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The summer stratification phosphorus budget for eutrophic Edinboro Lake in northwestern Pennsylvania was determined. Phosphorus loading from internal sources contributed 141 kg, (79%) and 55 kg, (68%) of the mass phosphorus increase in the lake in 1981 and 1982, respectively. Calculated anaerobic sediment release rates of total phosphorus were 9.9 and 3.7 mg m–2 day–1 for these two years. The observed summer maximum chlorophyll a concentration was 1.5–3 times greater than that predicted by existing models. Year-to-year variability in the internal phosphorus load for this lake and others is discussed. Without a data base that will permit the comparison of lakes and with and without a significant supply of internal phosphorus, prediction of the relative importance of internal loading in a particular lake will be difficult.  相似文献   

Lake Verevi is a hypertrophic and strongly stratified (partly meromictic) small temperate lake. Vertical distribution of sediment phosphorus fractions as well as iron, manganese, organic matter and calcium carbonate of the deep bottom sediment was determined. The study focused on the ecologically important layer of the sediment [<20(45) cm]. In the uppermost layers of the sediment, NaOH-NRP (organic P) dominated while HCl-RP (apatite-P) became dominant in some deeper layers below 7 cm. Extremely high concentrations of labile phosphorus fraction (NH4Cl-RP) indicated the low binding capacity of phosphorus by lake sediment. Due to sediment and hypolimnion anoxia, the internal load of phosphorus in this lake is most likely. Potentially mobile phosphorus fractions (NH4Cl-RP, BD-RP, NaOH-NRP) formed 301 kg in upper 10 cm thick sediment layer of hypolimnetic bottom sediment (40% of lake bottom area).  相似文献   

Restoration of anthropogenically eutrophied lake ecosystems is difficult due to feedback mechanisms that stabilize the trophically degraded state. Here, we show rapid recovery of a eutrophic stratified lake in response to multiple restoration that targeted the feedback mechanisms of high external and internal nutrient loads, lack of a trophic cascade, and lack of structured littoral habitats. Lake Tiefwarensee (Germany) was exposed to aluminium and calcium treatment and fisheries management over 5 years. Within this period, in-lake phosphorus concentrations declined by more than 80%, and transparency, zooplankton biomass and fish assemblage structure and biomass responded immediately and almost linearly to the reduction in phosphorus concentrations. Phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations likewise decreased in response to restoration, but the declining trend was interrupted by one recovery year with unusually high phytoplankton biomasses. The zooplankton:phytoplankton biomass ratio and the chl a:phosphorus ratio approached values observed in other stratified lakes during natural recovery from eutrophication. The slow response of Tiefwarensee to the reduction of external load, and the quick response to the chemical treatment suggest that the disruption of internal P recycling and loading was the decisive restoration measure in Tiefwarensee. The external load reduction was a necessary but not sufficient measure, at least in the short-term, whereas the low-effort fisheries management was of minor importance. A comparison with other case studies confirms that measures aiming to inactivate phosphorus are the most efficient approaches to restore stratified lakes in the short-term, but a shift to a permanent near-pristine state is possible only by additional P input control. Author Contributions: T.M. designed the study, analyzed data, and wrote the paper. M.D. analyzed data. T.G. analyzed data. P.K. designed the study and analyzed data. R.K. conceived of and designed the study. L.K, M.R. and M.S. analyzed data. G.W. contributed new methods, analyzed data and wrote parts of the paper. All authors contributed to writing the final version.  相似文献   

