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Recent evidence indicates that the adult heart contains sub-epicardial cardiogenic niches where cardiac stem cells and stromal supporting cells reside together. Such stromal cells include a special population, previously identified as interstitial Cajal-like cells and recently termed telocytes because of their long, slender processes (telopodes) embracing the myocardial precursors. Specific stromal cells, presumptively originated from the epicardium, have been postulated to populate the developing heart where they are thought to play a role in its morphogenesis. This study is designed to investigate the occurrence of telocytes in the developing heart and provide clues to better understand their role as supporting cells involved in the architectural organization of the myocardium during heart development. Our results showed that stromal cells with the immunophenotypical (vimentin, CD34) and ultrastructural features of telocytes were present in the mouse heart since early embryonic to adult life, as well as in primary cultures of neonatal mouse cardiac cells. These cells formed an extended network of telopodes which closely embraced the growing cardiomyocytes and appeared to contribute to the aggregation of cardiomyocyte clusters in vitro. In conclusion, the present findings strongly suggest that, during heart development, stromal cells identifiable as telocytes could play a nursing and guiding role for myocardial precursors to form the correct three-dimensional tissue pattern and contribute to compaction of the embryonic myocardial trabeculae. It is tempting to speculate that telocytes could be a novel, possible target for therapeutic strategies aimed at potentiating cardiac repair and regeneration after ischemic injury.  相似文献   

The existence of the epicardial telocytes was previously documented by immunohistochemistry (IHC) or immunofluorescence. We have also demonstrated recently that telocytes are present in mice epicardium, within the cardiac stem‐cell niches, and, possibly, they are acting as nurse cells for the cardiomyocyte progenitors. The rationale of this study was to show that telocytes do exist in human (sub)epicardium, too. Human autopsy hearts from 10 adults and 15 foetuses were used for conventional IHC for c‐kit/CD117, CD34, vimentin, S‐100, τ, Neurokinin 1, as well as using laser confocal microscopy. Tissue samples obtained by surgical biopsies from 10 adults were studied by digital transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Double immunolabelling for c‐kit/CD34 and, for c‐kit/vimentin suggests that in human beings, epicardial telocytes share similar immunophenotype features with myocardial telocytes. The presence of the telocytes in human epicardium is shown by TEM. Epicardial telocytes, like any of the telocytes are defined by telopodes, their cell prolongations, which are very long (several tens of μm), very thin (0.1–0.2 μm, below the resolving power of light microscopy) and with moniliform configuration. The interconnected epicardial telocytes create a 3D cellular network, connected with the 3D network of myocardial telocytes. TEM documented that telocytes release shed microvesicles or exocytotic multivesicular bodies in the intercellular space. The human epicardial telocytes have similar phenotype (TEM and IHC) with telocytes located among human working cardiomyocyte. It remains to be established the role(s) of telocytes in cardiac renewing/repair/regeneration processes, and also the pathological aspects induced by their ‘functional inhibition’, or by their variation in number. We consider telocytes as a real candidate for future developments of autologous cell‐based therapy in heart diseases.  相似文献   

The potential of stem cell (SC) therapies for eye diseases is well‐recognized. However, the results remain only encouraging as little is known about the mechanisms responsible for eye renewal, regeneration and/or repair. Therefore, it is critical to gain knowledge about the specific tissue environment (niches) where the stem/progenitor cells reside in eye. A new type of interstitial cell–telocyte (TC) ( www.telocytes.com ) was recently identified by electron microscopy (EM). TCs have very long (tens of micrometres) and thin (below 200 nm) prolongations named telopodes (Tp) that form heterocellular networks in which SCs are embedded. We found TCs by EM and electron tomography in sclera, limbus and uvea of the mouse eye. Furthermore, EM showed that SCs were present in the anterior layer of the iris and limbus. Adhaerens and gap junctions were found to connect TCs within a network in uvea and sclera. Nanocontacts (electron‐dense structures) were observed between TCs and other cells: SCs, melanocytes, nerve endings and macrophages. These intercellular ‘feet’ bridged the intercellular clefts (about 10 nm wide). Moreover, exosomes (extracellular vesicles with a diameter up to 100 nm) were delivered by TCs to other cells of the iris stroma. The ultrastructural nanocontacts of TCs with SCs and the TCs paracrine influence via exosomes in the epithelial and stromal SC niches suggest an important participation of TCs in eye regeneration.  相似文献   

