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The effect of low mean power laser irradiations with short pulse duration from an Nd:YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet) laser on a marine biofilm-forming bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora, was investigated in the laboratory. Laser-irradiated bacteria were tested for their ability to attach on nontoxic titanium nitride (TiN) coupons with nonirradiated bacteria as the reference. Two durations of irradiation were tested, 10 and 15 min. Bacterial attachment was monitored after 20 min, 40 min, and 1 h of irradiation. The average laser fluence used for this study was 0.1 J/cm(2). The area of attachment of the irradiated bacteria was significantly less than the reference for both durations of irradiation. The growth of irradiated bacteria showed a longer lag phase than the nonirradiated sample, mainly due to mortality in the former. The bacterial mortality observed was 23.4 +/- 0.71 and 48.6 +/- 6.5% for 10- and 15-min irradiations, respectively. Thus, the results show that low-power pulsed laser irradiations resulted in a significant bacterial mortality and a reduced bacterial attachment on nontoxic hard surfaces.  相似文献   

There is a huge interest in developing strategies to effectively eliminate biofilms due to their negative impact in both industrial and clinical settings. In this study, structural damage was induced on two day‐old B. subtilis biofilms using the interaction of 532 nm pulsed laser with gold thin films. Radiant exposure of 225 mJ/cm2 induced distinct changes on the surface structure and overall morphology of the matured biofilms after laser irradiation. Moreover, at the radiant exposure used, changes in the colour and viscosity of the biofilm were observed which may indicate a compromised extracellular matrix. Irradiated biofilms in the presence of gold film also showed strong propidium iodide signal which implies an increase in the number of dead bacterial cells after laser treatment. Thus, this laser‐based technique is a promising approach in targeting and eradicating matured biofilms attached on surfaces such as medical implants.


目的 :研究 10 64nm和 53 2nm波长激光在激光能量为 14 0mJ/pulse(脉冲 )时对犬心肌切割效率。方法 :用Q开关Nd :YAG 10 64和 53 2nm波长脉冲激光分别照射犬离体和在体心肌组织 ,光学显微镜和偏振光学显微镜行组织学分析 ,观察不同条件下激光切割组织的深度和光热对组织的损伤。结果 :离体和在体实验 ,10 64nm波长激光的切割效率高于 53 2nm(p <0 .0 1)。在体和离体实验显示 10 64nm激光能量和重复率相同时 ,所致的切割效率无明显差异 (p >0 .0 5) ,血液对 10 64nm激光的切割效率影响较小。相反 ,在 53 2nm时血液对其影响较大 ,相同的激光能量和重复率 ,离体实验切割效率高于在体 (p <0 .0 1)。 10 64nm激光所致的光热和机械损伤均轻于 53 2nm激光。结论 :在切割效率方面 ,10 64nm激光比 53 2nm更适用于TMLR。 10 64nmQ开关Nd :YAG激光可通过光导纤维传输 ,是TMLR的一个有潜力的激光源  相似文献   

Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a non‐plant‐cell manipulation through a transfer of energy by means of light sources at the non‐ablative or thermal intensity. Authors showed that cytochrome‐c‐oxidase (complex IV) is the specific chromophore's target of PBM at the red (600‐700 nm) and NIR (760‐900 nm) wavelength regions. Recently, it was suggested that the infrared region of the spectrum could influence other chromospheres, despite the interaction by wavelengths higher than 900 nm with mitochondrial chromophores was not clearly demonstrated. We characterized the interaction between mitochondria respiratory chain, malate dehydrogenase, a key enzyme of Krebs cycle, and 3‐hydroxyacyl‐CoA dehydrogenase, an enzyme involved in the β‐oxidation (two mitochondrial matrix enzymes) with the 1064 nm Nd:YAG (100mps and 10 Hz frequency mode) irradiated at the average power density of 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 W/cm2 to generate the respective fluences of 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 J/cm2. Our results show the effect of laser light on the transmembrane mitochondrial complexes I, III, IV and V (adenosine triphosphate synthase) (window effects), but not on the extrinsic mitochondrial membrane complex II and mitochondria matrix enzymes. The effect is not due to macroscopical thermal change. An interaction of this wavelength with the Fe‐S proteins and Cu‐centers of respiratory complexes and with the water molecules could be supposed.   相似文献   