Impacts of internal nutrient loading and the role of biota in phosphorus (P) dynamics were studied in a shallow, hypertrophic, biomanipulated lake. Reduced fish stock resulted in clearing water and the development of a dense submerged vegetation by 2005. However, an abrupt shift occurred in 2007, seven years after the fish manipulation. Simultaneously, water quality deteriorated which became obvious in elevated chlorophyll‐a concentration in lake water, associated with increased biomass of fish and decay of a previously extended macrophyte cover. There were no significant differences in lake water P concentrations between the two periods (2005–2006 and 2007); however, peaks of different P forms were markedly higher in 2007 than in 2005–2006. At the same time, P content of sediment pore water declined considerably in 2007. Our mesocosm experiment, carried out in the manipulated lake, emphasize the positive role of the dominant fish species (roach) in P regeneration. We suggest that fish manipulation should be carried out every 5 year to maintain clear water conditions permanent, until the total removal of redundant nutrients accumulated in the lake ecosystem. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A model predicting phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations from loading rates was tested using data collected from a shallow, nutrient-rich lake where both internal and external loading occurred. Predicted nutrient concentrations agreed closely with obaerved values and it is suggested that the model could be used to predict the reduction in loading rate required to effect lake restoration.  相似文献   

Barton, Sutton and Stalham Broads are shallow, man-made lakes formed in mediaeval times when peat excavations were flooded. Recently, a once diverse submerged macrophyte flora has, in most broads, been replaced by large phytoplankton populations. This change has been attributed to increased nutrient loadings. The seasonal cycles of chlorophyll α, nitrogen and phosphorus in the three broads are described and the inputs of nitrogen and phosphorus to Barton Broad are budgeted. A reduction in the phosphorus loading is recommended as the best method of restricting phytoplankton populations in these broads. An equation relating phosphorus loading, flushing rate, mean depth and retention coefficient to mean standing phosphorus concentration is used to predict the reduction in phosphorus loading required to limit phytoplankton populations and permit the re-establishment of submerged macrophytes.  相似文献   

The mineralization of phosphorus and nitrogen from seston was studied in consolidated sediment from the shallow Lake Arreskov (July and November) and in suspensions without sediment (July). In the suspension experiment, phosphorus and nitrogen were mineralized in the same proportions as they occurred in the seston. During the 30 days suspension experiment, 47 and 43% of the particulate phosphorus and nitrogen, respectively, was mineralized with constant rates.Addition of seston to the sediment had an immediate enhancing effect on oxygen uptake, phosphate and ammonia release, whereas nitrate release decreased due to denitrification. The enhanced rates lasted for 2–5 weeks, while the decrease in nitrate release persisted throughout the experiment. The increase in oxygen uptake (equivalent to 21% of the seston carbon) was, however, only observed in the July experiment. The release of phosphorus and nitrogen from seston decomposing on the sediment surface differed from the suspension experiments. Thus, between 91 and 111% of the phosphorus in the seston was released during the experiments. Due to opposite directed effects on ammonium and nitrate release, the resulting net release of nitrogen was relatively low.A comparison of C/N/P ratios in seston, sediment and flux rates indicated that nitrogen was mineralized faster than phosphorus and carbon. Some of this nitrogen was lost through denitrification and therefore not measurable in the flux of inorganic nitrogen ions. This investigation also suggests that decomposition of newly settled organic matter in sediments have indirect effects on sediment-water exchanges (e.g. by changing of redox potentials and stimulation of denitrification) that modifies the release of mineralized phosphate and nitrogen from the sediment.  相似文献   

Sediment phosphorus (P) release accelerates lake eutrophication, while retention capacity and release potential of different P fractions, calcium-bound P (CaCO3~P) in particular, still remains unclear. Fractionation and sorption behaviors of phosphorus were studied in sediment of a Chinese shallow lake (Lake Wabu) and two inflowing rivers from December 2011 to December 2012. Abundance of P releasing bacteria was analyzed, and their main species were isolated using a culture-dependent method and identified by their 16S rDNA sequences. CaCO3~P release abilities of these bacteria were also tested. In sediments of both the lake and rivers studied, the rank order of the different P extracts was CaCO3~P > iron-bound P > acid-soluble organic P > hot NaOH-extractable organic P. At the same time, CaCO3~P content and equilibrium P concentration (EPC0) values in river sediments were significantly higher than those in the lake. Additionally, EPC0 changes non-monotonically with increasing CaCO3~P content, forming a V-shaped curve, with the lowest EPC0 at an intermediate CaCO3~P content (around 180 mg kg?1). Below this threshold, CaCO3~P was a component strengthening P retention; moreover, CaCO3~P became an active species responsible for P release. Noticeably, between the two parts divided by this threshold, the differences in abundance of inorganic phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (IPB) and organic phosphorus mineralizing bacteria (OPB) were insignificant and the dominant IPB species clustered together. By contrast, OPB was distinguished from each other, whose dominant species isolated from the part with higher CaCO3~P content, namely Novosphingobium sp., exhibited a stronger ability to solubilize CaCO3~P. Shortly, with lower content, CaCO3~P tends to stabilize P in sediment; while with higher content or under eutrophic condition, it shifted into P source, with some OPB species becoming the main factors to drive its release.  相似文献   

