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A study has been made of the Feulgen stain, in which the staining fluid is a decolorized basic fuchsin. Particular attention has been given to the variation in behavior of different fuchsin samples, the reagent to be employed in decolorizing the dye, the acidity of solutions, and the value of several counter-stains. A modified procedure is suggested, the details of which are given in the paper. The principle modifications of earlier procedures which are recommended are as follows: the use of a specially purified pararosanilin as a dye; the employment of K2S2O5 instead of NaHSO3 as a decolorizing agent; and counterstaining with fast green in the case of plant tissue or with orange G for animal material.  相似文献   

In perfecting the modification of the Gram-stain previously proposed, the following points are of interest:

1. Acetone is too strong a decolorizer for Gram-positive organisms and alcohol too weak for Gram-negative organisms. Consequently, it is now recommended that equal parts of acetone (100% c.p.) and ethyl alcohol (95%) be used as a decolorizing agent. The time of application should not ordinarily exceed 10 seconds.

2. Aqueous basic fuchsin (0.1%) serves as a strongly contrasting counterstain. Prolonged application renders Gram-positive organisms doubtful or Gram-negative, while short application renders Gram-negative organisms doubtful or Gram-positive. Twenty (20) seconds is therefore recommended as the time of application of the counterstain.

3. The method here described, with due regard for its limitations, is of value in Gram-staining pure or mixed cultures as well as for organic materials, such as Acidophilus milk, feces, etc., either for research purposes or classroom use. The method is as follows:

Air-dry film and fix with least amount of heat necessary.

Flood with dye for 5 minutes. Previously mix 30 drops of a 1% aqueous solution of crystal violet or methyl violet 6B with 8 drops of a 5% solution of sodium bicarbonate. Allow the mixture to remain for 5 minutes or more.

Flush with iodine solution for 2 minutes. Two grams iodine dissolved in 10 cc. normal sodium hydroxide solution and 90 cc. water added.

Drain without blotting but do not allow film to dry.

Add a mixture of equal parts of acetone and alcohol drop by drop until the drippings are colorless. (10 seconds or less.)

Air-dry slide.

Counterstain for 20 seconds with 0.1% aqueous solution of basic fuchsin.

Wash off excess stain by short exposure to tap water and air-dry. If slide is not clear immersion in xylol is recommended.  相似文献   

The possibility of using the Feulgen nucleal reaction for a quantitative cytochemical estimation of desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was investigated. The intensity of the reaction in nuclei was determined by absorption measurements with the microscope. The accuracy of such measurements was tested by comparison with measurements on the same material with a Beckman spectrophotometer. The values obtained with the microscope agreed within a few per cent with those obtained with the Beckman spectrophotometer. Furthermore, the errors introduced by uneven distribution of absorbing material, by variations in the numerical aperture of the system, and by variation in the area used on the phototube were investigated empirically. The following variables were studied with regard to their effect on the intensity of the Feulgen reaction: type of fixation, time of hydrolysis after acetic acid-alcohol and formalin fixation, time of staining in leucobasic fuchsin, method of preparation of leucobasic fuchsin. The intensity of the Feulgen reaction in liver and erythrocyte nuclei of various vertebrates, fixed in acetic acid-alcohol, was then compared with the DNA content of these nuclei as determined by chemical analysis on a known number of nuclei. The intensity of the reaction was found to be proportional to the DNA content of the nuclei, if nuclei of similar structure and DNA concentration were compared. In nuclei of different structure and DNA concentration (i.e. liver and erythrocyte nuclei), fixed in acetic acid-alcohol, the intensity of the Feulgen reaction was, however, not proportional to the DNA content. This difficulty was overcome by isolating nuclei in sucrose and by fixing them in formalin. Uniform distribution of DNA and therefore uniform coloring after the Feulgen reaction were thus obtained. In such nuclei with uniform distribution of absorbing material the Feulgen reaction was found to be proportional to the DNA content of nuclei, even if they differed greatly in their DNA concentration. The Feulgen nucleal reaction is not quantitative in an absolute sense. For absolute determinations nuclei of known DNA content must be treated together with the unknown material to serve as standard. From these data it therefore appears possible to determine cytochemically relative amounts of DNA in cellular structures by measuring their absorption after treatment with the Feulgen nucleal reaction.  相似文献   

The juice from the berries of Cocculus hirsutum was extracted and used for pollen fertility studies in various crops. Two stains were prepared: P. H. Ramanjini (PHR) stain and modified PHR stain. The modified PHR stain contains lactic acid and produces the best staining differentiation. The intensity of the staining was dependent on the thickness of the pollen cell walls, hence PHR stain is recommended for thick walled pollen grains and the modified PHR stain for pollen with relatively thin walls. The preparation of both the stains are very simple, quick and inexpensive.  相似文献   

