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Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery in porcine expressed genes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
High-throughput genotyping of swine populations is a potentially efficient method for establishing animal lineage and identification of loci important to animal health and efficient pork production. Markers were developed based upon single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which are abundant and amenable to automated genotyping platforms. The focus of this research was SNP discovery in expressed porcine genes providing markers to develop the porcine/human comparative map. Locus specific amplification (LSA) and comparative sequencing were used to generate PCR products and allelic information from parents of a swine reference family. Discovery of 1650 SNPs in 403 amplicons and strategies for optimizing LSA-based SNP discovery using alternative methods of PCR primer design, data analysis, and germplasm selection that are applicable to other populations and species are described. These data were the first large-scale assessment of frequency and distribution of porcine SNPs.  相似文献   

Genetic markers that measure DNA variation are important for population genetics research, resource management and other applications. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are becoming a popular marker because they are abundant and because rapid and efficient assays can be developed to detect them. However, with the exception of a few organisms, most species have little DNA sequence information available and relatively few SNPs have been developed for species that lack sequence data. Methods to find SNPs can be expensive and incorporate substantial ascertainment bias, which may result in failure to discover SNPs that are useful or efficient for addressing specific questions. We have developed a system to detect SNPs that we call DEco‐TILLING, which is derived from Eco‐TILLING (targeting induced local lesions in genomes). The DEco‐TILLING method facilitates the development of useful genotyping assays rapidly and inexpensively and can reduce ascertainment bias.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have gained wide use in humans and model species and are becoming the marker of choice for applications in other species. Technology that was developed for work in model species may provide useful tools for SNP discovery and genotyping in non-model organisms. However, SNP discovery can be expensive, labour intensive, and introduce ascertainment bias. In addition, the most efficient approaches to SNP discovery will depend on the research questions that the markers are to resolve as well as the focal species. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of several past and recent technologies for SNP discovery and genotyping and summarize a variety of SNP discovery and genotyping studies in ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

This study describes (1) the application of new methods to the discovery of informative single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta, (2) a method to resolve the linkage phase of closely linked SNPs and (3) a method to inexpensively genotype them. Finally, it demonstrates that these SNPs provide information that discriminates among O. keta populations from different geographical regions of the northern Pacific Ocean. These informative markers can be used in conjunction with mixed-stock analysis to learn about the spatial and temporal marine distributions of O. keta and the factors that influence the distributions.  相似文献   

Polymorphic markers at bovine gene loci facilitate the integration of cattle genetic maps with those of humans and mice. To this end, 31 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were developed for seven bovine chemokine genes. Loci were amplified from bovine genomic DNA by the polymerase chain reaction, and candidate amplicons were sequenced to determine their identity. Amplified loci from 24 founding parents and select progeny from a beef cattle reference population were sequenced and analyzed for SNPs. SNP haplotype alleles were determined by examining segregation patterns and used to establish the locus position on the bovine linkage map. Loci for growth-related proteins (GRO3, GRO1, and GROX) were clustered with the related CXC chemokine genes, interleukin (IL) 8, and epithelial cell inflammatory protein 1, at 84 cM from the centromeric end of the bovine chromosome (BTA) 6 linkage group. Bovine loci for a cluster of IL8 receptors, a stromal cell-derived factor 1, interferon-γ, and tumor necrosis factor-α were mapped at 90, 55, 59, and 34 cM, respectively, from the centromeric ends of the BTA 2, 28, 5, and 23 linkage groups. The positions of these bovine loci were compared with those of orthologous loci on the human map to refine the boundaries of conserved synteny. These seven loci provide examples of SNP development in which the efficiency was largely dependent on the availability of bovine genomic or cDNA sequence. The polymorphic nature of these SNP haplotype markers suggests that they will be useful for mapping complex traits in cattle, such as resistance to infectious disease. Received: 30 April 1999 / Accepted: 12 July 1999  相似文献   

Molecular markers are used to provide the link between genotype and phenotype, for the production of molecular genetic maps and to assess genetic diversity within and between related species. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most abundant molecular genetic marker. SNPs can be identified in silico , but care must be taken to ensure that the identified SNPs reflect true genetic variation and are not a result of errors associated with DNA sequencing. The SNP detection method autoSNP has been developed to identify SNPs from sequence data for any species. Confidence in the predicted SNPs is based on sequence redundancy, and haplotype co-segregation scores are calculated for a further independent measure of confidence. We have extended the autoSNP method to produce autoSNPdb, which integrates SNP and gene annotation information with a graphical viewer. We have applied this software to public barley expressed sequences, and the resulting database is available over the Internet. SNPs can be viewed and searched by sequence, functional annotation or predicted synteny with a reference genome, in this case rice. The correlation between SNPs and barley cultivar, expressed tissue type and development stage has been collated for ease of exploration. An average of one SNP per 240 bp was identified, with SNPs more prevalent in the 5' regions and simple sequence repeat (SSR) flanking sequences. Overall, autoSNPdb can provide a wealth of genetic polymorphism information for any species for which sequence data are available.  相似文献   