Ekholm  Petri  Malve  Olli  Kirkkala  Teija 《Hydrobiologia》1997,345(1):3-14
This study assesses the effects of external and internalloading on the nutrient concentrations in an agriculturallyloaded shallow lake. Using 13 years of observations of thelake's input and outflow, we calculated the long-term balancesof Tot-P and Tot-N. A more detailed balance, which includeddissolved nutrients and suspended solids, was estimated for anice-free period of one year. The contribution of the externalload was assessed using a mass-balance model. The internalload was estimated from the nutrient balances and on the basisof sedimentation measurements and bioassays. The drainagebasin of the lake provided most of the external nutrientinput; the remaining load was derived from atmosphericdeposition to the lake. The proportions of river-transported Pand N in dissolved form were 25% and 77%, respectively. Thelake retained >80% of the external load. Particulatenutrients settled to the bottom and were probably resuspendedseveral times before permanent sedimentation. Dissolvednutrients were bound by primary producers and a highproportion of dissolved P was removed with the fish catch.Dissolved N was also lost via denitrification. Themass-balance model showed that external loading only partlyregulated the mean annual nutrient concentrations in the lake.The regulation was probably due to internal loading, which washigh despite the efficient net retention of nutrients. Duringthe ice-free period, the temporal variations in nutrientconcentrations were controlled almost solely by internalprocesses, such as resuspension of inorganic and organicbottom matter. Although the internal load of bioavailable Pmay, under favourable conditions, exceed the external load,the mechanism by which bioavailable P is translocated from thebottom sediments to the water could not be fully identified.Abbreviations used in this paper follow the editor'srules.  相似文献   

Sedimentary phosphorus fractions and phosphorus release from the sediments were studied in Lake Ladoga at altogether 46 sampling sites, representing the full range of sediment types encountered in the lake. Determination of P fractions and physico-chemical analyses were made of surface sediment cores (10–20 cm long, each sampled at 3–4 levels) and in the overlying water. The range of total phosphorus per dry weight of sediment was 0.2–3.3 mg g–1, and that of inorganic P 0.1–2.5 mg g–1. The levels of interstitial soluble phosphorus, range 2–613 µg 1–1 for total P and 1–315 µg 1–1 for inorganic P, were higher than those of dissolved P concentrations in the overlying water. Diffusive fluxes of phosphate from sediment to the overlying water were estimated using three independent methods. The estimated range was 4–914 µg P m–2 d–1; the mean value for the whole bottom area, 0.1 mg P m–2 d–1, is lower than previously published estimates. The estimated annual contribution of sedimentary inorganic P flux to Lake Ladoga water is equal to 620 tons of P per year, which amounts to more than 10% of the estimated external P load into the lake. 68% of the total diffusive flux emanates from deep water sediments, which are not exposed to seasonal variation of conditions. In deep lakes, such as Lake Ladoga, phosphorus release from the sediments is controlled primarily by diffusive mechanisms. Wave action and currents as well as bioturbation are probably of importance mainly in shallow near-shore areas. Phosphorus release by gas ebullition and macrophytes is considered negligible.  相似文献   

