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Summary Mutations previously known to affect early neurogenesis inDrosophila melanogaster have been found also to affect the development of the peripheral nervous system. Anti-HRP antibody staining has shown that larval epidermal sensilla of homozygous mutant embryos occur in increased numbers, which depend on the allele considered. This increase is apparently due to the development into sensory organs of cells which in the wild-type would have developed as non-sensory epidermis. Thus, neurogenic genes act whenever developing cells have to decide between neurogenic and epidermogenic fates, both in central and peripheral nervous systems. Different regions of the ectodermal germ layer are distinguished with respect to their neurogenic abilities.  相似文献   

Summary We have searched for dominant modifiers, i.e., enhancers and suppressors, of the compound eye phenotype of split, a recessive viable allele of Notch. Among the spl modifiers found, we have detected mutations in loci whose functions were previously known to cooperate with Notch in embryonic neurogenesis, such as daughterless, master mind, Delta and Hairless. In addition, other spl modifier mutations have been found in loci that were not previously known to interact with Notch, such as scabrous, glass, roughened eye, and several other genes that have not yet been assigned to known loci. The phenotypes associated with mutations in some of these latter loci suggest the participation of the corresponding genes in embryonic neurogenesis. We show that in some cases the observed interactions are due to genetic haplo-insufficent expression of the genes, whereas allele-specific interactions with spl are observed in master mind and Delta alleles. From this observation, we propose a direct functional association between the proteins encoded by Notch, Delta and master mind.  相似文献   

Summary We have screened for dominant enhancers and suppressors of the wing phenotype associated with two Delta alleles: Dl 9P39, an amorphic allele, and Dl FE32, an antimorphic allele. The interactions of some of the modifiers with Delta are due to haplo-insufficient expression of the corresponding genes. Although not explicitly shown for the remaining cases, we assume that haploin-sufficiency is also the basis for the relationships of these genes to Delta, since no allele specific interactions were observed. The modifiers found define 22 genes with pleiotropic expression, which can be classified into two groups: genes required for wing vein pattern formation and for neurogenesis, and genes which are not required for neurogenesis. Among the genes of the first group, Hairless and Star were previously known to participate in neural development. One further modifier was found which may correspond to a new neurogenic gene. The second group of genes is larger and includes already known loci, e.g., Plexate, blistered, plexus, etc, as well as other previously unidentified genes, which function during wing morphogenesis. Correspondence to: J.A. Campos-Ortega  相似文献   

To assess the functional domains of the proteins encoded by E(spl) and HLH-m5, two genes of the Enhancer of split complex [E(SPL)-C] of Drosophila melanogaster, a number of variants have been made by in vitro mutagenesis, transformed into the germ line of the wild-type, and genetically combined with a chromosomal deletion lacking four of the genes of the E(SPL)-C. All constructs used attenuated the neurogenic phenotype associated with this deletion. However, constructs encoding proteins with truncated carboxy-termini exibited in all cases a higher activity than constructs encoding the full length version of the protein. Neutralization of the basic domain severely reduced, but did not completely abolish the rescuing activity of E(spl), while proteins in which a proline residue within the basic domain had been changed to either threonine or asparagine were slightly less efficient in their rescuing activity than the corresponding wild-type versions. We discuss the possible significance of these results for the function of the protein domains.  相似文献   

Summary Cell-cell interactions are involved in mediating developmental fate. An example is the decision of the neuroectodermal cells of Drosophila to develop as neural or epidermal progenitors, where cellular interactions participate in the process of acquisition of either cell fate. The results of heterochronic cell transplantations we describe here suggest that both neuroblasts and epidermoblasts are not irreversibly committed to a particular developmental fate. Rather, they retain the ability to interact with neighbouring cells and, under our experimental conditions, are capable of switching their fate during a relatively long period of time, i.e. until the end of embryonic stage 11.  相似文献   

Summary l(1)su(f)mad-ts (mad) is a new temperature-sensitive (ts) lethal mutant ofDrosophila melanogaster which produces duplicated legs after temperature pulse treatment during larval development. The ts-lethality was studied in temperature experiments and genetic mosaics. Temperature pulses given during two distinct TSPs of larval development result in two different types of leg pattern duplication. Total differ from partial duplications with respect to the affected leg compartments and the orientation of the planes of symmetry which are perpendicular to the dorso-ventral and the proximo-distal leg axes in total and partial duplications, respectively. Genetic mosaic studies indicate (i) disc autonomy of leg pattern duplication, (ii) clonal separation of the anlagen of the two pattern copies, and (iii) clonal restriction along the antero-posterior compartment border in the two pattern copies of totally duplicated legs.The results suggest thatmad leg pattern duplication is caused by a change in positional information rather than by cell death and subsequent regeneration. Our data are compatible with the assumption that during normal development the leg disc cells acquire information about their position within the disc with respect to the different leg axes independently and at different times.  相似文献   