Although single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are commonly used in human genetics, they have only recently been incorporated into genetic studies of non‐model organisms, including cetaceans. SNPs have several advantages over other molecular markers for studies of population genetics: they are quicker and more straightforward to score, cross‐laboratory comparisons of data are less complicated, and they can be used successfully with low‐quality DNA. We screened portions of the genome of one of the most abundant cetaceans in U.S. waters, the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), and identified 153 SNPs resulting in an overall average of one SNP every 463 base pairs. Custom TaqMan® Assays were designed for 53 of these SNPs, and their performance was tested by genotyping a set of bottlenose dolphin samples, including some with low‐quality DNA. We found that in 19% of the loci examined, the minor allele frequency (MAF) estimated during initial SNP ascertainment using a DNA pool of 10 individuals differed significantly from the final MAF after genotyping over 100 individuals, suggesting caution when making inferences about MAF values based on small data sets. For two assays, we also characterized the basis for unusual clustering patterns to determine whether their data could still be utilized for further genetic studies. Overall results support the use of these SNPs for accurate analysis of both poor and good‐quality DNA. We report the first SNP markers and genotyping assays for use in population and conservation genetic studies of bottlenose dolphins.  相似文献   

The optimal management of the commercially important, but mostly over‐exploited, pelagic tunas, albacore (Thunnus alalunga Bonn., 1788) and Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT; Thunnus thynnus L., 1758), requires a better understanding of population structure than has been provided by previous molecular methods. Despite numerous studies of both species, their population structures remain controversial. This study reports the development of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in albacore and BFT and the application of these SNPs to survey genetic variability across the geographic ranges of these tunas. A total of 616 SNPs were discovered in 35 albacore tuna by comparing sequences of 54 nuclear DNA fragments. A panel of 53 SNPs yielded FST values ranging from 0.0 to 0.050 between samples after genotyping 460 albacore collected throughout the distribution of this species. No significant heterogeneity was detected within oceans, but between‐ocean comparisons (Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans along with Mediterranean Sea) were significant. Additionally, a 17‐SNP panel was developed in Atlantic BFT by cross‐species amplification in 107 fish. This limited number of SNPs discriminated between samples from the two major spawning areas of Atlantic BFT (FST = 0.116). The SNP markers developed in this study can be used to genotype large numbers of fish without the need for standardizing alleles among laboratories.  相似文献   

水稻单核苷酸多态性及其应用现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘传光  张桂权 《遗传》2006,28(6):737-744
单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs)在水稻中数量多,分布密度高,遗传稳定性高。水稻SNPs的发现方法主要有对样本DNA的PCR产物直接测序、从SSR区段检测SNPs和从基因组序列直接搜索等。目前已有多种基因分型技术运用到了水稻SNPs检测,SNPs检测的高度自动化使水稻SNPs基因分型非常方便。单核苷酸多态性在水稻遗传图谱的构建、基因克隆和功能基因组学研究、标记辅助选择育种、遗传资源分类及物种进化等方面的应用具有巨大潜力。  相似文献   

We have developed a software package named PEAS to facilitate analyses of large data sets of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for population genetics and molecular phylogenetics studies. PEAS reads SNP data in various formats as input and is versatile in data formatting; using PEAS, it is easy to create input files for many popular packages, such as STRUCTURE, frappe, Arlequin, Haploview, LDhat, PLINK, EIGENSOFT, PHASE, fastPHASE, MEGA and PHYLIP. In addition, PEAS fills up several analysis gaps in currently available computer programs in population genetics and molecular phylogenetics. Notably, (i) It calculates genetic distance matrices with bootstrapping for both individuals and populations from genome-wide high-density SNP data, and the output can be streamlined to MEGA and PHYLIP programs for further processing; (ii) It calculates genetic distances from STRUCTURE output and generates MEGA file to reconstruct component trees; (iii) It provides tools to conduct haplotype sharing analysis for phylogenetic studies based on high-density SNP data. To our knowledge, these analyses are not available in any other computer program. PEAS for Windows is freely available for academic users from http://www.picb.ac.cn/~xushua/index.files/Download_PEAS.htm.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms are the most common polymorphism in plant and animal genomes and, as such, are the logical choice for marker-assisted selection. However, many plants are also polyploid, and marker-assisted selection can be complicated by the presence of highly similar, but non-allelic, homoeologous sequences. Despite this, there is practical and academic demand for high-throughput genotyping in several polyploid crop species, such as allohexaploid wheat. In this paper, we present such a system, which utilizes public single nucleotide polymorphisms previously identified in both agronomically important genes and in randomly selected, mapped, expressed sequence tags developed by the wheat community. To achieve relatively high levels of multiplexing, we used non-amplified genomic DNA and padlock probe pairs, together with high annealing temperatures, to differentiate between similar sequences in the wheat genome. Our results suggest that padlock probes are capable of discriminating between homoeologous sequences and hence can be used to efficiently genotype wheat varieties.  相似文献   

