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Treatment of human mononuclear cells with sodium metaperiodate (NaIO4) or neuraminidase and galactose oxidase (NGO) results in lymphocyte activation and subsequent generation of supernatants rich in migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and leukocyte inhibitory factor (LIF). Preliminary characterization of these mediators by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration suggests that they are similar to antigen- and concanavalin A-induced MIF and LIF, eluting in the 25000 m.w. and 68000 m.w. regions, respectively. The possibility of galactose oxidase carryover into the supernatants has been studied and conditions are described that minimize this eventuality. A method is presented for producing control and lymphokine-rich supernatants both of which have been exposed to identical concentrations of NGO although in the control activation is blocked by the addition of 0.1 M galactose to the incubation. These findings establish NaIO4 and NGO as useful mitogens for generating human lymphokine-rich supernatants that can be used without further purification.  相似文献   

Oxidation of viable rat lymph node lymphocytes with either periodate or a combination of neuraminidase and galactose oxidase (NGO), followed by reduction with tritiated sodium borohydride, labels similar sets of cell-surface molecules as assessed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. Periodate and NGO induce blast transformation of lymph node lymphocytes (oxidative mitogenesis), and borohydride reduction inhibits the proliferative response. Thus, it is inferred that some or all of the glycoproteins that are labeled with tritiated borohydride may be involved in mediating the stimulation caused by the oxidizing agents. Treatment of lymph node lymphocytes with 5 units/ml papain abolishes the response to periodate or NGO but does not significantly affect the response to Con A. At the same time, papain treatment eliminates the labeled bands representing six high m.w. glycoproteins (175,000, 170,000, 160,000, 155,000, 100,000, and 70,000 daltons). No significant effect is seen on the labeling of the other components visualized in the slab gels. The results implicate the subset of six high m.w. papain-sensitive sialoglycoproteins in mediating oxidative mitogenesis of rat lymph node lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Induction of lymphocyte transformation by periodate   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Previous studies have shown that freshly isolated CD16+ NK cells are deficient in the expression of decay-accelerating factor (DAF), or CD55, a membrane regulator of C3 activation. In this study we investigated the significance, for NK cell-mediated lysis, of DAF expression on the target and effector cells. The effect of DAF expression on the susceptibility of NK cell targets was investigated by several means: first, DAF- cell lines were cloned from K562; second, the cloned DAF- cells were reconstituted with exogenous purified DAF; and third, anti-DAF F(ab')2 was used to block DAF function on the DAF+ K562 cells. Consistently, the presence of DAF in the target cell membrane, either naturally occurring or experimentally incorporated, afforded the target cell protection against lysis, and this protection could be blocked with anti-DAF. Similarly, targets for antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity with exogenous DAF incorporated in their plasma membrane became less sensitive to antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity by NK cells compared with the same target cells without incorporated DAF in their membranes. DAF incorporated in the plasma membranes of the effector NK cells made the NK cells less effective at killing K562 targets. The known function of DAF is to regulate C3 activation, and we were able to demonstrate that the isolated NK cell is capable of releasing C3. It is also possible that the participation of DAF in NK cell function represents a new, noncomplement-dependent function for DAF.  相似文献   

The exposure of several major red-cell glycolipids to galactose oxidase was studied by oxidizing the cells with the enzyme and reducing them with NaB2H4. After isolation, the deuterium label was detected by mass fragmentography. 60-70% globoside in human and porcine erythrocytes was exposed as measured by this method. In contrast, asialo-GM2 in guinea-pig erythrocytes and Forssman glycolipid in sheep erythrocytes were mainly in a cryptic state. Neuraminidase treatment increased the incorporation of deuterium label to asialo-GM2 4-8-fold. A similar effect was seen in Forssman glycolipid when sheep red cells were labeled with the neuraminidase/galactose oxidase/NaB3H4 method. In contrast, the increase in labeling was only about 10-40% in porcine and human globosides, which were efficiently exposed to galactose oxidase already in native red cells.  相似文献   

The response of highly enriched populations of human T8+ lymphocytes to the oxidative mitogenic enzymes neuraminidase (NA) and galactose oxidase (GO) was enhanced by NAGO-primed T4+ lymphocytes. No similar enhancement occurred when the cells were primed with phytohemagglutinin (PHA). In the absence of subclass contamination (1%), the T8+ and T4+ cells responded equally to NAGO by the criterion of DNA replication. The addition of a small number, 2-10%, of NAGO-T4+ cells to the NAGO-T8+ cells enhanced DNA synthesis by as much as 8.5-fold. Augmentation of the cellular response did not occur unless the T4+ cells were activated by NAGO. The converse situation, 2-10% of NAGO-T8+ cells in a primarily NAGO-T4+ cell population, did not increase the DNA synthetic response of the NAGO-T4+ cells. The NAGO-T4+ cells did not augment the early event of increased phosphatidylinositol metabolism or the midcycle event of induction of receptors for interleukin 2 (IL2) and transferrin. The NAGO-T4+ cells therefore increased the probability that fully activated T8+ lymphocytes crossed the G1/S boundary. The basis for this effect was not an enhanced responsiveness of the NAGO-T8+ cells to IL2 or to other soluble growth mediators in medium conditioned by NAGO-activated lymphocytes. The results of this investigation thus implicate a control point in the NAGO-T8+ lymphocyte cell cycle that is positively modulated by the NAGO-T4+ cells themselves or by a product of their activation.  相似文献   