In 1984 a frequent monitoring programme was started in the hypertrophic S.W. Frisian lake district, with emphasis on total phosphorus (TP) and chloride (Cl). The main objectives of the project were: to quantify the phosphorus flows, to gain insight in the process of eutrophication, and to simulate management scenarios. The seasonal variability in the lakes is due mainly to the man-made hydrology: reception of humic-rich polder water in wet periods (winter) and inlet of chloride-rich Usselmeer water in dry periods (summer). The yearly means of TP concentrations in the lakes (Tjeukemeer, Groote Brekken and Slotermeer) ranged from 0.23 to 0.29 mg l–1. However, much higher concentrations (0.9 mg l–1) were found in periods with high inflow of polder water.The simulations with a mass balance showed an acceptable similarity between measured and simulated concentrations of TP as well as of Cl. Chloride was modelled to verify the accuracy of a hydrodynamic model. A sensitivity analysis of the apparent settling rate in the P model showed that sensitivity was lowest in simulations of Groote Brekken and highest in simulations of Slotermeer, the difference being attributable to the influence of the water residence time. The model was found to be appropriate for simulating management scenarios.  相似文献   

Measurement of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes between the soil and the atmosphere, in both managed and unmanaged ecosystems, is critical to understanding the biogeochemical drivers of climate change and to the development and evaluation of GHG mitigation strategies based on modulation of landscape management practices. The static chamber-based method described here is based on trapping gases emitted from the soil surface within a chamber and collecting samples from the chamber headspace at regular intervals for analysis by gas chromatography. Change in gas concentration over time is used to calculate flux. This method can be utilized to measure landscape-based flux of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, and to estimate differences between treatments or explore system dynamics over seasons or years. Infrastructure requirements are modest, but a comprehensive experimental design is essential. This method is easily deployed in the field, conforms to established guidelines, and produces data suitable to large-scale GHG emissions studies.  相似文献   

Organic phosphorus (Po) was a major fraction of phosphorus (P) in sediments of lakes, and microbes were involved in most of its relevant biogeochemical cycling. Forms and quantification of Po were investigated by sequential fractionation in 18 sediments of Lake Dianchi, Southwest China. Microbial biomass and community structure in these sediments were determined by phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs). Distribution of Po fractions were in the rank order that humic Po > nucleic acid and polyphosphate > residual P > Ca-Al-Po > Fe-Po > sugar Po > acid soluble Po > H2O-Po. The recoveries of Po and Pi in these detailed sequential fractions including residual P shows that the total contents of Po in sediments of lakes were overestimated by the Standards, Measurements and Testing (SMT) protocol (ignition method). Microbial biomass including Gram-positive bacteria (14.4–20.0%), Gram-negative bacteria (32.7–38.4%), microeukaryotes (14.9–24.4%), aerobic bacteria (43.6–55.8%), anaerobic bacteria (0–2.9%) and type ? methanotrophs (17.6–24.4%) were assigned. Microbial mass and their composition were strongly correlated with H2O-Po, Fe-Po, nucleic acid and polyphosphate, and humic Po, though residual P was likely inert for microbes in sediments. The formation and degradation of Po was closely related with microbial activities in sediments. These findings have implications for understanding the role of microbes on cycling of Po and organic matter in sediments of lakes.  相似文献   

The development of a heavy phytoplankton bloom (chl. a = 360 mg/m3), which occurred in the summer 1983 in a shallow reservoir, Divor, is described. The study shows that remobilization of phosphate from the sediment was initiating the phytoplankton bloom. This was confirmed not only by calculations of the change in iron-phosphate pool, but also supported by sorption experiments carried out with the sediment. It is discussed that turbidity of the water due to suspended matter caused the reduction in standing stock of phytoplankton to approx. 50 mg chl. a/m3 in late summer.  相似文献   