The neurogenic ectoderm ofDrosophila melanogaster consists of the ventral neuroectoderm and the procephalic neuroectoderm. It is hypothesized that epidermal and central neural progenitor cells separate from each other in three steps: conference on the neuroectodermal cells the capability of producing neural or epidermal progenies, separation of the two classes of progenitor cells, and specification of particular types of neuroblasts and epidermoblasts. Separation of neuroblasts and epidermoblasts in controlled by proneural and neurogenic genes.Delta andNotch serve as mediators of direct protein-protein interactions. E(spl)-C inhibits neurogenesis, creating epidermal cells. The achaete-scute complex (AS-C) controls the commitment of nonoverlapping populations of neuroblasts and leads the development of neuroectodermal cells as neuroblasts.  相似文献   

Summary The lineages of cells on the second-leg basitarsus ofDrosophila melanogaster were analyzed by examining gynandromorphs andMinute mosaics. Bracts lie proximal to bristles on the adult basitarsus, yet bract precursor cells were found to originate lateral to bristle precursor cells. In 6 of the 8 longitudinal rows of bristles on this segment, the bract cells arise ventral to the bristle cells; in the others they arise dorsally. The lateral cell origins are interpreted as reflecting a pattern of lateral cell movements associated with evagination of the leg disc. An unusual discrepancy was observed in the relative frequencies of male vs. female bracts and bristles in gynandromorphs. The discrepancy suggests that there is a cell-autonomous sexual difference in either the time at which cells begin moving during evagination or the speed with which they move.On the basis of the results, it is reasoned that the bristle pattern of the basitarsus does not originate in its final form. Prior to evagination, the bristle cells of each row are apparently closer together than in the final pattern, and the rows are farther apart. Evidence is presented which suggests that the bristle cells of each row may originally be arranged in a jagged line which is later straightened by cell movements.The two locations where the anterior/posterior compartment boundary of the second leg passes through the basitarsus were found to vary relative to the bristle pattern. If this boundary is assumed to be a fixed line of positional values, then the extent of the observed variability — which is estimated to be ± 1 or 2 cell diameters — provides a measure of the precision of patterning around the circumference.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison of the morphogenetic maps of the notum anlage of Drosophila melanogaster derived from the gynandromorph data and mosaics induced by somatic crossing-over during the first instar larval stage revealed that practically no major morphogenetic movements occur in the development of the anlage between the blastoderm and first instar larval stages and the adult stage. By comparing the morphogenetic map derived from gynandromorphs and the fate map derived from data on the transplantation of fragments of the mature wing imaginal disc, it was observed that no major morphogenetic movements occur in the notum anlage between the stages of the allocation of the disc and the mature disc. The results are consistent with the observations of other authors concerning the larval development of eye-antenna, wing and leg discs.  相似文献   

Summary The present report describes the recovery and genetic characterization of mutant alleles at zygotic loci on the third chromosome ofDrosophila melanogaster which alter the morphology of the larval cuticle. We derived 12600 single lines from ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS)-treatedst e orrucuca chromosomes and assayed them for embryonic lethal mutations by estimating hatch rates of egg collections. About 7100 of these lines yielded at least a quarter of unhatched eggs and were then scored for embryonic phenotypes. Through microscopic examination of unhatched eggs 1772 lines corresponding to 24% of all lethal hits were classified as embryonic lethal. In 198 lines (2.7% of all lethal hits), mutant embryos showed distinct abnormalities of the larval cuticle. These embryonic visible mutants define 45 loci by complementation analysis. For 32 loci, more than one mutant allele was recovered, with an average of 5.8 alleles per locus. Complementation of all other mutants was shown by 13 mutants. The genes were localized on the genetic map by recombination analysis, as well as cytologically by complementation analysis with deficiencies. They appear to be randomly distributed along the chromosome. Allele frequencies and comparisons with deficiency phenotypes indicate that the 45 loci represent most, if not all, zygotic loci on the third chromosome, where lack of function recognizably affects the morphology of the larval cuticle.  相似文献   

