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Increased autoantibody production by NZB/NZW B cells in response to IL-5   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We previously demonstrated that B cells from NZB/NZW but not nonautoimmune mice secrete high levels of autoantibodies in response to factor(s) derived from type 2 Th cell (Th2) clones. Supernatants from type 1 Th cell clones, which contain a different set of lymphokines, were not stimulatory. In the present experiments, we attempted to define the active Th2 factor(s) and to better understand the cellular basis for the hyperresponsiveness. In response to optimal concentrations of supernatant (Th2-Sup), B cells from 3-mo-old NZB/NZW mice produced up to 40-fold greater amounts of IgM anti-DNA compared with unstimulated B cells, whereas BALB/c B cells produced levels only slightly above background. Although Th2-Sup contained large amounts of IL-4, comparable concentrations of rIL-4 alone did not stimulate NZB/NZW B cells. Furthermore, a blocking anti-IL-4 mAb did not prevent Th2-Sup-stimulated autoantibody production. Th2-Sup was fractionated by HPLC, and the stimulatory factor(s) was found in fractions known to contain IL-5 (also known as B cell growth factor II). Indeed, a highly purified preparation of IL-5 reproduced the effects of Th2-Sup by stimulating NZB/NZW B cells to produce high levels of IgM anti-DNA antibodies while enhancing production by nonautoimmune cells only slightly. In limiting dilution studies, NZB/NZW compared with BALB/c spleens contained a three- to four-fold greater frequency of DNA-specific B cells that were responsive to IL-5. Together, the results suggest a potential role for IL-5 in the pathogenesis of NZB/NZW autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Antibodies that bind tRNA are produced spontaneously in New Zealand Black/New Zealand White (NZB/NZW) F1 hybrid female mice. An assay for the detection of these antibodies has been developed by using gel filtration and radioactive tRNA. This assay was found superior to the widely used ammonium sulfate precipitation assay because of the nature of the interaction between the protein and the tRNA. The ant-bodies bound native tRNA preferentially to tRNA denatured by cross-linking with formaldehyde. This conformational specificity was confirmed in competition experiments. The antibodies to native tRNA had an average association constant of 5 x 10(7) leter/mole at 4 degrees C and could bind to more than one site per tRNA molecule. Experiments with immunoglobulin class-specific anti-mouse antisera, in solution and by radioimmunoelectrophoresis, showed that the antibodies were heterogeneous, but were predominantly of the IgG class. These antibodies may be useful for detection, localization, and conformational analysis of tRNA in solution as well as for understanding the pathogenesis of the lupus-like syndrome in these mice.  相似文献   

Distribution of anti-histone-antibody-secreting cells in NZB/NZW mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a histone-specific plaque assay, we examined anti-histone-antibody (AHA) production at the organ level in the autoimmune NZB/NZW strain. The spleen had the highest absolute numbers of AHA-secreting cells. High percentages of immunoglobulin-secreting cells producing AHA were characteristic of spleen and bone marrow but not lymph node. AHA-secreting cells were detected in NZB/NZW mice with elevated serum activity but not in mice with normal serum levels. Serum AHA activity correlated with the number of AHA-secreting cells in the spleen but not with the total number of immunoglobulin-secreting cells in the spleen nor with the total serum immunoglobulin level. These findings concerning the organ distribution of AHA-secreting cells contrast with results of other investigators studying autoantibodies of other specificities. Furthermore, our results suggest that AHA production does not solely result from a generalized increase in total immunoglobulin synthesis present in NZB/NZW mice.  相似文献   

Thymus-independent primary antibody responses were studied in young and old (9 months) untreated and TLI-treated NZB/NZW and BALB/c mice. Untreated old NZB/NZW mice had a low primary response to Brucella abortus (BA) as compared to that of young NZB/NZW and BALB/c mice. However, TLI treatment resulted in a 130-fold increase in the IgG anti-BA primary antibody response at day 21 postimmunization, achieving similar levels to those of young NZB/NZW or nonautoimmune BALB/c mice. Anti-TNP responses to trinitrophenylated BA or Ficoll were masked by high background levels of anti-TNP antibodies. Despite the increase in the anti-BA response, spontaneous immunoglobulin secretion and autoantibody levels were markedly decreased after TLI in old NZB/NZW mice.  相似文献   

