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The ventral pouch of G. crumenifer consists of an extensive atrium, opening just behind the mouth and ending blindly at the level of the testes. It is lined by a thin tegument underlain by numerous flask shaped pyriform cells. The non-glandular nature of the pyriform cell cytoplasm and the presence of haemoglobin and numerous mitochondria suggest that the pouch fulfils primarily a respiratory role. Contractions and relaxations of musculature associated with the pouch may ventilate the pouch with ruminal fluid, or with gaseous oxygen which may be present in small quantities in the rumen. Oxygen taken up by haemoglobin in pyriform cells may be transferred to haemoglobin in the lymph system, and thence distributed internally.  相似文献   

The cytoarchitecture of the female gonad of the endosymbiont umagillid Syndesmis patagonica has been investigated using electron microscopy and cytochemical techniques. The female gonad consists of paired germaria and vitellaria located behind the pharynx in the mid‐posterior region of the body. Both the germaria and the vitellaria are enveloped by an outer extracellular lamina and an inner sheath of accessory cells which contribute to the extracellular lamina. Oocyte maturation occurs completely during the prophase of the first meiotic division. Oocyte differentiation is characterized by the appearance of chromatoid bodies and the development of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes. These organelles appear to be involved in the production of round granules, about 2–2.5 μm in diameter, with a homogeneous electron‐dense core surrounded by a granular component and a translucent halo delimited by a membrane. These egg granules migrate to the periphery of mature oocytes, are positive to the cytochemical test for polyphenol detection, are unaffected by protease and have been interpreted as eggshell granules. The mature oocytes also contain a small number of yolk granules, lipid droplets, and glycogen particles scattered throughout the ooplasm. The vitellaria are branched organs composed of vitelline follicles with vitellocytes at different stages of maturation. Developing vitellocytes contain well‐developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and small Golgi complexes involved in the production of eggshell and yolk globules. Eggshell globules are round, measure 4–5 μm in diameter, and have a mosaic‐like patterned content which contains polyphenols. The yolk globules, 2–3 μm in diameter, show a homogeneous protein content of medium electron density, devoid of polyphenols, and completely digested by protease. The mature vitellocytes also contain glycogen as further reserve material. The presence of polyphenolic eggshell granules in the oocytes and of polyphenolic eggshell globules with a mosaic‐like pattern in the vitellocytes have been considered apomorphic features of the Rhabdocoela + Prolecithophora. J. Morphol. 275:703–719, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The transmission, control and the relationship between Dicrocoelium dendriticum and its definitive (sheep and cattle) and intermediate (molluscs and ants) hosts under natural and experimental conditions are described. Eleven species of molluscs and four of ants were found infected with larval D. dendriticum in León province, north-west Spain. Infected ants were observed between April and November and in tetania at 7.5-26.9 degrees C. The highest shedding of eggs by sheep and cattle was detected in winter. Two treatments applied in November and January were the most effective. In experimentally infected molluscs, the parasite was not visible under the stereomicroscope, at least until 50 days post-infection (p.i.). The prepatent period in experimentally infected lambs was 49-79 days p.i. The number of eggs per gram increased with the days p.i. and the parasite burden. The aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, leukocyte and neutrophil values of infected lambs increased, but those of lymphocytes decreased. Using the enzyme-linked immunosorbert assay technique, the IgG antibody response to excretory-secretory and somatic antigens of D. dendriticum was positive from day 30 p.i., although the maximum antibody levels were observed on day 60 p.i. The number of worms per lamb ranged between 30 and 2063. Cholangitis and cholangiectasia of the septal bile and hepatic ducts were observed. The best enzymatic systems for adult and larval D. dendriticum characterization were lactate dehydrogenase, glucose phosphate isomerase and phosphoglucomutase. Genetic variability of adult D. dendriticum was high using the random amplified polymorphic DNA technique.  相似文献   

The eggs of Dicrocoelium dendriticum were induced to open by solutions of formic acid and caproic acid (Table 1). The miracidia hatched in O2-free water after the eggs had been dried with N2 or in vacuum. The miracidia were able to live for 3 hours if water contained 20 mM NaCl, 10 mM KCl, and 1 mM CaCl2. Ca++-ions are obviously necessary for the mobility of miracidia. The experimental use of intestinal juice of the Roman snail Helix pomatia gave hatching results which were dependent on the absence of O2 (exposure to N2) and the presence of bacteria with a still unknown function. The dependence on pH seems to be indirect (Abb. 2). Studies on the permeabilities of the egg shell and the embryonic membrane ("vitelline membrane"), the evidence of an oligosaccharide (Abb. 3) liberated from the "spaltraum" (Abb. 1) during egg-opening, and the determination of the osmotic pressure of the hatching process (50% hatching in 1.2--14. Osmols sucrose/1000 ml H2O; Abb. 4) led to the following hypothesis of hatching mechanism: After the activation of the granular gland of the miracidium an enzyme is released into the extra-embryonic "spaltraum". A polysaccharide is digested to an oligosaccharide which cannot permeate the egg shell and the embryonic membrane. The rising osmotic pressure bursts off the operculum.  相似文献   

