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Isoenzyme analysis using isoelectrofocusing in polyacrylamide gels was used to distinguish Hammondia hammondi and Toxoplasma gondii sporozoites. Five enzyme systems were studied: aconitase (EC, aspartate aminotransferase (EC, glucose phosphate isomerase (EC, lactate dehydrogenase (EC, and phosphoglucomutase (EC Three stocks of T. gondii belonging to 3 zymodemes were compared to 1 stock of H. hammondi. Hammondia hammondi differed from T. gondii at all 5 loci analyzed. This was observed for all 3 zymodemes of T. gondii. These results indicated clear genetic differences between the 2 species.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite, infects a wide variety of mammals and birds. Although T. gondii infects the brain and muscles in its latent cyst form containing bradyzoite stage parasites during chronic infection, when a chronically infected host becomes immunodeficient or is preyed upon by a predator, the latent cyst undergoes excystation. However, it is not yet known how T. gondii recognises the triggers of excystation in the microenvironment surrounding the cyst. In this study, we incubated T. gondii cysts from host cells in several solutions containing a variety of ionic compositions. Excystation occurred in a solution with an ionic composition which mimicked that of the extracellular environment. However, excystation did not occur in a solution that mimicked the intracellular environment. We also found that the specific Na+/K+ ratio and the presence of Ca2+, mimicking the extracellular environment, are required to trigger excystation. To examine whether the stage conversion of bradyzoite to tachyzoite occurs prior to egress, we constructed a gene-modified T. gondii strain expressing a green fluorescent protein specifically in the tachyzoite stage. During the process of cyst reactivation of this strain, green fluorescence was detected prior to excystation. This suggests that stage conversion from bradyzoite to tachyzoite occurs prior to cyst disruption. These results indicate that T. gondii bradyzoites monitor the ionic composition of their surroundings to recognise their expulsion from host cells, to effectively time their excystation and stage conversion.  相似文献   

As an in vitro excystor, sodium taurodeoxycholate (TDC) released 80--90% Eimeria tenella sporozites, in contrast to 0--15% excystation by six other bile salts or bile extracts, and pooled chicken bile in 90 min at 37 C with continuous agitation. Pooled chicken bile required 4 to 4 1/2 hr to excyst similar percentages of sporozoites. Prolonged incubation with other bile salts and bile extracts excysted most sporozoites, but killed them. When the incubation temperature was raised to 44 C, TDC excysted 100% of the sporozoites in 60 min. In all other bile salts or bile extracts, the percentage of excystation increased greatly at 44 C, but none equalled that of TDC. The molecular similarity of TDC to a naturally occurring bile salt of chickens is presented as an explanation for the superior performance of TDC as an excystor. Data are examined to minimize the possibility that excysting activity of TDC can be attributed to other bile salts present at impurities.  相似文献   

Cytoskeleton of Toxoplasma gondii   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The cytoskeleton of Toxoplasma gondii was studied by electron microscopy using whole mounts of detergent-extracted parasites and thin sections of routine preparations, tannic acid-stained organisms, and detergent-extracted parasites. In whole mounts, the spiral arrangement of the 22 pellicular microtubules closely corresponded to the pattern of surface ridges seen previously by scanning electron microscopy and reflected the torsion of the parasite body during locomotion. The microtubules had free posterior ends and were anchored anteriorly in the polar ring, presumed to be a microtubule organizing center (MTOC). The insertions of the microtubules were supported by blunt projections of the polar ring, forming a cogwheel pattern in transverse view. The internal microtubules had 13 protofilaments and were twice the length of the conoid. They extended through the conoid and ended at the anterior preconoidal ring, presumably a second MTOC. The subunits of the conoid were arranged in a counterclockwise spiral when traced from base to tip, as were the pellicular microtubules. We postulate that as the conoid moves, the polar ring complex moves along the spiral pathway of the conoid subunits. Retraction of the conoid would then rotate the polar ring, producing the torsion of the body we observed by SEM.  相似文献   

Tissue cyst formation by a goat isolate (GT-1) of Toxoplasma gondii was examined in bovine monocyte, human fetal lung, and Madin-Darby bovine kidney cell cultures. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cat feeding studies indicated that tissue cysts were present in all 3 cell lines examined. Tissue cysts were first seen 3 days postinoculation (PI) using TEM. Standard cell culture procedures were used and no additional condition was needed to induce tissue cyst formation. Cats fed cell cultures excreted T. gondii oocysts in their feces 5-7 days PI. These oocysts caused lethal infections in mice. Tissue cysts were produced in cell cultures regardless if the initiating inoculum consisted of bradyzoites, sporozoites, or a mixture of bradyzoites and tachyzoites. Tissue cyst formation has been followed through 40 subpassages of infected cells. By TEM tissue cysts still were present after 40 passages, but when 40th-passaged cultures were fed to cats, oocytsts were not excreted. This indicates that the parasite had become oocystless after repeated passage in vitro.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoite-bradyzoite interconversion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During infection in the intermediate host, Toxoplasma gondii undergoes stage conversion between the rapidly dividing tachyzoite that is responsible for acute toxoplasmosis and the slowly replicating, encysted bradyzoite stage. This process of tachyzoite-bradyzoite interconversion is central to the pathogenesis and longevity of infection. Recent research has identified several stage-specific genes and proteins. However, despite recent advances in the understanding of Toxoplasma cell biology, more research is necessary to elucidate the complex events occurring during tachyzoite-bradyzoite interconversion. Here, a brief summary of this process is provided and a new method to characterize gene expression during interconversion is introduced.  相似文献   

