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The focus of this study was to examine the functional role of the unusual peripheral substitution of heme A. The effects of heme A stereochemistry on the reconstitution of the porphyrin have been examined in the heme A-apo-myoglobin complex using optical absorption and resonance Raman and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies. The addition of one equivalent of heme A to apo-Mb produces a complex which displays spectroscopic signals consistent with a distribution of high- and low-spin heme chromophores. These results indicate that the incorporation of heme A into apo-Mb significantly perturbs the protein refolding.  相似文献   

By use of a newly constructed CD instrument, infrared magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra were observed for various myoglobin derivatives. The ferric high spin myoglobin derivatives such as fluoride, water and hydroxide complexes, commonly exhibited the MCD spectra consisting of positive A terms. Therefore, the results reinforced the assignment that the infrared band is the charge transfer transition to the degenerate excited state (eg (dpi)). Since the fraction of A term estimated was approximately 80% for myoglobin fluoride and approximately 35% for myoglobin water, the effective symmetry for myoglobin fluoride is determined to be as close as D4h, while that for myoglobin water seems to have lower symmetry components. The ferric low spin derivatives such as myoglobin cyanide, myoglobin imidazole and myoglobin azide showed positive MCD spectra which are very similar to the electronic absorption spectra. These MCD spectra were assigned to the charge transfer transitions from porphyrin pi to iron d orbitals on the ground that they were observed only for the ferric low spin groups and insensitive to the axial ligands. The lack of temperature dependence in the MCD magnitude indicated that the MCD spectra are attributable to the Faraday B terms. Deoxymyoglobin, the ferrous high spin derivative, had fairly strong positive MCD around 760 nm with an anisotropy factor (delta epsilon/epsilon) of 1.4-10(-4). It shows some small MCD bands from 800 to 1800 nm. Among the ferrous low spin derivatives, carbonmonoxymyoglobin did not give any observable MCD in the infrared region while oxymyoglobin seemed to have significant MCD in the range from 700 to 1000 nm.  相似文献   

This paper describes a circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy study of purified proton-pumping nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase from beef heart. The CD spectrum obtained was used to estimate the content of secondary structures of the purified enzyme and suggests the presence of 40-45% alpha-helical structure and long, possibly membrane-spanning alpha-helices. The spectrum was essentially unaffected by the absence or presence of transhydrogenase substrates, suggesting that the catalytic and proton-translocating activities of the enzyme occur without major rearrangements at the level of secondary structures.  相似文献   

The reconstitution reaction of ferric cyanomyoglobin from apomyoglobin and hemin dicyanide was investigated with a stopped-flow apparatus by the use of five kinds of probes; (a) Soret absorption, (b) fluorescence quenching of tryptophan, (c) far-ultraviolet CD, (d) near-ultraviolet CD, and (e) Soret CD. After mixing of apomyoglobulin with equimolar amounts of hemin dicyanide, the Soret absorption band was shifted to longer wavelengths within 10 ms. The shifted band kept its shape for a few seconds, and then gradually shifted to shorter wavelengths. A rate constant of the slow reaction was 1.1 x 10(-2) s-1. Time courses of fluorescence quenching followed a second-order reaction with a rate constant of 9 x 10(7) M-1 s-1. Far-ultraviolet CD recovered to the level of native state within the response time of an apparatus (= 64 ms). Near-ultraviolet CD and Soret CD changed with first-order rate constants of 5-30 s-1 and 5 x 10(-3) s-1 respectively. On the basis of the kinetic results we propose the following reconstitution pathway of myoglobin. Apomyoglobin has essentially a highly folded structure similar to myoglobin, but there are some differences in the secondary structure between them. In the first step, heme enters the pocket-like site of apomyoglobin and interacts with surrounding hydrophobic residues in the pocket, and then the interaction may give a complete ordered structure to the protein. Second, the tertiary structure of the heme pocket is partly constructed. Third, the iron-proximal His bond occurs, followed by the attainment of the final conformation. This sequence of the events shows that the polypeptide chain is entirely folded before the completion of three-dimensional structure of the heme pocket. The reconstitution pathway is fairly different from that of the alpha subunit of hemoglobin reported by Leutzinger and Beychok [Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA (1981) 78, 780-784], which described how a drastic recovery in helicity was observed on the heme-binding, and that the recovery is introduced by the formation of the heme pocket structure. The difference in the results found for the alpha subunit and myoglobin suggests a difference in conformation: in apomyoglobin most of the helices are arranged and folded around a helix core to form a compact structure as a whole, while in apo-alpha subunit some helices are not folded around the helix core. Helix D, which is absent in the alpha subunit, may play an important role in folding of the helices.  相似文献   