The Basic Karyotype of Lotus tenuis C-banding and Feulgen Studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The basic karyotype of L. tenuis is illustrated. The study ofFeulgen stained metaphases has shown that the chromosome complementconsists of four pairs of median chromosomes and two pairs ofsubmedian chromosomes. Two nucleolar constrictions characterizethe first homologous pair. The C-banding pattern includes largepericentric bands in each chromosome pair and a terminal bandin the short arm of chromosome 3 Lotus tenuis, chromosome morphology, C-banding  相似文献   

A new extraction method for the quantitative determination of the fuchsin contained in a Feulgen-stained nucleoprotein sample has been introduced. The method is based on the following facts: (1) Treatment of a Feulgen-stained nucleoprotein sample with hot acid or alkali brings about a splitting of the linkage between fuchsin-SO(2) and the hydrolyzed nucleic acid moiety of nucleoprotein through aldehyde groups. (2) It also effectuates the formation of fuchsin from the liberated fuchsin-SO(2). (3) The fuchsin is made colorless by the treatment, but is restored to its original pink colored state when the pH of the acidic or alkaline medium is adjusted to 4.6. (4) The fuchsin, either pink colored or decolorized by alkali, can be extracted from an aqueous phase by amyl alcohol. A linear relationship was found to exist between the amount of fuchsin extracted by the FEM from a Feulgen-stained nucleoprotein sample and its DNA content. This relationship holds over a wide range of DNA concentration. From experiments utilizing this method, knowledge may be gained about the mechanism of the Feulgen reaction in situ which can lead to an improvement of the reaction in the field of cytochemistry.  相似文献   

Prevalence of psoriasis in Caucasians is estimated as 2 to 3 percent. Sound epidemiologic studies on a worldwide basis are needed to secure accurate prevalence rates for comparative purposes.Utilizing Stanford''s psoriasis life histories records, the genetics of psoriasis has been explored by various means: statistical census data, pedigree analysis, and twin studies. This research suggests a multifactorial pattern of inheritance for psoriasis, implying that both genetic and environmental components are responsible for the manifestation of the disease.At present it is not possible to point to any single causative factor. Some of the suggested areas for research include study of uninvolved skin, growth control in the psoriatic lesion, viral causes, immunological aspects, and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

通过野外考察和标本鉴定,江西齐云山自然保护区共有苔藓植物52科98属191种(包括2亚种和3变种),其中苔类植物22科27属46种1亚种,藓类植物30科71属140种1亚种3变种.报道江西新记录科3科:裸蒴苔科(Haplomitriaceae)、南溪苔科(Makinoaceae)和带叶苔科(Pallaviciniaceae);江西新记录属5属:裸蒴苔属(Haplomitrium)、南溪苔属(Makinoa)、带叶苔属(Pallavicinia)、黄角苔属(Phaeoceros)和细指苔属(Kurzia),以及24种苔类植物为江西新记录.  相似文献   

A modification of the Gram stain in which iodine-alcohol is substituted for 95% alcohol as a decolorizing agent has been found particularly useful in staining Gram-positive organisms in tissues and also for smears. The technic for tissue sections follows:
  1. Apply nuclear stain.
  2. Wash.
  3. Stain in Hucker's gentian violet 2 to 3 minutes (i. e. 1 part Sat. Alc. Sol. crystal violet to 4 parts 1% Aqu. Sol. ammonium oxalte).
  4. Wash in water.
  5. Stain in Gram's iodine 5 minutes.
  6. Wash in water.
  7. Decolorize in 95% alcohol to which enough tincture of iodine has been added to give a mahogany color.
  8. Counterstain.
  9. Dehydrate and mount.

The cytological interpretation of the Feulgen reaction   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Effects of different fuchsin analogs on the Feulgen reaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Feulgen reaction is used for cytophotometric quantitation of nuclear DNA. Schiff's reagents used in the Feulgen reaction usually are prepared from basic fuchsin, a variable mixture of four triaminotriphenylmethane analogs. The effect of the several fuchsin analogs on the quality of Schiff's staining of hydrolyzed DNA is not known. In this investigation Schiff's reagents prepared from relatively pure fuchsin analogs were used to determine whether different fuchsin analogs affect the absorbance of the Schiff's reagent-DNA complexes formed in solution. It has been determined that the complex formed by pararosaniline-Schiff's reagent and hydrolyzed DNA exhibits lower absorption than do corresponding complexes formed by Schiff's reagents prepared from magenta II or from new fuchsin.  相似文献   

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