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RFLPs of cpDNA were examined for 18 species ofAster, six species ofKalimeris, two species ofMiyamayomena and one species and one variety ofHeteropappus from Japan, using 16 restriction endonucleases. Approximately 275 restriction sites were surveyed, and a total of 74 restriction
site mutations was detected, and 31 of these were phylogenetically informative. Sixteen most parsimonious trees constructed
from Wagner parsimony analysis indicated the polyphyly ofKalimeris andMiyamayomena sensu Kitamura;K. miqueliana belongs to a different clade from the remaining species ofKalimeris, and two species ofMiyamayomena did not make a single clade. This result suggests that the shortening or loss of pappus have happened parallelly in different
evolutionary lineages. We must be careful to assess the pappus character in taxonomy and phylogeny, and it is desirable to
examine their phylogenetic relationships using a molecular data. 相似文献
M. J. Havey 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1991,81(6):752-757
Summary The genus Allium contains many economically important species, including the bulb onion, chive, garlic, Japanese bunching onion, and leek. Phylogenetic relationships among the cultivated alliums are not well understood, and taxonomic classifications are based on relatively few morphological characters. Chloroplast DNA is highly conserved and useful in determining phylogenetic relationships. The size of the chloroplast genome of Allium cepa was estimated at 140 kb and restriction enzyme sites were mapped for KpnI, PstI, PvuII, SalI, XbaI, and XhoI. Variability at restriction enzyme sites in the chloroplast DNA was studied for at least three accessions of each of six cultivated, old-world Allium species. Of 189 restriction enzyme sites detected with 12 enzymes, 15 mutations were identified and used to estimate phylogenetic relationships. Cladistic analysis based on Wagner and Dollo parsimony resulted in a single, most-parsimonious tree of 16 steps and supported division of the species into sections. Allium species in section Porrum were distinguished from species in sections Cepa and Phyllodolon. Two species in section Rhiziridium, A. schoenoprasum and A. tuberosum, differed by five mutations and were placed in separate lineages. Allium cepa and A. fistulosum shared the loss of a restriction enzyme site and were phylogenetically closer to each other than to A. schoenoprasum. This study demonstrates the usefulness of restriction enzyme site analysis of the chloroplast genome in the elucidation of phylogenetic relationships in Allium. 相似文献
Molecular phylogeny in the Lardizabalaceae 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rumiko Kofuji Kunihiko Ueda Kazuo Yamaguchi Tatemi Shimizu 《Journal of plant research》1994,107(3):339-348
Eleven species belonging to seven genera in the Lardizabalaceae were analyzed in terms of restriction fragment length polymorphism
(RFLP) of chloroplast DNA and the sequence of the chloroplast gene,rbcL, of Lardizabalaceae and its related families. Phylogenetic trees inferred from parsimony, neighbor joining and maximum likelihood
methods based on RFLP data showed that two South American genera,Boquila andLardizabala, and three East Asian genera,Akebia, Holboellia andStauntonia are closely related to each other, respectively. On the other hand, the parsimony, neighbor joining and maximum likelihood
trees constructed using sequence data of therbcL gene showed thatAkebia, Stauntonia, Boquila andLardizabala clustered as(((Akebia, Stauntonia), Boquila), Lardizabala). This difference may be attributable to fewer informative sites inrbcL genes than in RFLP in this family.Decaisnea diverges at the very base of the Lardizabalaceae. 相似文献
Iva s.str. (comprising ten species) was examined by cpDNA restriction site variation to determine phyletic relationships within the group. The results were compared with relationships proposed from other data. A total of 86 restriction site mutations was detected, 47 of which proved phylogenetically informative. A single most parsimonious tree was obtained using both Wagner and Dollo parsimony. The tree revealed three main lineages that are congruent with the three chromosome lineages (base numbers of x = 16, 17, 18). The monophyly of the x = 16 and 18 groups was supported strongly by molecular data, while the monophyly of x = 17 lineage was only supported moderately. Relationships among the three lineages indicate that the sect.Iva is paraphyletic because sect.Linearbractea is nested within it. Both morphological data and the secondary chemical data are in agreement with the proposed cpDNA phylogeny. Because of this agreement, sect.Iva is revised such that,I. axillaris was excluded and positioned within the newly proposed sect.Rhizoma. Patterns and rates of cpDNA evolution were also examined. The results indicated an uneven evolution in the chloroplast genome with different rates of cpDNA evolution in at least a few species ofIva. However, the evolutionary clock hypothesis can not be rejected within most of the lineages inIva. 相似文献
R. Perl-Treves D. Zamir N. Navot E. Galun 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1985,71(3):430-436
