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Fasciclin I is a membrane-associated glycoprotein that is regionally expressed on a subset of fasciculating axons during neuronal development in insects; it is expressed on apposing cell surfaces, suggesting a role in specific cell adhesion. In this paper we show that Drosophila fasciclin I is a novel homophilic cell adhesion molecule. When the nonadhesive Drosophila S2 cells are transfected with the fasciclin I cDNA, they form aggregates that are blocked by antisera against fasciclin I. When cells expressing fasciclin I are mixed with cells expressing fasciclin III, another Drosophila homophilic adhesion molecule, the mixture sorts into aggregates homogeneous for either fasciclin I- or fasciclin III-expressing cells. The ability of these two novel adhesion molecules to mediate cell sorting in vitro suggests that they might play a similar role during neuronal development.  相似文献   

O Huber  M Sumper 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(18):4212-4222
Proof that plants possess homologs of animal adhesion proteins is lacking. In this paper we describe the generation of monoclonal antibodies that interfere with cell-cell contacts in the 4-cell embryo of the multicellular alga Volvox carteri, resulting in a hole between the cells. The number of following cell divisions is reduced and the cell division pattern is altered drastically. Antibodies given at a later stage of embryogenesis specifically inhibit inversion of the embryo, a morphogenetic movement that turns the embryo inside out. Immunofluorescence microscopy localizes the antigen (Algal-CAM) at cell contact sites of the developing embryo. Algal-CAM is a protein with a three-domain structure: an N-terminal extensin-like domain characteristic for plant cell walls and two repeats with homology to fasciclin I, a cell adhesion molecule involved in the neuronal development of Drosophila. Alternatively spliced variants of Algal-CAM mRNA were detected that are produced under developmental control. Thus, Algal-CAM is the first plant homolog of animal adhesion proteins.  相似文献   

Drosophila fasciclin I is a homophilic cell adhesion molecule expressed in the developing embryo on the surface of a subset of fasciculating CNS axons, all PNS axons, and some nonneuronal cells. We have identified protein-null mutations in the fasciclin I (fas I) gene, and show that these mutants are viable and do not display gross defects in nervous system morphogenesis. The Drosophila Abelson (abl) proto-oncogene homolog encodes a cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase that is expressed during embryogenesis primarily in developing CNS axons; abl mutants show no gross defects in CNS morphogenesis. However, embryos doubly mutant for fas I and abl display major defects in CNS axon pathways, particularly in the commissural tracts where expression of these two proteins normally overlaps. The double mutant shows a clear defect in growth cone guidance; for example, the RP1 growth cone (normally fas I positive) does not follow its normal path across the commissure.  相似文献   

Fasciclin I is a homophilic neural cell adhesion molecule which is regionally expressed on a subset of fasciculating axons in both the grasshopper and Drosophila embryo, suggesting a role in axonal recognition. It is also dynamically expressed on a variety of other embryonic tissues. Biochemical analysis of the fasciclin I glycoprotein from Drosophila embryonic membranes and Schneider 1 cells indicates that it is tightly associated with the lipid bilayer by a phosphatidylinositol lipid moiety. In Drosophila embryos a large fraction of fasciclin I protein has lost its membrane anchor. The ratio of this soluble form to the phosphatidylinositol-linked form changes during embryogenesis. We speculate that removal of the phosphatidylinositol lipid from the fasciclin I protein could be a mechanism to regulate its adhesive function.  相似文献   

K Zinn  L McAllister  C S Goodman 《Cell》1988,53(4):577-587
The fasciclin I, II, and III glycoproteins are expressed on different subsets of axon bundles (fascicles) in insect embryos and are thus candidates for surface recognition molecules involved in growth cone guidance. Here we present the sequence of grasshopper fasciclin I and the identification and sequence of the Drosophila fasciclin I homolog. In both species, fasciclin I appears to be an extrinsic membrane protein with a signal sequence but no transmembrane region; the protein comprises four homologous domains of approximately 150 amino acids each. Antibodies against Drosophila fasciclin I reveal that it is expressed on the surface of a subset of commissural axon pathways in the embryonic central nervous system and on all sensory axon pathways in the peripheral nervous system. This pattern of expression is similar to that in grasshopper.  相似文献   

