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当前,全球转基因作物研发和产业化迅猛发展, 创造了巨大的经济、社会和生态效益。转基因作物产业化发展的快慢, 是关系到我国农业可持续发展和提高农产品国际竞争力的重大问题。就国内外转基因作物的产业化进行了优劣势比较, 并从影响转基因作物产业化的技术瓶颈和安全性监管两方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

主要转基因作物研究现状及其产业化进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经过12年的产业化发展,转基因作物研究取得了较大进展。相关外源基因的转入使抗虫、抗病、抗除草剂、抗逆、品质改良和功能性等作物相继问世。转基因大豆、玉米、棉花和油菜已经大面积种植,产生了极大的经济效益。2007年全球转基因作物的种植面积达到1.143亿hm^2。综述了主要转基因作物研究现状及其产业化进展,并对我国转基因作物产业化应解决的问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

目前,我国转基因产业化种植面积较大的作物只有棉花、木瓜等。主粮作物水稻、玉米的一些转基因品种虽已获安全证书将近7年,但至今尚未进行产业化生产。另一方面,我国每年进口大量的玉米、大豆等农产品,且进口的玉米和大豆中转基因产品占比较高。这是由于一方面国内有关转基因的舆论氛围以及我国目前就转基因作物的研发现状均要求推进转基因主粮作物产业化进程时要稳重、谨慎;另一方面,转基因作物产业化的全球发展趋势、增产潜力、经济和环境效益以及我国在该技术领域的基本策略和国内供需需求,又迫使我们要加快开展转基因主粮作物产业化的进程。如何化解这对矛盾使转基因主粮作物的研发和产业化在适合国情的前提下顺利开展,是目前的主要任务之一,因此有必要就有关转基因作物产业化在我国的发展现状、前景、存在问题和对策予以讨论,以期为我国转基因作物产业化提供参考。  相似文献   

毛新志  李俊 《生命科学》2012,(11):1330-1333
转基因作物的产业化作为当前生命伦理学的重要问题之一日益受到我国学术界、政府和广大公众的关注。转基因作物产业化不仅关涉到我国13亿人的吃饭问题,也与我国公众的身心健康、基本权利密切相关。转基因作物产业化的生命伦理意蕴主要体现在:转基因作物产业化的基础是确保公众健康与生命安全,关键是尊重公众权利,核心是促进社会公正。  相似文献   

转基因作物将为我国农业发展注入新动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着基因组学研究和生物技术的不断突破,应用生物技术改良农作物品种正成为引发新的农业技术革命的关键。由于转基因品种在生产上表现出的巨大效益,其研发和产业化在全球迅猛发展,并逐渐成为世界各国抢占的生物技术制高点。本文从转基因技术的内涵、国际转基因作物的研发态势、我国转基因作物的研发和产业化现状等方面进行阐述,探讨了大力发展转基因作物对于解决我国目前农业生产上面临的挑战、保障我国粮食安全和农业可持续发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

随着中国转基因玉米和大豆产业化试点的推进,间接食用转基因农产品在中国大范围产业化种植到了关键时刻。为有序推进生物育种产业化进程,本文在回顾全球和中国转基因作物产业化历史的基础上,着重分析了中国生物育种产业化遇到的两大机遇: 一是中国转基因农产品的持续进口和间接食用在下游加工业和群众中积累了一定的消费基础;二是过去这些年中国转基因技术的研发和技术储备已为转基因作物产业化做出了良好准备。最后,本文从充分利用现有群众消费基础、进一步释放技术储备潜力、更加严格地做好全流程监管等方面,提出有序推进生物育种产业化的政策建议。  相似文献   

转基因生物技术育种: 机遇还是挑战?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
储成才 《植物学报》2013,48(1):10-22
转基因生物技术是一项全新的育种技术, 也是当前国际上进展最快、竞争最激烈的研究领域之一。自20世纪90年代生物技术育种诞生以来, 转基因作物的商品化应用及由此引发的一系列问题就引起公众的广泛关注。该文就世界上转基因生物技术育种及产业化现状、几个主要转基因作物安全性案例及最终结果, 以及如何科学推进我国转基因作物的产业化等提出了自己的思考, 以期帮助公众科学地理解和面对转基因生物技术所带来的育种技术上的革命。  相似文献   

