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Background and Aims

Cutting plant material is essential for observing internal structures and may be difficult for various reasons. Most fixation agents such as aldehydes, as well as embedding resins, do not allow subsequent use of fluorescent staining and make material too soft to make good-quality hand-sections. Moreover, cutting thin roots can be very difficult and time consuming. A new, fast and effective method to provide good-quality sections and fluorescent staining of fresh or fixed root samples, including those of very thin roots (such as Arabidopsis or Noccaea), is described here.


To overcome the above-mentioned difficulties the following procedure is proposed: fixation in methanol (when fresh material cannot be used) followed by en bloc staining with toluidine blue, embedding in 6 % agarose, preparation of free-hand sections of embedded material, staining with fluorescent dye, and observation in a microscope under UV light.

Key Results

Despite eventual slight deformation of primary cell walls (depending on the species and root developmental stage), this method allows effective observation of different structures such as ontogenetic changes of cells along the root axis, e.g. development of xylem elements, deposition of Casparian bands and suberin lamellae in endodermis or exodermis or peri-endodermal thickenings in Noccaea roots.


This method provides good-quality sections and allows relatively rapid detection of cell-wall modifications. Also important is the possibility of using this method for free-hand cutting of extremely thin roots such as those of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Some easily seen structural features of living plant cells are destroyed or badly distorted by most of the common fixatives and embedding media used in plant histology. In stained sections of plant tissues fixed in FAA (formalin-acetic acid-alcohol mixtures) and embedded in paraffin wax, for example, mitochondria and fine transvacuolar strands of cytoplasm are usually not visible. Many structural features such as these can be preserved, however, with suitable fixatives and embedding media. Specifically we recommend fixation in non-coagulant fixatives (e.g., osmium tetroxide, acrolein, glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde) and the use of plastics as embedding media, and we describe in detail a method of fixation in acrolein and embedding in glycol methacrylate polymer. In a wide range of plant specimens prepared in this way, stained sections 1–3 microns thick showed excellent preservation of tissue and cell structures.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of Azotobacter vinelandii was examined using a micro-colony embedding method. With this technique the difficulty of obtaining well preserved bacterial flagella in thin sections of material prepared in the usual fashion for electron microscopy was overcome, as the cells and their appendages were held in their natural position. The insertion of flagella and their substructure as revealed by thin sectioning and negative staining was studied. The results obtained on the fine structure of the flagellum is discussed and a possible interpretation of the arrangement of sub-units is presented in a model. Some new inclusions and membranous structures in the cytoplasm of the cells are described. These structures do not appear to be involved in tellurite reduction. These is no evidence to indicate that the flagellar insertion sites showed any activity of tellurite reduction. Thus in Azotobacter, other systems seem to be responsible for the ability of the cells to reduce tellurite.  相似文献   

Two fixation fluids, two fixation techniques and two embedding methods were investigated for their effects on the quality of sections of teeth for pulpal response to filling materials to improve evaluation of pulpal responses. Sections from 32 baboon teeth were prepared, half with experimental cavities and half without, using either 10% formaldehyde or 4% glutaraldehyde, longitudinal tooth splitting or removal of the tooth apex, and paraffin or K plast resin embedding; decalcification in a formic acid mixture was a constant throughout. Histometric analysis showed that paraffin embedding produced less shrinkage than the K Plast resin embedding although the difference was not statistically significant. Six parameters of separation at the pu1p:dentine interface were studied: embedding, fixative, presence or absence of a cavity, cutting technique and individual animal tooth type. Statistical investigation revealed that fixative, cutting technique, and fixative and cutting technique combined had significant influences on the separation artifact. Of the combinations tested the choice of embedding method depends on which of the two artifacts, shrinkage or separation, is more adverse in the opinion of the investigator. Four percent glutaraldehyde together with the longitudinal split technique of fixation. processed by either K Plast resin embedding or paraffin embedding produced satisfactory pulpal sections.  相似文献   

Two fixation fluids, two fixation techniques and two embedding methods were investigated for their effects on the quality of sections of teeth for pulpal response to filling materials to improve evaluation of pulpal responses. Sections from 32 baboon teeth were prepared, half with experimental cavities and half without, using either 10% formaldehyde or 4% glutaraldehyde, longitudinal tooth splitting or removal of the tooth apex, and paraffin or K plast resin embedding; decalcification in a formic acid mixture was a constant throughout. Histometric analysis showed that paraffin embedding produced less shrinkage than the K Plast resin embedding although the difference was not statistically significant. Six parameters of separation at the pu1p:dentine interface were studied: embedding, fixative, presence or absence of a cavity, cutting technique and individual animal tooth type. Statistical investigation revealed that fixative, cutting technique, and fixative and cutting technique combined had significant influences on the separation artifact. Of the combinations tested the choice of embedding method depends on which of the two artifacts, shrinkage or separation, is more adverse in the opinion of the investigator. Four percent glutaraldehyde together with the longitudinal split technique of fixation. processed by either K Plast resin embedding or paraffin embedding produced satisfactory pulpal sections.  相似文献   