A highly heterogeneous population of stem and progenitor cells has been described by light immunohistochemistry in the mammalian adult heart, but the ultrastructural identity of cardiac stem cells remains unknown. Using electron microscopy, we demonstrate the presence of cells with stem features in the adult mouse heart. These putative cardiac stem cells are small (6–10 μm), round cells, with an irregular shaped nucleus, large nucleolus, few endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and mitochondria, but numerous ribosomes. Stem cells located in the epicardial stem cell niche undergo mitosis and apoptosis. Cells with intermediate features between stem cells and cardiomyocyte progenitors have also been seen. Moreover, electron microscopy showed that cardiomyocyte progenitors were added to the peripheral working cardiomyocytes. Telocytes make a supportive interstitial network for stem cells and progenitors in the stem cell niche. This study enhances the hypothesis of a unique type of cardiac stem cell and progenitors in different stages of differentiation. In our opinion, stem cells, cardiomyocyte progenitors and telocytes sustain a continuous cardiac renewal process in the adult mammalian heart.  相似文献   

本文通过定向诱导人胚胎干细胞分化为心肌细胞,对分化过程中胚胎干细胞、心肌祖细胞和心肌细胞糖酵解能力和线粒体氧化磷酸化能力进行实时定量检测,旨在探索分化过程中细胞能量代谢表型的转换机制.用GSK3抑制剂CHIR99021和Wnt信号通路小分子抑制剂IWP2的方法定向分化人胚胎干细胞为心肌祖细胞和心肌细胞;细胞免疫荧光检测人胚胎干细胞标志物,流式细胞术检测人心肌祖细胞和心肌细胞标志物;应用细胞外流量分析(extracellular flux analysis)方法检测人胚胎干细胞、心肌祖细胞和心肌细胞能量代谢情况.研究发现,人胚胎干细胞干性保持稳定,均表达Nanog、OCT4、SOX2细胞标志物;在向心肌分化过程中,第7 d心肌祖细胞标志物Isl1表达99%以上,分化第14 d心肌细胞标志物cTnT表达83%以上;人胚胎干细胞糖酵解代谢能力最强,心肌细胞线粒体功能最强,心肌祖细胞处于两种代谢方式的过度阶段.因此推断,在人胚胎干细胞向心肌细胞分化的过程中,细胞糖酵解能力逐渐减弱,线粒体氧化磷酸化能力逐渐增强,细胞的能量代谢类型发生转变.本研究旨在优化人胚胎干细胞定向分化为心肌细胞的方法,揭示...  相似文献   