国际农业生物技术应用服务组织(ISAAA)日前发布的全球转基因作物育种产业化发展的最新统计资料显示:2008年全球商业化种植转基因作物的国家已增至25个.另有30个国家批准转基因产品进口或进行试验;涉及玉米、大豆、棉花等12种作物,总种植面积已达1.25亿公顷.较产业化初始的1996年增长了74倍,12年间累计种植面积已超过8亿公顷。转基因作物育种巨大的经济、社会效益和显著的生态效益在国内外已得到充分显现,其推广应用速度之快更为近代农业科技发展史上所未见。  相似文献   

复合性状转基因植物安全性评价的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着转基因技术的不断发展,转基因作物实现了产业化。目前,单性状的转基因作物无法满足农业发展的需求,而复合性状转基因作物拓宽了转基因作物的功能,提高了资源的利用率,满足了农民多元化需求,具有广阔的应用前景,是转基因植物发展的新方向。由于转基因技术有一定的风险,因此对转基因作物的安全性监管较为重要,对于复合性状转基因作物,不同国家的安全性评价制度却不尽相同。综述了不同国家对复合性状转基因作物的安全性评价体制,旨为我国复合性状作物提供监管依据。  相似文献   

通过对加拿大转基因作物田间试验数据库19年数据的统计分析,揭示转基因作物研究的特点与发展趋势.采用EXCEL"数据透视表与数据透视图"功能进行数据分析.分析结果表明,至2006年8月止,加拿大转基因作物田间试验累计达6 927次,涉及31种作物,20多种性状和40多家公司或研究机构.1988~1998年间,试验次数呈指数方式上升,其后呈乘幂方式下降.2006年试验物种数由最高峰时期的22个降到12个,其中油菜的田间试验次数占81%.80%以上的转基因作物田间试验由孟山都和拜耳等7~8家私人公司完成.转基因田间试验的频次分布反映了转基因技术应用和发展的自身规律,是利益与风险博弈的结果.结论是只有经济价值高、风险小、消费者容易接受的转基因产品才有广阔的产业化前景.建议我国加强转基因技术在非粮食作物的应用,重视引进消化和加强转基因作物安全生产体系的建设,促进转基因技术的产业化应用.  相似文献   

我国转基因作物育种发展回顾与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章综述了近30年来我国转基因作物育种发展历程和基本经验,并以实例说明我国已初步建成了世界上为数不多的转基因育种创新和产业开发体系,包括基因发掘、遗传转化、良种培育、产业开发,应用推广以及安全评价等关键环节;棉花、水稻、玉米等作物转基因研究创新能力得到进一步提升,初步形成了自己的研究特色和比较优势。本文对转基因作物育种当前存在的问题与面对的挑战进行了分析,提出了推进重大研究成果产业化、加快重大专项实施和自主创新、加强转基因科学传播等三点建议。  相似文献   

作为转基因育种研究的核心技术成果,转化事件的知识产权保护为转基因作物产业化提供了重要的权利保障。目前世界主要农作物的转化事件绝大多数被孟山都、先正达、拜耳等国外公司所掌握,其中约有40%的转化事件正在全球申请同族专利保护,有22件已在我国申请,并且有6件已获得授权。国外转化事件专利的权利要求平均约20项,重点保护了侧翼序列和插入序列等关键技术特征,限制了任何未经许可而进行商业化改造或利用的可能。我国几乎还没有转化事件专利,"华恢1号"虽然比较接近,但保护强度不够。因此我国必须重点培育转化事件的自主知识产权,加强对国外专利的追踪分析,提高我国转化事件专利保护的精准度,最终构建知识产权全程保护体系。  相似文献   

Genetic modification facilitates research into fundamental questions of plant functional genomics and provides a route for developing novel commercial varieties. In 2008, significant financial resources were supplied by the Chinese government for research and development (R&D) into genetic modification of the major crop species. This project was aimed at providing an opportunity for crop improvement while accentuating the development of a safe, precise, and effective wheat genetic transformation system suitable for commercialization. The focus here is on one of the key crops included in this project, wheat, to provide an insight into the main transformation methods currently in use, the target traits of major importance, and the successful applications of wheat genetic improvement in China. Furthermore, the biosafety and regulatory issues of major concern and the strategies to produce 'clean' transgenic wheat plants will also be discussed. This commentary is intended to be a helpful insight into the production and commercialization of transgenic wheat in China and to put these activities into a global context.  相似文献   