The unit gravity sedimentation technique was used to separate spleen cells from sevveral strains of mice. Settling patterns (plot of cell number against settling rate) were similar for BALB/c, DBA/2, C3H/He, and NZB/W mice of different ages. In particular, no subpopulation was found by this technique to be missing from the spleens of old NZB/W mice.A number of functional studies performed with the separated cells proved more informative than the settling patterns themselves. Fractions of cells which sedimented at a rate of between about 6 mm/hr and 10 mm/hr were enriched in responsiveness to PHA, Con A, and allogeneic cells. These fractions obtained from old NZB/W mice lacked such activities. However, the active fractions from young NZB/W spleens, which were enriched in θ-bearing cells, could restore the responsiveness of old NZB/W mice to primary immunization with sheep erythrocytes. These studies indicate that functional separation of spleen cells from NZB/W mice is possible and that activities lacking in whole spleens from old NZB/W mice are also lacking in the separate fractions. The ability to restore helper T cell function in old NZB/W mice with active fractions from young NZB/W mice has implications for further study and treatment of their autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

Normal spleen cells from 6- to 10-week-old mice, enriched for natural killer (NK) cells on a discontinuous polyvinylpyrrolidone-silica (Percoll) gradient, lyse thymocytes of young mice (less than or equal to 19 days old) in a short-term 51Cr release assay. The highest NK-type activity was found in band 3 (density less than or equal to 1.077 g/ml) of a four-step gradient. In some experiments band 2 (density less than or equal to 1.070 g/ml) also showed NK activity. Activity was not unequivocably detectable in cells before separation or in bands 1 and 4. These results also show that the thymocyte sensitivity is dependent on the age of the target cell. Sensitivity of very young thymocytes (less than or equal to 7 days old) was higher than that of thymus cells from 8- to 19-day-old donors. Moreover, it seemed that syngeneic target thymocytes were lysed more effectively than allogeneic. Thus, an NK-type cell population may have the ability to lyse immature thymic target cells at an early stage of their differentiation. This could be of importance as a physiological mechanism for controlling the T cell repertoire and its reactivity.  相似文献   

In Vitro production of Immune Interferon (IF) in response to Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) antigen by sensitized spleen cells from C57B1/6 (B6) mice could be detected as early as 3 and for at least 20 days after ip infection of HSV. Maximal levels of IF were produced after 10 hr of culture, but there was no decay of activity when supernatants were sampled during the subsequent 3 days. The IF produced shared certain known properties of immune IF and was not neutralized by an antiserum against viral-induced (type I) IF. DBA/2 (D2) mice which are considerably more sensitive in vivo to HSV infection than B6 mice produced significantly lower amounts of immune IF in the in vitro test system regardless whether high or low doses of virus were injected. The same pattern of results was observed when resistant B6D2F1 hybrid mice were compared with AJ and Balb/c mice which are about as sensible to ip infection with HSV as DBA/2 mice in our laboratory. These results demonstrate a remarkable defect of in vitro cellular immunity in mice susceptible to a virus infection when compared with resistant mice. Conceivably, a similar defect may be of in vivo relevance.  相似文献   

The V region sequences of two anti-DNA (A52, D42) and two anti-RNA (D44, D444) autoantibodies, derived from lupus prone NZB/NZW F1 female mice, were determined by mRNA sequencing. The sequences had the following features: 1) there was no clear sequence relationship between anti-DNA and anti-RNA antibodies; 2) there were no major similarities between any of the L chain sequences and each VL gene segment belonged to a different mouse VK subgroup; 3) the H chains of the two anti-RNA antibodies showed closely related sequences of VH gene segments and very similar third complementarity determining regions (CDR3); 4) the H chains of the two anti-DNA antibodies had VH segments belonging to different VH gene families but had a unique and similar combination of D segments and junctional sequences, suggesting a common recognition element for Ag and/or for idiotypic regulation in the H chain CDR3; and 5) the VH gene segment of one anti-DNA antibody (D42) was found to be very similar to the VH gene segment of a CBA mouse hybridoma antibody (6G6) which binds to the environmental Ag phosphocholine. The three-dimensional structure of the Fv-region of the anti-DNA antibody (D42) was modeled by computer and a stretch of poly(dT), ssDNA was docked to a cleft in the antibody combining site, formed by the three H chain CDR and by CDR1 and CDR3 of the L chain. The cleft is characterized by a preponderance of arginine and tyrosine residues, lining both the walls and base of the cleft.  相似文献   

