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Slow axonal transport: the subunit transport model   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A central problem concerning slow transport of cytoskeletal proteins along nerve axons is where they are assembled and the form in which they are transported. The polymer and subunit transport models are the two major hypotheses. Recent developments using molecular and cellular biophysics, molecular cell biology and gene technology have enabled visualization of moving forms of cytoskeletal proteins during their transport. Here, we argue that these studies support the subunit transport theory.  相似文献   

New studies provide further evidence that the neuronal cytoskeleton is the product of a dynamic interplay between axonal transport processes and locally regulated assembly mechanisms. These data confirm that the axonal cytoskeleton in mammalian systems is largely stationary and is maintained by a smaller pool of moving subunits or polymers. Slow axonal transport in certain lower species, however, may exhibit quite different features.  相似文献   

The delivery of cytoskeletal proteins to the axon occurs by slow axonal transport. We examined how the rate of slow transport was altered after axonal injury. When retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons regenerated through peripheral nerve grafts, an increase in the rate of slow transport occurred during regrowth of the injured axons. We compared these results to axonal injury in the optic nerve where no substantial regrowth occurs and found a completely different response. Slow transport was decreased approximately tenfold in rate in the proximal segment of crushed optic nerves. This decreased rate of slow transport was not induced immediately, but occurred about 1 week after injury. To explore whether a decrease in the rate of slow transport was induced when the regeneration of peripheral nerves was physically blocked, we examined slow transport in motor neurons after the sciatic nerve was transected and ligated. In this case, no change in the rate of the comigrating tubulin and neurofilament (NF) radioactive peaks were observed. We discuss how the changes in the rate of slow transport may reflect different neuronal responses to injury and speculate about the possible molecular changes in the expression of tubulin which may contribute to the observed changes. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Slow components of axonal transport: two cytoskeletal networks   总被引:45,自引:30,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
We have identified two slowly moving groups of axonally transported proteins in guinea pig retinal ganglion cell axons (4). The slowest group of proteins, designated slow component a (SCa), has a transport rate of 0.25 mm/d and consists of tubulin and neurofilament protein. The other slowly transported group of proteins, designated slow components b (SCb), has a transport rate of 2-3 mm/d and consists of many polypeptides, one of which is actin (4). Our analyses of the transport kinetics of the individual polypeptides of SCa and SCb indicate that (a) the polypeptides of SCa are transported coherently in the optic axons, (b) the polypeptides of SCb are also transported coherently but completely separately from the SCa polypeptides, and (c) the polypeptides of SCa differ completely from those comprising SCb. We relate these results to our general hypothesis that slow axonal transport represents the movements of structural complexes of proteins. Furthermore, it is proposed that SCa corresponds to the microtubule-neurofilament network, and that SCb represents the transport of the microfilament network together with the proteins complexed with microfilaments.  相似文献   

The bulk of neuronally synthesized proteins destined for the axon is transported in a phase of transport approximately 100 times slower (1mm/day) than the vesicular traffic of fast axonal transport (100mm/day). Of late, a number of studies have shed considerable light on the controversies and mechanisms surrounding this slow phase of axonal transport. Along-standing controversy has centered on the form of the transported proteins. One major transport cargo, neurofilament protein, has now been seen in a number of contexts to be transported primarily in a polymeric form, whereas a second cargo tubulin is transported as a small oligomer. The development of techniques to visualize the slow transport process in live cells has demonstrated that instantaneous motions of transported neurofilaments, and presumably other slow transport cargoes, are fast, bidirectional and interspersed with long pauses. This and additional biochemical efforts indicate that traditional fast motors, such as conventional kinesin and dynein, are responsible for these fast motions.  相似文献   

Efforts to observe the slow axonal transport of cytoskeletal polymers during the past decade have yielded conflicting results, and this has generated considerable controversy. The movement of neurofilaments has now been seen, and it is rapid, infrequent and highly asynchronous. This motile behaviour could explain why slow axonal transport has eluded observation for so long.  相似文献   

The delivery of cytoskeletal proteins to the axon occurs by slow axonal transport. We examined how the rate of slow transport was altered after axonal injury. When retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons regenerated through peripheral nerve grafts, an increase in the rate of slow transport occurred during regrowth of the injured axons. We compared these results to axonal injury in the optic nerve where no substantial regrowth occurs and found a completely different response. Slow transport was decreased approximately tenfold in rate in the proximal segment of crushed optic nerves. This decreased rate of slow transport was not induced immediately, but occurred about 1 week after injury. To explore whether a decrease in the rate of slow transport was induced when the regeneration of peripheral nerves was physically blocked, we examined slow transport in motor neurons after the sciatic nerve was transected and ligated. In this case, no change in the rate of the comigrating tubulin and neurofilament (NF) radioactive peaks were observed. We discuss how the changes in the rate of slow transport may reflect different neuronal responses to injury and speculate about the possible molecular changes in the expression of tubulin which may contribute to the observed changes.  相似文献   

