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The murine gammaherpesvirus MHV-68 multiplies in the respiratory epithelium after intranasal inoculation, then spreads to infect B cells in lymphoid germinal centers. Exposing B cells to MHV-68 in vitro caused an increase in cell size, up-regulation of the CD69 activation marker, and immunoglobulin M (IgM) production. The infectious process in vivo was also associated with increased CD69 expression on B cells in the draining lymph nodes and spleen, together with a rise in total serum Ig. However, whereas the in vitro effect on B cells was entirely T-cell independent, evidence of in vivo B-cell activation was minimal in CD4+ T-cell-deficient (I-Ab−/−) or CD4+ T-cell-depleted mice. Furthermore, the Ig present at high levels in serum was predominantly of the IgG class. Surprisingly, the titer of influenza virus-specific serum IgG in previously immunized mice fell following MHV-68 infection, suggesting that there was relatively little activation of memory B cells. Thus, CD4+ T cells seemed both to amplify a direct viral activation of B cells in lymphoid tissue and to promote new Ig class switching despite a lack of obvious cognate antigen.Herpesvirus (HV) infections are often associated with non-antigen-specific B-cell activation (13, 14, 16, 21, 22). Although no definite role has been established for this process in viral pathogenesis, it is of particular interest in gammaherpesvirus (γ-HV) infections, since chronic B-cell stimulation may contribute to the oncogenesis (9, 15) associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) infections. Infection with EBV activates B cells expressing the immunoglobulin (Ig) V4-34 gene (4), which is also overrepresented in certain lymphomas (6, 25). EBV-activated V4-34-expressing B cells can undergo somatic mutation and isotype switching, indicating a participation in normal germinal-center interactions (5). The latent membrane protein 1 (LMP-1) of EBV, which has intracellular signaling substrates similar to those of CD40 (12), and LMP-2A, which can trigger lymphocyte activation (2), may both contribute to this process. However, analysis of lymphocyte interactions in vivo has not been possible with the human γ-HVs.The murine γ-HV-68 (MHV-68) is a natural γ-HV of small rodents that is related to EBV (8) and to HHV-8 (33). After intranasal (i.n.) infection of conventional mice, the virus spreads from the lung to the lymphoid tissue (29) and then persists in B lymphocytes (28) and in epithelial cells (27). This persistent infection is associated with an infectious mononucleosis-like illness (7, 20) characterized by a CD4-dependent splenomegaly and an increase in viral load (31). In BALB/c mice, MHV-68 causes an acute and apparently non-antigen-specific rise in total serum IgG (26). The virus-specific serum antibody response is, in contrast, relatively slow in onset and does not reach plateau levels until 2 to 3 months after infection (26). MHV-68-infected C57BL/6J (B6) mice have more IgG+ cells and fewer IgM+ cells in the spleen (18) than uninfected controls, but to what extent this represents normal immunity is unclear.There is evidence (3) of MHV-68 infection in splenic germinal centers, and both the non-antigen-specific B-cell activation and the CD4-dependent increase in viral load may reflect an exploitation by the virus of normal germinal-center function. The present analysis defines the need, or lack thereof, for CD4+ T-cell help to drive B-cell activation following in vitro or in vivo exposure to MHV-68.  相似文献   

Canonical inflammasomes are multiprotein complexes that can activate both caspase-1 and caspase-8. Caspase-1 drives rapid lysis of cells by pyroptosis and maturation of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18. In caspase-1-deficient cells, inflammasome formation still leads to caspase-3 activation and slower apoptotic death, dependent on caspase-8 as an apical caspase. A role for caspase-8 directly upstream of caspase-1 has also been suggested, but here we show that caspase-8-deficient macrophages have no defect in AIM2 inflammasome-mediated caspase-1 activation, pyroptosis, and IL-1β cleavage. In investigating the inflammasome-induced apoptotic pathway, we previously demonstrated that activated caspase-8 is essential for caspase-3 cleavage and apoptosis in caspase-1-deficient cells. However, here we found that AIM2 inflammasome-initiated caspase-3 cleavage was maintained in Ripk3?/? Casp8?/? macrophages. Gene knockdown showed that caspase-1 was required for the caspase-3 cleavage. Thus inflammasomes activate a network of caspases that can promote both pyroptotic and apoptotic cell death. In cells where rapid pyroptosis is blocked, delayed inflammasome-dependent cell death could still occur due to both caspase-1- and caspase-8-dependent apoptosis. Initiation of redundant cell death pathways is likely to be a strategy for coping with pathogen interference in death processes.  相似文献   

PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum (ER) kinase (PERK) is an ER-associated stress sensor protein which phosphorylates eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) to induce translation attenuation in response to ER stress. PERK is also a regulator of lipogenesis during adipocyte differentiation through activation of the cleavage of sterol regulatory element binding protein 1 (SREBP1), resulting in the upregulation of lipogenic enzymes. Our recent studies have shown that human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection in human fibroblasts (HF) induces adipocyte-like lipogenesis through the activation of SREBP1. Here, we report that PERK expression is highly increased in HCMV-infected cells and is necessary for HCMV growth. Depletion of PERK, using short hairpin RNA (shRNA), resulted in attenuation of HCMV growth, inhibition of lipid synthesis and reduction of lipogenic gene expression. Examination of the cleavage of SREBP proteins showed PERK depletion inhibited the cleavage of SREBP1, but not SREBP2, in HCMV-infected cells, suggesting different cleavage regulatory mechanisms for SREBP1 and 2. Further studies showed that the depletion of SREBP1, but not SREBP2, reduced lipid synthesis in HCMV infection, suggesting that activation of SREBP1 is sufficient to induce lipogenesis in HCMV infection. The reduction of lipid synthesis by PERK depletion can be partially restored by expressing a Flag-tagged nuclear form of SREBP1a. Our studies also suggest that the induction of PERK in HCMV-infected cells stimulates SREBP1 cleavage by reducing levels of Insig1 (Insulin inducible gene 1) protein; this occurs independent of the phosphorylation of eIF2α. Introduction of an exogenous Insig1-Myc into HCMV infected cells significantly reduced HCMV growth and lipid synthesis. Our data demonstrate that the induction of PERK during HCMV infection is necessary for full activation of lipogenesis; this effect appears to be mediated by limiting the levels of Insig1 thus freeing SREBP1-SCAP complexes for SREBP1 processing.  相似文献   

Maturation of the single-chain caspase-9 zymogen through autoproteolytic processing is mediated by the Apaf-1 apoptosome at the onset of apoptosis. Processed caspase-9 and the apoptosome form a holoenzyme with robust proteolytic activity that is 2–3 orders of magnitude higher than that of free processed caspase-9. An unresolved important question is the role of caspase-9 processing, with some experimental data suggesting its dispensability. In this study, we demonstrate that, in contrast to wild-type caspase-9, the unprocessed single-chain caspase-9 triple mutant E306A/D315A/D330A (Casp9-TM) could no longer be adequately activated by the apoptosome. Compared with the protease activity of wild-type caspase-9, that of Casp9-TM in the presence of the apoptosome was drastically reduced. The crippled protease activity of Casp9-TM in the presence of the apoptosome is likely attributable to a markedly reduced ability of Casp9-TM to form homodimers. These data identify an essential role for the autoproteolytic processing of caspase-9 in its activation.  相似文献   