Thin (0.5-1 μ) sections of plastic-embedded, OsO4-fixed tissues were attached to glass slides by heating to 70 C for 1 min. A saturated solution combining toluidine blue and malachite green was prepared in ethanol (8% of each dye) or water (4% of each dye). Methacrylate or epoxy sections were stained in the ethanol solution for 2-5 min. The water solution was more effective for some epoxy sections (10-80 min). Epoxy sections could be mordanted by 2% KMnO4, in acetone (1 min) before use of the aqueous dye, reducing staining time to 5-10 min and improving contrast. Aqueous basic fuchsin (4%) was used as the counter-stain in all cases; staining time varied from 1-30 min depending upon the embedding medium and desired effects, methacrylate sections requiring the least time. In the completed stain, nuclei were blue to violet; erythrocytes and mitochondria, green; collagen and elastic tissue, magenta; and much and cartilage, bright cherry red. Sections were coated with an acrylic resin spray and examined or photographed with an oil-immersion lens.  相似文献   

Laser microdissection (LM) combined with microarray analysis or next-generation sequencing of cDNA is a powerful tool for understanding molecular events in individual cell types of plants as well as animals. Obtaining high quality RNA is essential for this approach. For plant tissues, paraffin-embedded sections better preserve cell structure than do frozen sections. However, the conventional method for preparing paraffin sections is a lengthy process involving embedding the tissue and floating and drying the sections, during which time RNA degradation occurs. Here, we describe a method for preparing serial sections that greatly reduces RNA degradation: we reduced (1) the embedding time from 4–6 days to about 5 h by using a recently developed microwave method; (2) the time of floating sections from ~10 min to less than 5 min, (3) the drying time from ~12 to 1 h; and (4) the drying temperature from 42 to 4°C. With this method, we were able to isolate higher integrity RNA from many kinds of plant tissues than is typically obtained by the conventional paraffin preparation method. The improvement in RNA quality and yield removes a major obstacle to the widespread use of LM with high-throughput technologies for plants.  相似文献   

Flavescence dorée (FD), a grapevine yellows disease, is caused by a mycoplasma-like organism (MLO). A colloidal gold indirect immunolabeling technique identified MLO in salivary glands of a vector leafhopper, Euscelidius variegatus. After aldehyde fixation, tissue samples were prepared by cryoultramicrotomy or embedding in acrylic resins. Double fixation with aldehydes and osmium retroxide, followed by embedding in epon, was also performed. Thin or semi-thin serial sections were treated with polyclonal anti-FD-MLO rabbit antibodies, then with gold-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG. Labeling was revealed using the silver enhancement technique for light microscopy. MLO in frozen thin sections of glands were efficiently labeled. Optimal results were obtained with 4% paraformaldehyde-0.1% glutaraldehyde fixation and low-temperature embedding in LR White resin. Both scattered MLO and unusual dense forms of MLO were easily detected with the electron-dense gold probe. This method distinguished MLO from other membrane-limited bodies and provided a good tool for studying infection in large regions of FD-infected tissues by light microscopy.  相似文献   

The use of butyl-methyl-methacrylate embedding and the application of the silver methenamine (SM) method as a poststaining of the immunoperoxidase-DAB (IP) procedure led to the standardization of several useful methods for the visualization of tissue antigens at the light and electron microscope level. These procedures included: 1) Standardization of the actual methacrylate embedding; 2) The IP-SM method with and without periodic acid oxidation, which provided 100% intensification of the IP staining; 3) The IP-SM method made it possible to stain semithin sections (0.5 micron), and this in turn, permitted a) clear visualization under the light microscope of the intracellular distribution of antigens and, b) staining, in several adjacent sections, of roughly the same cytoplasmic region of the same cell with different primary antisera; 4) a double immunostaining whereby the first antigen in the sequence was revealed by the IP-SM method and the second by the IP procedure; 5) standardization of the IP and the IP-SM methods for post-embedding staining of ultrathin methacrylate sections. The combined application of methacrylate embedding and the IP-SM, and the use of an appropriate fixative, resulted in an ultrastructural immunocytochemical procedure characterized by a good immunoreactivity of the tissue sections, a strong and selective immunoreaction and a well preserved ultrastructure.  相似文献   