Subpopulations of human lymphocytes were tested for their capacity to kill mumps virus-infected target cells in a 51-chromium release asaay. Using two different cell fractionation techniques, lymphocytes were fractionated into T cell-enriched (primarily T cells) and T cell-depleted (primarily B cells) subpopulations. Filtration of lymphocytes through columns coated with human immunoglobulin and rabbit anti-human-immunoglobulin (Ig-anti-Ig) rendered the resulting T-cell preparation inactive as effector cells against target cells carrying mumps virus antigens. In the second technique, lymphocytes were fractionated by centrifugation into two fractions according to their ability to form spontaneous rosettes with sheep erythrocytes (E). The E-rosette-forming population (primarily T cells) was shown to lack cytotoxic activity against mumps virus-infected target cells. This activity was present in the nonrosetting population. The results suggest that the effector cells involved in this cytotoxic system are of a non-T variety.  相似文献   

The effector cell in mouse spleen which mediates natural cytotoxicity against mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)-infected target cells was characterized. The target cells were MHV-infected BALB/c 3T3, and the assay time was 3 hr. The effector cell, designated virus killer (VK) cell for the purpose of discussion, had the following phenotype: lymphocyte morphology, plastic-nonadherent, nylon wool-adherent, nonphagocytic, cyclophosphamide-sensitive; by antibody plus complement (C) depletion studies, it was asialo GM1-, NK 1.2 alloantigen-negative, Thy-1.2-, Lyt-5-, and macrophage antigen-negative; by rosetting techniques, it was Fc receptor-positive and surface Fab+; by flow cytometry (FACS) analysis, it was Lyt-2-, MAC-1-, Ia+, IgG (gamma)+, IgM (mu)+, IgD (delta)+, and B cell lineage antibody B-220+. NK cells, measured for cytotoxicity on YAC-1 cells, were similarly tested and were found to differ from the VK cell in the following properties: nylon wool-nonadherent, asialo GM1+, NK alloantigen-positive, Lyt-5+, surface Fab-, MAC-1+, Ia-, IgG-, IgM-, IgD-, and B-220-. The VK effector cell had a phenotype highly distinguishable from NK cells, effectors most commonly associated with antiviral natural cytotoxicity. The VK cell had a phenotype identical to that of a B lymphocyte and was identified as such. Although the effector cells displayed cell surface antibody, the antibody did not appear to be involved in lysis, because lysis could not be blocked by F(ab)'2 directed against Fab, mu, or delta. Cytotoxicity was more likely associated with recognition of the B lymphocyte surface by the MHV glycoprotein E2, as shown in the accompanying companion paper. This is the first demonstration that natural cytotoxicity can be mediated by B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Blastogenic responses of normal human peripheral lymphocytes to three distinct groups of mitogens were studied: Group I--phytohemagglutinin (PHA), concanavalin A (Con A), and pokeweed mitogen (PWM); Group II--soybean agglutinin (SBA) and peanut agglutinin (PNA); and Group III--galactose oxidase (GO) and sodium periodate (IO4-). SBA was mitogenic for human cells, and this effect was enhanced by treating the cells with neuraminidase (NA). PNA was mitogenic only after cells had been treated with NA. GO was effective before and activity was increased after lymphocytes were treated with NA. Responses to Group II and III mitogens were more variable than were those to Group I mitogens. Studies with purified T and B cells indicated that SBA and PNA were T cell mitogens, whereas IO4- and GO failed to stimulate either T or B cells. Adding macrophages back to this system indicated that they were both T cell mitogens with strict macrophage requirements. T cell responses to SBA and PNA were enhanced over responses to unfractionated cells to a degree that could not be explained simply by enrichment of the cultures with T cells. Removal of adherent cells from unfractionated cell suspensions again revealed a marked enhancement of responses to SBA and PNA, a consistent decrease in responses to IO4-, and a variable decrease in responses to GO. Similar results were found with 14C-leucine and 3H-uridine incorporation, as well as 3H-thymidine for the assessment of bastogenic response. Mechanisms responsible for these differential effects of macrophage depletion on lymphocyte responses to different groups of mitogens are yet to be determined. Either different mitogens require different lymphocyte to macrophage ratios for optimal stimulation, or some mitogens (i.e., SBA and PNA) form inhibitory complexees in the lymphocyte-macrophage mixture. In any case, variability in response to mitogenic agents in normal as well as pathologic states may be dependent on adherent cell populations, rather than on the lymphocytes themselves.  相似文献   