Connexin26 (Cx26) is the major Cx protein expressed in the human mammary gland and is up-regulated during pregnancy while remaining elevated throughout lactation. It is currently unknown if patients with loss-of-function Cx26 mutations that result in hearing loss and skin diseases have a greater susceptibility to impaired breast development. To investigate if Cx26 plays a critical role in mammary gland development and differentiation, a novel Cx26 conditional knockout mouse model was generated by crossing Cx26fl/fl mice with mice expressing Cre under the β-Lactoglobulin promoter. Conditional knockdown of Cx26 from the mammary gland resulted in a dramatic reduction in detectable gap junction plaques confirmed by a significant ∼65-70% reduction in Cx26 mRNA and protein throughout parturition and lactation. Interestingly, this reduction was accompanied by a decrease in mammary gland Cx30 gap junction plaques at parturition, while no change was observed for Cx32 or Cx43. Whole mount, histological and immunofluorescent assessment of breast tissue revealed comparatively normal lobuloalveolar development following pregnancy in the conditionally knockdown mice compared to control mice. In addition, glands from genetically-modified mice were capable of producing milk proteins that were evident in the lumen of alveoli and ducts at similar levels as controls, suggesting normal gland function. Together, our results suggest that low levels of Cx26 expression throughout pregnancy and lactation, and not the physiological surge in Cx26, is sufficient for normal gland development and function.  相似文献   

Caspase-1 is activated by the inflammasome complex to process cytokines like interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Pro-caspase-1 consists of three domains, CARD, p20, and p10. Association of pro-caspase-1 with the inflammasome results in initiation of its autocatalytic activity, culminating in self-cleavage that generates catalytically active subunits (p10 and p20). In the current study, we show that Nedd8 is required for efficient self-cleavage of pro-caspase-1 to generate its catalytically active subunits. Nedd8 silencing or treating cells with the neddylation inhibitor MLN4924 led to diminished caspase-1 processing and reduced IL-1β maturation following inflammasome activation. Coimmunoprecipitation and mass spectrometric analysis of 293 cells overexpressing pro-caspase-1 (and CARD) and Nedd8 suggested possible neddylation of caspase-1 CARD. Following inflammasome activation in primary macrophages, we observed colocalization of endogenous Nedd8 with caspase-1. Similarly, interaction of endogenous Nedd8 with caspase-1 CARD was detected in inflammasome-activated macrophages. Furthermore, enhanced autocatalytic activity of pro-caspase-1 was observed following Nedd8 overexpression in 293 cells, and such activity in inflammasome-activated macrophages was drastically diminished upon treatment of cells with MLN4924. Thus, our studies demonstrate a role of Nedd8 in regulating caspase-1 activation following inflammasome activation, presumably via augmenting autoprocessing/cleavage of pro-caspase-1 into its corresponding catalytically active subunits.  相似文献   

The hierarchical relationships between stem cells and progenitors that guide mammary gland morphogenesis are still poorly defined. While multipotent basal stem cells have been found within the myoepithelial compartment, the in vivo lineage potential of luminal progenitors is unclear. Here we used the expression of the Notch1 receptor, previously implicated in mammary gland development and tumorigenesis, to elucidate the hierarchical organization of mammary stem/progenitor cells by lineage tracing. We found that Notch1 expression identifies multipotent stem cells in the embryonic mammary bud, which progressively restrict their lineage potential during mammary ductal morphogenesis to exclusively generate an ERαneg luminal lineage postnatally. Importantly, our results show that Notch1-labelled cells represent the alveolar progenitors that expand during pregnancy and survive multiple successive involutions. This study reveals that postnatal luminal epithelial cells derive from distinct self-sustained lineages that may represent the cells of origin of different breast cancer subtypes.  相似文献   

Canonical Wnt signals are transduced through a Frizzled receptor and either the LRP5 or LRP6 co-receptor; such signals play central roles during development and in disease. We have previously shown that Lrp5 is required for ductal stem cell activity and that loss of Lrp5 delays normal mammary development and Wnt1-induced tumorigenesis. Here we show that canonical Wnt signals through the Lrp6 co-receptor are also required for normal mouse mammary gland development. Loss of Lrp6 compromises Wnt/β-catenin signaling and interferes with mammary placode, fat pad, and branching development during embryogenesis. Heterozygosity for an inactivating mutation in Lrp6 is associated with a reduced number of terminal end buds and branches during postnatal development. While Lrp6 is expressed in both the basal and luminal mammary epithelium during embryogenesis, Lrp6 expression later becomes restricted to cells residing in the basal epithelial layer. Interestingly, these cells also express mammary stem cell markers. In humans, increased Lrp6 expression is associated with basal-like breast cancer. Taken together, our results suggest both overlapping and specific functions for Lrp5 and Lrp6 in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