Summary An electrophoretic comparison of 29 nuclear-coded enzymes was carried out for 21 Cucumis species, and a phylogeny based on pairwise measurements of the respective genetic distances was computed. This phylogeny was compared to the one based on chlDNA cariation (Perl-Treves and Galun 1985). The two phylogenies were found to share the main dendrogram features; they also agree well with most taxonomic data available on Cucumis. Accordingly, most of the African Cucumis species form a close group (Anguria group — Group A), which is distant from the melon (C. melo), and from a few other distinct species, all of which are far apart from each other. The cucumber (C. sativus) is the most distant species within the genus. Some specific taxonomic implications as well as some general evolutionary problems related to such a parallel investigation of the nuclear genome and the plastome are evaluated.This publication is dedicated to Dr. T. W. Whitaker, with appreciation to his many contributions to genetics and taxonomy of Cucurbitaceae 相似文献
Jan Thomas Johansson 《Plant Systematics and Evolution》1998,213(1-2):1-19
A chloroplast DNA restriction site map forRanunculus sceleratus (Ranunculaceae) was constructed using 14 restriction endonucleases. The total size of the chloroplast genome is 152.4kb. No inversions were detected relative to the tobacco chloroplast DNA. Cladistic analyses of chloroplast DNA restriction site polymorphism were employed in order to elucidate the phylogeny among 76 species of the genusRanunculus in a wide sense and one species ofTrautvetteria. A total of 341 informative restriction site changes were detected. Parsimony jackknifing, bootstrapping and decay analysis were undertaken in order to evaluate the amount of support for the monophyletic groups. The results suggest that the analysed species ofRanunculus are divisible into two main clades. Only few of the traditional sections and subgenera ofRanunculus are monophyletic. The genusTrautvetteria is nested within a clade comprising, e.g.Ranunculus cymbalaria, R. andersonii, R. lapponicus andR. ficaria. SubgenusBatrachium lies within a larger clade containing, e.g.R. sceleratus andR. hyperboreus. Contractions of the inverted repeat due to parallel deletions of 200–300 bp close to the JSB have occurred in many clades and the phylogenetic distribution of this size reduction was mapped among the species. 相似文献
RFLPs of cpDNA were investigated for seven species ofCrepidiastrum, of which three are endemic to the Bonin Islands. As an outgroup for rooting the tree,Paraixeris denticulata was also examined. Approximately 350 restriction sites were surveyed using 16 restriction enzymes. A total of 26 restriction
site mutations were detected, and seven of them were phylogenetically informative. Wagner parsimony analysis resulted in four
most parsimonious trees.
In the tree obtained, the Bonin endemics are monophyletic with four mutations and a bootstrap value of 0.98 for the branch.
This result agrees with that obtained from a previous electrophoretic analysis (Ito and Ono 1990), and supports the hypothesis
that the three Bonin endemics have been evolved from a common ancestor. The Bonin endemics cluster together withC. lanceolatum, suggesting that the endemics andC. lanceolatum share a common ancestor, although the bootstrap probability is not very high (0.78) and thus other possibilities cannot be
rejected. 相似文献
We used a five-gene data set (mtDNA: 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, cyt-b; nDNA: Cmos, Rag2) comprising approximately two-thirds of all extant testudinid species and, for the first time, including all five Testudo species to investigate the question of whether all western Palaearctic testudinids are monophyletic. Further, we examined whether the recently suggested allocation of the African Geochelone pardalis in the otherwise exclusively South African genus Psammobates and of the Malagasy G. yniphora in the monotypic genus Angonoka is justified in the face of considerable morphological evidence against such placements. Our phylogenetic analyses do not support the paraphyly and generic break-up of Testudo, as suggested by previous papers using a smaller taxon sampling and mtDNA data only. We propose a continued usage of the generic name Testudo for all five western Palaearctic tortoise species. Within Testudo, two monophyletic subclades are present, one containing T. hermanni+T. horsfieldii, and the other comprising (T. kleinmanni+T. marginata)+T. graeca. Nomenclaturally, we demonstrate that Eurotestudo Lapparent de Broin et al., 2006, which was recently erected with the type species T. hermanni, is an objective junior synonym of Chersine Merrem, 1820 and Medaestia Wussow, 1916. Recognition of a monotypic genus Angonoka for G. yniphora is unwarranted according to both our re-analysis of sequence data and morphological data. Acknowledging the strong morphological similarity between G. yniphora and G. radiata, we suggest placing both species into the genus Astrochelys. Although sequence data for only one of the three Psammobates species was available for analysis, there is currently no cause to challenge the monophyly of this genus as established on the basis of morphological evidence. Thus, we hypothesize that G. pardalis is sister to a monophyletic Psammobates. In light of the clear morphological gap between G. pardalis and Psammobates species, the recognition of a distinct genus Stigmochelys for the former seems justified. 相似文献