The effect of toremifene on NK-cells isolated from the spleen of NZB/NZW mice was studied in comparison to tamoxifen and estradiol. Unlike estradiol but like tamoxifen, toremifene did not influence the activity of NK-cells. Low doses (0.1 and 10.0 mg/kg) of toremifene did not suppress, but a high dose of toremifene and tamoxifen (50 mg/kg for 6 weeks) suppressed the stimulating effect of human interferon alpha on the cells.  相似文献   

B/W mice spontaneously develop IgG antibodies to DNA that cause lethal immune nephritis. T and B cell interactions in the in vitro anti-DNA antibody response of B/W mice were investigated, and two distinct families of helper T cells that drive these responses were defined. First, the anti-DNA antibody-forming cell (AFC) response was found to be increased in B/W mice with nephritis and was inhibited with the monoclonal antibody anti-L3T4, suggesting a major role for helper T cells. Purified splenic T cells from mice with nephritis were able to augment both the IgG and the IgM anti-DNA AFC response of young B/W B cells. T helper cells were cloned from spleens of NZB/W F female mice with high titer anti-DNA antibodies and nephritis. The cloned T cells augmented both IgG and IgM anti-DNA AFC responses of young B/W B cells. Four clones--27.9, 30.7, 30.8, and 30.10--were selected for further study. These cells proliferated, in the context of syngeneic (H2d/z) antigen-presenting cells (APC) but not to allogeneic APC. Analysis of the mechanism of T helper cell clone-mediated augmentation of anti-DNA AFC revealed two populations: "cognate" T helper cells, which specifically augment anti-DNA AFC (30.7 and 30.10), and non-antigen-specific T helper cells (27.9 and 30.8), which augment the response of B cells of differing specificity by a bystander mechanism, probably through increased release of B cell growth and differentiation factors.  相似文献   

Administration of sDNA-poly-D-lysine (DNA-PDL) to newborn NZB/NZW F1 mice (B/W) was previously shown to prolonge survival and to decrease nephritis and DNA antibodies. In this study, B/W mice treated from birth with DNA-PDL were found to be tolerant to immunization with sDNA on PDL or mBSA carriers in adjuvants. Tolerance to sDNA was present and was hapten-specific carrier-dependent. IgG and IgM anti-nDNA circulating antibodies were suppressed. Continuous tolerization was necessary to maintain tolerance. Tolerance to sDNA could be transferred by spleen cells, by tolerized thymus cells, and by tolerized bone marrow cells, suggesting that both T and B cells participated in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Two anti-DNA hybridoma autoantibodies ( A52 , D42 ) were prepared by fusing spleen cells from unimmunized NZB/NZW F1 female mice with BALB/c myeloma cells. The monoclonal antibodies were purified to homogeneity and were analyzed for their antigen-binding specificities. The two anti-DNA antibodies bound single-stranded, double-stranded, and supercoiled DNA, with a marked preference for the single-stranded conformation. Competition experiments performed with synthetic polynucleotides, as well as chain reconstitution experiments, indicated that both the sugar-phosphate backbone and the heterocyclic bases of the nucleic acid are essential for antibody recognition. Amino terminal sequence analysis of A52 and two RNA-binding hybridoma proteins revealed that the heavy chains from all three were members of the VHII subgroup and that the A52 light chain was homologous to the VK8 subgroup. The D42 heavy chain was found to be similar to a phosphocholine-binding hybridoma of the VHIII subgroup.  相似文献   

B L Haug  J T Sibley  J S Lee 《FEBS letters》1987,215(2):252-256
The synthesis and degradation of poly(ADP-ribose) were investigated in isolated liver nuclei from autoimmune NZB/W mice and four strains of normal mice. Compared to normal mice the maximum levels of incorporation of [3H]NAD into poly(ADP-ribose) were increased about 2-fold in the autoimmune mice. The kinetics of incorporation suggested that this change was due to an increase in the activity of the polymerase rather than a decrease in the level of degradative enzymes. Thus there may be a connection between autoimmunity and poly(ADP-ribose) metabolism.  相似文献   

