5龄幼虫), 但孵化后7~11 d(约4龄幼虫)的短光照积累对提高滞育率也有重要作用, 可以将滞育率从40.0%提高到90.0%。  相似文献   

Diapause in a predaceous mite, Metaseiulus occidentalis, from a Californian vineyard population is a photoperiodically induced, facultative, adult reproductive diapause in females. The laboratory-determined critical photophase at 19°C was estimated at 11·2 hr. At 16°C, the critical photophase under laboratory conditions was approximately 11·6 hr. Temperature influenced the photoresponse of M. occidentalis so that diapause was entirely averted at temperatures of 22, 25, and 30°C. Aestival diapause at higher temperatures and long photophases was lacking. Development was continuous under constant darkness at all the temperatures tested. Diapause termination in laboratory-reared mites occurred spontaneously under the inductive conditions. Under constant 19°C temperatures, females responded to photophases so that diapause was terminated most rapidly under a 16 hr photophase (in 18·6 days); the 12 and 8 hr photophases, at this temperature, were next in their effectiveness, with 27·9 and 73·0 days, respectively, required for termination.  相似文献   

研究了温度、相对湿度和光照时间对真水狼蛛(Pirata piraticus)胚胎发育的影响。结果表明,温度不仅影响真水狼蛛胚胎发育的全过程,也对胚胎发育的各阶段有影响,在20℃-35℃范围内,随着温度的升高,胚胎发育加快,卵的发育起点温度为11.9℃,低温下,卵的孵化整齐度高温下要高,28℃时,孵化率最高。为探讨真水狼蛛胚胎发育的影响因子和合适条件,考虑温度、相对湿度和光照时间3个因子的综合作用,按照二次正交旋转组合设计的要求安排实验,得出了影响胚胎发育历期、胚胎成形率和孵化率的二次回归模型,并分析了其影响因子,利用孵化率的回归模型,得到了真水狼蛛卵孵化的最优条件为温度为27℃-28.5℃,相对湿度为94%-97%,光照时间为14-17h。  相似文献   

Larvae of the bean blister beetle, Epicauta gorhami (Coleoptera: Meloidae), feed on grasshopper eggs in soil and undergo hypermetamorphosis. This beetle undergoes larval diapause in the fifth instar as a pseudopupa, a form characteristic of hypermetamorphosis in meloid beetles. This pseudopupal diapause is maintained for a long period if the larvae are kept under continuous diapause-inducing short-day conditions. In the present study, the effects of temperature and photoperiod on termination of pseudopupal diapause in E. gorhami were examined using pseudopupae obtained under 12L-12D at 25°C. Diapause was terminated by exposure to low or high temperature, but not by transfer to long-day conditions. The pseudopupal stage comprises diapause and post-diapause phases despite its unchanging appearance. The optimum low temperature for diapause termination was 10-15°C, and a higher or lower temperature was less effective. There was an individual variation in the low temperature requirement for diapause termination and post-diapause development may not occur until this requirement is satisfied. Although under natural conditions pseudopupae may encounter low temperatures that are effective for diapause termination at different ages, our results show that pseudopupae at various ages respond similarly to low temperature exposure. This response may ensure that resumption of development synchronizes in a population.  相似文献   

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