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Agrobacterium 6b oncogenes induce tumours and modify plant growth in various ways. Here we show that the AB-6b gene from strain AB4 placed under 2x35S promoter control (2x35S-AB-6b) induces a complex enation syndrome in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum plants, that also occurs in a few rare cases of genetic enations. In Arabidopsis thaliana, 2x35S-AB-6b induced radially symmetrical tubes on the abaxial side of the leaves, which must therefore be considered as the Arabidopsis equivalents of enations on other plant species. Tobacco and Arabidopsis 2x35S-AB-6b leaves contained small, supernumerary densely packed cells between the spongy mesophyll and the abaxial epidermis, close to vascular strands arising at an early stage of leaf development. On tobacco, the 2x35S-AB-6b enation syndrome could be transmitted across graft junctions to growing tissues of untransformed plants, both acropetally and basipetally. We propose that the AB-6b gene encodes the synthesis of one or more enation factor(s) that are transported by the phloem and modify the growth of developing tissues.  相似文献   

Kakiuchi Y  Gàlis I  Tamogami S  Wabiko H 《Planta》2006,223(2):237-247
The plant-tumorigenic 6b (AK-6b) gene of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AKE10 induces morphological alterations to tobacco plants, Nicotiana tabacum. To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes, we generated transgenic tobacco harboring the AK-6b gene under the control of a dexamethazone-inducible promoter. Upon induction, transgenic tobacco seedlings exhibited distinct classes of aberrant morphologies, most notably adventitious outgrowths and stunted epicotyls. Histological analysis revealed massive proliferation and altered venation in the newly established outgrowths. Prominent vascular development suggested that auxin metabolism or signaling had been altered. Indeed, basipetal auxin transport in the hypocotyls of the transgenic seedlings was reduced by 50–80%, whereas intracellular auxin contents were only slightly reduced. Analysis of cell extracts by HPLC revealed a large accumulation of phenolic compounds, including the flavonoid kaempferol-3-rutinoside, in transgenic plants compared with wild-type seedlings. As some naturally occurring flavonoids have been shown to affect auxin transport, we suggest that the AK-6b gene expression impairs auxin transport via modulation of phenylpropanoid metabolism, and ultimately results in the observed morphological alterations. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

The mechanism of DNA transmission between distinct organisms has remained a subject of long-standing interest. Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediates the transfer of plant oncogenes in the form of a 25-kb T-DNA sector of a resident Ti plasmid. A growing body of evidence leading to the elucidation of the mechanism involved in T-DNA transfer comes from studies on the vir genes contained in six major operons that are required for the T-DNA transfer process. Recent comparative amino acid sequence studies of the products of these vir genes have revealed interesting similarities between Tra proteins of Escherichia coli F factor, which are involved in the biosynthesis and assembly of a conjugative pilus, and VirB proteins encoded by genes of the virB operon of A. tumefaciens pTiC58. We have previously identified VirB2 as a pilin-like protein with processing features similar to those of TraA of the F plasmid and have shown that VirB2 is required for the biosynthesis of pilin on a flagella-free Agrobacterium strain. In the present work, VirB2 is found to be processed and localized primarily to the cytoplasmic membrane in E. coli. Cleavage of VirB2 was predicted previously to occur between alanine and glutamine in the sequence -Pro-Ala-Ala-Ala-Glu-Ser-. This peptidase cleavage sequence was mutated by an amino acid substitution for one of the alanine residues (D for A at position 45 [A45D]), by deletion of the three adjacent alanines, and by a frameshift mutation 22 bp upstream of the predicted Ala-Glu cleavage site. With the exception of the frameshift mutation, the alanine mutations do not prevent VirB2 processing in E. coli, while in A. tumefaciens they result in VirB2 instability, since no holo- or processed protein is detectable. All of the above mutations abolish virulence. The frameshift mutation abolishes processing in both organisms. These results indicate that VirB2 is processed into a 7.2-kDa structural protein. The cleavage site in E. coli appears to differ from that predicted in A. tumefaciens. Yet, the cleavage sites are relatively close to each other since the final cleavage products are similar in size and are produced irrespective of the length of the amino-terminal portion of the holoprotein. As we observed previously, the similarity between the processing of VirB2 in A. tumefaciens and the processing of the propilin TraA of the F plasmid now extends to E. coli.  相似文献   

In this article it is shown that the T-DNA of Agrobacterium tumefaciens contains besides the well-known cyt and aux genes another gene with an oncogenic effect in plants. The gene in question is called 6b and causes the formation of small tumors in plant species such as Nicotiana glauca and Kalanchoe tubiflora.  相似文献   

