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As initial steps toward understanding the regulation and function of the stringent starvation protein (SSP) of Escherichia coli, we have isolated the ssp gene (encoding SSP), defined the operon in which ssp is found, and created insertion-deletion mutations of the ssp gene in recBC, sbc and recD strains by linear DNA transformation. During attempts to move the insertion-deletion structure to other strains by P1 transduction, we found that P1 was unable to form plaques on hosts lacking an intact ssp gene. The delta ssp mutation, however, did not affect transduction of the delta ssp strains and mutant strains were able to support lysogenic P1. When P1 lytic growth was induced, an increase in P1 DNA was detected without lysis or plaque formation. Examination of proteins synthesized in the delta ssp host during induction revealed the absence of P1 late gene products. Also, the apparent continued synthesis of early gene products during late time points was observed in the delta ssp host. The results reported here suggest that the defect in P1 lytic growth brought about by the absence of SSP occurs at the point at which bacteriophage P1 shifts from early to late gene expression. We also report the results of experiments on stable RNA synthesis following amino acid (aa) starvation induced by serine hydroxamate, and experiments on stable RNA synthesis following resupplementation of a limiting aa. These experiments show that SSP is not involved in stable RNA synthesis. Additionally, complementation studies have shown that ssp is identical to the previously described pog gene of E. coli.  相似文献   

The influence of amino acid starvation on polysome content was examined in relaxed and stringent strains of Escherichia coli which were isogenic for the RC locus. No difference was observed between the polysome profiles obtained from two different sets of stringent and relaxed strains starved for the same amino acid. In both relaxed and stringent strains, starvation for amino acids other than methionine resulted in only a slight breakdown of polysomes with a concomitant increase of 70S ribosomes. However, starvation for methionine in both RC stringent and relaxed strains of E. coli resulted in a more extensive degradation of polysomes and accumulation of 70S ribosomes. The 70S ribosomes obtained as a result of methionine starvation were more sensitive to degradation to 50 and 30S subunits in 10(-3)m Mg(2+) than 70S monomers obtained either by degradation of polysomes with ribonuclease or by starvation of cells for amino acids other than methionine. The 70S ribosomes from methionine starvation were similar (sensitivity to 10(-3)m Mg(2+)) to 70S ribosomes obtained from cells in which initiation of protein synthesis had been prevented by trimethoprim, an inhibitor of formylation. Since N-formyl-methionyl-transfer ribonucleic acid is required for initiation, the 70S ribosomes obtained in both methionine-starved and trimethoprim-treated cells must result from association of 50 and 30S subunits for reasons other than reinitiation. These results suggest that the level of ribonucleic acid synthesis does not influence the distribution of ribosomes in the polysome profile and vice versa.  相似文献   

Cloning of the gene for Escherichia coli glutamyl-tRNA synthetase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H Sanfa?on  S Levasseur  P H Roy  J Lapointe 《Gene》1983,22(2-3):175-180
The structural gene for the glutamyl-tRNA synthetase of Escherichia coli has been cloned in E. coli strain JP1449, a thermosensitive mutant altered in this enzyme. Ampicillin-resistant and tetracycline-sensitive thermoresistant colonies were selected following the transformation of JP1449 by a bank of hybrid plasmids containing fragments from a partial Sau3A digest of chromosomal DNA inserted into the BamHI site of pBR322. One of the selected clones, HS7611, has a level of glutamyl-tRNA synthetase activity more than 20 times higher than that of a wild-type strain. The overproduced enzyme has the same molecular weight and is as thermostable as that of a wild-type strain, indicating that the complete structural gene is present in the insert. These characteristics were lost by curing this clone of its plasmid with acridine orange, and were transferred with high efficiency to the mutant strain JP1449 by transformation with the purified plasmid. A physical map of the plasmid, which contains an insert of about 2.7 kb in length, is presented.  相似文献   

Summary The gene for Escherichia coli ribosomal protein S15 (rpsO) was cloned on the vector pBR322 from F-prime JCH55 DNA. The recombinant plasmid was transformed to Serratia marcescens cells and it was proved that E. coli S15 was synthesized and incorporated into ribosome particles in S. marcescens cells. A DNA fragment containing rpsO was also inserted into the vector pRF3, which changes its copy number depending on the growth temperature in a temperature-sensitive polA host. By use of this recombinant plasmid it was shown that the relative synthesis rate of S15 increased about twice even when the copy number of the plasmid increased more than twenty-fold.  相似文献   

The skp gene encoding the 17 K protein, a basic DNA-binding nucleoid-associated protein of Escherichia coli, was cloned as part of a 2.3-kb genomic fragment. The gene was sequenced and a polypeptide of 161 amino acids (aa) was deduced from the nucleotide sequence. The primary translation product was processed by cutting off the N-terminal 20 aa residues, yielding a mature polypeptide of 141 aa. The Mr of the mature polypeptide was 15674. An E. coli transformant containing the skp gene on the plasmid pGAH317 was shown to overproduce the gene product some 20-fold.  相似文献   