The effect of anion binding to ceruloplasmin has been studied using absorption and cirbular dichroism spectral data. At anion to ceruloplasmin molar ratios approaching infinite, OCN-, N3- and SCN- bind to ceruloplasmin giving rise to similar alterations in circular dichroism and absorption spectra. The positive bands at 610 and 520 nm in circular dichroism spectra disappear, a negative one apperars at 600 nm and the peak at 450 nm is only slightly modified. There is a new negative band at 410 nm well-defined in OCN- ceruloplasmin spectra. The decrease in absorption at 610 nm is ascribed to the disruption of one type I Cu-S(cysteine) bond owing presumably to the changes induced by anions in the protein secondary structure. The new band at 410 nm is assigned to a charge transfer transition from the ligand replacing cysteine at its binding site. Both absorption and circular dichroism spectra show isobestic points indicating that anion binding to the enzyme, disruption of one of the two type I Cu-S bonds and coordination of this Cu to another protein residue take place simultaneously.  相似文献   

Circular dichroic spectra in the Soret region were obtained for the following cobalt-substituted hemoproteins: CoMb3, CoMbO2, CoMbNO, CoMb+, CoHb, CoHbO2, CoHbNO and CoHb+ and compared with the corresponding spectra of the native species to delineate the sensitivity of Soret circular dichroism to ligation, quaternary structures, metal ion substitution and its magnetic moment. Soret rotational strengths, R, were calculated, and dissymmetry ratios were used to reveal hidden transitions. The results indicate that Soret circular dichroism is sensitive to the metal ion, its oxidation state, ligation and local environment but neither to quaternary structural changes as proposed by Ferrone &; Topp (1975), nor to the magnetic moment of the metal ion as suggested by Li &; Johnson (1969).  相似文献   

The effect of salts on the experimental circular dichroism spectra of polypeptides is presented using poly-L-lysine as the main model. Salt effects are analyzed into: (a) shielding at low (less than 0.5 M) concentrations of all salts; (b) binding to positively charged and some neutrally charged side-chains by certain anions (e.g., CCl3COO-, CF3C00-, ClO4-), with induction of helicity; (c) binding of these same anions, at high concentration, to the backbone leading toward random structure; (d) binding of high concentration of denaturing cations (La+3, Ca++, Li+) to the backbone, with La+3 and Ca++ leading to collapsed random structure (R) while Li+ tends to leave the polypeptide somewhat extended; (e) indirect interaction of salting-out salts (NaH2PO4, (NH4)2SO4, NH4F), at high concentration, leading toward complete alpha helicity, probably by competition with the polypeptide and the anion for available water. Effects of changing the temperature from 5 degrees to 50 degrees on the circular dishroism spectra of different polypeptide-salt solutions throughout the region from extended (LES) to alpha helical conformation are analyzed in terms of introduction of randomness (R) at high temperature. Applications to effects of salt on protein structures are considered.  相似文献   

The asymmetric 3-ethyl-2-methylporphyrin iron complex was synthetized and inserted into apomyoglobin. UV-visible spectroscopic studies demonstrated the capacity of iron to coordinate different exogenous axial ligands in ferrous and ferric forms. The position of synthetic heme into the hydrophobic pocket of the reconstituted myoglobin was investigated by ((1))H NMR spectroscopy. In absence of exogenous ligand, signals of the synthetic prosthetic group were not detected, suggesting a rotational disorder of the synthetic porphyrin into the heme pocket. This direct interconversion behavior is favored since site-specific interactions between the poorly substituted heme and protein in the chiral hydrophobic cavity were weak. Complexion of cyanide to the iron allowed to quench partially the heme reorientation and two interconvertible forms, around the meso-Cα-Cγ axis, were detected in solution.  相似文献   