A number of nuclear events occur during apoptosis, including DNA laddering, nuclear lamina breakdown, phosphorylation of histones H2B and histone H2AX, and the tight binding to chromatin of HMGB1 and CAD, the nuclease responsible for DNA laddering. We have performed an epistasis analysis to investigate whether these events cluster together in pathways. We find that all depend directly or indirectly on caspase-3 activation. CAD activation, H2AX phosphorylation and DNA laddering cluster together into a pathway, but all other events appear to be independent of each other downstream of caspase-3, and likely evolved subject to different functional pressures.  相似文献   

实验采用荧光定量PCR方法研究了小鼠在妊娠和泌乳过程中葡萄糖转运载体SLC2A1、SLC2A4与SLC5A1 mRNA的表达规律.结果表明与妊娠期相比,SLC2A1在泌乳期的表达量上调,泌乳18 d是妊娠18 d表达量的11倍(P〈0.01);SLC2A4的表达在妊娠和泌乳期无显著差异;SLCSA1的表达量从妊娠至泌乳期呈上升趋势,泌乳18 d是妊娠18 d表达量的2.5倍(P〈0.01).SLC2A1是小鼠乳腺泌乳时主要的葡萄糖转运载体,SLCSA1在乳腺葡萄糖的转运过程中也发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

Parasites of the Leishmania genus infect and survive within macrophages by inhibiting several microbicidal molecules, such as nitric oxide and pro-inflammatory cytokines. In this context, various species of Leishmania have been reported to inhibit or reduce the production of IL-1β both in vitro and in vivo. However, the mechanism whereby Leishmania parasites are able to affect IL-1β production and secretion by macrophages is still not fully understood. Dependent on the stimulus at hand, the maturation of IL-1β is facilitated by different inflammasome complexes. The NLRP3 inflammasome has been shown to be of pivotal importance in the detection of danger molecules such as inorganic crystals like asbestos, silica and malarial hemozoin, (HZ) as well as infectious agents. In the present work, we investigated whether Leishmania parasites modulate NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Using PMA-differentiated THP-1 cells, we demonstrate that Leishmania infection effectively inhibits macrophage IL-1β production upon stimulation. In this context, the expression and activity of the metalloprotease GP63 - a critical virulence factor expressed by all infectious Leishmania species - is a prerequisite for a Leishmania-mediated reduction of IL-1β secretion. Accordingly, L. mexicana, purified GP63 and GP63-containing exosomes, caused the inhibition of macrophage IL-1β production. Leishmania-dependent suppression of IL-1β secretion is accompanied by an inhibition of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production that has previously been shown to be associated with NLRP3 inflammasome activation. The observed loss of ROS production was due to an impaired PKC-mediated protein phosphorylation. Furthermore, ROS-independent inflammasome activation was inhibited, possibly due to an observed GP63-dependent cleavage of inflammasome and inflammasome-related proteins. Collectively for the first time, we herein provide evidence that the protozoan parasite Leishmania, through its surface metalloprotease GP63, can significantly inhibit NLRP3 inflammasome function and IL-1β production.  相似文献   