Recovery of polluted lakes is a complicated process involving many factors. Different lake rehabilitation techniques and former experiences with advanced wastewater treatment and sewage diversion are reviewed. The response in water quality after a nutrient reduction may vary significantly, despite a lowering of the phosphorus concentration in the lake. The different factors influencing the process, such as climatic fluctuations, the growth-limiting effect of nutrients and phosphorus release from the sediments, are discussed, based on examples from a lake recovery study in Sweden carried out in 30 lakes. Due to various interrelationships between physical characteristics and biological mechanisms involved, and to significant fluctuations in these factors from one year to the next, it is difficult to generalize and to forecast the actual response of a certain water body to a reduced nutrient input. Unfortunately, too many monitoring programmes aimed at elucidating the effects of remedial efforts are not designed in such a manner that relevant information can be obtained about the nutrient load — lake response relationships. Ways for optimizing and increasing the predictive power of inventory studies and monitoring programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of floating-leaved, submerged and emergent macrophytes on sediment resuspension and internal phosphorus loading were studied in the shallow Kirkkojärvi basin by placing sedimentation traps among different plant beds and adjacent open water and by sediment and water samples. All the three life forms considerably reduced sediment resuspension compared with non-vegetated areas. Both among submerged (Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton obtusifolius, Ranunculus circinatus) and emergent (Typha angustifolia) plants, resuspension rate was on average 43% of that in the adjacent open water, while within floating-leaved plants (Nuphar lutea) the corresponding value was 87%. The effects of submerged and emergent vegetation increased in the course of the growing season together with increasing plant density. Among floating-leaved vegetation, such seasonal trend in resuspension effects was not observed. Compared with the non-vegetated area, floating-leaved, submerged and emergent plants reduced internal phosphorus loading on average by 21, 12 and 26 mg m−2 d−1, respectively. The effects of floating-leaved plants on resuspension-mediated internal phosphosrus loading were thus comparable to the effects of the other two life forms.  相似文献   

1. Phosphorus (P) release from bottom sediments is an important source of nutrient enrichment in many lakes in sedimentary basins, such as those in western Canada. On the Boreal Plain, sediment P release is particularly strong during periods of seasonal anoxia.
2. In this study, the effects of reduction–oxidation (redox)-sensitive and -insensitive chemicals on P release were examined in sediment cores collected from three eutrophic lakes.
3. Contrary to expectations, redox-sensitive treatments were no more effective at lowering total phosphorus (TP) in sediment cores than some redox-insensitive treatments. Redox-sensitive treatments with FeCl3 and FeCl3 + O2 reduced TP to 8 and 6%, respectively, of reference concentrations, whereas redox-insensitive treatments with alum or lime + alum reduced TP to 14% of reference concentrations. Lime and O2 treatments reduced TP concentrations to 35 and 52% of reference concentrations, respectively.
4. The fraction of P that adsorbed and co-precipitated with iron and aluminium in the sediment cores was low (non-apatite phosphorus fractions < 5%), suggesting that P release was controlled by apatite solubility and bacterial metabolism.  相似文献   

1. A diatom‐total phosphorus transfer function has been applied to a sedimentary diatom sequence from Groby Pool, a small shallow lake in Leicestershire, U.K. 2. Extensive aquatic plant records exist for Groby Pool dating back over two centuries. These records, in conjunction with selected aquatic pollen and herbarium diatom data, provide independent, qualitative evidence for the progression of eutrophication and its effects on aquatic plant communities and habitat structure. 3. Before 1800, Groby Pool was probably mesotrophic with clear water and a diverse submerged macrophyte community, but subsequently it experienced considerable nutrient enrichment. Key evidence for this includes: (i) historical plant records indicating the loss of species associated with mesotrophic waters and their replacement by others typical of eutrophic conditions, (ii) a significant increase in the percentage of planktonic diatoms in the lake sediment record (particularly Cyclostephanos dubius) after 1890, and (iii) increases in percentages of Stephanodiscus parvus and Cocconeis placentula in the second half of the twentieth century. 4. Diatom‐inferred total phosphorus (DI‐TP) estimates were inconsistent with the qualitative evidence for eutrophication at Groby Pool. In particular the DI‐TP profile was thought to overestimate phosphorus during the period of dominance by small Fragilaria spp. before 1890, and to misjudge the timing and direction of subsequent changes in nutrient loading. 5. This study highlights some of the problems associated with the application of diatom‐TP transfer functions to sedimentary diatom sequences from shallow lakes. The major problem relates to the frequent dominance of non‐planktonic diatoms in the sediments of these systems, many species of which (particularly small Fragilaria spp.) appear to be more sensitive to changes in habitat availability than to phosphorus. Potential ways of improving diatom‐TP models via altered approaches to sampling are suggested.  相似文献   

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