A detailed analysis of chloroplast DNA restriction fragment length variation was undertaken to reconstruct the maternal phylogeny of 18 taxa from both sections of the papilionoid tropical forage legume genusStylosanthes. Data were analysed by means of the computer program PAUP, using an heuristic search with Wagner parsimony. The resulting cladogram dividedStylosanthes into four separate clades, which comprised: (i) theS. guianensis complex and related species (i.e.S. gracilis, S. grandifolia andS. montevidensis); (ii)S. hispida, tetraploidS. hamata s. l.,S. sympodialis, S. humilis, S. leiocarpa, S. angustifolia and certain accesions ofS. scabra; (iii)S. calcicola, S. viscosa, diploidS. hamata s. str., andS. fruticosa, plus accessions ofS. scabra, S. capitata and one accession ofS. grandifolia; and (iv)S. macrocephala and other accessions ofS. capitata not included within clade 3. Results are generally congruent with previously established interspecific relationships and, moreover, enabled identification of putative maternal progenitors for four tetraploid taxa:S. humilis was identified as a likely maternal parent of bothS. sympodialis andS. hamata s. l.,S. viscosa as a maternal parent ofS. scabra, andS. macrocephala as a maternal parent ofS. capitata. 相似文献
Restriction site mapping of chloroplast DNA from 31 species representing 26 genera of theRanunculaceae was performed using eleven restriction endonucleases. The chloroplast genome varies in length from approximately 152 to 160 kb. Length variants are frequent in theRanunculaceae and range from usually less than 300 bp to rarely 1.5 kb. The inverted repeat is extended into the large single copy (LSC) region by 4–4.5 kb inAnemone, Clematis, Clematopsis, Hepatica, Knowltonia, andPulsatilla. Several inversions are present in the LSC-region of the cpDNA in all these genera and inAdonis. The frequency of restriction site mutations varies within the chloroplast genome in theRanunculaceae between 4 and 32 mutations per kilobase, and is lowest in the inverted repeat and the regions containing the ATPase-genes and the genespsaA, psaB, psbA, rpoB, andrbcL. A total of 547 phylogenetically informative restriction sites was utilized in cladistic analyses of the family using Wagner, Dollo, and weighted parsimony. These three parsimony analyses result in different tree topologies. Four, six, and one equally most parsimonious trees were obtained with Wagner, Dollo, and weighted parsimony, respectively. The amount of support for the monophyletic groups was evaluated using bootstrapping and decay analysis. All three parsimony methods suggest thatHydrastis is the sister group to the remainder of theRanunculaceae, and that theAnemone-Clematis group, which shares several derived cpDNA rearrangements, is monophyletic. Only a few of the traditional groups in theRanunculaceae are supported by cpDNA restriction side data. Only Dollo parsimony provides support for the hypothesis thatThalictroideae andRanunculoideae are monophyletic. 相似文献
Friedrich Ehrendorfer Jean-François Manen Alessandro Natali 《Plant Systematics and Evolution》1994,190(3-4):245-248
Representatives of seven genera from five tribes ofRubiaceae have been compared in respect to a non-coding intergene cpDNA region of about 1000 bp, situated between the atpB and the rbcL genes. The resulting most parsimonious PAUP cladogram corresponds very well with one based on total cpDNA restriction site data obtained byBremer & Jansen (1991). The two different molecular analyses thus corroborate each other and contribute to an improved systematic arrangement of the large family, e.g., in respect to placing the tribeHedyotideae clearly into the subfamilyRubioideae, closer toRubieae than toPsychotrieae. 相似文献
M. Stine B. B. Sears D. E. Keathley 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1989,78(6):768-774
Summary Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) was purified from blue spruce (Picea pungens Engelm.) and white spruce [P. glauca (Moench) Voss], and was digested with several different restriction endonucleases. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were identified that differentiated the cpDNA of both species. Intraspecific conservation of the RFLPs that differentiated each species was confirmed by examining trees from across the natural range of each species. Ten F1 hybrids were examined, and the cpDNA from each showed the banding pattern of the paternal species. Cloned Petunia cpDNA containing part of the rbcL gene hybridized to polymorphic bands, while a cloned maize mtDNA probe of the coxII gene failed to hybridize to any band. 相似文献
Classification of the genusAconitum (Ranunculaceae) has long been considered quite difficult because its species show high levels of morphological and ecological