The classic view of slow axonal transport maintains that microtubules, neurofilaments, and actin filaments move down the axon relatively coherently at rates significantly slower than those characteristic of known motor proteins. Recent studies indicate that the movement of these cytoskeletal polymers is actually rapid, asynchronous, intermittent, and most probably fueled by familiar motors such as kinesins, myosins, and cytoplasmic dynein. This new view, which is supported by both live-cell imaging and mechanistic analyses, suggests that slow axonal transport is both rapid and plastic, and hence could underlie transformations in neuronal morphology.  相似文献   

Microtubule polymer assembly and transport during axonal elongation   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
As axons elongate, tubulin, which is synthesized in the cell body, must be transported and assembled into new structures in the axon. The mechanism of transport and the location of assembly are presently unknown. We report here on the use of tubulin tagged with a photoactivatable fluorescent group to investigate these issues. Photoactivatable tubulin, microinjected into frog embryos at the two-cell stage, is incorporated into microtubules in neurons obtained from explants of the neural tube. When activated by light, a fluorescent mark is made on the microtubules in the axon, and transport and turnover can be visualized directly. We find that microtubules are generated in or near the cell body and continually transported distally as a coherent phase of polymer during axon elongation. This vectorial polymer movement was observed at all levels on the axon, even in the absence of axonal elongation. Measurements of the rate of polymer translocation at various places in the axon suggest that new polymer is formed by intercalary assembly along the axon and assembly at the growth cone in addition to transport of polymer from the cell body. Finally, polymer movement near the growth cone appeared to respond in a characteristic manner to growth cone behavior, while polymer proximally in the axon moved more consistently. These results suggest that microtubule translocation is the principal means of tubulin transport and that translocation plays an important role in generating new axon structure at the growth cone.  相似文献   

Pulse-labeling studies of slow axonal transport in many kinds of axons (spinal motor, sensory ganglion, oculomotor, hypoglossal, and olfactory) have led to the inference that axonal transport mechanisms move neurofilaments (NFs) unidirectionally as a single continuous kinetic population with a diversity of individual transport rates. One study in mouse optic axons (Nixon, R. A., and K. B. Logvinenko. 1986. J. Cell Biol. 102:647-659) has given rise to the different suggestion that a significant and distinct population of NFs may be entirely stationary within axons. In mouse optic axons, there are relatively few NFs and the NF proteins are more lightly labeled than other slowly transported slow component b (SCb) proteins (which, however, move faster than the NFs); thus, in mouse optic axons, the radiolabel of some of these faster-moving SCb proteins may confuse NF protein analyses that use one dimensional (1-D) SDS-PAGE, which separates proteins by size only. To test this possibility, we used a 2-mm "window" (at 3-5 mm from the posterior of the eye) to compare NF kinetics obtained by 1-D SDS-PAGE and by the higher resolution two-dimensional (2-D) isoelectric focusing/SDS-PAGE, which separates proteins both by their net charge and by their size. We found that 1-D SDS-PAGE is insufficient for definitive NF kinetics in the mouse optic system. By contrast, 2-D SDS-PAGE provides essentially pure NF kinetics, and these indicate that in the NF-poor mouse optic axons, most NFs advance as they do in other, NF-rich axons. In mice, greater than 97% of the radiolabeled NFs were distributed in a unimodal wave that moved at a continuum of rates, between 3.0 and 0.3 mm/d, and less than 0.1% of the NF population traveled at the very slowest rates of less than 0.005 mm/d. These results are inconsistent with the proposal (Nixon and Logvinenko, 1986) that 32% of the transported NFs remain within optic axons in an entirely stationary state. As has been found in other axons, the axonal transport system of mouse optic axons moves NFs and other cytoskeletal elements relentlessly from the cell body to the axon tip.  相似文献   