Methylmethacrylate (MMA) is the most commonly used embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone; however, a number of problems exist with its use in a research laboratory. MMA requires a long infiltration time and temperature control, and it reacts with many polymers. We used Kleer Set resin™ as an alternative embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone specimens. Fluorochrome labeled bone specimens were sectioned transversely using a ground section technique and longitudinally on a sledge macrotome. The slides were viewed using both transmitted light and epifluorescence microscopy. High quality sections were obtained using Kleer Set resin™ for both sectioning techniques. We have shown that this new embedding medium is simpler, safer, quicker to use and does not interfere with visualization of fluorochromes.  相似文献   

A modified fixative of formalin dichromate was combined with a cold embedding procedure for the preservation of bovine leucocyte surface antigens. Fourteen monoclonal antibodies recognizing seven bovine leucocyte surface antigens (BoCD1w2, BoCD4, BoCD8, BoWC1, BoWC3, BoWC4 and BoIgM) were applied as primary antisera in a sensitive avidin--biotin--peroxidase complex detection method. The staining results were compared with those obtained in cryostat and routinely formalin-fixed sections of corresponding tissue samples. Using the modified formalin dichromate fixative and the cold embedding procedure, all the leucocyte surface antigens tested were detectable immunohistologically in paraffin sections with a generally more distinct staining than in traditionally processed tissues. Morphological structures were better preserved than in cryostat sections but, to some extent, were poorer when compared with routinely formalin-fixed tissues. However, this method suggests that there are only mild masking effects and provides an alternative to the use of unfixed material, particularly for morphological--immunohistochemical investigations  相似文献   

Methylmethacrylate (MMA) is the most commonly used embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone; however, a number of problems exist with its use in a research laboratory. MMA requires a long infiltration time and temperature control, and it reacts with many polymers. We used Kleer Set resin as an alternative embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone specimens. Fluorochrome labeled bone specimens were sectioned transversely using a ground section technique and longitudinally on a sledge macrotome. The slides were viewed using both transmitted light and epifluorescence microscopy. High quality sections were obtained using Kleer Set resin for both sectioning techniques. We have shown that this new embedding medium is simpler, safer, quicker to use and does not interfere with visualization of fluorochromes.  相似文献   

A protocol is described for RNA in situ hybridization using thin sections prepared by Technovit resin. Technovit is a widely used resin for histological examinations. Since it does not require time-consuming processes such as removal of the resin and can be performed without high temperature treatment, a high resolution of sections could be possible compared to other resins and paraffin. Thin sections (approximately 4 m) were made from inflorescences of Arabidopsis thaliana embedded in Technovit 8100 resin, and in situ hybridization was performed using the protocol described in this article. Hybridization signals were observed using LEAFY and other genes as probes, showing that this resin can be used for in situ analysis. In our experiments, the most important factor for a successful in situ hybridization pattern was to optimize the RNase A concentration after hybridization. We routinely used RNase A at a concentration of 2–5 ng/ml, a concentration much lower than that used for paraffin embedding method. Thus, the use of the Technovit resin for plant tissue embedding results in a faster protocol and greater quality than allowed by paraffin sections.  相似文献   

The use of 2-hydroxyethyl-methacrylate (GMA) as embedding medium for histological investigations in phytopathology A new plastic embedding technique is described for subsequent thin sectioning of plant tissues. In comparison to the paraffinmethod the GMA polymerization system is less time consuming. The excellent preservation of well-fixed tissue is fully asserted, as the embedding medium is not removed from the sections. In lightmicroscopic studies convincing results were obtained with different staining procedures; specific evidence for polysaccharides, pectine and nucleic acids was carried out with thin sections of 2-8 μm thickness, also by fluorescence microscopy. The GMA-embedding technique seems to be of value for various histological investigations in phytopathology.  相似文献   