The conformation of 5-methoxycarbonylmethyluridine and 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine was studied by means of circular dichroism in various solvents. In order to calculate the accurate spectral parameters of the Cotton effects, the circular dichroism spectra were resolved into component Gaussian functions which simultaneously fit the adsorption spectra. On the basis of circular dichroism and proton magnetic resonance spectra, these nucleosides were found to occur in the β-configuration with the 3E-gg-anti conformation preferred. Due to the fact that the long-wavelength Cotton effect of mcm5s2U is not masked by the Cotton effects of the other nucleic acid monomers, the molecular parameters of this band may be useful for the conformational analysis of tRNA segments.  相似文献   

A circular dichroism study of microtubule protein   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

M. F. Maestre  J. E. Katz 《Biopolymers》1982,21(9):1899-1908
A microscope capable of measuring the CD of intact single eukaryotic cells, DNA microcrystals, and other microscopic structures has been constructed and tested. It can measure the CD spectra in the 200- and 800-nm wavelength range and consists of a modification to a standard Cary 60 CD machine in combination with a Zeiss uv microspectrometer. Preliminary CD spectra of red blood cells and lymphocytes are presented.  相似文献   

The reaction product of myoglobin and H2O2 exists in two different forms according to the external pH. Varied-temperature magnetic-circular dichroism (m.c.d.) spectroscopy demonstrates that both contain the oxyferryl ion Fe(IV) = O. Alkaline myoglobin peroxide has often been used as a model for oxidized intermediates in the catalytic cycles of haem-containing peroxidases, but absorption and m.c.d. spectra show that the acid form is much more closely related to species such as horeradish peroxidase Compound II. The differences are tentatively ascribed to ionization of the proximal histidine ligand in alkaline myoglobin peroxide. It is also shown that the m.c.d. method allows an estimate of the zero-field splitting parameter of both forms, values of D = 28.0 +/- 3 cm-1 and 35.0 +/- 5 cm-1 being obtained for the alkaline and acid forms respectively.  相似文献   

The far UV CD spectra of insulin and relaxin have been compared and shown to possess essentially similar features. Where differences occur, such as in the 222 nm band, they can be attributed to the tendency of insulin to form dimers. The ratio of the 195/206 bands is 1.54 for porcine relaxin and thus intermediate between the value of 0.79 for insulin of hystricomorphs and 2.05 for porcine insulin. Comparison of porcine relaxin with desAsn-desAla insulin suggests that the relaxin structure is similar to the structure of insulin in solution and thus compatible with the models previously constructed on the insulin coordinates.  相似文献   

Time-resolved circular dichroism (TRCD) and absorption spectroscopy are used to follow the photolysis reaction of (carbonmonoxy)myoglobin (MbCO). Following the spectral changes associated with the initial loss of CO, a subtle change is observed in the visible absorption spectrum of the Mb product on a time scale of a few hundred nanoseconds. No changes are seen in the CD spectrum of Mb in the visible and near-UV regions subsequent to the loss of CO. The data suggest the existence of an intermediate found after ligand loss from MbCO that is similar in structure to the final Mb product.  相似文献   

The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and near-infrared magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra of the azide and cyanide adducts of nitrimyoglobin and hydroperoxidase II from Escherichia coli have been measured at cryogenic temperatures. For the first time, ligand-to-metal charge-transfer transitions in the near-infrared have been observed for an Fe(III)-chlorine system. It is shown that near-ultraviolet-to-visible region electronic spectra of 'green' hemes such as these are an unreliable indicator of macrocycle type. However, the combined application of EPR and near-infrared MCD spectroscopies clearly distinguishes between the porphyrin-containing nitrimyoglobin and the chlorine-containing hydroperoxidase II.  相似文献   

Dawson JH  Pond AE  Roach MP 《Biopolymers》2002,67(4-5):200-206
Recent ligand binding and spectroscopic investigations of the myoglobin H93G cavity mutant are reviewed, revealing it to be a versatile template for the preparation of model heme complexes of defined structure. The H93G myoglobin cavity mutant is shown to be capable of forming mixed ligand adducts because of the difference in accessibility of the two sides of the ferric heme iron. With imidazole bound in the proximal cavity, H93G myoglobin also forms reasonably stable oxyferrous and oxoferryl derivatives, thereby providing a potential system to use for the study of such complexes with proximal ligands other than imidazole. In addition, thiolate-ligated ferric H93G derivatives are described that serve as spectroscopic models for the high-spin ferric state of cytochrome P450. All of the complexes described are characterized with magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy, and they are compared to the appropriate derivatives of native myoglobin and P450.  相似文献   

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