Discovering single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in specific genes in a heterozygous polyploid plant species, such as sugarcane, is challenging because of the presence of a large number of homologues. To discover SNPs for mapping genes of interest, 454 sequencing of 307 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons (> 59 kb of sequence) was undertaken. One region of a four-gasket sequencing run, on a 454 Genome Sequencer FLX, was used for pooled PCR products amplified from each parent of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping population (IJ76-514 × Q165). The sequencing yielded 96 755 (IJ76-514) and 86 241 (Q165) sequences with perfect matches to a PCR primer used in amplification, with an average sequence depth of approximately 300 and an average read length of 220 bases. Further analysis was carried out on amplicons whose sequences clustered into a single contig using an identity of 80% with the program cap 3. In the more polymorphic sugarcane parent (Q165), 94% of amplicons (227/242) had evidence of a reliable SNP – an average of one every 35 bases. Significantly fewer SNPs were found in the pure Saccharum officinarum parent – with one SNP every 58 bases and SNPs in 86% (213/247) of amplicons. Using automatic SNP detection, 1632 SNPs were detected in Q165 sequences and 1013 in IJ76-514. From 225 candidate SNP sites tested, 209 (93%) were validated as polymorphic using the Sequenom MassARRAY system. Amplicon re-sequencing using the 454 system enables cost-effective SNP discovery that can be targeted to genes of interest and is able to perform in the highly challenging area of polyploid genomes.  相似文献   

Identifying the genetic variation underlying complex disease requires analysis of many single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a large number of samples. Several high-throughput SNP genotyping techniques are available; however, their cost promotes the use of association screening with pooled DNA. This protocol describes the estimation of SNP allele frequencies in pools of DNA using the quantitative sequencing method Pyrosequencing (PSQ). PSQ is a relatively recently described high-throughput method for genotyping, allele frequency estimation and DNA methylation analysis based on the detection of real-time pyrophosphate release during synthesis of the complementary strand to a PCR product. The protocol involves the following steps: (i) quantity and quality assessment of individual DNA samples; (ii) DNA pooling, which may be undertaken at the pre- or post-PCR stage; (iii) PCR amplification of PSQ template containing the variable sequence region of interest; and (iv) PSQ to determine the frequency of alleles at a particular SNP site. Once the quantity and quality of individual DNA samples has been assessed, the protocol usually requires a few days for setting up pre-PCR pools, depending on sample number. After PCR amplification, preparation and analysis of PCR amplicon by PSQ takes 1 h per plate.  相似文献   

Chimpanzee populations are diminishing as a consequence of human activities, and as a result this species is now endangered. In the context of conservation programmes, genetic data can add vital information, for instance on the genetic diversity and structure of threatened populations. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are biallelic markers that are widely used in human molecular studies and can be implemented in efficient microarray systems. This technology offers the potential of robust, multiplexed SNP genotyping at low reagent cost in other organisms than humans, but it is not commonly used yet in wild population studies. Here, we describe the characterization of new SNPs in Y-chromosomal intronic regions in chimpanzees and also identify SNPs from mitochondrial genes, with the aim of developing a microarray system that permits the simultaneous study of both paternal and maternal lineages. Our system consists of 42 SNPs for the Y chromosome and 45 SNPs for the mitochondrial genome. We demonstrate the applicability of this microarray in a captive population where genotypes accurately reflected its large pedigree. Two wild-living populations were also analysed and the results show that the microarray will be a useful tool alongside microsatellite markers, since it supplies complementary information about population structure and ecology. SNP genotyping using microarray technology, therefore, is a promising approach and may become an essential tool in conservation genetics to help in the management and study of captive and wild-living populations. Moreover, microarrays that combine SNPs from different genomic regions could replace microsatellite typing in the future.  相似文献   

植物的单核苷酸多态性及其在作物遗传育种中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)是基因组中最常见的遗传多态性,在遗传学研究的许多方面具有重要的作用.综述了单核苷酸多态性的发现、特点及其应用等方面对植物SNP的研究进展,并展望其在作物遗传育种中的应用前景.  相似文献   

本研究利用已获得的意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica工蜂中肠的转录组数据对意蜂的单核苷酸多态性(Single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)和插入缺失(Insertion-Deletion, InDel)突变位点进行挖掘和分析,共鉴定到232 678个SNP位点,其中发生转换和颠换的SNP位点数分别为196 087和36 591个;最丰富的突变类型是G/A,最少的突变类型为T/G;分布在内含子的SNP位点最多,其次为外显子和基因间区;密码子突变类型为同义突变的SNP位点数最多,其次是非同义突变、终止子增加和终止子减少;此外,SNP位点所在基因可注释到 50个 GO条目和351条KEGG通路。共鉴定到38 715个InDel位点,最丰富的突变类型为移码插入,其次是移码缺失;分布InDel位点数较多的基因组区域为内含子和基因间区;另外,InDel位点所在基因可注释到50个功能条目和340条通路。研究结果丰富了西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera的SNP和InDel位点信息,并为开发和利用意蜂的新型分子标记提供基础。  相似文献   

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