Germ line mutations of the BRCA1 gene increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, but the basis of this tissue-specific tumor predisposition is not fully understood. Previously, we reported that the progesterone receptors are stabilized in Brca1-deficient mammary epithelial cells, and treating with anti-progesterone delays mammary tumorigenesis in Brca1/p53 conditional knock-out mice, suggesting that the progesterone has a critical role in breast carcinogenesis. To further explore how the stability of progesterone receptor is modulated, here, we have found that glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3β phosphorylation of progesterone receptor-A (PR-A) facilitates its ubiquitination. GSK-3β-mediated phosphorylation of serine 390 in PR-A regulates its subsequent ubiquitination and protein stability. Expression of PR-AS390A mutant in the human breast epithelial cells, MCF-10A, results in enhanced proliferation and formation of aberrant acini structure in the three-dimensional culture. Consistently, reduction of phosphorylation of serine 390 of PR-A and GSK-3β activity is observed in the Brca1-deficient mammary gland. Taken together, these results provide important aspects of tissue specificity of BRCA1-mediated suppression of breast carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Protein kinase R (PKR) and RNase L are host cell components that function to contain viral spread after infections. In this study, we analyzed the role of both proteins in the abortive infection of human HeLa cells with the poxvirus strain NYVAC, for which an inhibition of viral A27L and B5R gene expression is described. Specifically, the translation of these viral genes is independent of PKR activation, but their expression is dependent on the RNase L activity.  相似文献   



Morphogenesis results from the coordination of distinct cell signaling pathways controlling migration, differentiation, apoptosis, and proliferation, along stem/progenitor cell dynamics. To decipher this puzzle, we focused on epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) “master genes”. EMT has emerged as a unifying concept, involving cell-cell adhesion, migration and apoptotic pathways. EMT also appears to mingle with stemness. However, very little is known on the physiological role and relevance of EMT master-genes. We addressed this question during mammary morphogenesis. Recently, a link between Slug/Snai2 and stemness has been described in mammary epithelial cells, but EMT master genes actual localization, role and targets during mammary gland morphogenesis are not known and we focused on this basic question.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using a Slug–lacZ transgenic model and immunolocalization, we located Slug in a distinct subpopulation covering about 10–20% basal cap and duct cells, mostly cycling cells, coexpressed with basal markers P-cadherin, CK5 and CD49f. During puberty, Slug-deficient mammary epithelium exhibited a delayed development after transplantation, contained less cycling cells, and overexpressed CK8/18, ER, GATA3 and BMI1 genes, linked to luminal lineage. Other EMT master genes were overexpressed, suggesting compensation mechanisms. Gain/loss-of-function in vitro experiments confirmed Slug control of mammary epithelial cell luminal differentiation and proliferation. In addition, they showed that Slug enhances specifically clonal mammosphere emergence and growth, cell motility, and represses apoptosis. Strikingly, Slug-deprived mammary epithelial cells lost their potential to generate secondary clonal mammospheres.


We conclude that Slug pathway controls the growth dynamics of a subpopulation of cycling progenitor basal cells during mammary morphogenesis. Overall, our data better define a key mechanism coordinating cell lineage dynamics and morphogenesis, and provide physiological relevance to broadening EMT pathways.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic bacterial infections in humans are a severe cause of morbidity and mortality. Although NOD-like receptors (NLRs) NOD2 and NLRP3 have important roles in the generation of protective immune responses to enteric pathogens, whether there is crosstalk among NLRs to regulate immune signaling is not known. Here, we show that mice and macrophages deficient in NOD2, or the downstream adaptor RIP2, have enhanced NLRP3- and caspases-11-dependent non-canonical inflammasome activation in a mouse model of enteropathogenic Citrobacter rodentium infection. Mechanistically, NOD2 and RIP2 regulate reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Increased ROS in Rip2-deficient macrophages subsequently enhances c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling resulting in increased caspase-11 expression and activation, and more non-canonical NLRP3-dependant inflammasome activation. Intriguingly, this leads to protection of the colon epithelium for up to 10 days in Rip2-deficient mice infected with C. rodentium. Our findings designate NOD2 and RIP2 as key regulators of cellular ROS homeostasis and demonstrate for the first time that ROS regulates caspase-11 expression and non-canonical NLRP3 inflammasome activation through the JNK pathway.  相似文献   

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