We have developed a model that accounts for the effect of a non-uniform distribution of tau protein along the axon length on fast axonal transport of intracellular organelles. The tau distribution is simulated by using a slow axonal transport model; the numerically predicted tau distributions along the axon length were validated by comparing them with experimentally measured tau distributions reported in the literature. We then developed a fast axonal transport model for organelles that accounts for the reduction of kinesin attachment rate to microtubules by tau. We investigated organelle transport for two situations: (1) a uniform tau distribution and (2) a non-uniform tau distribution predicted by the slow axonal transport model. We found that non-uniform tau distributions observed in healthy axons (an increase in tau concentration towards the axon tip) result in a significant enhancement of organelle transport towards the synapse compared with the uniform tau distribution with the same average amount of tau. This suggests that tau may play the role of being an enhancer of organelle transport.  相似文献   

Neurons are specialized cells with a complex architecture that includes elaborate dendritic branches and a long, narrow axon that extends from the cell body to the synaptic terminal. The organized transport of essential biological materials throughout the neuron is required to support its growth, function, and viability. In this review, we focus on insights that have emerged from the genetic analysis of long-distance axonal transport between the cell body and the synaptic terminal. We also discuss recent genetic evidence that supports the hypothesis that disruptions in axonal transport may cause or dramatically contribute to neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Axonal transport of organelles has emerged as a key process in the regulation of neuronal differentiation and survival. Several components of this specialised transport machinery, their regulators and vesicular cargoes are mutated or altered in many neurodegenerative conditions. The molecular characterisation of these mechanisms has furthered our understanding of neuronal homeostasis, providing insights into the spatio-temporal control of membrane traffic and signalling in neurons with a precision not achievable in other cellular systems. Here, we summarise the recent advances in the field of axonal trafficking of different organelles, and the essential role of motor and adaptor proteins in this process.  相似文献   

Pathophysiology of axonal transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Myosin-V is a versatile motor involved in short-range axonal/dendritic transport of vesicles in the actin-rich cortex and synaptic regions of nerve cells. It binds to several different kinds of neuronal vesicles by its globular tail domain but the mechanism by which it is recruited to these vesicles is not known. In this study, we used an in vitro motility assay derived from axoplasm of the squid giant axon to study the effects of the globular tail domain on the transport of neuronal vesicles. We found that the globular tail fragment of myosin-V inhibited actin-based vesicle transport by displacing native myosin-V and binding to vesicles. The globular tail domain pulled down kinesin, a known binding partner of myosin-V, in affinity isolation experiments. These data confirmed earlier evidence that kinesin and myosin-V interact to form a hetero-motor complex. The formation of a kinesin/myosin-V hetero-motor complex on vesicles is thought to facilitate the coordination of long-range movement on microtubules and short-range movement on actin filaments. The direct interaction of motors from both filament systems may represent the mechanism by which the transition of vesicles from microtubules to actin filaments is regulated. These results are the first demonstration that the recombinant tail of myosin-V inhibits vesicle transport in an in vitro motility assay. Future experiments are designed to determine the functional significance of the interaction between myosin-V and kinesin and to identify other proteins that bind to the globular tail domain of myosin-V.  相似文献   

Neurons require a large amount of intracellular transport. Cytoplasmic polypeptides and membrane-bounded organelles move from the perikaryon, down the length of the axon, and to the synaptic terminals. This movement occurs at distinct rates and is termed axonal transport. Axonal transport is divided into the slow transport of cytoplasmic proteins including glycolytic enzymes and cytoskeletal structures and the fast transport of membrane-bounded organelles along linear arrays of microtubules. The polypeptide compositions of the rate classes of axonal transport have been well characterized, but the underlying molecular mechanisms of this movement are less clear. Progress has been particularly slow toward understanding force-generation in slow transport, but recent developments have provided insight into the molecular motors involved in fast axonal transport. Recent advances in the cellular and molecular biology of one fast axonal transport motor, kinesin, have provided a clearer understanding of organelle movement along microtubules. The availability of cellular and molecular probes for kinesin and other putative axonal transport motors have led to a reevaluation of our understanding of intracellular motility.  相似文献   

Axonal transport has been extensively studied for a period of 20–30 years, but there is still no general consensus concerning the mechanism by which this transport process operates. An important development in this regard is the recent studies in the physical biochemistry group in the Department of Biochemistry at Monash University where it has been demonstrated that ordered flows may be generated spontaneously in polymer systems under non-equilibeium conditions. The new phenomenon exhibits many novel features, particularly with respect to polymer transport, which bear marked similarity to the behaviour of components in axonal transport. This article sets out to essentiallybring to the attention of those in the neurosciences some of the properties of ordered structured flows in polymer solutions. These properties may generate a different view in the understanding of the mechanism of axonal transport.  相似文献   

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