Nd^+3:YAG激光对黑曲霉的诱变效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用Nd^+3:YAG激光辐照柠檬酸生产菌黑曲霉孢子,辐照后进行培养和发酵试验,分析测定不同辐照时间黑曲霉孢子的存活率、黑曲霉菌丝体生长繁殖及颓丧 酸的速度、主要代谢产物柠酸的产量及淀粉糖化酶活力等变化。  相似文献   

为了观察脉冲Nd∶YAG激光在根管预备(以下简称根备)中的作用,我们用Nd∶YAG激光辅助,对30颗患牙进行根备,根备后即时根充。并与超声根备后即时根充、传统根备后即时根充比较,结果表明:激光组的术后疼痛反应少于超声组与传统组,远期疗效与超声组相仿,而优于传统组。  相似文献   

The fractionated picosecond laser produces microscopic lesions in the epidermis and dermis due to laser-induced optical breakdown (LIOB). There have been multiple histological reports, but the present literature lacks detailed in vivo studies after treatment with high-power laser systems. Our study aimed to characterize the healing patterns of microlesions induced with 150 ps duration 1064 nm MLA-type picosecond laser. The induced picosecond laser-tissue reactions with pulse energy of 50–250 mJ and different treatment modes were observed in in vivo porcine skin model over 10 days after the laser procedure. A macroscopic evaluation was combined with microscopic histological analysis to observe the healing dynamics of laser-induced microlesions. Superficial, intraepidermal cavitation bubbles were induced using microbeam fluence of 4–20 J/cm2. Skin irritation scores positively correlated with pulse energy and dose. Our findings demonstrate that dose and pulse energy had a direct impact on epidermal thickness and lesions healing dynamics.  相似文献   

目的:研究不同剂量1318 nm Nd:YAG激光的生物学效应。方法:用波长为1318 nm的Nd:YAG激光连续照射体外培养的处于对数生长期的人胰腺癌PC-3细胞。在低剂量组内分组分别照射0 s、2 s、4 s、6 s、8 s、10 s、12 s、14 s,每天1次,连续照射3次;在高剂量组内分组分别照射0 s、10 s、15 s、20 s、25 s、35 s、50 s,照射1次。照射结束后,继续培养24 h,噻唑蓝比色法(MTT)测定各组OD值,研究细胞增殖情况。结果:在低剂量范围内,随着激光照射剂量的提高,PC-3细胞的OD值逐渐升高(P<0.05)。而在高剂量范围内,随着激光照射剂量的提高,PC-3细胞的OD值逐渐降低(P<0.05)。结论:1 318 nm Nd:YAG激光,在低剂量范围内照射PC-3细胞,具有明显促进其增值的作用,呈剂量依赖性,在临床应用上应避免该副作用的发生;而在高剂量范围内照射PC-3细胞,具有明显抑制其增殖的作用,呈剂量依赖性,对于指导临床应用具有重要价值。  相似文献   

The development of a reliable model allowing accurate predictions of biofilm growth in porous media relies on a good knowledge of the temporal evolution of biofilm structure within the porous network. Since little is known about the real 3-D structure of biofilms in porous media, this work was aimed at developing a new experimental protocol to visualize the 3-D microstructure of the inside of a porous medium using laboratory X-ray microtomography. A reliable and reproducible methodology is proposed for (1) growing a biofilm inside a porous medium, and (2) X-ray tomography-based characterization of the temporal development of the biofilm at the inlet of the biofilter. The statistical analysis proposed here also validates the results presented in the literature based on a biofilm structure single measurement.  相似文献   

