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Floral development was compared among three taxa in caesalpinioid tribe Detarieae sensu lato: Amherstia nobilis and Tamarindus indica have racemose, helically arranged inflorescences, while Brownea latifolia has cauliflorous capitate flower clusters that arise as racemes. All have acropetal flower order; initiation and development are sequential in all except Brownea, which is synchronous. All have paired persistent showy bracteoles. Floral symmetry is dorsiventral (zygomorphic) in all except Brownea, with radial symmetry at anthesis. Sepals initiate helically on a circular floral apex, starting with a median abaxial sepal, in all. Petals are initiated helically in Brownea, and unidirectionally in Amherstia and Tamarindus. Stamens are initiated unidirectionally in each stamen whorl in all except Amherstia, in which the outer whorl is bidirectional. The carpel initiates concurrently with the petals in Brownea, and with the outer stamens in the other taxa. The two upper (adaxial) sepal primordia become fused during development in all, so that the calyx appears tetramerous. Some reduced petals occur in Amherstia and Tamarindus, and some reduced stamens occur in all. All produce a hypanthium by zonal growth, and all except Tamarindus have the gynoecium attached adaxially to the hypanthial rim.  相似文献   

Inflorescence and floral development of two tropical legume trees, Dahlstedtia pinnata and Dahlstedtia pentaphylla, occurring in the Atlantic Forest of south-eastern and southern Brazil, were investigated and compared with other papilionoids. Few studies have been made of floral development in tribe Millettieae, and this paper is intended to fill that gap in our knowledge. Dahlstedtia species have an unusual inflorescence type among legumes, the pseudoraceme, which comprises axillary units of three or more flowers, each with a subtending bract. Each flower exhibits a pair of opposite bracteoles. The order of flower initiation is acropetal; inception of the floral organs is as follows: sepals (5), petals (5), carpel (1) plus outer stamens (5) and finally inner stamens (5). Organ initiation in sepal, petal and inner stamen whorls is unidirectional; the carpel cleft is adaxial. The vexillum originates from a tubular-shaped primordium in mid-development and is larger than other petals at maturity, covering the keels. The filament tube develops later after initiation of inner-stamen primordia. Floral development in Dahlstedtia is almost always similar to other papilionoids, especially species of Phaseoleae and Sophoreae. But one important difference is the precocious ovule initiation (open carpel with ovules) in Dahlstedtia, the third citation of this phenomenon for papilionoids. No suppression, organ loss or anomalies occur in the order of primordia initiation or structure. Infra-generic differences in the first stages of ontogeny are rare; however, different species of Dahlstedtia are distinguished by the differing distribution pattern of secretory cavities in the flower.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Polyploidy is a dominant feature of flowering-plant genomes, including those of many important crop species. Arachis is a largely diploid genus with just four polyploid species. Two of them are economically important: the cultivated peanut and A. glabrata, a tropical forage crop. Even though it is usually accepted that polyploids within papilionoid legumes have arisen via hybridization and further chromosome doubling, it has been recently suggested that peanut arose through bilateral sexual polyploidization. In this paper, the polyploid nature of the recent, spontaneously originated triploid cytotype of the tropical lucerne, A. pintoi, was analysed, and thereby the mechanism by which polyploids may arise in the genus.


Chromosome morphology of 2x and 3x A. pintoi was determined by the Feulgeńs technique and the rDNA sites were mapped by FISH. To investigate whether polyploidization occurred by means of unreduced gametes, a detailed analysis of the microsporogenesis and pollen grains was made.

Key Results

The 2x and 3x plants presented 9m + 1sm and a satellited chromosome type 2 in each haploid genome. Physical mapping revealed a cluster of 18S–26S rDNA, proximally located on chromosome 6, and two 5S rDNA loci on chromosomes 3 and 5. Diploid plants presented 10II in meiosis while trivalents were observed in all triploids, with a maximum of 10III by cell. Diploid A. pintoi produced normal tetrads, but also triads, dyads and monads. Two types of pollen grains were detected: (1) normal-sized with a prolate shape and (2) large ones with a tetrahedral morphology.


Karyotype and meiotic analysis demonstrate that the 3x clone of A. pintoi arose by autopolyploidy. The occurrence of unreduced gametes strongly supports unilateral sexual polyploidization as the most probable mechanism that could have led to the origin of the triploid cytotype. This mechanism of polyploidization would probably be one of the most important mechanisms involved in the origin of economically important species of Arachis, either by triploid bridge or bilateral sexual polyploidization.  相似文献   

In earlier work (Grimes, 1992) on inflorescence morphology in the mimosoid tribes Ingeae and Acacieae I proposed that differences in inflorescence morphology result from three properties: the organization of components of the inflorescence and their relative positions; the hierarchical arrangement of the axes of the inflorescence and the position they assume in total tree architecture; and the heterochronic development of components of the inflorescence. Further work shows that the first two properties are better stated in terms of heterochrony; namely, that the organization of components of the inflorescence differs due to differences in timing of the development of organ systems and that the hierarchy of axes likewise differs due to heterochronic changes. Neither de novo origin of organs or organ systems nor suppression or loss of organs or organ systems accounts for the diversity in form. Observed heterochronic differences in the inflorescence structure may be divided into three types: spatial differences in the relationship between the unit inflorescence and the subtending leaf (hysteranthy); differences in the time of formation and/or the duration of whole axes; and changes in development pathways, leading to shoot dimorphism. These heterochronies are used as characters in a cladistic analysis, and it is shown that although some are homoplasious, many provide synapomorphies of clades of exemplars representing genera in the Ingeae and Acacieae.  相似文献   