Human peripheral Wood lymphocytes were depleted of natural killer cells cytotoxic against human fetal fibroblasts by allowing them to attack the fibroblast targets grown on plastic beads followed by gravity sedimentation under conditions in which single cells floated but the attacker cells sedimented with the carrier beads. The attacker cells could be released from the bead-grown targets and shown to be greatly enriched in natural cytotoxic activity. The effector cells depleted by fibroblast adsorption were also depleted of cytotoxic activity against other monolayer targets whereas suspension grown lymphoma and leukemia cells (MOLT-4, RAJI, and K-562) were killed as effectively as by non-depleted effector cells. In competition assays other monolayer cells inhibited the natural cytotoxicity against fetal fibroblasts but the suspension-grown cells were unable to compete. The results suggested that different effector cell populations were probably involved when monolayer vs suspension targets were used in assays for human natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity. The separation was not, however, functionally complete since in competition assays with suspension-grown target cells also monolayer cells were able to compete. Preliminary morphological characterization of the natural killer cells against fetal fibroblasts is also presented.  相似文献   

Lymphocytotoxicity using S3-Hela target cells has been studied in 20 cancer patients treated with ionizing radiation (head and neck, lung and breast cancers). Monolayer cultures of Hela cells were marked with radioactive 51 Chromium and cultured with non stimulated or phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulated lymphocytes. This study shows a spontaneous decrease of lymphocytotoxicity in cancer patients as compared with normal subjects and an immunodepressive effect of radiotherapy. We observe a significant decrease of lymphocytotoxicity for either stimulated or non-stimulated lymphocytes at the end of radiation treatment. Moreover one month after completion of radiotherapy a possible repair of a lymphocytoxicity seems to be related with a short-term (6 months) good prognosis.  相似文献   

Our previous observations suggested that the production of prostaglandins by tumor cells exposed to lymphocytes might constitute a mechanism by which the tumor cells Could subvert the effects of a cellular immune response directed against them. The present experiments tested this hypothesis by determining whether inhibition of prostaglandin production permitted enhanced expression of natural and antibody-dependent lymphocyte cytotoxicity against the target cells. Cell lines T24 and HCV29 were labelled with 51Chromium and incubated with purified lymphocytes obtained from venous blood of normal donors. Antiserum to T24 and varying concentrations of inhibitors of prostaglandin synthetase (indomethacin, fenclozic acid, acetylsalicylic acid, and 2,6-xylenol) were added at the onset of incubation and assay tubes were incubated for varying times at 37 °C. In some experiments, lymphocytes or labeled target cells were preincubated with inhibitors and then washed prior to their addition to the assay tubes. Cytotoxicity was determined by measuring 51Chromium release and assessing any differences that might reflect the presence of the various drugs. Each prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor significantly enhanced both natural and antibody-dependent lymphocyte cytotoxicity. Enhancement appeared to reflect an effect on the target cells, presumeably by an inhibition of prostaglandin production. No increase in spontaneous 51Chromium release was apparent. The inhibitors did not appear to activate lymphocytes. This evidence supports the suggestion of a mechanism in which tumor cells may prevent the effect of a cellular immune response by producing inhibitory levels of prostaglandins. These results also suggest that manipulation of this mechanism can enhance the effectiveness of the lymphocyte response and may be a consideration in assessing lymphocyte/tumor cell interaction in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The effects of cytochalasin B on lymphocyte stimulation induced by concanavalin A (Con A) and by periodate were investigated. At low concentrations (0.1 – 1 μg/ml) cytochalosin B greatly potentiated the responses to these two mitogens. Cytochalasin B was most effective when added with the mitogens at the beginning of incubation. The action of cytochalasin B at low concentration was suggested to be on an early process of DNA synthesis induced by these mitogens.  相似文献   

Antigen dependent cellular cytotoxity (ADCC) and non-killer cell activities of haematological healthy donors were investigated in the 51Cr release test. Attempts of cell fraction reveal that lymphocytes are active as killer and non-killer cells. Granulocytes were efficient effector cells of antigen dependent cellular cytotoxity (ADCC), however, they had no natural-killer activity. In testing leukocyte fractions of 11 donors, killer cell would only be found in the non-T-fraction. In contrast to that, three types could be observed in the distribution on non-killer cells: Distribution on T-lymphocyte fraction (27.3%), distribution on non-T-lymphocyte fraction (9.1%) and approximately equal distribution on T- and non-T-lymphocyte fraction 63.7%). Without any treatment patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia showed an antigen dependent cellular cytotoxity and non-killer activity only in exceptional cases. Normal activities were reached in remission, with chemotherapy having a depressive effect on non-killer activity.  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes can be transformed by treatment with galactose oxidase alone. Prior treatment with neuraminidase enhances this effect. The aldehyde blocking agents thiocarbohydrazide, hydroxylamine, dimedone, and sodium borohydride block transformation when they follow, but not when they precede, galactose oxidase treatment. Thus, as is the case for periodate-induced lymphocyte transformation, the formation of free aldehyde at the cell surface would seem to be a critical event in the triggering of transformation by this agent. The degree of transformation is highly variable from individual to individual, and also for the same donor at different times. However, the lymphocytes of some people give a consistently poor response to galactose oxidase. Similar results have been obtained for periodate-induced transformation of human lymphocytes, but to this date this is unexplained.  相似文献   

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