AIMS: The effect of laser (pulse repetition frequency, pulse energy and exposure time) and environmental parameters (pH, NaCl concentration and wet or dry samples) of Nd:YAG laser decontamination of stainless steel inoculated with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes was investigated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Stainless steel discs were inoculated with the bacterial samples and exposed to laser energy densities to about 900 J cm(-2). These inactivation curves allowed selection of laser parameters for two-level multifactorial designed experiments, the results of which allowed comparisons to be made between effects of individual and combined parameters on the laser inactivation efficiency. Escherichia coli was inactivated most effectively as a wet film with L. monocytogenes and S. aureus showing similar response. For the multifactorial experiments all laser parameters were significant and were smallest for S. aureus as a wet film. CONCLUSIONS: pH and NaCl concentration had little effect on the efficacy of laser inactivation but dry or wet states and all laser parameters were significant. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Such systems may prove to be applicable in industrial processes where stainless steel may be contaminated with acidic solutions or salt, e.g. in the food industry with laser inactivation seeming to be independent of these parameters. Parameters have been identified that allow optimization of the treatment process.  相似文献   

Visible lasers emitting in the green spectral region are being routinely employed in various medical and defense fields namely treatment of pigmented lesions, tattoo inks, port wine stains, dazzling the target or mob dispersal. Despite their increasing applications, lasers also tend to pose occupational hazards to operators, ancillary personnel, individuals undergoing laser therapies. This study was aimed at investigating the effects of different doses of 532‐nm continuous wave laser on rat skin. The present study demonstrated that higher fluences of 532‐nm continuous wave (CW) laser induces significant tissue damage through induction of tumor necrosis factor‐α, cyclooxygenase‐2, tumor protein (p53), PARP 1, caspase3 which in turn leads to tissue damage and cell death. Furthermore, level of heat shock proteins, pAkt were found up‐regulated as a cope up response to laser‐induced stress. On the basis of the findings, irradiation with 532‐nm CW laser up to 2.5 J/cm2 was found within the safe exposure limits. Thus, it is probably the first attempt to demonstrate the tissue damage induced by 532‐nm CW laser on skin, which may help in choosing safe laser dose for certain skin‐based applications and evolving methods to ameliorate laser‐inflicted injuries.  相似文献   

The Er:YAG laser is currently used for bone ablation. However, the effect of Er:YAG laser irradiation on bone healing remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate bone healing following ablation by laser irradiation as compared with bur drilling. Rat calvarial bone was ablated using Er:YAG laser or bur with water coolant. Er:YAG laser effectively ablated bone without major thermal changes. In vivo micro‐computed tomography analysis revealed that laser irradiation showed significantly higher bone repair ratios than bur drilling. Scanning electron microscope analysis showed more fibrin deposition on laser‐ablated bone surfaces. Microarray analysis followed by gene set enrichment analysis revealed that IL6/JAK/STAT3 signaling and inflammatory response gene sets were enriched in bur‐drilled bone at 6 hours, whereas the E2F targets gene set was enriched in laser‐irradiated bone. Additionally, Hspa1a and Dmp1 expressions were increased and Sost expression was decreased in laser‐irradiated bone compared with bur‐drilled bone. In granulation tissue formed after laser ablation, Alpl and Gblap expressions increased compared to bur‐drilled site. Immunohistochemistry showed that osteocalcin‐positive area was increased in the laser‐ablated site. These results suggest that Er:YAG laser might accelerate early new bone formation with advantageous surface changes and cellular responses for wound healing, compared with bur‐drilling.   相似文献   

Regulating the chemical/physical features of solution processed metal halide perovskite films by integrating sub‐10 nm nanocrystals is a highly promising strategy to advance their outstanding optoelectronic performance. However, significant challenges remain for the universal embedding of the well‐defined nanocrystals in the film matrix. By generating nanocrystals in desired solvents via pulsed laser irradiation in liquid, the authors demonstrate the effective decoration of sub‐10 nm nanocrystals in perovskite films for enhanced optoelectronic performance. It is believed that this improved performance is due to the modification of the widely adopted “antisolvent” to a novel “anti‐colloidal‐solution” (ACS). Exemplified by a typical ACS; carbon dots in chlorobenzene, its encouraging superiority in regulating, not only the films morphology, but also the electronic structure, is demonstrated. This results in perovskite solar cells with a champion efficiency of 21.41% as well as a pronounced stability over 5000 h in relative humidity of 40%. The capability of nanocrystal embedding for boosted photovoltaic performance is further exploited by employing other laser generated ACSs. Such a strategy may open up a route to regulating hybrid perovskite film performance via nanocrystal embedding for photovoltaics or even beyond optoelectronic applications.  相似文献   