Summary The general organisation of the vitellocytes inParotoplana capitata, P. papii, Parotoplanella progermaria, andP. heterorhabditica is described. Special emphasis is put on the substructure of eggshell-forming granules. In all parotoplanid species studied the eggshell granules show uniformly shaped substructures typical of all the Proseriata and besides this feature, globules exist which are bipartite, i.e. two different patterns exist within the same granule. This characteristic, which is unknown for other taxa of the Proseriata, is hypothesized as an autapomorphy of the monophylum Parotoplaninae.Abbreviations gER granular endoplasmic reticulum - lp lipid droplets - n nucleus - sg eggshell granule - y yolk platelet  相似文献   

The isoenzymes of LDH (EC were studied in Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Fasciola hepatica by horizontal electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel. Six isoenzymes in D. dendriticum and four in F. hepatica were detected. Densitometric scans demonstrated that the enzyme pattern of LDH in D. dendriticum parasitizing hepatic tissue of Capra hircus was clearly different from the one obtained when the trematode parasitized other hosts such as Bos taurus or Ovis aries.  相似文献   

The female gonad of Prorhynchus is heterocellular (neoophoran organization) and consists of an unpaired, elongate germovitellarium enveloped by a finely granular extracellular lamina. It is composed of a posterior germinative area where early oocytes are randomly associated with differentiating vitellocytes and a growth area with follicular organization. In each follicle a single oocyte is surrounded by a layer of vitellocytes. By electron microscopy, the oocytes showed features typical of non-vitellogenic germ cells; they had chromatoid bodies, annulate lamellae, lipid droplets and R.E.R. and Golgi complexes producing small granules with a multilamellar pattern. Vitellocytes showed features typical of secretory cells with the R.E.R. and Golgi complex developed to a great extent and involved in the production of type A and type B globules, respectively. We speculate that type A globules are shell-globules and type B globules are yolk. The structure, composition and role of vitellocyte globules of Prorhynchus are compared with those of homologous inclusions from other Platyhelminthes.Abbreviations A type A globule - B type B globule - ECL extracellular lamina - GC Golgi complex - L lipid - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - O oocyte - V vitellocyte  相似文献   

The hydroskeleton plays a central role in the architecture of the trunk of the Chaetognath. Its fibrous part is composed by a ‘basement membrane’ which separates the epithelial and nervous level from the locomotory muscle and other tissues which surround the general cavity. This structure corresponds to a dense connective tissue sheath; together with the aqueous phase of the general cavity it constitutes the main part of the hydroskeleton. The axes of the lateral and caudal fins are extensions of this connective tissue; they are rich in ground substance and contain several kinds of fibrils and granules.The ‘basement membrane’ is made of a network of densely packed parallel layers of collagen fibrils which form helices which wrap around the trunk. The collagen fibrils of this connective stratum are sandwiched between two basal lamina; they are embedded in a reduced extracellular matrix whose components are closely related to the architecture of the collagen fibrils. In the core of the fin, the ground substance is very abundant and classical cross-striated collagen fibrils are not to be found. A compact fibrillar transition zone is to be noted between the dense connective stratum surrounding the body and the hyaline axis of the fins. In this zone, no crossbanded collagen fibrils are to be seen.The hydroskeleton and the fins show variations within the phylum. They could be related to speciation, and the ancestral pathway of the phylum. Furthermore these variations are related to the general problem of the evolution of the extracellular matrices and collagen molecule itself.  相似文献   

Summary Blood from larval lampreys (ammocoetes) contains a small number of eosinophilic granulocytes which are formed in the protospleen and kidney. Both immature and mature forms of this cell type are present in the blood and these are easily identified from other cell types due to the prominent eosinophilic granules that fill the cytoplasm. Ultrastructurally, these granules are electron-dense, largely unstructured, Golgi-derived and contain acid phosphatase but not peroxidase. Eosinophilic granulocytes ingest bacteria but fail to internalise colloidal carbon. The functional and phylogenetic significance of these cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The development and cytodifferentiation of endocrine cells that produce the gastrointestinal hormones gastrin, cholecystokinin and secretin have been studied by a combined fluorescence-cytochemical, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural approach. The results show that, during development, several ultrastructurally distinct cell types exhibit COOH-terminal gastrin and cholecystokinin immunoreactivity. Furthermore, some cells simultaneously contain both gastrin- and cholecystokinin-specific antigenic determinants. Studies on the time course of development of gastrin and cholecystokinin cells, together with the above-mentioned data, suggest that gastrin cells may be converted into cholecystokinin cells in development. During this period, gastrin, cholecystokinin and secretin cells store the biogenic monoamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine a feature not displayed by the adult counter-parts of these cells. In the adult duodenum, characteristic enterochromaffin (EC) cells store 5-hydroxytryptamin for which, evidence for a possible hormonal role has been presented. Taken together, our data indicate that the differentiation of duodenal endocrine cells occurs in distinct steps, each involving a restriction in the biosynthetic repertoire of the cell.  相似文献   

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