Autoimmune-prone (NZB X NZW)F1 (B/W) mice have been shown to have a variety of immunologic perturbations. However, most studies have been performed with spleen cells. By using the Mishell-Dutton culture system, we examined the in vitro immune response of the various lymphoid tissue to determine whether an imbalance at a selective lymphoid site may exist in B/W mice. It was shown that the ability of mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells of B/W mice to generate plaque-forming cells (PFC) in response to sheep red blood cells was consistently less than that of the spleen cells. This relationship held true in the aged mice. In contrast, the ability of the MLN cells of other strains not prone to develop autoimmunity to generate PFC was higher than that of the spleen cells. No significant difference in the mitogenic response of the lymphoid cells from various lymphoid tissue in the young B/W mice was seen, as compared with normal lymphoid cells from control mice. However, it was demonstrated that a relative decrease of B cells and immunoregulatory Lyt-123+ cells in the MLN in the B/W mice occurred early in life, and it was concluded that this abnormality may account for the low PFC response observed.  相似文献   

The mechanism of polyclonal expansion of B cells and subsequent autoantibody production in New Zealand mice remains a critical question. We have been studying the requirements for autoantibody production both in NZB mice as well as NZB mice congenic with the Xid gene of CBA/N mice. In this study, we have attempted to alter the immunologic phenotype of NZB.Xid mice by transfer of cells from young and old NZB mice. There was little difficulty in restoring normal levels of serum IgM, IgG3, splenic Lyb-5 cells, and response to DNP-Ficoll in young NZB.Xid mice that were injected with young NZB bone marrow cells. Although such animals had an almost immediate change in their immune profile to values characteristic of NZB mice, they required, much like unmanipulated NZB mice, a latency period of an additional 6 mo before autoantibodies were detected. In contrast, adult NZB.Xid mice, who likewise developed an immune profile similar to NZB after transfer of bone marrow cells from young NZB mice, began to express autoantibodies immediately without any latency period. NZB.Xid mice who were recipients of adult NZB bone marrow cells did not show sustained autoantibody production, reflecting the limited state of B cell precursors in adult NZB mice. Thus, the age of both donor cells and the age of recipient mice are critical factors for determining the latency period and the age at which autoantibodies will appear. Similarly we attempted to alter the production of autoantibodies in NZB mice that were irradiated and injected with bone marrow cells from NZB.Xid animals. NZB mice had a major amelioration of disease when they received cell transfers from young NZB.Xid mice. This amelioration, which included the acquisition of the immune profile of NZB.Xid animals, was not seen in adult NZB mice that were recipient of young NZB cells. We suggest that although Lyb-5 cells may be the effective mechanism for autoantibody production, there are other interacting influences that may selectively turn on or turn off autoantibodies and that are required and are responsible for the latency period.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of calorie restriction (CR) and cyclophosphamide (CTX) on the progression of lupus nephritis and immunological changes in NZB/NZW F1 mice. Ad libitum (AL)/CTX and CR delayed onset of proteinuria and significantly decreased serum levels of anti-dsDNA, anti-histone, and circulating immune complex antibodies. CTX and CR prevented the increase in and activation of B cells, the decline in CD8(+) T cells, and maintained a higher proportion of na?ve CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells. MHC class I antigen and LFA-1 expression on CD8(+) T cells and MHC class II antigen on B cells were also decreased. AL/CTX and CR prevented the increase in production of IL-10 and up-regulated IL-2 production in T cells ex vivo. We concluded that both CR and CTX can delay the onset of autoimmune disease, in part by maintaining higher numbers of na?ve T cells and the immune responsiveness of T cells and decreasing the proportion of B cells.  相似文献   

We tested whether rabbit immune lymphocytes could be suppressed by anti-allotype antibody (Ab) in vitro as shown for normal lymphocytes. Spleen cells (SpC) from rabbits heterozygous at the b locus (b4b5) of immunoglobulin (Ig) κ chains were treated with IgG preparations of anti-b4 or anti-b5 Ab in vitro for 24 hr (day 1). After this treatment, the SpC were washed and recultured in medium to day 5. The secreted b4- and b5-Ig were quantitated by a radioimmunoassay. SpC from rabbits injected once with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) were allotype-suppressed. Thus, these SpC treated with anti-b4 Ab secreted normal amounts of b5-Ig but secreted much lower amounts of b4-Ig. Similarly, SpC treated with anti-b5 Ab secreted normal amounts of b4-Ig but secreted no detectable b5-Ig. In contrast, SpC from rabbits injected several times with SRBC (hyperimmunized) could not be allotype-suppressed. Hence, the susceptibility of primary immune cells and the resistance of hyperimmune cells to suppression appear to depend on the stage of B-lymphocyte differentiation, presumably because of loss of surface Ig or perhaps because of other changes in the cells as they differentiate during the immune response.  相似文献   

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