Patterns of seed and fruit production ofBauhinia ungulata, a small tree legume indigenous in tropical America, were studied in Costa Rica. Only about 8% of flowers produced fruits. The average pod had 19 ovules and about two thirds of these began seed development, with mature pods containing an average of 9.7 mature undamaged seeds. About half of the mature pods were damaged by herbivores and within these, 27% of ovules or seeds had been eaten. Among trees there was no significant variation in pod production, but the number of ovules per pod and seed production per pod varied significantly. Within infructescences most pods were retained at middle positions. Within pods, the probability of an ovule developing into a seed increased toward the distal end. The pattern of seed and fruit production in this species agrees well in general with that reported for other neotropical legumes. The abortion of seeds and fruits can be regarded as a way of controlling maternal investment, and as a response to herbivory.  相似文献   

Inflorescence and floral organogenesis and development of the bushy perennial legume Astragalus lagopoides of the section Hymenostegis were studied by means of epi-illumination light microscopy. Based on our observations, the primordia of lanceolate racemose inflorescences are born in the axils of leaves. Each inflorescence apex initiates acropetally bracts and floral apices for some time and then eventually ceases meristematic activity and forms an oblong-shaped terminal structure. The formation of such atypical terminal protrusion on the inflorescence meristem is judged to be a diagnostic feature for well-organized cessation of meristem morphogenesis. Pentamerous perfect flowers of the plant show strong zygomorphy and marked overlap in time of initiation among different organ primordia. Unexpectedly, sepal initiation is bidirectional starting from the lateral sides of the floral apex. Other significant developmental feature includes the existence of two types of common primordia, which are formed successively. From the primary common primordia there are produced antesepalous stamens and secondary common primordia. In comparison, the five secondary common primordia subdivide into a petal and an antepetalous stamen primordia. Initiation of two different types of common primordia is possibly the result of rising overlap in time of initiation of organs and demonstrates an advanced developmental style in the genus Astragalus.  相似文献   

? Despite the wide inflorescence diversity among angiosperms, the effects of inflorescence architecture (three-dimensional flower arrangement) on pollinator behaviour and mating success have not been sufficiently studied in natural plant populations. ? Here, we investigated how inflorescence architecture affected inter- and intra-plant pollinator movements and consequent mating success in a field population of Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena (S. sinensis). In this species, the flowers are helically arranged around the stem, and the degree of twisting varies greatly among individuals. The large variation in inflorescence architecture in S. sinensis results from variation in a single structural parameter, the helical angle (the angular distance between neighbour-flower directions). ? The numbers of visits per inflorescence and successive probes per visit by leaf-cutting bees decreased with helical angle, indicating that individual flowers of tightly twisted inflorescences received less visitations. As expected from pollinator behaviour, pollinia removal and fruit set of individual flowers decreased with helical angle. Meanwhile, geitonogamy decreased in tightly twisted inflorescences. ? Our novel findings demonstrate that natural variation in inflorescence architecture significantly affects pollinator behaviour and reproductive success, suggesting that inflorescence architecture can evolve under pollinator-mediated natural selection in plant populations. We also discuss how diverse inflorescence architectures may have been maintained in S. sinensis populations.  相似文献   

Caesalpinia echinata and C. ferrea var. ferrea have different seed behaviours and seed and fruit types. Comparison of the seed ontogeny and anatomy partly explained the differences in seed behaviour between these two species of Brazilian legumes; some differences were also related to fruit development. The seed coat in C. ferrea consisted of two layers of osteosclereids, as well as macrosclereids and fibres, to form a typical legume seed coat, whereas C. echinata had only macrosclereids and fibres. In C. echinata , the developing seed coat had paracytic stomata, a feature rarely found in legume seeds. These seed coat features may account for the low longevity of C. echinata seeds. The embryogeny was similar in both species, with no differences in the relationship between embryo growth and seed growth. The seeds of both species behaved as typical endospermic seeds, despite their different morphological classification (exendospermic orthodox seeds were described for C. echinata and endospermic orthodox seeds for C. ferrea ). Embryo growth in C. ferrea accelerated when the sclerenchyma of the pericarp was developing, whereas embryonic growth in C. echinata was associated with the conclusion of spine and secretory reservoir development in the pericarp. Other features observed included an endothelial layer that secreted mucilage in both species, a nucellar summit, which grew up into the micropyle, and a placental obturator that connected the ovarian tissue to the ovule in C. ferrea . © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 57–70.  相似文献   