The T-6b gene of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain Tm4 induces tumours on Nicotiana rustica by an as yet unknown mechanism. These tumours cannot be regenerated into normal plants. To study the effect of the T-6b gene product on normal plant cells, the T-6b gene was placed under control of the Drosophila melanogaster hsp70 heat-shock promoter and introduced into N. rustica. Progeny of an hsp70-T-6b transformant developed into normal plants. The inducibility of the hsp70-T-6b construct was shown by northern analysis and by heat-shock-dependent growth alterations on the level of whole seedlings. Upon wounding at normal temperature conditions hsp70-T-6b plants formed small tumours on leaves and stems. Grafts between transformed plants and normal plants led to a wound callus which remained limited to transformed tissues, indicating that the T-6b gene product does not diffuse. Protoplasts of hsp70-T-6b plants divided in the same way as control protoplasts under standard culture conditions. However, when protoplast cultures were started in the absence of hormones, normal cells rapidly lost their sensitivity towards hormones, whereas hsp70-T-6b cells remained sensitive for a significantly longer period. Thus, the T-6b gene product alters hormone sensitivity during the initial phases of protoplast culture.  相似文献   

Incubation of cells from squashed tobacco callus tissue with virulent Agrobacterium tumefaciens leads to the production of cells displaying a crown gall phenotype.  相似文献   

李田  王逸群  陆兆华 《植物研究》2009,29(4):460-465
构建了植物表达载体pBRSAg,该载体具有完整的植物表达元件,CaMV35S启动子、农杆菌T-DNA左右边界、植物报告基因gus和植物选择标记基因hpt,适用于农杆菌的转化;通过冻融法将重组质粒pBRSAg转入根癌农杆菌LBA4404中,利用农杆菌介导法转化烟草叶盘,经筛选培养获得烟草植株。抗性植株经GUS染色和PCR检测为阳性,初步表明乙肝表面抗原基因在烟草中得到表达。  相似文献   

Atu4866 is a 79-residue conserved hypothetical protein of unknown function from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Protein sequence alignments show that it shares > or =60% sequence identity with 20 other hypothetical proteins of bacterial origin. However, the structures and functions of these proteins remain unknown so far. To gain insight into the function of this family of proteins, we have determined the structure of Atu4866 as a target of a structural genomics project using solution NMR spectroscopy. Our results reveal that Atu4866 adopts a streptavidin-like fold featuring a beta-barrel/sandwich formed by eight antiparallel beta-strands. Further structural analysis identified a continuous patch of conserved residues on the surface of Atu4866 that may constitute a potential ligand-binding site.  相似文献   

This protocol is used to produce stably transformed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) NT1 cell lines, using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated DNA delivery of a binary vector containing a gene encoding hepatitis B surface antigen and a gene encoding the kanamycin selection marker. The NT1 cultures, at the appropriate stage of growth, are inoculated with A. tumefaciens containing the binary vector. A 3-day cocultivation period follows, after which the cultures are rinsed and placed on solid selective medium. Transformed colonies ('calli') appear in approximately 4 weeks; they are subcultured until adequate material is obtained for analysis of antigen production. 'Elite' lines are selected based on antigen expression and growth characteristics. The time required for the procedure from preparation of the plant cell materials to callus development is approximately 5 weeks. Growth of selected calli to sufficient quantities for antigen screening may require 4-6 weeks beyond the initial selection. Creation of the plasmid constructs, transformation of the A. tumefaciens line, and ELISA and Bradford assays to assess protein production require additional time.  相似文献   