Fasciclin I is an insect neural cell adhesion molecule consisting of four FAS1 domains, homologs of which are present in many bacterial, plant, and animal proteins. The crystal structure of FAS1 domains 3 and 4 of Drosophila fasciclin I reveals a novel domain fold, consisting of a seven-stranded beta wedge and a number of alpha helices. The two domains are arranged in a linear fashion and interact through a substantial polar interface. Missense mutations in the FAS1 domains of the human protein betaig-h3 cause corneal dystrophies. Many mutations alter highly conserved core residues, but the two most common mutations, affecting Arg-124 and Arg-555, map to exposed alpha-helical regions, suggesting reduced protein solubility as the disease mechanism.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1985,101(5):1921-1929
The rodent neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) consists of three glycoprotein chains of 180, 140, and 120 kD in their adult forms. Although the proportions of the three components are known to change during development and differ between brain regions, their individual distribution and function are unknown. Here we report studies carried out with a monoclonal antibody that specifically recognizes the 180-kD component of mouse N-CAM (N-CAM180) in its highly sialylated embryonic and less glycosylated adult forms. In primary cerebellar cell cultures, N-CAM180 antibody reacts intracellularly with all types of neural cells including astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and neurons. During cerebellar, telencephalic, and retinal development N-CAM180 is detectable by indirect immunohistology in differentiated neural cells, but, in contrast to total N-CAM, not in their proliferating precursors in the ventricular zone and primordial and early postnatal external granular layer. In monolayer cultures of C1300 neuroblastoma cells, N-CAM180 appears by immunofluorescence more concentrated at contact points between adjacent cells, while N-CAM comprising the 180- and 140-kD component shows a more uniform distribution at the plasma membrane. Treatment of neuroblastoma cells with dimethylsulfoxide, which promotes differentiation, induces a shift toward the predominant expression of N- CAM180. These observations support the notion that N-CAM180 is expressed selectively in more differentiated neural cells and suggest a differential role of N-CAM180 in the stabilization of cell contacts.  相似文献   

The changes in the expression of glycoconjugates and adhesion molecules were studied by selective lectin binding and immunocytochemical reactions in a human embryonic epithelial cell line (EUE cells), synchronized in the cell cycle phases. The results can be summarized as follows: most of the tested lectins display a more diffuse binding for the cytoplasm in G1 than S and G2 phases; in the S and particularly in G2 phases the cytoplasm glycoconjugates are rearranged around the nucleus; cells in mitosis always show a strong binding towards all tested lectins. Cellular fibronectin and its receptor β1 integrin are well expressed in G1, but the strongest reaction is observed in the S phase. The immunoreactions for laminin and uvomorulin (L-CAM) are poorly positive in all cell cycle phases. The immunocytochemical reaction for heparan sulfate is positive, with a stronger reaction in S and G2 than in G1; on the contrary a diffuse staining with the anti-dermatan sulfate proteoglycan antibody appears unchanged during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion are crucial during many stages of eukaryotic development. Here, we provide the first example that mucin-type O-linked glycosylation is involved in a developmentally regulated cell adhesion event in Drosophila melanogaster. Mutations in one member of the evolutionarily conserved family of enzymes that initiates O-linked glycosylation alter epithelial cell adhesion in the Drosophila wing blade. A transposon insertion mutation in pgant3 or RNA interference to pgant3 resulted in blistered wings, a phenotype characteristic of genes involved in integrin-mediated cell interactions. Expression of wild type pgant3 in the mutant background rescued the wing blistering phenotype, whereas expression of another family member (pgant35A) did not, revealing a unique requirement for pgant3. pgant3 mutants displayed reduced O-glycosylation along the basal surface of larval wing imaginal discs, which was restored with wild type pgant3 expression, suggesting that reduced glycosylation of basal proteins is responsible for disruption of adhesion in the adult wing blade. Glycosylation reactions demonstrated that PGANT3 glycosylates certain extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that PGANT3 glycosylates tiggrin, an ECM protein known to bind integrin. We propose that this glycosyltransferase is uniquely responsible for glycosylating tiggrin in the wing disc, thus modulating proper cell adhesion through integrin-ECM interactions. This study provides the first evidence for the role of O-glycosylation in a developmentally regulated, integrin-mediated, cell adhesion event and reveals a novel player in wing blade formation during Drosophila development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The adhesion of two epithelial sheets is a fundamental process that occurs throughout embryogenesis and during wound repair. Sealing of the dorsal epidermis along the midline of the Drosophila embryo provides a genetically tractable model to analyse the closure of such holes. Several studies indicate that the actin cytoskeleton plays a critical role in dorsal closure. Although many components of the signalling cascade directing this process have been identified, the precise cell-biological events upon which these signals act remain poorly described. RESULTS: By confocal imaging of living fly embryos expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged actin, we found that dorsal closure relies on the activity of dynamic filopodia and lamellipodia that extend from front-row cells to actively zipper the epithelial sheets together. As these epithelial fronts approach one another, we observed long, thin filopodia, apparently 'sampling' cells on the opposing face. When the assembly of these actin-based protrusions was blocked (by interfering with the activities of Cdc42 and Jun N-terminal kinase signalling), the adhesion and fusion of opposing epithelial cells was prevented and their ability to 'sense' correct partners was also blocked, leading to segment misalignment along the midline seam. CONCLUSIONS: Dynamic, actin-based protrusions (filopodia and lamellae) are critical, both in the mechanics of epithelial adhesion during dorsal closure and in the correct 'matching' of opposing cells along the fusion seam.  相似文献   