John B.  Lewis 《Journal of Zoology》1982,196(3):371-384
The feeding behaviour of some 30 species of Octocorallia was examined in the laboratory and in the field. All of the species from the Orders–Alcyonacea, Gorgonacea, Stolonifera and Telestacea, appear to have a common, basic feeding strategy. Fine particulate matter and zooplankton were captured in a raptorial manner by the tentacles and pinnules. Upon capture of food particles, the tentacles were flexed rapidly inwards and closed or wiped across the mouth. At the same time the mouth opened and ingestion was accomplished by directional ciliary currents in the mouth and the pharynx. Food capture by means of mesenterial filaments, mucus strands or ciliary currents was not observed. The examination of gut contents of Alcyonacea showed that they feed upon zooplankton. Epibenthic copepods from the demersal coral reef zooplankton were an important element of the diet of alcyonaceans.  相似文献   

Neil A.  Croll  James M.  Smith 《Journal of Zoology》1978,184(4):507-517
Caenorhabditis elegans spends most of its life feeding. When feeding, it moves only short distances but intestinal contents are moved to and fro and thus mixed. The nematodes also defaecate and lay eggs during the feeding phase in bacterial culture. Defaecation is one of a series of events which causes the forward and backward movement of intestinal contents. These rhythmic movements, once initiated, appear to be controlled by a pacemaker and are unrelated to feeding rates. Oviposition is associated with movements of the genital tract and it can occur at any posture and does not influence the rate of other activities. After food-deprivation, C. elegans shows no measureable hunger response on being returned to bacteria. Experiments with excised parts of worms showed that isolated anterior ends will feed both in and out of bacteria and move forward and backward. Isolated posterior halves without a pharynx or circumpharyngeal commissure will lay eggs and defaecate.  相似文献   

We related foraging activity by the caterpillars of the mopane emperor moth (Imbrasia belina) to temperature in the laboratory and then used these data to predict foraging activity from temperature in the field. Predictions were poor when based on shade temperature, better when based on operative temperature, but always over-estimated foraging activity. We suggest that temperature is not the only factor affecting foraging activity by I. belina the field and that other factors, especially predation pressure, also have a strong influence.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Thiophores, which are typically desert gypsophytes, accumulate high (2–6 % S dry weight) sulphur concentrations and may possess unique tolerance to environmental stress factors, e.g. sulphate/metal toxicity, drought and salinity. Little is known of the prevalence of the behaviour or the associated physiological aspects. The aim of this study was to (a) determine the prevalence of thiophore behaviour in a group of Australian xerophytes; (b) identify elemental uptake/storage characteristics of these thiophores; and (c) determine whether the behaviour is constitutive or environmental.Methods The elemental composition of soils and the foliage of 11 species (seven genera) at a site in the Tanami Desert (NT, Australia) was compared and 13 additional Acacia species from other locations were examined for elevated calcium and sulphur concentrations and calcium–sulphur mineralization, thought to be particular to thiophores.Key ResultsAcacia bivenosa DC. and 11 closely related species were identified as thiophores that can accumulate high levels of sulphur (up to 3·2 %) and calcium (up to 6.8 %), but no thiophores were identified in other genera occupying the same habitat. This behaviour was observed in several populations from diverse habitats, from samples collected over three decades. It was also observed that these thiophores featured gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) crystal druses that completely filled cells and vascular systems in their dried phyllode tissues.Conclusions The thiophores studied exhibit a tight coupling between sulphur and calcium uptake and storage, and apparently store these elements as inorganic salts within the cells of their foliage. Thiophore behaviour is a constitutive trait shared by closely related Acacia but is not highly prevalent within, nor exclusive to, xerophytes. Several of the newly identified thiophores occupy coastal or riparian habitats, suggesting that the evolutionary and ecophysiological explanations for this trait do not lie solely in adaptation to arid conditions or gypsiferous soils.  相似文献   

The neotropical genera Brownea and Browneopsis are understorey trees and shrubs of lowland rain forest comprising twelve and six species, respectively. Four species of Brownea and three of Browneopsis occur in Ecuador. Keys to the genera and species in Ecuador are provided, and Brownea coccinea, B. grandiceps, B. macrophylla, B. multijuga, Browneopsis disepala, B. ucayalina , and B. macrofoliolata are described, the last-named as a new species. Additionally, the intergeneric relationships, and the morphological and the palynological variation in the genera are surveyed.  相似文献   

WANNAN, B. S. & QUINN, C. J., 1992. Inflorescence structure and affinities of Laurophyllus (Anacardiaceae). The inflorescence structure, pollen and floral anatomy are investigated in Laurophyllus . The inflorescence is a panicle sensu Briggs & Johnson, but with marked differences between the male and female. Sistergroup comparison with the Burseraceae indicates that the plesiomorphic inflorescence in the Anacardiaceae is a thyrsoid, the apomorph being the panicle. Laurophyllus has Rhus -type pollen and therefore has no close affinity with Dobinea or Campylopeialum . Floral anatomy reveals that Laurophyllus is unicarpellary with a dorsally attached style and an apically attached ovule. These characters suggest that rather than being related to Anacardium or Mangifera , it has some affinity with Blepharocarya or perhaps with one of the poorly known African or Madagascan genera.  相似文献   

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