Summary The legs of flies from 16 different mutant strains ofDrosophila melanogaster were examined for abnormal cuticular polarities and extra joints. The strains were chosen for study because they manifest abnormal cuticular polarities in some parts of the body (10 strains) or because they have missing or defective tarsal joints (6 strains). All but three of the stocks were found to exhibit misorientations of either the bristles, hairs, or “bract-socket vectors” on the legs. The latter term denotes an imaginary vector pointing from a hairlike structure called a “bract” to the bristle socket with which it is associated. On the legs of wild-type flies nearly all such vectors point distally, as do the bristles and hairs. In the mutant flies, the most common vector misorientation is a 180° reversal. When the bract-socket vectors of adjacent bristle sites in the same bristle row point toward one another, the distance between the sites is frequently abnormally large, whereas when the vectors point in opposite directions, the interval is frequently abnormally small. This correlation is interpreted to mean that bristle cells actively repel one another via cytoplasmic extensions that are longer in the direction of the bract-socket vector than in the opposite direction. Repulsive forces of this kind may be responsible for “fine-tuning” the regularity of bristle spacing in wild-type flies. Extra tarsal joints were found in eight of the 16 strains. A ninth strain completely lacking tarsal joints appears in some cases to have an extra tibia-basitarsus joint in its tibia. Whereas the tarsi of wild-type flies contain four joints, the tarsi ofspiny legs mutant flies contain as many as eight joints. In this extreme extra-joint phenotype, four of the joints correspond to the normal wild-type joints, and there is an extra joint in every tarsal segment except the distal-most (fifth) segment. Nearly all such ectopic extra joints have inverted polarity. In other strains the extra tarsal joints are located mainly at the wild-type joint sites, and joints of this sort have wild-type polarity. The alternation of normal and inverted (extra) joints inspiny legs resembles the alternation of normal and inverted (extra) body segment boundaries in the embryonic-lethal mutantpatch, suggesting that tarsal and body segmentation may share a common patterning mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary The gastrulation defective (gd) locus is a maternally expressed gene in Drosophila required for normal differentiation of structures along the embryonic dorso-ventral axis. Cuticular defects of the offspring from females with different combinations of gd alleles comprised a phenotypic continuum. Complementation among several alleles produced normal offspring while progressively more severe mutations produced a graded loss of structures from ventral, and then lateral, blastoderm cells. The most severely affected embryos consisted entirely of structures derived from dorsal blastoderm cells. Histological examination of staged siblings from selected allelic combinations showed that internal tissues were similarly affected. The tissues observed in amorphic embryos support new, more dorsal, assignments of fate map positions for blastoderm precursors of the cephalopharyngeal apparatus, hindgut and ventral nerve cord. The loss of ventral and lateral structures did not occur through cell death and appeared to involve a change in blastoderm cell fate. A direct effect of the mutations on blastoderm cell determination, however, was insufficient to explain the development of the dorsalized embryos. Intermediate phenotypes suggested that cell interactions or movements associated with morphogenesis are required for the determination of some cell fates in the dorsoventral axis. Thus, the developmental fate of all blastoderm cells may not be fixed at the time of blastoderm formation.  相似文献   

Summary The arrangement of bristles on a leg segment of the fruitflyDrosophila melanogaster was studied in various mutants that have abnormal numbers of bristles on this segment. Eighteen mutations at six different genetic loci were analyzed, plus five double or triple mutant combinations. Recessive mutations at theachaete-scute locus were found to affect distinct groups of bristles:achaete mutations remove mechanosensory bristles, whereasscute mutations remove mainly chemosensory bristles. Mechanosensory bristles remain uniformly spaced along the longitudinal axis unless their number decreases below a certain threshold, suggesting that spacing is controlled by cell interactions that cannot function when bristle cells are too far apart. Above a certain threshold, bristle spacing and alignment both become irregular, perhaps due to excessive force from these same interactions. Chemosensory bristles occupy definite positions that are virtually unaffected by removal of individual bristles from the array. Extra chemosensory bristles develop only near the six normal sites. At two of the six sites the multiple bristles tend to exhibit uniform longitudinal spacing — a property confined to mechanosensory bristles in wild-type flies. To explain the various mutant phenotypes the following scheme is proposed, with different mutations directly or indirectly affecting each step: (1) spots and stripes are demarcated within the pattern area, (2) one bristle cell normally arises within each spot, multiple bristle cells within each stripe, (3) incipient bristle cells inhibit neighboring cells from becoming bristle cells, and (4) the bristle cells within each stripe become aligned to form rows and then repel one another to generate uniform spacing.  相似文献   