Epithelial morphogenesis requires cell movements and cell shape changes coordinated by modulation of the actin cytoskeleton. We identify a role for Echinoid (Ed), an immunoglobulin domain-containing cell-adhesion molecule, in the generation of a contractile actomyosin cable required for epithelial morphogenesis in both the Drosophila ovarian follicular epithelium and embryo. Analysis of ed mutant follicle cell clones indicates that the juxtaposition of wild-type and ed mutant cells is sufficient to trigger actomyosin cable formation. Moreover, in wild-type ovaries and embryos, specific epithelial domains lack detectable Ed, thus creating endogenous interfaces between cells with and without Ed; these interfaces display the same contractile characteristics as the ectopic Ed expression borders generated by ed mutant clones. In the ovary, such an interface lies between the two cell types of the dorsal appendage primordia. In the embryo, Ed is absent from the amnioserosa during dorsal closure, generating an Ed expression border with the lateral epidermis that coincides with the actomyosin cable present at this interface. In both cases, ed mutant epithelia exhibit loss of this contractile structure and subsequent defects in morphogenesis. We propose that local modulation of the cytoskeleton at Ed expression borders may represent a general mechanism for promoting epithelial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Cell-CAM 105 is an integral cell surface glycoprotein that is involved in cell-cell adhesion of adult rat hepatocytes in vitro. In the present report we used a radio-immunoassay, a quantitative immunoblotting technique and immunofluorescence microscopy to investigate the expression of cell-CAM 105 in fetal and regenerating rat liver. In the fetal liver cell-CAM 105 did not appear until day 16 of the gestation, when it increased rapidly to reach the level found in adult liver, 3 weeks after birth. In liver regenerating after partial hepatectomy a transient decrease in the amount of cell-CAM 105 was observed in the plasma membranes of the hepatocytes. A significant decrease was observed as early as 12 h after partial hepatectomy, reaching a minimum by 3 days after the operation, corresponding to approx. 35% of the amount of cell-CAM 105 in normal liver. The amount then increased slowly and was back to the normal level by about 15 days after partial hepatectomy. The results indicate that cell-CAM 105 exerts its major function in terminally differentiated cells. An excellent correlation was seen between the kinetics of the expression of cell-CAM 105 and of reported changes of both enzymatic and organizational patterns of hepatocytes in regenerating and fetal liver. This suggests that cell-CAM 105 could be important for the development and maintenance of the cell-cell binding and organizational pattern characteristic of terminally differentiated hepatocytes.  相似文献   

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