Valve interstitial cells (VICs) are responsible for maintaining the structural integrity and dynamic behaviour of the valve. Telocytes (TCs), a peculiar type of interstitial cells, have been recently identified by Popescu's group in epicardium, myocardium and endocardium (visit www.telocytes.com ). The presence of TCs has been identified in atria, ventricles and many other tissues and organ, but not yet in heart valves. We used transmission electron microscopy and immunofluorescence methods (double labelling for CD34 and c‐kit, or vimentin, or PDGF Receptor‐β) to provide evidence for the existence of TCs in human heart valves, including mitral valve, tricuspid valve and aortic valve. TCs are found in both apex and base of heart valves, with a similar density of 27–28 cells/mm2 in mitral valve, tricuspid valve and aortic valve. Since TCs are known for the participation in regeneration or repair biological processes, it remains to be determined how TCs contributes to the valve attempts to re‐establish normal structure and function following injury, especially a complex junction was found between TCs and a putative stem (progenitor) cell.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of myocardial transplantation of human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)‐derived progenitors and cardiomyocytes into acutely infarcted myocardium in severe combined immune deficiency mice. A total of 2 × 105 progenitors, cardiomyocytes or cell‐free saline were injected into peri‐infarcted anterior free wall. Sham‐operated animals received no injection. Myocardial function was assessed at 2‐week and 4‐week post‐infarction by using echocardiography and pressure‐volume catheterization. Early myocardial remodelling was observed at 2‐week with echocardiography derived stroke volume (SV) in saline (20.45 ± 7.36 μl, P < 0.05) and cardiomyocyte (19.52 ± 3.97 μl, P < 0.05) groups, but not in progenitor group (25.65 ± 3.61 μl), significantly deteriorated as compared to sham control group (28.41 ± 4.41 μl). Consistently, pressure – volume haemodynamic measurements showed worsening chamber dilation in saline (EDV: 23.24 ± 5.01 μl, P < 0.05; ESV: 17.08 ± 5.82 μl, P < 0.05) and cardiomyocyte (EDV: 26.45 ± 5.69 μl, P < 0.05; ESV: 18.03 ± 6.58 μl, P < 0.05) groups by 4‐week post‐infarction as compared to control (EDV: 15.26 ± 2.96 μl; ESV: 8.41 ± 2.94 μl). In contrast, cardiac progenitors (EDV: 20.09 ± 7.76 μl; ESV: 13.98 ± 6.74 μl) persistently protected chamber geometry against negative cardiac remodelling. Similarly, as compared to sham control (54.64 ± 11.37%), LV ejection fraction was preserved in progenitor group from 2‐(38.68 ± 7.34%) to 4‐week (39.56 ± 13.26%) while cardiomyocyte (36.52 ± 11.39%, P < 0.05) and saline (35.34 ± 11.86%, P < 0.05) groups deteriorated early at 2‐week. Improvements of myocardial function in the progenitor group corresponded to increased vascularization (16.12 ± 1.49/mm2 to 25.48 ± 2.08/mm2 myocardial tissue, P < 0.05) and coincided with augmented networking of cardiac telocytes in the interstitial space of infarcted zone.  相似文献   

Telocytes (TCs) are a distinct type of interstitial cells characterized by a small cell body and extremely long and thin telopodes (Tps). The presence of TCs has been documented in many tissues and organs (go to http://www.telocytes.com ). Functionally, TCs form a three‐dimensional (3D) interstitial network by homocellular and heterocellular communication and are involved in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. As important interstitial cells to guide or nurse putative stem and progenitor cells in stem cell niches in a spectrum of tissues and organs, TCs contribute to tissue repair and regeneration. This review focuses on the latest progresses regarding TCs in the repair and regeneration of different tissues and organs, including heart, lung, skeletal muscle, skin, meninges and choroid plexus, eye, liver, uterus and urinary system. By targeting TCs alone or in tandem with stem cells, we might promote regeneration and prevent the evolution to irreversible tissue damage. Exploring pharmacological or non‐pharmacological methods to enhance the growth of TCs would be a novel therapeutic strategy besides exogenous transplantation for many diseased disorders.  相似文献   

Renal interstitial cells play an important role in the physiology and pathology of the kidneys. As a novel type of interstitial cell, telocytes (TCs) have been described in various tissues and organs, including the heart, lung, skeletal muscle, urinary tract, etc. ( www.telocytes.com ). However, it is not known if TCs are present in the kidney interstitium. We demonstrated the presence of TCs in human kidney cortex interstitium using primary cell culture, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and in situ immunohistochemistry (IHC). Renal TCs were positive for CD34, CD117 and vimentin. They were localized in the kidney cortex interstitial compartment, partially covering the tubules and vascular walls. Morphologically, renal TCs resemble TCs described in other organs, with very long telopodes (Tps) composed of thin segments (podomers) and dilated segments (podoms). However, their possible roles (beyond intercellular signalling) as well as their specific phenotype in the kidney remain to be established.  相似文献   