variability. The molecular phylogeny of Asian aconites,Aconitum subgenusAconitum was, therefore, studied based on RFLP and sequences of the intergenic spacer between thetrnL (UAA) 3′ exon andtrnF (GAA), and of thetrnL intron, of the chloroplast DNA. UsingAconitum subgenusLycoctonum as an outgroup, we obtained a statistically reliable molecular tree composed of six clades branched radiatively at the very
base. There are three clades of Japanese aconites, a single clade of the species of Yunnan and Himalayas, and two clades of
Siberian plants. All the tetraploid taxa of Japan we studied did not show any difference based on the molecular characters
analyzed, though they have been classified into many taxa. Evolution and phytogeography of the Asian aconites as well as the
phylogeny are discussed. 相似文献
Hoya (Marsdenieae, Apocynaceae) includes at least 200 species distributed from India to the Pacific Islands. We here infer major species groups in the genus based on combined sequences from the chloroplast atpB-rbcL spacer, the trnL region, and nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS region for 42 taxa of Hoya and close relatives. To assess levels of ITS polymorphism, ITS sequences for a third of the accessions were obtained by cloning. Most ITS clones grouped by species, indicating that speciation in Hoya usually predates ITS duplication. One ITS sequence of H. carnosa, however, grouped with a sequence of the morphologically similar H. pubicalyx, pointing to recent hybridization or the persistence of paralogous copies through a speciation event. The topology resulting from the combined chloroplast and nuclear data recovers some morphology-based sections, such as Acanthostemma and Eriostemma, as well as a well-supported Australian/New Guinean clade. The combined data also suggest that morphological adaptations for ant-symbiosis evolved at least three times within Hoya. 相似文献
Lygodium microphyllum, first naturalized in the 1960s, has aggressively invaded forest-dominated wetlands in southern and central Florida. The indeterminate growth of this invasive climbing fern creates thick rachis mats which climb over shrubs and trees smothering the underlying growth and carrying ground fires into the forest canopy. Foreign surveys for natural enemies identified 20 species of insects and two species of mites. Host range testing of three insect species and one mite included five Lygodium species (L. palmatum, L. volubile, L. cubense, L. venustum, and L. oligostachyum) native to the United States and the West Indies. A molecular phylogeny of the genus was conducted using the trnL intron and the trnL-F intergenic spacer of chloroplast DNA to determine the relationship of L. microphyllum to other Lygodium species. Three major clades appeared, one with L. palmatum and L. articulatum (the most basal), a second with L. reticulatum and L. microphyllum, and a third comprising the other species examined. Lygodium microphyllum appeared at the end of a long branch approximately equidistant from all species of interest preventing the correlation of genetic distance and host range behavior. However, inspection of the results of host range experiments showed a relationship between the presence of a related biotype or species of the insect on a related alternate host and the ability of that insect to develop on that alternate host. Ancestral host usage and ecological fitting are examined as possible explanations for the acceptance of L. palmatum by the tested musotimine insects. 相似文献
M. Cristina Garcia Kirkbride 《Plant Systematics and Evolution》1982,141(2):115-122
The sequence of subfamilies,Cinchonoideae, Antirheoideae andRubioideae, attemps to show their natural affinities and phylogeny. The subfamilies are those ofVerdcourt, and the order in which they are presented is that ofBremekamp. A list is presented of the subfamilies, tribes and genera of theRubiaceae to be utilized in the Catálogo Ilustrado de las plantas de Cundinamarca, Colombia. 相似文献
Jan M. de Haas Kees J. M. Boot Michel A. Haring Ad J. Kool H. John J. Nijkamp 《Molecular & general genetics : MGG》1986,202(1):48-54
Summary Three distinct chloroplast (cp) DNA fragments from Petunia hybrida, which promote autonomous replication in yeast, were mapped on the chloroplast genome. Sequence analysis revealed that these fragments (called ARS A, B and C) have a high AT content, numerous short direct and inverted repeats and at least one yeast ARS consensus sequence 5A/TTTTATPuTTTA/T, essential for yeast ARS activity. ARS A and B also showed the presence of (semi-)conserved sequences, present in all Chlamydomanas reinhardii cpDNA regions that promote autonomous replication in yeast (ARS sequences) or in C. reinhardii (ARC sequences). A 431 bp BamHI/EcoRI fragment, close to one of the inverted repeats and adjacent to the ARS B subfragment contains an AT-rich stretch of about 100 nucleotides that show extensive homology with an Euglena gracilis cpDNA fragment which is part of the replication origin region. This conserved region contains direct and inverted repeats, stem-and-loop structures can be folded and it contains an ARS consensus sequence. In the near vicinity a GC-rich block is present. All these features make this cpDNA region the best candidate for being the origin of replication of P. hybrida cpDNA. 相似文献