The emergence of Toxoplasma gondii as a major opportunistic organism in immunocompromised individuals and the steady increase in economic losses due to animal toxoplasmosis have fuelled the interest in vaccine development. In this review, Fausto Araujo addresses aspects of vaccination against T. gondii with regard to the problem posed by this parasite to pregnant women and to severely immunocompromised individuals.  相似文献   

Zymogram patterns of nine strains of Toxoplasma gondii were studied using the API enzyme research kit. This system uses chromogenic substrates to detect the presence or absence of 84 enzymes. Enzyme classes assayed for included amino-peptidases, glycosidases, esterases, lipases, phosphoamidase and phosphatases.
All strains were positive for 24 enzymes: 15 arylamidases, seven esterases, alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase. In contrast, 27 enzyme tests were negative in all strains. Thirty-three enzymatic reactions were different in one or more strains.  相似文献   

Lytic Cycle of Toxoplasma gondii   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular pathogen within the phylum Apicomplexa. This protozoan parasite is one of the most widespread, with a broad host range including many birds and mammals and a geographic range that is nearly worldwide. While infection of healthy adults is usually relatively mild, serious disease can result in utero or when the host is immunocompromised. This sophisticated eukaryote has many specialized features that make it well suited to its intracellular lifestyle. In this review, we describe the current knowledge of how the asexual tachyzoite stage of Toxoplasma attaches to, invades, replicates in, and exits the host cell. Since this process is closely analogous to the way in which viruses reproduce, we refer to it as the Toxoplasma “lytic cycle.”  相似文献   

Parasite differentiation is commonly associated with transitions between complex life cycle stages and with long-term persistence in the host, and it is therefore critical for pathogenesis. In the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii, interconversion between rapidly growing tachyzoites and latent encysted bradyzoites is accompanied by numerous morphological and metabolic adaptations. In order to explore early cell biological events associated with this differentiation process, we have exploited fluorescent reporter proteins targeted to various subcellular locations. Combining these markers with efficient in vitro differentiation and time-lapse video microscopy provides a dynamic view of bradyzoite development in living cultures, demonstrating subcellular reorganization, maintenance of the mitochondrion, and missegregation of the apicoplast. Bradyzoites divide asynchronously, using both endodyogeny and endopolygeny, and are highly motile both within and between host cells. Cysts are able to proliferate without passing through an intermediate tachyzoite stage, via both the migration of free bradyzoites and the fission of bradyzoite cysts, suggesting a mechanism for dissemination during chronic infection.  相似文献   

Specific pathogen-free domestic cats were fed with tissue cysts containing Toxoplasma gondii. In two infected cats large numbers of oocysts were produced in the faeces; no oocysts were observed in the faeces of the uninfected control cat. Five days after the feeding of the toxoplasms profuse schizogonic and gametogonic stages were observed in the epithelial cells of the small intestine of one infected cat. A single schizont was observed in an intestinal epithelial cell of a second cat six days after being fed the tissue cysts. There was no evidence of schizogony or gametogony in the uninfected control cat. The stages observed in the intestinal epithelium are identical with those of the well-known endogenous cycles of coccidian parasites. The appearance of these stages, together with the nature of the oocyst, indicates that T. gondii is a coccidian parasite closely related to the genus Isospora.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton of Toxoplasma gondii was studied by electron microscopy using 1) whole mounts of detergent-extracted parasites and 2) thin sections of routine preparations, tannic acid-stained organisms, and detergent-extracted parasites. In whole mounts, the spiral arrangement of the 22 pellicular microtubules closely corresponded to the pattern of surface ridges seen previously by scanning electron microscopy and reflected the torsion of the parasite body during locomotion. The microtubules had free posterior ends and were anchored anteriorly in the polar ring, presumed to be a microtubule organizing center (MTOC). The insertions of the microtubules were supported by blunt projections of the polar ring, forming a cogwheel pattern in transverse view. The internal microtubules had 13 protofilaments and were twice the length of the conoid. They extended through the conoid and ended at the anterior preconoidal ring, presumably a second MTOC. The subunits of the conoid were arranged in a counterclockwise spiral when traced from base to tip, as were the pellicular microtubules. We postulate that as the conoid moves, the polar ring complex moves along the spiral pathway of the conoid subunits. Retraction of the conoid would then rotate the polar ring, producing the torsion of the body we observed by SEM.  相似文献   

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