The human heart can be frequently affected by an organ-limited amyloidosis called isolated atrial amyloidosis (IAA). IAA is a frequent histopathological finding in patients with long-standing atrial fibrillation (AF). The aim of this paper was to investigate the ultrastructure of cardiomyocytes and telocytes in patients with AF and IAA. Human atrial biopsies were obtained from 37 patients undergoing cardiac surgery, 23 having AF (62%). Small fragments were harvested from the left and right atrial appendages and from the atrial sleeves of pulmonary veins and processed for electron microscopy (EM). Additional fragments were paraffin embedded for Congo-red staining. The EM examination certified that 17 patients had IAA and 82% of them had AF. EM showed that amyloid deposits, composed of characteristic 10-nm-thick filaments were strictly extra-cellular. Although, under light microscope some amyloid deposits seemed to be located within the cardiomyocyte cytoplasm, EM showed that these deposits are actually located in interstitial recesses. Moreover, EM revealed that telopodes, the long and slender processes of telocytes, usually surround the amyloid deposits limiting their spreading into the interstitium. Our results come to endorse the presumptive association of AF and IAA, and show the exclusive, extracellular localization of amyloid fibrils. The particular connection of telopodes with amyloid deposits suggests their involvement in isolated atrial amyloidosis and AF pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Telocytes (TCs) were previously shown by our group to form a tandem with stem/progenitor cells in cardiac stem cell (CSC) niches, fulfilling various roles in cardiac renewal. Among these, the ability to ‘nurse’ CSCs in situ, both through direct physical contact (junctions) as well as at a distance, by paracrine signalling or through extracellular vesicles containing mRNA. We employed electron microscopy to identify junctions (such as gap or adherens junctions) in a co‐culture of cardiac TCs and CSCs. Gap junctions were observed between TCs, which formed networks, however, not between TCs and CSCs. Instead, we show that TCs and CSCs interact in culture forming heterocellular adherens junctions, as well as non‐classical junctions such as puncta adherentia and stromal synapses. The stromal synapse formed between TCs and CSCs (both stromal cells) was frequently associated with the presence of electron‐dense nanostructures (on average about 15 nm in length) connecting the two opposing membranes. The average width of the synaptic cleft was 30 nm, whereas the average length of the intercellular contact was 5 μm. Recent studies have shown that stem cells fail to adequately engraft and survive in the hostile environment of the injured myocardium, possibly as a result of the absence of the pro‐regenerative components of the secretome (paracrine factors) and/or of neighbouring support cells. Herein, we emphasize the similarities between the junctions described in co‐culture and the junctions identified between TCs and CSCs in situ. Reproducing a CSC niche in culture may represent a viable alternative to mono‐cellular therapies.  相似文献   