An embedding technique has been developed to overcome difficulties that confront light and electron microscopists working with so-called “hard-to-embed” plant tissue. The method was originally described for freeze-dried material. It uses a modified Quickfit Rotaflo Valve and low heat to generate high pressure to aid in the infiltration and embedding of tissue with propylene oxide and plastic. The technique is not too cumbersome and requires 6 days from the dehydration step to the end of the polymerization process. Thick sections (1-2 μm) obtained from material prepared by this method stain readily with toluidine blue, and thin sections for the electron microscope stain satisfactorily following standard treatment with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The thin sections are stable under the beam of the electron microscope. Results indicate that the quality of tissue preservation with this high pressure embedding technique is as good as that observed using standard embedding methods for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Methylmethacrylate (MMA) is the most commonly used embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone; however, a number of problems exist with its use in a research laboratory. MMA requires a long infiltration time and temperature control, and it reacts with many polymers. We used Kleer Set resin? as an alternative embedding medium for sectioning undecalcified bone specimens. Fluorochrome labeled bone specimens were sectioned transversely using a ground section technique and longitudinally on a sledge macrotome. The slides were viewed using both transmitted light and epifluorescence microscopy. High quality sections were obtained using Kleer Set resin? for both sectioning techniques. We have shown that this new embedding medium is simpler, safer, quicker to use and does not interfere with visualization of fluorochromes.  相似文献   

Thin sections of the red alga, Lomentaria baileyana, a tubular member of the Rhodymeniales, were examined after permanganate fixation and Araldite embedding. Many of the cellular structures in Lomentaria were found to be similar to analogous structures in animals and higher plants. However, in the walls between cells are modified areas generally known as pits which are unique to the higher orders of red algae (Florideae). In this study the pits were found to consist of a plug-like structure surrounded by an uninterrupted membrane apparently continuous with the plasma membrane. Examination of the chromatophore revealed a characteristic limiting membrane, a relatively sparse distribution of plates, no grana, and a single disc apparently oriented parallel to the limiting membrane. In addition to their origin from non-lamellate proplastids, chromatophores were found capable of division by simple constriction. Floridean starch grains were observed outside the chromatophore and the possibility of an association of the first formed grains with portions of the endoplasmic reticulum is considered. Gland cells seem to have a high proportion of Golgi components (dictyosomes), and are believed to have some kind of secretory function. Many of the Golgi vesicles seem to open on the wall and presumably discharge their contents.  相似文献   

Summary The use of butyl-methyl-methacrylate embedding and the application of the silver methenamine (SM) method as a poststaining of the immunoperoxidase-DAB (IP) procedure led to the standardization of several useful methods for the visualization of tissue antigents at the light and electron microscope level. These procedures included: 1) Standardization of the actual methacrylate embedding; 2) The IP-SM method with an without periodic acid oxidation, which provided 100% intensification of the IP staining; 3) The IP-SM method made it possible to stain semithin sections (0.5 m), and this in turn, permitted a) clear visualization under the light microscope of the intracellular distribution of antigens and, b) staining, in several adjacent sections, of roughly the same cytoplasmic region of the same cell with different primary antisera; 4) a double immunostaining whereby the first antigen in the sequence was revealed by the IP-SM method and the second by the IP procedure: 5) standardization of the IP and the IP-SM methods for post-embedding staining of ultrathin methacrylate sections.The combined application of methacrylate embedding and the IP-SM, and the use of an appropriate fixative, resulted in an ultrastructural immunocytochemical procedure characterized by a good immunoreactivity of the tissue sections, a strong and selective immunoreaction and a well preserved ultrastructure.Supported by Grant RS-82-18 from Dirección de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile  相似文献   

A method is described for mounting Golgi-impregnated and Weigert-stained thick celloidin sections of brain and spinal cord in transparent plastic. Finished mounts have good optical properties and are suitable for macroscopic and microscopic observation. The durability of such preparations makes them superior to similar material prepared by the more conventional methods. Holes of suitable size were cut in matrices of 2.5 × 5 × 3/16 inches Plexiglas. Ward's Bio-plastic was used to form a base for the holes and also as the embedding medium for the sections. Plate glass formed a working substrate and gave a polished surface to the plastic base and later to the top of the preparation. For Golgi material (200μ) the celloidin was removed by dioxane. A dioxane-plastic bath preceded plastic embedding. For Weigert material (30-40μ) celloidin was not removed due to fragility of sections. Prior to plastic embedding, they were subjected first to benzol and then to a benzol-plastic bath.  相似文献   

Glycol methacrylate, while offering certain advantages over paraffin as an embedding medium, is difficult to use because it will not ribbon. Rohde (1965) developed a method for producing ribbons of methacrylate sections, but we had little success with it because the ribbons tended to fall apart when even slight stresses were applied to them. We have therefore made use of the principle of double embedding, as this has been used for obtaining serial sections of material embedded in nitrocellulose.  相似文献   

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