Lin HY  Lin YJ 《Bioelectromagnetics》2011,32(7):552-560
An in vitro model was set up to investigate the effects of low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) and its induced electric fields on osteoblast cells under inflammatory conditions. Osteoblasts (7F2) were seeded on top of chitosan scaffolds and co-cultured with macrophage cells (RAW 264.7) growing on the bottom of culture wells, stimulated by lipopolysaccharide to release reactive oxygen species including nitric oxide (NO). The co-culture was exposed to PEMF (magnitude of the magnetic field = 1.5 mT; induced electric voltage = 2.5 mV; frequency = 75 Hz; pulse duration = 1.3 ms) for 9 h. The osteoblasts were examined for their proliferation, viability, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and genetic expressions of type I collagen (COL I) and osteocalcin (OC), immediately and 7 days after PEMF exposure (days 0 and 7). Macrophage cell viability and NO concentration in the medium were monitored before and after PEMF exposure. The PEMF-exposed co-culture released a significantly higher amount of NO (65 μM) compared to control (17 μM) on day 7. Despite the high level of NO in the medium that was reported to be cytotoxic, PEMF-exposed osteoblasts had enhanced cell proliferation (23%), viability (36%), and COL I mRNA expression (3.4-fold) compared to the controls. The osteoblasts subjected to the PEMF had 41% less ALP activity than the control, which was associated with the active cell proliferation and COL I expression. The expression of OC mRNA was not seen in either the PEMF or control group, indicating cells had not entered the mineralization stage by day 7.  相似文献   

The completion of the human and mouse genomes has identified at least 20 connexin isomers in this family of intercellular channel proteins. However, there are no specific gap junction blockers or channel-blocking mimetic peptides available for the study of specific connexins. We designed antisense oligodeoxynucleotides that functionally reduce targeted connexin protein expression and can be used to reveal the biological function of individual connexins in vivo. Connexin mRNA was firstly exposed in vitro to deoxyribozymes complementing the sense coding sequence. Those that cleaved the target connexin mRNA in defined regions were used as the basis to design oligodeoxynucleotides to the accessible sites, thus taking into account tertiary mRNA configurations rather than relying on computed predictions. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides designed to bind to accessible mRNA sites selectively reduced connexin26 and -43 mRNA expression in a corneal epithelium ex vivo model. Connexin43 protein levels were reduced correlating with the knockdown in mRNA and the protein's rapid turnover; protein levels of connexin26 did not alter, supporting lower turnover rates reported for that protein. We show, for the first time, an inexpensive and empirical approach to the preparation of specific and functional antisense oligodeoxynucleotides against known gene targets in the post-genomic era.  相似文献   

测定和比较研究了离体的正常的和腺癌的人结肠粘膜/粘膜下层以及正常的和腺癌的人结肠肌层/浆膜组织对630 nm,680 nm,720 nm,780 nm,810 nm,850 nm和890 nm波长的钛宝石激光的散射和吸收系数。采用双积分球测量系统测量组织样品对七个不同波长的激光的准直透射、漫反射和漫透射,从实验所测结果以及分别采用反向倍增法和反演蒙特卡罗技术这两个光学模型计算出组织的散射和吸收系数。研究结果表明,无论是用反向倍增法还是用反演蒙特卡罗法,每一种类型的正常的和腺癌的人结肠组织对同一波长的激光的吸收系数和散射系数有显著性的差异(P<0.01),正常的和腺癌的结肠组织的散射和吸收系数有大的差异,这些结果提示每种类型的正常和腺癌的结肠组织的组份和结构之间有大的差异。四种类型的结肠组织对七个不同波长的激光的散射系数较其吸收系数至少要大三个数量级,而四种类型的结肠组织对七个不同波长的激光的散射系数有相同的数量级。  相似文献   

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