Photolyases and cryptochromes are evolutionarily related flavoproteins with distinct functions. While photolyases can repair UV-induced DNA lesions in a light-dependent manner, cryptochromes regulate growth, development and the circadian clock in plants and animals. Here we report about two photolyase-related proteins, named PhrA and PhrB, found in the phytopathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens. PhrA belongs to the class III cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) photolyases, the sister class of plant cryptochromes, while PhrB belongs to a new class represented in at least 350 bacterial organisms. Both proteins contain flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) as a primary catalytic cofactor, which is photoreduceable by blue light. Spectral analysis of PhrA confirmed the presence of 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF) as antenna cofactor. PhrB comprises also an additional chromophore, absorbing in the short wavelength region but its spectrum is distinct from known antenna cofactors in other photolyases. Homology modeling suggests that PhrB contains an Fe-S cluster as cofactor which was confirmed by elemental analysis and EPR spectroscopy. According to protein sequence alignments the classical tryptophan photoreduction pathway is present in PhrA but absent in PhrB. Although PhrB is clearly distinguished from other photolyases including PhrA it is, like PhrA, required for in vivo photoreactivation. Moreover, PhrA can repair UV-induced DNA lesions in vitro. Thus, A. tumefaciens contains two photolyase homologs of which PhrB represents the first member of the cryptochrome/photolyase family (CPF) that contains an iron-sulfur cluster.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens harboring pTiA6 incite unorganized tumors on Nicotiana rustica, sunflowers, carrots, and tomatoes, whereas isogenic strains of agrobacteria harboring pTiAg63 form "rooty" tumors on N. rustica and are essentially avirulent on sunflowers, carrots, and tomatoes. In this report we show that the different host range characteristics of these two plasmids were due, in part, to differences in the T-DNA oncogene complements of the plasmids. Specifically, we constructed derivatives of pTiAg63 that contained pTiA6 oncogenes 4, 6a, and 6b inserted into the TB-DNA region and found that agrobacteria harboring these plasmids could incite unorganized tumors on N. rustica, tomatoes, carrots, and the inbred sunflower line HA202R. Undefined host factors, however, also appeared to be involved in determining A. tumefaciens host range since three inbred sunflower lines, HA303B, HA89B, and HA290B, were susceptible to tumor formation by agrobacteria harboring pTiA6 but not by strains harboring pTiAg63 or the modified pTiAg63 plasmids.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous grapevine-associated octopine/cucumopine Ti plasmids of biotype III Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains carry two T regions, TA and TB, with a complex oncogene arrangement. Within the octopine/cucumopine group, two main strain types were identified: large TA strains with a TA region resembling the TL region of the biotype I octopine strain Ach5 and small TA strains with a similar T region organization as the large TA strains but with a large internal TA deletion. Structural and functional studies of the representative large TA strain Tm4 revealed six oncogenes. Each oncogene was inserted in a disarmed vector and tested for biological activity using the corresponding oncogenes of Ach5 as standards. Five Tm4 oncogenes, TA-iaaM, T-ipt, T-6b, TB-iaaH and TB-iaaM, were shown to be active, the IS-interrupted TA-iaaH gene was inactive. To study the role of each gene in the pTiTm4 context, several single and multiple pTiTm4 mutations were constructed. It was shown that whereas TA-iaaM and TB-iaaH are essential for tumour formation on grapevine, T-ipt, T-6b and TB-iaaM are not. The avirulence of the TA-iaaM - mutant was shown to be due to an inhibitory effect of the T-ipt gene, since a TA-iaaM - /T-ipt - double mutant was fully virulent. We conclude that the TA-iaaM gene of large TA strains is specifically required to counteract the tumour growth inhibiting activity of the T-ipt gene. Both TA-iaaM and T-ipt are absent from the small TA strains. A model on the roles and interactions of the different oncogenes in large TA and small TA strains is presented.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB proteins assemble a type IV secretion apparatus for the transfer of DNA and proteins to plant cells. To study the role of the VirB6 protein in the assembly and function of the type IV apparatus, we determined its subcellular location by immunofluorescence microscopy. In wild-type bacteria VirB6 localized to the cell poles but in the absence of the tumour-inducing plasmid it localized to random sites on the cell membranes. Five of the 11 VirB proteins, VirB7-VirB11, are required for the polar localization of VirB6. We identified two regions of VirB6, a conserved tryptophan residue at position 197 and the extreme C-terminus, that are essential for its polar localization. Topology determination by PhoA fusion analysis placed both regions in the cell cytoplasm. Alteration of tryptophan 197 or the deletion of the extreme C-terminus led to the mislocalization of the mutant protein. The mutations abolished the DNA transfer function of the protein as well. The C-terminus of VirB6, in silico, can form an amphipathic helix that may encode a protein-protein interaction domain essential for targeting the protein to a cell pole. We previously reported that another DNA transfer protein, VirD4, localizes to a cell pole. To determine whether VirB6 and VirD4 localize to the same pole, we performed colocalization experiments. Both proteins localized to the same pole indicating that VirB6 and VirD4 are in close proximity and VirB6 is probably a component of the transport apparatus.  相似文献   

VirB9 and VirB7 are essential components of the putative VirB membrane channel required for transfer of the T-complex from Agrobacterium tumefaciens into plants. In this report, we present a biochemical analysis of their interaction and cellular localization. A comparison of relative electrophoretic mobilities under nonreducing and reducing conditions suggested that they form thiol-sensitive complexes with other proteins. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis identified one complex as a heterodimer of VirB9 and VirB7 covalently linked by a disulfide bond, as well as VirB7 homodimers and monomers. Immunoprecipitation with VirB9-specific antiserum isolated the heterodimeric VirB9-VirB7 complex. Incubation with reducing agent split the complex into its constituent VirB9 and VirB7, which further confirmed linkage via cysteine residues. The interaction between VirB9 and VirB7 also was observed in the yeast two-hybrid system. Membrane attachment of VirB9-VirB7 may be conferred by lipoprotein modification, since labeling with [3H]palmitic acid in A. tumefaciens verified that VirB7 is a lipoprotein associated with VirB9. VirB9 and VirB7 showed equal distribution between inner and outer membranes, in accord with their proposed association with the transmembrane VirB complex.  相似文献   

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