Telocytes (TCs) are interstitial cells that are present in numerous organs, including the heart interstitial space and cardiac stem cell niche. TCs are completely different from fibroblasts. TCs release extracellular vesicles that may interact with cardiac stem cells (CSCs) via paracrine effects. Data on the secretory profile of TCs and the bidirectional shuttle vesicular signalling mechanism between TCs and CSCs are scarce. We aimed to characterize and understand the in vitro effect of the TC secretome on CSC fate. Therefore, we studied the protein secretory profile using supernatants from mouse cultured cardiac TCs. We also performed a comparative secretome analysis using supernatants from rat cultured cardiac TCs, a pure CSC line and TCs‐CSCs in co‐culture using (i) high‐sensitivity on‐chip electrophoresis, (ii) surface‐enhanced laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry and (iii) multiplex analysis by Luminex‐xMAP. We identified several highly expressed molecules in the mouse cardiac TC secretory profile: interleukin (IL)‐6, VEGF, macrophage inflammatory protein 1α (MIP‐1α), MIP‐2 and MCP‐1, which are also present in the proteome of rat cardiac TCs. In addition, rat cardiac TCs secrete a slightly greater number of cytokines, IL‐2, IL‐10, IL‐13 and some chemokines like, GRO‐KC. We found that VEGF, IL‐6 and some chemokines (all stimulated by IL‐6 signalling) are secreted by cardiac TCs and overexpressed in co‐cultures with CSCs. The expression levels of MIP‐2 and MIP‐1α increased twofold and fourfold, respectively, when TCs were co‐cultured with CSCs, while the expression of IL‐2 did not significantly differ between TCs and CSCs in mono culture and significantly decreased (twofold) in the co‐culture system. These data suggest that the TC secretome plays a modulatory role in stem cell proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Evidence has been given that the adult heart contains a specific population of stromal cells lying in close spatial relationship with cardiomyocytes and with cardiac stem cells in sub‐epicardial cardiogenic niches. Recently termed ‘telocytes’ because of their long cytoplasmic processes embracing the parenchymal cells, these cells have been postulated to be involved in heart morphogenesis. In our opinion, investigating the occurrence and morphology of telocytes during heart histogenesis may shed further light on this issue. Our findings show that typical telocytes are present in the mouse heart by early embryonic to adult life. These cells closely embrace the growing cardiomyocytes with their long, slender cytoplasmic processes. Hence, in the developing myocardium, telocytes may play nursing and guiding roles for myocardial precursors to form the correct three‐dimensional tissue architectural pattern, as previously suggested.  相似文献   

The sinoatrial node (SAN) is composed mostly of pacemaker, transitional and Purkinje‐like cells. Pacemaker cells, especially in the centre of the SAN, are surrounded by dense fibrous tissue and do not have any contact with transitional cells. We hypothesize that the SAN contains telocytes that have contacts with pacemaker cells and contractile myocardium. Immunohistochemistry using antibodies against HCN4 and antibody combinations against CD34 and HCN4 was carried out on 12 specimens. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) with two mixtures of primary antibodies, namely CD34/S100 and vimentin/S100, was performed in three cases. In two cases, CLSM was carried out with CD117 antibody. Specimens for electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry with HCN4 immunogold labelling were taken from another three patients. In our study, we found cells with the immunophenotype of telocytes in the SAN. There were twice as many of these cells in the centre of the SAN as in the periphery (20.3 ± 4.8 versus 10.8 ± 4.4 per high‐power field). They had close contact with pacemaker cells and contractile cardiomyocytes and expressed HCN4. The ultrastructural characteristics of these cells are identical to those of telocytes observed earlier in other organs. Our study provides evidence that telocytes are present in the SAN.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cell lines, derived from the inner cell mass (ICM) of blastocyst-stage embryos, are pluripotent and have a virtually unlimited capacity for self-renewal and differentiation into all cell types of an embryoproper. Both human and mouse ES cell lines are the subject of intensive investigation for potential applications in developmental biology and medicine. ES cells from both sources differentiate in vitro into cells of ecto-, endoand meso-dermal lineages, and robust cardiomyogenic differentiation is readily observed in spontaneously differentiating ES cells when cultured under appropriate conditions. Molecular, cellular and physiologic analyses demonstrate that ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes are functionally viable and that these cell derivatives exhibit characteristics typical of heart cells in early stages of cardiac development. Because terminal heart failure is characterized by a significant loss of cardiomyocytes, the use of human ES cell-derived progeny represents one possible source for cell transplantation therapies. With these issues in mind, this review will focus on the differentiation of pluripotent embryonic stem cells into cardiomyocytes as a developmental model, and the possible use of ES cell-derived cardiomyocytes as source of donor cells.  相似文献   

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