Summary The present investigation analyzes intercellular junctions in tissues with different developmental capacities. The distribution of junctions was studied inDrosophila embryos, in imaginal disks, and in cultures of disk cells that were no longer able to differentiate any specific pattern of the adult epidermis.The first junctions —primitive desmosomes andclose membrane appositions — already appear in blastoderm.Gap junctions are first detected in early gastrulae and later become more and more frequent.Zonulae adhaerentes are formed around 6 h after fertilization, whileseptate junctions appear in the ectoderm of 10-h-old embryos.Inwing disks of all stages studied (22–120 h), three types of junctions are found: zonulae adhaereentes, gap junctions, and septate junctions. Gap junctions, which are rare and small at 22 h, increase in number and size during larval development. The other types of junctions are found between all cells of a wing disk throughout development.All types of junctions that are found in normal wing disks are also present in theimaginal disk tissues cultured in vivo for some 15 years and in thevesicles of imaginal disk cells grown in embryonic primary cultures in vitro. However, gap junctions are smaller and in the vesicles less frequent than in wing disks of mature larvae.Thus gap junctions, which allow small molecules to pass between the cells they connect, are present in the early embryo, when the first developmental decisions take place, and in all imaginal disk tissues studied, irrespective of whether or not these are capable of forming normal patterns.  相似文献   

A temperature sensitive lethal allele of thewingless locus ofDrosophila melanogaster together with previously studied lethal and viable alleles in this locus, has been used to study some properties of this locus. These studies show the existence of two lethal phases for thewingless lesion; one during embryogenesis and another during pupation. By growing embryos with temperature sensitivewingless lesion at the permissive temperature and letting the larvae develop at non-permissive temperature, a large-scale cell death and subsequent regeneration were seen to occur in the mutant wing discs. This cell death followed by regeneration alters the normal developmental potential of the wing disc. Disc transplantation experiments show that these discs are incapable of differentiating into wing blade structures.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophoresis of myosin extracts from larvae and adult tissues ofDrosophila melanogaster under non-dissociating conditions indicate that two of the bands seen are myosins. They stain for Ca2+ ATPase activity and when cut and re-run under dissociating conditions are found to contain a myosin heavy chain that co-migrates with rabbit skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain. One of the forms of myosin seen is found primarily in extracts from the leg. The other is common to the adult fibrillar flight muscles and the larval body wall muscles.The electrophoretic evidence for two myosin types is strengthened by the histochemical demonstration of two myofibrillar ATPases on the basis of their lability to acid or alkali preincubation. The myofibrillar ATPase in the leg and the Tergal Depressor of the Trochanter (TDT) are shown to be relatively acid labile and alkali stable. The larval body wall muscles and the adult fibrillar flight muscles have an ATPase which is acid stable and alkali labile. This distribution of the two myofibrillar ATPase coincides with that predicted by electrophoresis of extracts from whole tissue and also locates the two myosins to specific muscle types.  相似文献   

Summary The stereotyped segmental and dorso-ventral organization of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) of Drosophila embryos allows the identification of all the neurons in the body wall. Distinct classes of neurons are distinguishable according to their location, the targets they innervate, the particular shape of their dendrites and their cell size. Those neurons innervating external sensory structures (es) and chordotonal organs (ch) have single dendrites and have been previously described (Ghysen et al. 1986; Dambly-Chaudiere and Ghysen 1986; Campos-Ortega and Hartenstein 1985). We describe here the identity and morphological features of three other classes of neurons in the body segments which have multiple dendrites (md neurons): 1) neurons that give rise to elaborate dendritic arborisations (da neurons); 2) neurons that have bipolar dendrites (bd neurons); 3) neurons that arborize around particular tracheal branches (td neurons). The thoracic hemisegment (T2 and T3) contains 13 da, one bd, one td, 21 es and four ch neurons; the abdominal hemisegment (A1 to A7) contains 14 da, three bd, three td, 15 es and eight ch neurons. The arrangement of the segmented peripheral neurons is highly invariant and provides a favorable assay system for the genetic analysis of neurodevelopment.  相似文献   

Summary The developmental patterns of embryos produced by female germ line cells homozygous for null-enzyme mutations of dunce and for dunce in combination with each of three different rutabaga mutations are compared with the normal pattern. At least three discrete developmental defects at progressive stages following fertilization can be identified and correlated with the loss of adenylate cyclase activity caused by rutabaga mutations, suggesting that the defects are caused by elevated cyclic AMP levels in female germ line cells. The earliest defect occurs soon after fertilization and affects DNA replication and mitosis, prevents nuclear migration, and leads to large polyploid nuclei. A later defect prevents cleavage nuclei from migrating into, or dividing in, the posterior region of the egg. The last affects the developmental behavior or fate of blastoderm cells. Some of these defects mimic those produced by previously described maternal-effect mutations.  相似文献   

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