The stringent response is important for bacterial survival under stressful conditions, such as amino acid starvation, and is characterized by the accumulation of ppGpp and pppGpp. ObgE (CgtA, YhbZ) is an essential conserved GTPase in Escherichia coli and several observations have implicated the protein in the control of the stringent response. However, consequences of the protein on specific responses to amino acid starvation have not been noted. We show that ObgE binds to ppGpp with biologically relevant affinity in vitro , implicating ppGpp as an in vivo ligand of ObgE. ObgE mutants increase the ratio of pppGpp to ppGpp within the cell during the stringent response. These changes are correlated with a delayed inhibition of DNA replication by the stringent response, delayed resumption of DNA replication after release, as well as a decreased survival after amino acid deprivation. With these data, we place ObgE as an active effector of the response to amino acid starvation in vivo . Our data correlate the pppGpp/ppGpp ratio with DNA replication control under bacterial starvation conditions, suggesting a possible role for the relative balance of these two nucleotides.  相似文献   

Cloning of the exonuclease III gene of Escherichia coli   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
S G Rogers  B Weiss 《Gene》1980,11(3-4):187-195

Summary In Escherichia coli the iron uptake systems are regulated by the fur gene product. The synthesis of the outer membrane proteins fiu, fepA, fecA, fhuA, fhuE and cir is derepressed at low iron concentrations in the medium or constitutive in a fur mutant. The fur gene region cloned into pACYC184 was analysed by restriction analysis, Tn1000 mutagenesis and complementation studies. The presence of fur + plasmids repressed synthesis of the proteins fepA, fecA, fhuE and cir in a chromosomal fur mutant. More quantitatively, the repression to wild-type levels was shown with lac fusions to the genes fiu, fepA and cir. In minicells an 18,000 dalton protein was identified as the fur gene product. Correlated with the fur protein a slightly smaller protein, possibly a degradation product, was observed. The gene fur was mapped on the E. coli chromosome near nagA at about 15.5 min.  相似文献   

Summary From libraries of EcoRI fragments of Salmonella thyphimurium and Escherichia coli DNA in gt7, phages could be isolated that carry mglB, the structural gene of the galactose-binding protein as well as other mgl genes. Lysogenization of an E. coli mutant carrying a defective galactose-binding protein with gt7 mglB (Salmonella) restores full galactose transport and galactose chemotaxis. Both the E. coli mutant protein as well as the wild-type Salmonella galactose-binding protein are synthesized in this strain. The EcoR1 fragments of both organisms carrying the mgl genes were 6 Kb long. They were subcloned into the multicopy plasmid pACUC184. The hybrid plasmid containing the Salmonella mgl DNA gives rise to the synthesis of large amounts of galactose-binding protein in the periplasm of E. coli. The protein can be precipitated by antibodies against the E. coli binding protein and is identical to the fully processed protein isolated from Salmonella typhimurium LT2. In vitro protein synthesis (Zubay-system) with either gt7 mgl phages as well as the hybrid plasmid as DNA matrix produces the galactose-binding protein mainly in precursor form that is precipitable by specific antibodies.  相似文献   

Cloning of the ethidium efflux gene from Escherichia coli   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The gene specifying the ethidium efflux system of Escherichia coli has been cloned on a 3.2 kbp HindIII fragment and located on a 1.2 kbp fragment within this. Cross-resistance studies indicate that the system has a broad specificity for monovalent cations and the gene shows no hybridisation with similar genes found in Staphylococci.  相似文献   

Gene ftsZ responsible for division of bacterial cells was revealed in most prokaryote groups. A 520-bp fragment of the ftsZ gene was amplified on the template of A. laidlawii DNA using degenerate primers. This fragment was sequenced and served as a hybridization probe for cloning of the full-sized copy of the A. laidlawii ftsZ gene. The amplified fragment was cloned in a pGEX3X vector and expressed in E. coli cells. Polyclonal antibodies derived from the chimeric polypeptide containing a fragment of A. laidlawii FtsZ protein interacted only with the A. laidlawii protein with molecular mass of 40 kDa. Comparison of nucleotide sequences of the ftsZ-gene region of A. laidlawii and other bacterial species showed that they were highly homologous in A. laidlawii, E. coli, and Bac. subtilis, while low homology was revealed between the A. laidlawii sequence and those of the members of the genus Mycoplasma. Analysis of the ftsZ-gene nucleotide sequences is suggested as a means to study the evolutionary relatedness of prokaryotes.  相似文献   

A gene bank of Staphylococcus aureus strain Cowan I was established using an E. coli HB101/pBR327 host-vector system. Recombinants expressing staphylococcal protein A (SPA) were detected using an IgG-binding assay. A 3.2 Kb DNA fragment directing the synthesis of SPA in E. coli was identified. SPA produced by E. coli was characterised in minicells and by Western blotting and double diffusion experiments.  相似文献   

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