The costs of meeting regulatory requirements and market restrictions guided by regulatory criteria are substantial impediments to the commercialization of transgenic crops. Although a cautious approach may have been prudent initially, we argue that some regulatory requirements can now be modified to reduce costs and uncertainty without compromising safety. Long-accepted plant breeding methods for incorporating new diversity into crop varieties, experience from two decades of research on and commercialization of transgenic crops, and expanding knowledge of plant genome structure and dynamics all indicate that if a gene or trait is safe, the genetic engineering process itself presents little potential for unexpected consequences that would not be identified or eliminated in the variety development process before commercialization. We propose that as in conventional breeding, regulatory emphasis should be on phenotypic rather than genomic characteristics once a gene or trait has been shown to be safe.  相似文献   

Selectable marker gene systems are vital for the development of transgenic crops. Since the creation of the first transgenic plants in the early 1980s and their subsequent commercialization worldwide over almost an entire decade, antibiotic and herbicide resistance selectable marker gene systems have been an integral feature of plant genetic modification. Without them, creating transgenic crops is not feasible on purely economic and practical terms. These systems allow the relatively straightforward identification and selection of plants that have stably incorporated not only the marker genes but also genes of interest, for example herbicide tolerance and pest resistance. Bacterial antibiotic resistance genes are also crucial in molecular biology manipulations in the laboratory. An unprecedented debate has accompanied the development and commercialization of transgenic crops. Divergent policies and their implementation in the European Union on one hand and the rest of the world on the other (industrialized and developing countries alike), have resulted in disputes with serious consequences on agricultural policy, world trade and food security. A lot of research effort has been directed towards the development of marker-free transformation or systems to remove selectable markers. Such research has been in a large part motivated by perceived problems with antibiotic resistance selectable markers; however, it is not justified from a safety point of view. The aim of this review is to discuss in some detail the currently available scientific evidence that overwhelmingly argues for the safety of these marker gene systems. Our conclusion, supported by numerous studies, most of which are commissioned by some of the very parties that have taken a position against the use of antibiotic selectable marker gene systems, is that there is no scientific basis to argue against the use and presence of selectable marker genes as a class in transgenic plants.  相似文献   

现代生物技术的发展为利用外源基因培育优良作物品种提供了新的途径,目前国内外已培育出多个高抗害虫的转基因作物。但是,人们对转基因作物潜在的风险尚存在疑问,这是目前转基因作物是否能进一步获准商品化生产的一个重要原因。综述了中国转基因作物研究和转基因产品安全性检测技术取得的主要进展,对我国转基因作物的研究前景进行了展望,并对将来的工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Thirty years of plant transformation technology development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Technology development is seminal to many aspects of basic and applied plant transgenic science. Through the development and commercialization of genetically modified crops, the evolution of plant transgenic technologies is also relevant to society as a whole. In this study, literature statistics were used to uncover trends in the development of these technologies. Publication volume and impact (citation) over the past 30 years were analysed with respect to economic zones, countries, species and DNA delivery method. This revealed that, following a dramatic expansion in the 1980s, publications focusing on the development of transgenic technology have been slowing down worldwide since the early mid-1990s, except in a few leading Asian countries. The implications of these trends on the future of plant transgenic science as a whole are discussed.  相似文献   

Advances in recombinant DNA technology have created advantages for the development of plants with high agro-economical values. Since the production of transgenic plants, some issues concerning the safe use of these plants and their products have been under debate throughout the world. In this respect, the potential risks and benefits of transgenic plants need to be evaluated objectively. Risk assessment of transgenic crops is a basic prerequisite for monitoring the possible risks that could arise upon the release and use of transgenic plants. To get a meaningful tool for decision making, risk assessment needs to be carried out in a scientific sound and transparent manner. There are specific governmental regulations in many countries for the safety assessment of genetically modified (GM) crops. Furthermore, there are some international agreements, which regulate the cultivation and commercialization of transgenic plants and their derivatives. Internationally accepted risk assessment strategies have been performed to evaluate the safe use of a large variety of GM crops. The main objectives of these regulations and risk assessment strategies are focused to protect human/animal health and the environment.  相似文献   

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